SEIA NEWSLETTER On the Eastern Churches and Ecumenism _______________________________________________________________________________________ Number 184: January 31, 2011 Washington, DC The Eighth Meeting of the con Daniel Seife Michael, an instructor at the St. Thomas Christians of India and Oth- International Dialogue Between the Holy Trinity Theological University Col- er Churches till Mid-Fifth Century A.D. – Catholic Church and the lege in Addis Ababa. The cardinal also Indian Orthodox Perspective,” by Metro- offered congratulations to Father John Mat- politan Dr. Gabriel Mar Gregorios; “Com- Oriental Orthodox Churches thews who, since the last meeting, was or- munion and Communication Between the dained a bishop and given the name Metro- St. Thomas Christians of India and Other HE EIGHTH MEETING OF THE politan Dr. Youhanan Mar Demetrios, As- Churches till Mid-Fifth Century A.D. – A INTERNATIONAL JOINT COMMISSION sistant Metropolitan of Delhi, and to His Syrian Orthodox Perspective,” by Metro- TFOR THEOLOGICAL DIALOGUE Eminence Nareg Alemezian who has been politan Dr Kuriakose Theophilose; “Com- BETWEEN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH AND elevated to the rank of Archbishop. Metro- munion and Communication Among the THE ORIENTAL ORTHODOX CHURCHES politan Bishoy took the occasion to congra- Churches: Rome in the Pre-Constantinian TOOK PLACE IN ROME FROM JANUARY 25 tulate Cardinal Koch on his appointment as Era,” by Prof. Dietmar W. Winkler. TO 28, 2011. The meeting was hosted by President of the Pontifical Council, and to In these various studies, the members His Eminence Cardinal Kurt Koch, the new express his gratitude to Cardinal Walter of the commission focused more precisely President of the Pontifical Council for Pro- Kasper for his co-chairmanship of the on the concrete expressions of communion moting Christian Unity. It was chaired commission until his retirement last year. and communication among the churches jointly by Cardinal Koch and by His Emi- He also stressed that the official name of his before the separation. Indeed, communion nence Metropolitan Bishoy of Damiette, family of churches should always be was expressed primarily through various General Secretary of the Holy Synod of the “Oriental Orthodox Churches.” forms of communication. It was noted that Coptic Orthodox Church. At this meeting, the members contin- in the pre-Constantinian period, there was Joining delegates from the Catholic ued their study – in a very friendly atmos- an intense communication among the Church were representatives of the follow- phere -- of the ways in which the churches churches, especially in times of crisis. ing Oriental Orthodox Churches: the Anti- expressed their communion with one There was a common sense of responsibili- ochian Syrian Orthodox Church, the Arme- another until the middle of the fifth century ty towards the other churches that was nian Apostolic Church (Catholicosate of and the role played by monasticism in this. found most clearly in the exchange of let- All Armenians), the Armenian Apostolic The papers presented included “The Com- ters and synodal decisions. These provided Church (Holy See of Cilicia), the Coptic munion and Communication that Existed a means of conveying encouragement and Orthodox Church, the Ethiopian Orthodox Between Our Churches Until the Mid-Fifth challenge to one another, as well as theo- Tewahido Church, and the Malankara Or- Century of Christian History As Well As logical clarifications. This exchange was thodox Syrian Church. No representative of the Role Played by Monasticism: The Tra- mutual among the various churches. It the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Church dition of Antioch,” by Archbishop Theophi- exemplified a remarkable degree of com- was able to attend. lus George Saliba; “The Petrine Office and munion among local communities in a The two delegations met separately on the Question, Who Established the Church process that lacked central direction after January 25, and held plenary sessions each of Rome?: Coptic Orthodox Perspective,” 250 years of expansion throughout the Ro- day from January 26 to January 28. Each by Metropolitan Bishoy of Damiette, man Empire and beyond, including Arme- day of the plenary sessions began with a “Communion and Communication Among nia, Persia, Ethiopia and India. The univer- common celebration of Morning Prayer. In the Churches in the Tradition of Alexan- sal phenomenon of Christian asceticism, his remarks at the beginning of the first dria,” by Father Mark Sheridan, OSB; “The present from the earliest times, found ex- session, Cardinal Koch welcomed the Role of Monasticism in the Development pression in the monastic movements, group to Rome, and said that “I have had an and Communion of the Churches,” by Fa- emerging from the late third century in all enduring ecumenical interest in the Oriental ther Columba Stewart, OSB; “Communion parts of the Christian world. There was a Orthodox Churches, and in your history, and Communication that Existed Between fruitful exchange of monastic spiritual writ- your life of faith, your liturgy and theology. Our Churches Until the Mid-Fifth Century ings emanating from the Christian Orient, I have always felt very at home in your of Christian History and the Role Played by even across doctrinal divisions. presence. Despite our longstanding separa- Monasticism: The Ethiopian Experience,” In the evening of January 25, the tion, we share a solid basis of faith and ec- by Archdeacon Daniel Seife Michael Fe- members attended a Vespers service in the clesial order.” With great sadness the Car- leke; “The Reception of the Ecumenical Basilica of Saint Paul’s Outside the Walls dinal also informed the group of the death Councils in the Armenian Tradition (VIII- presided over by His Holiness Pope Bene- of one of the Ethiopian Orthodox repre- XV cc.)” and “Communion and Communi- dict XVI for the conclusion of the Week of sentatives, Father Megabe Biluy Seife Se- cation,” by Archbishop Yeznik Petrossian; Prayer for Christian Unity. In his homily lassie. He has been replaced by Archdea- “Communion and Communication Between the Holy Father made reference to the pres- ence of the members of the dialogue, and the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Church; Rev. Fr. Shenouda Maher Ishak, said, “We entrust the success of your meet- which has just ended. Many of you come West Henrietta, New York, USA; H.G. ing to the Lord, that it may be another step from regions where Christian individuals Bishop Daniel of the Coptic Orthodox forward towards our longed-for unity.” On and communities face trials and difficulties Church in Sydney, Australia (observer); Thursday evening January 27, Cardinal that are a cause of deep concern for us all. Eritrean Orthodox Tewahdo Church: Koch hosted a dinner for the dialogue All Christians need to work together in Rev. Fr. Kaleab Gebreselassie Gebru, Eri- members and staff of the Pontifical Council mutual acceptance and trust in order to trean Orthodox Tewahdo Patriarchate, As- for Promoting Christian Unity at the Domus serve the cause of peace and justice. May mara, Eritrea (unable to attend); Sanctae Marthae in the Vatican. the intercession and example of the many Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church: Pope Benedict XVI received the mem- martyrs and saints, who have given coura- Archdeacon Daniel Seife Michael Feleke of bers of the commission in private audience geous witness to Christ in all our Churches, Holy Trinity Theological University Col- on Friday morning January 28. Cardinal sustain and strengthen you and your Chris- lege in Addis Ababa; Mr. Lique Hiruyan Koch and Metropolitan Bishoy thanked the tian communities. With sentiments of fra- Getachew Guadie (unable to attend); Pope for receiving the commission, and ternal affection I invoke upon all of you the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church: Metropolitan Bishoy presented a Coptic grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ.” H.E. Metropolitan Dr. Gabriel Mar Grego- icon of Saint Mary the Mother of God to The ninth meeting of the International rios, President of the Department of Ecu- him on behalf of the members of the com- Joint Commission will take place in Addis menical Relations, Diocese of Trivandrum, mission. The Pope then greeted the mem- Ababa, Ethiopia, at the invitation of His India; H. G. Metropolitan Dr. Youhanon bers, saying “It is with great joy that I wel- Holiness Abune Paulos I, Patriarch of the Mar Demetrios, Assistant Bishop of Delhi come you, the members of the Joint Interna- Ethiopian Tewahido Orthodox Church. (co-secretary), Delhi, India. tional Commission for Theological Dialo- The members will plan to arrive on Mon- Representatives of the Catholic Church gue between the Catholic Church and the day January 16, 2012, and depart on Mon- His Eminence Cardinal Kurt Koch (co- Oriental Orthodox Churches. Through you day January 23. The two delegations will chair), President of the Pontifical Council I gladly extend fraternal greetings to my meet separately on Tuesday January 17, and for Promoting Christian Unity; venerable Brothers, the Heads of the Orien- in plenary session on Wednesday, Thursday Most Reverend Paul-Werner Scheele, tal Orthodox Churches. I am grateful for and Saturday, January 18, 19, and 21. They Bishop Emeritus of Würzburg, Germany; the work of the Commission which began will participate in the celebration of Epiph- Most Reverend Youhanna Golta, Pa- in January 2003 as a shared initiative of the any (Timkat) on January 20, and in Sunday triarchal Auxiliary Bishop of the Coptic ecclesial authorities of the family of the liturgies on January 22. Catholic Patriarchate, Cairo, Egypt; Oriental Orthodox Churches and the Pontif- The members concluded with joyful Most Reverend Jules Mikhael Al- ical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. thanks to God, the Father, Son and Holy Jamil, Procurator of the Syrian Catholic As you know, the first phase of the dialo- Spirit, for what has been accomplished at Patriarchate to the Holy See and Apostolic gue, from 2003 to 2009, resulted in the this meeting. Visitator in Europe, Rome; common text entitled Nature, Constitution The members of the Commission are: Most Reverend Peter Marayati, Arme- and Mission of the Church.
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