CANTON ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 1150 S. CANTON CENTER ROAD CANTON, MI 48188 REGULAR BOARD MEETING JUNE 10, 2014 6:30 P.M.: CLOSED SESSION TO DISCUSS UNION NEGOTIATIONS 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: ANTHONY, BENNETT, LAJOY, MCLAUGHLIN, SNEIDEMAN, WILLIAMS & YACK ADOPTION OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MAY 13, MAY 27, and JUNE 3, 2014 RECOGNITION: 1) CHLOE DESSELLES 2) LIEUTENANT MARK GAJESKI CITIZEN’S NON-AGENDA ITEM COMMENTS PAYMENT OF BILLS CONSENT CALENDAR: 1) RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT TO APPLY FOR ROBERT R. ROBINSON SCHOLARSHIP (SUPERVISOR) 2) ESTABLISHMENT AND USE OF “RECEIVING BOARDS” IN THE 2014 ELECTIONS (CLERK) 3) CONSIDER APPROVING A RESOLUTION AND ADOPTION OF WAYNE COUNTY’S HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN (PSD) 4) CONSIDER AUTHORIZATION OF PERMIT FOR 2014 LIBERTY FEST FIREWORKS DISPLAY (PSD) 5) AWARD SIX (6) HOUSING REHABILITATION CONTRACTS (FBD) 6) SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 36 TO THE CANTON TOWNSHIP CODE OF ORDINANCES ENTITLED “EQUAL RIGHTS” (SUPERVISOR) GENERAL CALENDAR: 1) PETITION TO APPEAL DENIAL OF A PEDDLER’S AND SOLICITOR’S LICENSE; CHAPTER 54: PEDDLER’S AND SOLICITOR’S ORDINANCE; SEC. 54-33(d) (CLERK) 2) CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 18, BUSINESSES, ARTICLE III, MASSAGE, OF THE CANTON TOWNSHIP CODE OF ORDINANCES TO CHANGE THE TERM OF A MASSAGE LICENSE FROM TWO YEARS TO ONE YEAR (CLERK) 3) CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE CANTON TOWNSHIP CODE OF ORDINANCES, CHAPTER 38, FIRE PROTECTION AND PREVENTION, BY ADDING A NEW ARTICLE IV ENTITLED “COST RECOVERY” (PSD) 4) CONSIDER AWARD OF A CONTRACT TO THE MANNIK & SMITH GROUP, INC. FOR INSPECTION SERVICE FOR THE 2014 SIDEWALK REPAIR PROGRAM (MSD) 5) CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A THREE-YEAR CONTRACT WITH LIQUI-FORCE SERVICES FOR SANITARY SEWER REHABILITATION AND REPAIRS (MSD) 6) CONSIDER INCREASING THE BLANKET PURCHASE ORDER FOR MIDWEST GOLF AND TURF BY $20,000 (MSD) 7) CONSIDER AWARD OF A CONTRACT TO PLANTWISE, LLC FOR FOUNDERS WOODS DETENTION BASIN RESTORATION (MSD) ADDITIONAL PUBLIC COMMENT OTHER ADJOURN ACCESS TO PUBLIC MEETINGS The Charter Township of Canton will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for hearing impaired and audio tapes of printed material being considered at the meeting to individuals with disabilities at the meeting/hearing upon two weeks notice to the Charter Township of Canton. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the Charter Township of Canton by writing or call the following: Gwyn Belcher, ADA Coordinator Charter Township of Canton, 1150 S. Canton Center, Canton, MI 48188 (734) 394-5260 Charter Township of Canton Board Proceedings – May 13, 2014 A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Canton was held Tuesday, May 13, 2014 at 1150 Canton Center S., Canton, Michigan. Supervisor LaJoy called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Roll Call Members Present: Anthony, LaJoy, McLaughlin, Sneideman, Williams, Yack Members Absent: Bennett Staff Present: Director Belcher, Director Bilbrey-Honsowetz, Director Faas, Director Mutchler, Director Trumbull, Kristin Kolb Adoption of Agenda Motion by McLaughlin, supported by Anthony to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried by all members present. Approval of Minutes Motion by McLaughlin, supported by Sneideman to approve the Board Minutes of April 22, 2014 as presented. Motion carried by all members present. Citizen’s Non-Agenda Item Comments: George Miller, 1946 Briarfield, asked for the hours of operation of the Police Gun Range on weekends and holidays. Mr. Miller stated the size and condition of the parking lot located on the north/west corner of Lilley and Ford Roads is unacceptable. Payment of Bills Motion by McLaughlin, supported by Williams to approve payment of the bills as presented. Motion carried by all members present. Expenditure Recap for May 13, 2014 101 GENERAL FUND 858,980.02 206 FIRE FUND 255,608.04 207 POLICE FUND 442,012.49 208 SUMMIT OPERATING 85,167.72 219 STREET LIGHTING 22,389.45 230 CABLE TV FUND 10,625.10 246 COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT 13,655.00 248 DOWNTOWN DEV AUTHORITY 37,328.82 261 E-911 UTILITY 255.82 274 FEDERAL GRANTS FUND 19,489.43 276 NSP GRANTS FUND 9,136.98 402 CAP PROJ - BUILDING CONSTRUCTION 1,278.24 584 GOLF FUND 74,329.90 592 WATER & SEWER FUND 375,404.18 661 FLEET MAINTENANCE 54,926.80 702 CONSTRUCTION ESCROWS: 28,742.15 736 POST EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS 189,868.25 TOTAL - ALL FUNDS 2,479,198.39 May 13, 2014 1 RESOLUTUION R-1. Resolution Of Support For Michigan Townships Association's Robert R. Robinson Scholarship Application Motion by McLaughlin, supported by Anthony to adopt the Resolution of Support for Michigan Townships Association's Robert R. Robinson Scholarship Application of James Tatum. Motion carried by all members present. RESOLUTION OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON Resolution Of Support For Michigan Townships Association’s Robert R. Robinson Scholarship Application WHEREAS, the Michigan Townships Association administers a scholarship fund established in memory of Robert R. Robinson, former executive director of the association; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the scholarship fund is to help students in Michigan who are preparing for a career in public administration; and WHEREAS, the scholarship is awarded on a competitive basis to a junior, senior or graduate student enrolled in a Michigan college or university, who is pursuing a degree in public administration and considering a career in local government administration, as determined by the applicant’s academic achievement, community involvement and commitment to a career in local government administration; and WHEREAS, James Tatum, currently a Senior at Eastern Michigan University, has demonstrated academic achievement with a 3.4 grade point average; and WHEREAS, James has presented two research papers at 2014 Undergraduate Symposium and serves as Opinions Editor for The Eastern Echo campus newspaper; and WHEREAS, the scholarship application requires a resolution of support from an MTA-member Michigan township board; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Canton Township Board supports the application of Canton Township resident James Tatum for the Robert R. Robinson Memorial Scholarship. ___________________________ May 13, 2014 Philip J. LaJoy, Canton Supervisor PUBLIC HEARING: Item PH - 1 Public Hearing Approval of 2014 CDBG Program Year and Annual Action Plan. (FBD) May 13, 2014 2 Motion by McLaughlin, supported by Sneideman to open the public hearing open at 7:07 p.m. to hear comment on the Advisory Council recommendations for the PY 2014 Community Development Block Grant Program. Budget Manager, Carolyn Cox was present to address any questions the Board or public might have. Trustee Yack stated he would be voting "no" because the Housing Rehab portion of the program is used for individual homes. He would rather the township find a project that would benefit the township as a whole. His statement is not intended to diminish the value to the individual homes that are renovated. As per a recommendation by the Supervisor, Trustee Yack agrees to be on the committee next year. Trustee Sneideman asked how the process works. Budget Manager Cox explained the program has a waiting list for housing-rehab at all times and as funds become available they are notified to apply. The Finance Department will income qualify the applicant. The Building Department inspects the property to evaluate the work necessary. Trustee Sneideman asked if there are before and after pictures available. Cox replied yes. Trustee McLaughlin explained the contractor bids will come before the Board before any work is done. No Public Comments were made. Motion by McLaughlin, supported by Williams to close the public hearing at 7:10 p.m. Motion carried by all members present. Motion by McLaughlin, supported by Williams to accept the recommendations of the Canton CDBG Advisory Council for the PY 2014 Community Development Block Grant Program and to forward the adopted program to the Department of H.U.D. as the Canton PY 2014 Final Statement: Activity Funding First Step $15,000 Neighborhood Legal Services $13,361 Wayne-Metro CAA $15,000 Growth Works $ 1,500 Summit Scholarships $ 2,500 Tutoring Services (At-Risk Youth) $ 2,500 Program Administration $66,482 Housing Rehabilitation $ 116,068 ADA Projects $ 100,000 May 13, 2014 3 TOTAL: $ 332,411 The CDBG Advisory Council is submitting its recommendations for projects and project funding for the PY 2014 CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) Program. The recommendations were formulated following a public hearing on project proposals on April 17, 2014. Council recommendations generally follow the PY 2013 CDBG Program especially with regards to the recommendations for Human Service Agencies funding. The Human Service Agencies-- First Step, Neighborhood Legal Services Michigan, Growth Works and Wayne-Metropolitan Community Action Agency—are recommended to receive approximately the same allocations as last year. For fuller project descriptions and recommended budgets, please refer to the attached exhibit. Motion carried by: Ayes-5; Nays-1. May 13, 2014 4 Charter Township of Canton, Michigan Annual Action Plan PY 2014 Fourth Program Year Action Plan The CPMP Fourth Annual Action Plan includes the SF 424 and Narrative Responses to Action Plan questions that CDBG, HOME, HOPWA, and ESG grantees must respond to each year in order to be compliant with the Consolidated Planning Regulations. The Executive Summary narratives are optional. Narrative Responses GENERAL Executive Summary The Executive Summary is required. Include the objectives and outcomes identified in the plan and an evaluation of past performance. Program Year 4 Action Plan Executive Summary: The PY 2014 action plan/final statement remains consistent with previous action plans. The major project categories remain public services (15 percent), housing rehabilitation, ADA Compliance, with administration constituting the remainder.
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