Molecular Biology Reports 29: 317–323, 2002. 317 © 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. Screen and identification of proteins interacting with ADAM19 cytoplasmic tail Li Huang, Libing Feng, Limin Yang, Weiguo Zhou, Shouyuan Zhao & Changben Li∗ Institute of Genetics, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, P.R. China; ∗Author for correspondence (Phone: 86-21-65642428; Fax: 86-21-65642428; E-mail: [email protected]) Received 22 January 2002; accepted 9 May 2002 Key words: ADAM, ArgBP1, yeast two-hybrid Abstract ADAM family plays important roles in neurogenesis. The cytoplasmic tail of ADAM19 (ADAM19-CT) contains 193 residues. The presence of two putative SH3 ligand-binding sites suggests potential interactions with cytosolic proteins, which could be possibly linked to the functions of ADAM19. To address these issues, a yeast two-hybrid screen was performed in human fetal brain cDNA library to isolate proteins that interact with the cytoplasmic tail of ADAM19. Four proteins were obtained, ArgBP1, β-cop, ubiquitin and a novel protein. GST-Pulldown assay has confirmed the interaction between AdAM19 and ArgBP1. By constructing series of deletion mutants of ADAM19-CT and ArgBP1 respectively, the interaction regions have been identified. They are the SH3 binding sites in ADAM19-CT and the P4 region in ArgBP1. And the interaction is specific. ArgBP1 does not bind to ADAM22, ADAM29 or ADAM9 (mouse). ArgBP1may be the key protein, which accounts for the physiological function of ADAM19. Introduction the development of glialcytes and axongenesis. Be- sides, ADAM19 is a novel marker for dendritic cell ADAMs (proteins containing A Disintegrin And differentiation [5]. Metalloprotease domain) are transmembrane glyco- Compared with the extracellular domains, the cy- proteins with a characteristic domain organization toplasmic tails of ADAM family are less conserved. composed of four potential conserved domains: a met- More than half of this family has long cytoplasmic alloprotease domain, a disintegrin domain, a cysteine- tails (about 200 residues) with predicted SH3 domains rich region and a cytoplasmic tail [1, 2]. They may and phosphorylation sites for PKC. These suggest play important roles in the proteolysis of the extra- that interacting with cytosolic proteins may affect cellular matrix, cell-cell and/or cell-matrix adhesion, the activity of metalloprotease and disintegrin, and/or membrane fusion and signal transduction, which are regulate their subcellular localization and process- already confirmed to involve in a variety of physio- ing. ADAM19-CT has 193 residues with two putative logical and pathological processes such as histogene- SH3 binding sites. To gain insight into the biological sis, sperm-egg fusion, myogenesis, osteogenesis, and role of ADAM19-CT, we used yeast two-hybrid ap- tumor cell adhesion. proach to identify binding partners that interact with As researches go on, people increasingly real- ADAM19-CT in human fetal brain cDNA library with ize the critical status of ADAMs in neurogenesis. ADAM-CT as a bait. Kuzbanian (ADAM10) regulates the function of Notch and Delta [3]. And ADAM19 is involved in the processing of neuregulin (NRG) [4]. Diverse evidence indicates that ADAM19 contributes to glialcyte differ- entiation by processing NRGs, which is significant in 318 Materials and methods Preparation, transformation of competent yeast cells and testing the transcription of β-galactosidase and Strains Leu E. coli strains DH5-α, KC8,BL21(DE3), and Competent cells were prepared and transformed ac- AD494(DE3) were preserved in our lab. Yeast strain cording to the protocol for MATCHMAKER two- S. cerevisiae EGY48 (MATα, his3, trp1, ura3, hybrid system (Cat. #1605-1). Competent EGY48 LexAop(x6)-LEU2) was kindly provided by Dr. Tong- cells were transformed with pEG202-adam19-CT. wen Wang from Washington University, USA. Then a test was performed to investigate whether the bait protein can activate the transcription of Laz and Plasmids Leu. pEG202 was a gift of Dr. Tongwen Wang; Plas- Screen in human fetal brain cDNA library and mids containing 3 terminus cDNA of ADAM19, identification of positive clones ADAM22,ADAM29 & ADAM9 (mouse) were pre- served in our lab. Yeast strain EGY48, which harbors the LexA- op-Leu reporter gene and LexA-op-LacZ plas- Primers mid ,was initially transformed with the bait plas- mid and then subsequently with 50 µg of hu- pJG4-5F: 5CCA GCC TCT TGC TGA GTG GAG man fetal brain cDNA in pJG4-5. Transformants ATG 3 , were isolated on Gal/Raf ura−his−trp−leu− se- pJG4-5R: 5 GAC AAG CCG ACA ACC TTG ATT lective medium. Candidate clones were identified GGA G 3. − − by their ability to grow on Gal/Raf ura his Adam19F: 5 CAG,GAA,TTC,AGA,CAG,AAG,AAC, trp−leu− plates, but not on Glu ura−his−trp−leu− AAA,CTA 3(EcoRI) plates, and their ability to produce blue clones on Adam19R: 5 TGC,CAG,TCG,ACA,GCG,GGC,ACC, Gal/Raf ura−his−trp−X-gal plates, but not on Glu AAG,AAA,CAT3 (XhoI). ura−his−trp−X-gal plates.The specificity of interac- tion of candidates were tested by retransformation of positive clones into yeast harboring pLexA-ADAM19- Major reagents CT, pLexA-mpl-CT, pLexA and only the reporter gene plasmids respectively. HA monoclonal antibody and BM chemiluminines- cence blotting substrate were purchased from Roche Isolation of library plasmids from positive clones Molecular Biochemicals (CatNo. 1500 708); His-bind resin was purchased from Novagen Company; glu- The isolation of library plasmids from positive clones tathione sepharose 4B was obtained from Pharmacia was performed according to the methods of ref. [7]. Biotech; minimal SD Base/Gal/Raf was purchased The bacterial colonies containing library plasmids from Clontech Company; yeast nitrogen base was were identified by PCR with pJG4-5F and pJG4-5R purchased from Difco Company; 5-bromo-4-chloro-3- primers. The reaction mixture was annealed at 92 ◦C indolyl-β-D-galactoside(X-gal), amino acids and acid for 2 min, then amplified under the following thermal washed beads (425–600 µm) were all purchased from profile: 92 ◦C 30 sec, 65 ◦C 2 min, 75 ◦C30secper Sigma Company. cycle for 30 cycles upon completion was incubated at 75 ◦ for 5 min. Molecular cloning Expression and purification of GST-ArgBP1 Molecular cloning was performed according to the routine methods of reference [6]. Partial coding sequence of ArgBP1 was digested from pJG4-5 with EcoRI/XhoI and cloned into pGEX to yield in-frame fusion proteins. Plasmids encoding GST fusion proteins were used to transform E. coli BL21 (DE3). Fusion protein expression was induced 319 by IPTG. Soluble proteins were released by sonica- cloned into pEG202 and their interactions with tion. Debris was removed by centrifugation. GST ArgBP1 were tested in yeast two hybrid system. fusion proteins were captured from the supernatants on glutathione-sepharose beads. GST protein was expressed and purified with the same procedures. Results Preparation of the yeast extracts Construction and identification of target plasmid Fresh EGY48 clones containing pLexA-ADAM19-CT The cytoplasmic tail of ADAM19 was amplified by and pLexA respectively were picked out and then PCR from the plasmids containing 3 sequence of put into 5 ml of Glu ura−his− medium. The liquid ADAM19 and then ligated to EcoRI and XhoI sites cultures were grown overnight at 30 ◦C shaking to of pEG202 (his is the marker) in the same frame OD600 ≈ 0.2. The next day, the liquid were transferred of LexA. The resulting plasmid was designated as into 10 ml of Glu ura−his− medium and cultured for pLexA-ADAM19-CT. The ability of transcriptional another 4–5 h to OD600 ≈ 0.6. Yeast extracts were activation of the fusion protein was tested before prepared according to Ref. [7]. a two-hybrid screen. As shown in Table 1 (pLexA as a control), the fusion protein cannot activate the Binding assay in vitro transcription of the reporter genes. So the pLexA- ADAM19-CT can be used as a bait plasmid for an GST and GST-ArgBP1 fusion protein were purified interactor hunt. as described above. The beads saturated with either fusion protein were incubated with cell lysates pre- Screen in human fetal brain cDNA library and pared from yeast. Proteins interacting with GST and identification of positive clones GST-ArgBP1 in the lysates will bind to the beads. − − The bound proteins were washed down by 2×-loading 126 transformants were isolated on Gal/Raf ura his − − buffer, separated by SDS-PAGE and were detected by trp leu medium. After identified on four kinds of western blotting. Western Blotting analysis was per- plates, 47 candidates were obtained. As shown in Ta- formed with anti-LexA monoclonal antibody, accord- ble 2, 9 positive transformants were screened out after ing to the protocol of chemiluminescence detection kit retransformation test. Sequencing results showed that (Cat No. 1500 780). they represented 4 different encoding sequences, as shown in Table 3. Four clones represent ArgBP1 (96– Identification of the interaction regions in 475aa, including complete C terminus). Two areβ- ADAM19-CT and ArgBP1 cop, two ubiquitin, and one unknown protein (desig- nated as AD58). Owing to some striking features of A series of deletion mutants of ADAM19-CT and ArgBP1, we focused on ArgBP1. ArgBP1 were generated by PCR using primers de- signed to give a 5 EcoRI site and a 3 XhoI site. Expression and purification of GST-ArgBP1 The PCR products were digested with EcoRI and XhoI and then inserted into the corresponding sites The result is shown in Figure 1. GST-ArgBP1 was in pEG202 and pJG4-5, respectively, called pLexA- successfully expressed in E. coli BL21 and purified. ADAM19-CT-partial and pJG-ArgBP1-partial. Then the interactions between pLexA-ADAM19-CT-partial Identification of the interaction between ADAM19-CT and pJG-ArgBP1, pLexA-ADAM19-CT and pJG- and ArgBP1 in vitro (GST-Pulldown) ArgBP1-partial were inspected.
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