PAGO THRKX. EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST ORE GO MAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. Tl'ESDAV, APRIL 28, 1908. IT SAVED MY LIFE P.VITEN Nominees for GREAT IEEIK WHITES ECZEMA liiil-Hidil- Sufferer Completely June Election Cured bv I'sc of I). I). I). Etfernul Wanli. Shirtwaists for a Song OF CATHOLICS One of the most remarkable Ecze ma cuivH recently credited to the J. Hudeman well known D. D. D. Prescription has Just been recorded in Chicago. lingerie DEMOCRATIC XOMiXEE K. Hegg, 1550 Madison The daintiest wail MOOT NOTABLE CELEURATION Mrs. West IX)R COUNTY COMMISSIONER' street, of December OF THE CHURCH IN AMERICA under date 1, 111 1907, writes as follows: At the election to be held June "I suffered three years with Weep at mo3t alluring prices. Eminent Prelate of This and OUicr ing Eczema. It started with a little Countries Gathering at New York spot on my knees and spread fust over Ralph Folsom my 1 spent hundreds of to Celebrate Centennial of Empire whole body. These Beautiful Creations for Friday and Saturday dollars and went to every good doctor (Present Incumbent) Two Cardinals Par-tldiHi- le 6tuo Diocese I heurd of, but kept getting worse, REPUBLICAN NOMINEE In Week's Program Re-- stop awful itch and Nothing would the $2.00 values at $1.25. $2.50 values at $1.50 FOR COUNTY CORONER IlWiop burning. ouluiu for Deceased 1, 19'S- - "I had to stay In bed from the mid values $3.50 At election to be held June die May to middle of July, $3.50 values at $2.39. $5.00 at 28. moat of the New York, April The D. D. D. Prescription In the Then I tried notable Catholic celebration 9th and I am America, will This Is the of December G. W. Phelps. history of the church In entirely free from the terrible disease, New during the week AT be held in York D. D. D. saved my life. (Present Incumbent) to city some'of and hue attracted the I began this treatment, peo prelates this and "When REPUBLICAN NOMINEE" the most eminent of pie were or me so celebration afraid I looked FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY other countries. The terrible. My husband was the only Cloak and Suit House beginning second Pendleton marks the of the one who would take cure of me. D At election to be held June I, of New York, century of the diocese D. D. stopped the Itch at once so in 1808 by Pope which was created could sleep, which I had not done Plus VII. before. Then I began to get better T. D. Taylor Two cardinals will participate In Logue fast and now my skin is clear and Buy of us and it's allright the week's program, Cardinal white, not a spot anywhere." (Present Incumbent) In Ireland, the Archbishop Armagh, a few drops of D. Patrick, and Just D. Prescrlp' DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE diocese founded by St. tion applied to skin brings relief See Display in Big Window In addition there the FOR SHERIFF Cardinal Gibbons. nothing to swallow or drink. We Archbishop Irelond; 1, 190S. will be present vouch D. D. D. Prescription, also At election to be held June Archlshop Ryan of Phil- for of Bt. Paul; the cleansing D. D. D. Soap. Quigley Chi- Pendle adelphia; Archbishop of ton Drug Co. Dubuque; Get a bottle today if cago; Archbishop Keane of you any Milwaukee; have skin disease. Begin submitted, Horace Walker Archbishop Messmer of your cure at once. SEATTLE GIRL WINS. amination of all the lines ArchblBhop Rlordan of San Francis- lc wan decided by the committee that A (Present Incumbent) co, and many bishops and the apostol- SQUARE DEAL Miss Genevieve Johnstone of Seattle, the best was that sent In by Miss ic delegate to this country, the Most first separated, it comprised the en WiiIh tlie GlilrardelU Limerick Con- Genevieve Johnstone of 1206', 4 How- REPUBLICAN NOMINEE Rev. Diomede Falconla. tire states of New York and New Jer test. ell street, Seattle, who was according- FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER t sey. In both states In Fir-M- Ulg Event. The members The readers of this publication will ly awarded the full prize of $93. The election to be held June 1, 1S0S. 1808 000. In At The important event of the numbered but It, Today no doubt recall an Interesting adver- limerick as completed by Miss John- first 3.000,000 My platform: "Permanent week will take place tomorrow morn- the same territory there are tisement which appeared during the stone reads as follows: ing, beginning with a solemn pontifi- members. In 1808 there was In month of February, In which the D. A sickly young student at Yale, New city one cal mass in the cathedral. Cardinal York but church, the Ohirardelll company of San Francisco, Tried to strengthen himself upon ale; Church of St. Peter, standing at Logue, Archbishop of Armagh, will MOVEMENT TO PROTECT the manufacturers of Ghlrardelll's But a wise college widow said, "Cut Gib- Church and Barclay streets, and one a prize a can full It out, Klddo," be the celebrant,, and Cardinal REDS FROM RAPACIOUS Cocoa, offered of John Q. Peebler bons, Archbishop of Baltimore, the parochial school, while the priests of dollars for the best line submitted Ghlrardelll's the drink for the pale. preacher. At 8 p. m. solemn, pontifi- numbered but four r five. Today to complete the following limerick: Limerick contests are new In the DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE there are 2600 priests in the same ter- Inter-Stat- e cal vespers In the cathedral. Most Conference of Heads of A sickly young student at Tale, west, but, Judging from the wide- FOR RECORDER OF CONVEYAN- ritory. the New York diocese Ghlrar-del- Key. Diomede Falconlo, D. D., apos- In Indian Tribes Now in Session Tried to strengthen himself upon ale; spread Interest which, In the ll CES. will be celebrant, alone there are now 1.200,000 mem wise college widow said, "Cut contest, resulted In such a flood tolic delegate, the Prominent Educators and Philan- - But a At election to be held June 1. 1101. Most Rev. John J. Olennon, D. D. bers, 130 churches, and 185 schools, It out, Klddo." of replies, there is little doubt that and HiropiHtM Meet Them Land-- archbishop of St. Louis, the preacher. with 65,000 pupils. In addition to With The last line was to be supplied this form of advertising will appeal Wednesday, at 10 a. rri., solemn this, there are many hospitals, or Grubbers and Politicians to be by the contestants. to many other firms and that the mass In the cathedral, at which the phanages, asylums and ether charit Guarded Againtrt. Thousands of replies were received limerick advertisement will become as Strain children from the parochial schools able Institutions. from all over the west, many of them general as In other parts of the CP. will assist and sing the very but, after a careful ex of the diocese Cal., April 28. A move. clever, (Present Incumbent) mass, and will listen to Plenty of Trouble Riverside, chant of the to give the DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE sermon, occasion. Is caused by stagnation of the liver ment Indians of the far a special for the At to protect g get or It west a square deal and them COUNTY ASSESSOR p. will be grand mass-meetin- and bowels. To rid and FOR I m. there a land-grabbe- from the rapacity of the rs of the laity at Carnegie hall. headache and biliousness and the At election to be held June 1, HOI. brings Dr, and politicians was launched Dead. poison that jamdlce, take Requiem for King's New Life Pills, the reliable here today at an interstate confer 10 a. m., pon-tlflcl- al Thursday, at solemn purifiers that do the work without ence of heads of Indian tribes, well of requiem In the Cathe- mass grinding or griping. 26c at Tallman known educators and philanthropists. for the deceased bishops and dral & Co.'s drug store. The greatest object of the confer BREWERY SALOOU priests of the diocese. At 8 p. m. a ence, which win continue through Kitchen reception will be tendered to the vis- BROOKLYN HORSE SHOW. three days, is to open the eyes of the J. P. Sullivan, Prop. iting prelates at the Catholic club. Interior department and of the people week will close a Coolness The festival with Notable Rprinjr. Society Event Opens to the utter Incapability of the In parade on of the Cuthollc societies Tlila Eventnfc. dians to compete in a commercial Saturday, at 2 p. m., when 40,000 No hot and blistering Distributor of the famaua New York, April 28. Brooklyn's way with their white neighbors. Dr members of Catholic societies are ex- David Starr Johnson, president of air to sap vitality ana In notable spring society event, the six CEDAR BROOK pected to be the line of march. Stanford University, Is one of the lead make cooking intoler-- The first bishop of the New York teenth annual horse show of the Brooklyn Riding and Driving club, ers in the movement. diocese was the Right Rev. Luke It is declared that thousands of able when work is done and Concunen, who was consecrated on opens this evening and promises to be more Interesting than ever to lovers western Indians are now landless and on the safe, economical and comfortable New Per April 24. 1908, and died In 1810. The homeless, and on the point of starva OLD JOE GIDEON second head of the diocese was Bish- of good horses, as well as affording fection Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stov- e.
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