, Founded 1876 The Daily PRINCETONIAN Vol. LXXV, No. 216 PRINCETON, N. J, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2. 1952 Price Five Cents II - The Death of a Free Country Dean Says Date of Late Spring Vacation Tritschler Named Determined by 'Late Swing' of Formula Captain; "Spring Vacation is the latest that and spring vacation from April 2 to9. Bunn Award Goes toDeVoe Freedom From Fear it can possibly be scheduled this year, Easter falls on the fifth. from April 5 to 14, because we've hit Affects Bermuda Vacations A Message From Behind the Iron Curtain the late swing of our formula for de- This year, however, many students By Paul B. Firstenberg '55 termining the school year," Dean of are complaining because most of the Fred Tritschler, junior forward, the College Francis R. B. Godolphin Eastern college have their vacations a was named captain-elect of the Tiger '24 stated yesterday. week earlier. Reservations at the Stu- basketball squad for 1952-53, and "Every university has its formula, dent Travel Bureau for trips to Ber- senior guard Chuck DeVoe was sometimes vacations coincide, and muda have, fallen off by 75 per cent awarded the B. Franklin Bunn Tro- sometimes they don't," he continued. with only 15 men registered at that phy, the highest honor Princeton can "This is the first time in my experi- agency. The Princeton Rugby team confer upon an individual basketball ence that Princeton has been this far will be unable to compete in the tour- player, at the annual basketball out of step with the others." naments at Bermuda. awards dinner held last night in Oi3- Depends on Commencement born Field House. The University's formula for de- Tritschler was high scorer on this termining the school year states that year's ivy League championship Commencement must be on the. Tues- Yale's Buckley quintet, racking up 333 points and day between June 11 and 17. This smashing two Princeton scoring rec- year Commencement is the latest it To Talk ords in the proccus. Both Bernie can possibly be, June 17. The college Tonight Adams' mark for most points scored year must start 38 weeks before this by a Princeton player in one season date and spring vacation comes eight About Freedom and George Lawry's record for most weeks after the beginning of the sec- points scored by a Princeton player ond term. William F. Buckley Jr., the author m one Ivy League season were topped If Easter is on the eighth Sunday of the controversial book, God and by the slenddr forward. after the new term, the vacation is Man at Yale, will speak on"The Su- 30 Points Against Penn scheduled from the Thursday before perstitions of Academic Freedom" to- The new captain-elect turned in one of the top individual performances to the Thursday after Easter. How- night at 7:15 in the Common Room of ever, this year Easter falls on the the Graduate College. of Tiger basketball history when he HRADCANY CASTLE, with the spires of its Cathedral rising above it, ninth Sunday; so University 1 scored 30 points against Pennsylvania | the. gives Buckley, who went to Yale in 1946 captain graces the skyline of Prague. Ten thousand students tried to reach Presi- i FRED TRITSCHLER, elected ] on court. inspired its vacation during Holy Week. after serving in the Army during the of next year's basketball I their home His dent Benes in the castle after the Communist overthrow of the government. team. performance Next year the University will start war, headed the Yale Daily News enabled the Tigers to By George Hartman as told to William S. McClanahan '55 on the backward swing of its formula during the year before his gradua- top the Quakeits 79-77 and sent them (George Hartman, a graduate student in architecture at Princeton with Commencement one day earlier tion in 1950. A.s chairman he aroused SDA Will Support on their way to the Ivy title and University, was born in Czechoslovakia in 1925.He. has vividly recalled three an apathetic readership with his live- the NCAA playoffs. episodes from his experiences as a political prisoner of the Nazis from 1942- ly editorials which the class historian Stevenson in 1952, Playing his best when the pressure 1945,as a witness of the Communist overthrow of his democratic Czech gov- Nassoons Will Sing said "neatly undercut tolerance and i was at its greatest, Tritschler also set ernment in 1948 and as a refugee from the grip of Red terrorism. The sec- everything to the left of Senator Paul '53 Announces the Dillon Gymnasium scoring record ond of .these episodes follows.) In Puerto Rico Hotel Taft." by dunking in a new high of 24 pointa againet Cornell in the Ivy League's In April, 1945, when the first Subversion of Christianity The Princeton Chapter of the Stu- American tanks liberated Buchen- Vacation Jog dents for Democratic Action an- game of the year. Communist programs. Even President During God and Man at Yale is Mr. Buck- wald hoped a new Both Tritschler and DeVoe were prison, I to start Benes was not allowed to speak to his ley's answer to what he terms the nounced yesterday that they were life forget the To live backing Governor named the All-Ivy League quintet and past. in people. The police were infiltrated by The Princeton Nassoons will travel subversion of Christianity and indi- Adlai E. Steven- to of such would of Illinois for with picking up the additional the shadow memories the Communists. •to Puerto Rico on their annual spring- vidualism by allowing individual fa- son '22 the Democratic DeVoe be ghastly, if not impossible. For candidacy for President. honor of topping all other Ivy league Students March to See President vacation trip, tour manager Barry C culty members to teach as they see more years un- yesterday. SDA president players in minutes played this year. three I tried to live The next day, some 10,000 students Phelps '53 announced It is fit, if they are "honest and profes- Peter C. Paul '53 der the pretention that there would from Charles University assembled to the first time, that the group has sionally competent." made it clear that the decision was Three-Year Veteran no more wars, or made an- DeVoe captained be camps. I tried to proceed to the residence of Benes at traveled such a distance from the Buckley believes that a university before President Truman Cappy Cappon's do that would second club the last as anybody else would—to live the Hradcany Castle. Everything seemed U. S., although they have been to faculty should represent the alumni nounced he definitely not title-winning in a run three years and the first Princeton normal life of college student with lost. The absurd had happened. We Bermuda in the past. through the rulings of the trustees. again. The vote was taken in his daily worries about connection with a poll being con- basketball team to compete in a post- examinations, marched, with no noise or shouting, in The popular songsters will enter- Buckley is alarmed at the evidence sports and girls and simply enjoy of ducted by the national board the season tournament. This veteran of to perfect single file. While we were tain with their repertoire 50 songs of atheism on the Yale campus and of the. life of a free Czechoslovakia. Beach Hotel San organization, which is composed of 80 three of varsity competition, marching to the castle, thousands of at the. Condado at in the classroom, and how these seasons That this was not possible is ob- chapters. two as a regular, was Cappon's organized Communistswere assembled Juan, Puerto Rico. The trip is being views are fostered by the faculty. vious enough today. The story of American Airlines. The organized primarily to steady performer this season. The in the main square of Prague. sponsored by Pan He also states that the Yale Econom- SDA, well known all of Room promote student interest local and Bunn Trophy winner was an- Czechoslovakia, to We. wanted to see the President, to Sing In Fiesta ics Department undermines individ- in out- you, should serve as a warning any national also plans standing ball-handler and paseer, to reassure him that the students would The Nassoons will leave Princeton ualism by concentrating on collectiv- political affairs, act- big or which is delegates Convention of ing as Princeton's field general. democracy, small, not yield to. any terror, no matter on Friday and fly directly to Puerto ist theories and "Responsibilities of to send to the carrying on a fight against a totalit- whether it was Nazi or Communist. Rico. While there, they will do most the State." Americans for Democratic Action to Hal Ha.bbestad, high scorer on this arian regime. the same c.f their entertaining at the Fiesta fee held in Washington, D. C, next season's yearling squad, was named In 1939, nine years earlier, "Extraordinary Incongruity" Communist Arrival Is Surprise type of student demonstration had Room of the hotel, popular meeting month. captain of the freshman team. Buckley believes that "an institu- you had come me a few days place for island's American col- If to been checked by the Nazis with sev- the tion deriving its before the Communists took over the lege contingent. moral and financial eral executions and hundreds of de- support from Christian coalition government of Czechoslo- Eleven to Make Trip individualists portations. produces an extraordinary incongru- Murray-Dodge Ceiling Collapses, vakia and had told me that this would Police Block Street Eleven men will make the trip, ity by persuading the sons of these happen, I would have laughed in your This time again we faced the police.
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