A VolumeOfFluid Typ e Algorithm for Compressible TwoPhase Flows KehMing Shyue Abstract We present a simple approach to the computation of a simplied twophase ow mo del involving gases and liquids separated by interfaces in multiple space dimensions In contrast to the many p opular techniques which are mainly concerned with the incompressible ow we consider a compress ible version of the mo del equations without the eect of surface tension and viscosity We use the law and the Tait equation of state for approximating the material prop erty of the gas and the liquid in a resp ective manner The algorithm uses a volumeofuid formulation of the equations together with a stiened gas equation of state that is derived to give an approximate mo del for the mixture of more than one phase of the uids within grid cells A stan dard highresolution sho ck capturing metho d based on a wavepropagation viewp oint is employed to solve the prop osed mo del We show results of some preliminary calculations that illustrate the viability of the metho d to practical application without the o ccurrence of any spurious oscillation in the pressure near the interfaces This includes results of a planar sho ck wave in water over a bubble of air Intro duction We are interested in a twophase ow problem with interfaces that separate regions of two dierent uid comp onents consisting of gases and liquids We consider a twodimensional ow as an example and use the compressible Euler equations to mo deling the motion of the gases u v 2 C C C B B B u u p uv C C C B B B 2 A A A v uv v p t x y E E pu E pv Here is the density u and v are the velo cities in the x and y direction resp ec tively p is the pressure and E is the total energy p er unit mass We assume that This work was supp orted in part by National Science Council of Republic of China Grants NSC M and NSCM KM Shyue the equation of the state for the gas satises the law where is the ratio of sp ecic heats Then the internal energy is p e 2 2 and E e u v We note that the four comp onents of Eqs express the conservation of mass momenta in the x and y direction and energy resp ec tively As it is often the case we take the liquids to b e baratropic that the pressure p is a function of the density only and in particular it fullls the Tait equation of state of the form p A B where A and B are materialdep endent constants these two parameters along with give a fundamental characterization of the uid prop erties of interest and can b e obtained from a tting pro cedure of lab oratory data Typical set of values are for water A atm and B atm and for human blo o d A MPa and B MPa approximately It is imp ortant to note that b ecause of the mere dep endency of the pressure p on the density the energy equation of the Euler Eqs plays no active role to the determination of this ow b ehavior and hence can b e neglected For completeness we write down the equations of motion for the liquid as follows u v 2 A A A u u p uv t x y 2 v uv v p where the pressure p is governed by We want to use a stateoftheart sho ckcapturing metho d on a uniform rect angular grid for the computation For convenience let us supp ose that for each grid cell we have a volumefraction function Z representing the typ e of uid within the cell For example for the liquid only cells we may take Z and therefore for the gas only cells we may set Z In case there are some cells cut by the interfaces where Z we then have b oth of the gas and liquid comp onents in the cells in which the liquid and the gas are o ccupied by the volume fractions Z and Z resp ectively It is clear that when Z or Z there is no problem in describing the motion of each of the gas and liquid ows individually see Eqs The principle problem in the current application and also in the other multicomp onent problems cf is however directed to the development of an ecient and yet accurate way that is capable of dealing with the uidmixture case when Z Motivated by the previous work by the author the algorithm we employed uses a mixture mo del based on a volumefraction or called a volume ofuid formulation of the equations that is devised to mo del the mixture of the two dierent equations of state and by the socalled stiened gas equation of state see Section Then from the energy equation of we cho ose VolumeOfFluid Algorithm for TwoPhase Flows conditions that should b e satised to ensure the pressure in equilibrium for these cells see Section Numerical results to b e presented in Section show that this is a viable approach for practical problems without any spurious oscillations in the pressure near the interfaces when we approximate the mo del equations in a consistent manner by a uctuationandsignal typ e of sho ck capturing metho d It is true that for real applications the eect of surface tension as well as viscosity are two imp ortant elements to the solutions of a twophase ow problem under studied Among many of the approaches develop ed over the years to deal with these situations cf the metho d based on the level set formulation has shown to b e quite eective for an incompressible version of the problem where the uids are mostly in a low Mach numb er regime Here in contrast to the work just mentioned we consider a class of problems where the inuence of compressibility of the uids to the solutions is vital but not the surface tension and viscosity Examples of this kind cover a family of sho ck wave problems with interfaces Our goal here is to establish a basic solution strategy for the problem cf for other approaches Realization of this approach that couples with adaptive grid pro cedures such as front tracking and adaptive mesh renement is in progress cf In a future work we will take more physical factors into account and also lo ok at metho ds that are ecient for problems with low and high Mach numb er ow where the time step restriction is an imp ortant issue to b e addressed This pap er is organized as follows In Section we remark and discuss the equations of state that are used in our mo del twophase ow problems with gases and liquids In Section we review the derivation of the mo del system based on a volumeofuid formulation of the equations Numerical results for some sample problems are shown in Section Equations of State It is known that in gases the sp ecic entropy denoted by S has great inuence to the b ehavior of the pressure p while in liquids the inuence of its changes is negligible to the pressure In fact b ecause of this little dep endency of the pressure on the entropy and a consequence of the rst law of thermo dynamics we may write the internal energy of a liquid as a separable energy of the form (1) (2) e e e S where with the Tait equation of state we nd p B (1) e From this it is easy to observe strong resemblance of the equation of state of a liquid to that of an ideal gas With this in mind it should b e sensible to use KM Shyue a generalized version of Eq namely the stiened gas equation of state p B e without the explicitly dep endence on the density to the pressure p to mo deling mixtures of the comp onents of gases and liquids within a grid cell Note that a stiened gas reduces to a law gas when B and to a baratropic gas of the form when the pressure p is indep endent of the entropy S Oftentimes the equation of state has b een used in other applications to mo del materials including compressible liquids and solids Here we nd it is suitable for the current application when combining with a twophase ow algorithm describ ed in the next section see results shown in Section for numerical verication of this statement VolumeOfFluid Algorithm We now discuss the basic idea of our approach to mo deling cells that contain b oth of the gas and liquid phases We use the Euler Eqs as a mo del system that describ es the motion of the mixtures of conserved variables such as u v and E in a gasliquid co existent grid cell Then with the use of the equation of state the pressure p in the equations can b e set by 2 2 u v B p E when the mixture of materialdep endent parameters and B are dened and known a priori It is imp ortant to note that in our approach the conditions for and B are chosen so that the pressure p in retains in equilibrium for a gas liquid mixture cell The derivation of the evolution equations for and B in the current case follows directly from pro cedures develop ed in However to make the pap er selfcontained a brief overview of this approach is undertaken b elow We b egin by considering a mo del twophase ow problem that the pressure p and the velo city eld u v are constant in the domain while the other vari ables such as the density and the equation of state parameters and B are having jumps across a gasliquid interface We write Eqs in the following nonconservative form v u u v t x y x y u p u u u v t x y x p v v v u v t x y y v u e eu ev p t x y x y VolumeOfFluid Algorithm for TwoPhase Flows and obtain easily equations describing the motion of the gasliquid interface as u v t x y e u e v e t x y To see how the pressure p would keep in equilibrium as it should b e for this mo del problem we insert the equation of state into and have p B p B p B u v t x y Then with the volumefraction function Z dened previously in Section the total
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