SOUTH HAMS DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE - WEDNESDAY, 14TH JANUARY, 2015 Agenda, Reports and Minutes for the meeting Agenda No Item 1. Agenda Letter (Pages 1 - 2) 2. Reports Reports to DM: a) 03/2163/14/O (Pages 3 - 26) Outline application with some matters reserved (access to be considered) for residential development of up to 75No. Dwellings - Land at Great Court Farm, Berry Pomeroy, Totnes, TQ9 6LB b) 56/2564/14/F (Pages 27 - 32) Change of use of top floor of garage to create residential flat (resubmission of 56/0892/14/F) - Ridgeside, Jubilee Road, Totnes, TQ9 5BW c) 56/2941/14/F (Pages 33 - 36) Extension to conservatory - Totnes Bowling Club, Borough Park Road, Totnes, TQ9 5HW - d) 46/2401/14/F (Pages 37 - 56) Development and extension of hotel to provide 56 bedrooms, 3 staff and 1 owners accommodation, new parking facilities plus new restaurant, bar, lounge and function room - The Cottage Hotel, Hope Cove, Kingsbridge TQ7 3HJ e) 59/2482/14/F (Pages 57 - 72) Erection of 17 mixed tenure dwelling with associated access road, parking, hard/soft landscaping and farm access - Residential development at Home Field, West Alvington TQ7 3QQ f) 15/2252/14/F (Pages 73 - 80) Construction of 7 dwellings (following refusal of planning application 15/2265/12/F for construction of 8 dwellings) - Development site at SX 8651 5145 Site at Collingwood Road, Dartmouth g) Planning Appeals Update (Pages 81 - 82) 3. Minutes (Pages 83 - 102) 2 To: Chairman & Members of the Development Management Committee Our Ref: CS/KT (Cllrs Bastone, Brazil, Cuthbert, Foss, Hitchins, Hodgson, Holway, Pearce, Pennington, Squire, Steer and Wright). 6 January 2015 Dear Councillor A meeting of the Development Management Committee will be held in the Council Chamber, Follaton House, Plymouth Road, Totnes, on Wednesday, 14 January 2015 at 10.30am, when your attendance is requested. Yours sincerely Kathryn Trant Member Services Manager FOR ANY QUERIES ON THIS AGENDA, PLEASE CONTACT KATHRYN TRANT THE MEMBER SERVICES MANAGER ON DIRECT LINE 01803 861185 AGENDA 1. Minutes - to approve as a correct record and authorise the Chairman to sign the minutes of the meetings of the Committee held on 3 December 2014 (pages 1 to 18); 2. Urgent Business - brought forward at the discretion of the Chairman; 3. Division of Agenda - to consider whether the discussion of any item of business is likely to lead to the disclosure of exempt information; 4. Declarations of Interest - Members are invited to declare any personal or disclosable pecuniary interests, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting; 5. Public Participation - The Chairman to advise the Committee on any requests received from members of the public to address the meeting; 6. Site Inspections – no applications deferred from the previous meeting 7a. 03/2163/14/O - Outline application with some matters reserved (access to be considered) for residential development of up to 75No. Dwellings - Land at Great Court Farm, Berry Pomeroy, Totnes, TQ9 6LB (pages 20 to 42); 56/2564/14/F- Change of use of top floor of garage to create residential flat (resubmission of 56/0892/14/F) - Ridgeside, Jubilee Road, Totnes, TQ9 5BW (pages 43 to 48); 56/2941/14/F- Extension to conservatory - Totnes Bowling Club, Borough Park Road, Totnes, TQ9 5HW (pages 49 to 52); (Upon the conclusion of the above agenda items, the meeting will be adjourned and re-convened at 2.00pm) 7b. Planning Applications - Members are requested to raise any queries they may have with the respective case officer before the meeting (pages 53 to 95); 8. Planning Appeals Update – (page 96 only). Members of the public may wish to note that the Council's meeting rooms are accessible by wheelchairs and have a loop induction hearing system ********************************** An optional lunch will be available for Members of the Committee in the Cary Room at 1.00 pm ********************************** During the preparation of reports contained in this Agenda, the Officers have had recourse to the following documents:- Devon County Structure Plan and relevant Local Plans South Hams Local Plan Relevant Government Circulars and Advice Relevant Appeal decisions Human Rights Act 1998 Where other information has been used, the relevant sources are quoted within the individual report. Planning case officer’s recommendations include reference to conditions and reasons for refusal by code. Please note that 'NS' refers to a non-standard condition or reason for refusal and for details of these, contact the appropriate case officer. MEMBERS ARE REQUESTED TO SIGN THE ATTENDANCE REGISTER THIS AGENDA HAS BEEN PRINTED ON ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY PAPER The Council Chamber doors will be opened to the public from 10.15 am Case Officer: Patrick Whymer Parish: Berry Pomeroy Application No : 03/2163/14/O Agent/Applicant: Applicant: Alister King-Smith The Trustees of Lord Seymour's 1971 Settlement C/O agent Site Address: Land at Great Court Farm, Berry Pomeroy, Totnes, TQ9 6LB Development: Outline application with some matters reserved (access to be considered) for residential development of up to 75 No. Dwellings Scale 1:5000 This map is reproduced from the Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office (c) Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. South Hams District Council 100022628. 2014. Scale 1:5000 For internal reference only – no further copies to be made Reason item is being put before Committee Mindful of the objections and concerns raised by the Parish Council & third parties it is considered appropriate for the merits of this proposal to be considered by the Development Management Committee following a site inspection. Recommendation: Conditional approval subject to the receipt of revised plans in accordance with the recommendations of the County Highways Officer and the prior satisfactory completion of a Section 106 Agreement to secure the following: 1. Affordable Housing - 44% affordable housing to be provided on site to comprise three discount market Units with the remaining balance to be 70% affordable rented housing and 30% shared ownership. 2. Public Open Space - Onsite public open space comprising: LEAP of circa 400 sqm, equipped play area of circa 180 sqm, casual/informal play of circa 1,600 sqm and allotments of circa 340 Sqm with public access to the areas of open space in perpetuity including the future management and maintenance of the public space and bio-diversity areas. An offsite contribution towards playing pitches and other outdoor facilities at a rate of £595 per occupier, based on an average of 2.2 occupiers per dwelling . 3. Off-site highway Improvement works as set out in the Transport Assessment and the recommendations of the Highways Officer including Traffic Regulation Orders and a contribution per dwelling of £1643.24 towards the Totnes Strategy set out by the County Highway Authority. 4 A contribution of £62,000 towards off-site improvements to the footpaths within the Bridgetown Corridor to improve the pedestrian and cycling links from the site into the town centre. 5. Provision of bus and cycle vouchers for every dwelling totalling £300 per dwelling and the provision of a travel and welcome pack for new residents. 6. The provision of a sustainable urban drainage scheme including management and maintenance responsibility and arrangements. 7. To secure the implementation in full of the Travel Plan, submitted with this application in accordance with the details in Section 6 Travel Plan Targets; Section 7 Travel Plan Measures; Section 8 Monitoring and Review and Section 9 Action Plan, including compliance with the timetable for actions as set out in the Action Plan. Note This application is a Departure from adopted Development Plan policies and therefore has been advertised as such. Conditions/Reasons for refusal (list not in full) 1 – 3 Standard Outline for submission of Reserved Matters and time limit for commencement. 4. Accord with Plans/Exclude Illustrative Drawings 5. Car Parking/garage retention 6. GPDO Exclusion 7. Contaminated Land Investigation. (submitted prior to commencement) 8. Contaminated land Verification Report (submitted and approved prior to occupation) 9. Unsuspected Contamination 10. Barn Owl survey to be undertaken (Details to be submitted and approved prior to commencement of the development). 11. On-site highway works (Details to be submitted prior to commencement). 12. Construction Management Plan (Details to be submitted and approved prior to commencement). 13. Phasing Plan (to be submitted prior to commencement). 14. Programme of Archaeological work (To be submitted and approved prior to commencement). 15. Surface water drainage layout and details (To be submitted prior to commencement and the approved details shall be completed and operational prior to occupation). 16. Parking strategy (To be submitted prior to commencement). 17. Landscape and Ecological Management Plan (To be submitted prior to commencement). 18. Arboricultural Impact Assessment, Tree Protection Plan and Arboricultural Methodology Statements. (To be submitted prior to commencement) 19. Lighting Strategy (To be submitted prior to commencement). 20. Details and provision of footpath links (details to be submitted prior to commencement) 21. Provision of fibre broadband ducting to each dwelling. 22. Renewable energy/energy efficiency (details to be submitted prior to commencement) 23. Lifetime homes Key issues for consideration: Given the location of this unallocated site outside the development boundary it is considered that, taking into account paragraph 49 of the NPPF, the initial issue to be considered is whether South Hams District Council can demonstrate a five year housing land supply. If a five year housing land supply cannot be demonstrated, relevant planning policies for the supply of housing should not be considered up-to-date and the key issue is whether the proposal represents sustainable development and if it is, whether there are significant and demonstrable adverse impacts that would outweigh its benefits .
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