www.mississippilink.com VOL. 24, NO. 5 NOVEMBER 23 - 29, 2017 50¢ Red Sand: Addressing Modern-Day Slavery No holiday break for Hinds County District Attorney Robert Shuler Smith is moving forward preparing his defense By Othor Cain tion for the upcoming January Editor trial. While most of us are preparing Juan Gray, an investigator with for traditional Thanksgiving Day the Hinds County DA’s offi ce at- celebrations which include pre- tempted to serve Edwards at her paring meals, socializing, wel- Rankin County home. After sev- coming family members home, eral attempts of ringing the door entertaining friends and every- bell with no answer, Gray left the thing in between, Hinds County home but stayed in the neighbor- District Attorney Robert Shuler hood. Gray later parked his car Smith is preparing his defense. near the home. After sometime, And he’s doing it as upbeat as Gray was greeted with a gun by possible. “As I’ve said before, a visitor in the home whom The we can not allow folk to think Mississippi Link has learned is they can do anything they want Edward Seward. Seward said he to and get away with it,” Smith didn’t answer the door because said. “This isn’t just about me, its he thought Gray was Smith. about everybody that has faced Upon greeting Gray, Seward had or will face injustices…we can his gun pointed and appeared not quit.” ready to fi re. Smith and his defense team A short time later, Edwards re- Red Sand Project bags ready for the sidewalks. PHOTO BY AYESHA will appear in a Rankin County turned home and had a gun in her K MUSTAFAA Court Wednesday for motion possession. You might recall that a gun has been a part of this case hearings. His team fi led a new Smith motion Tuesday asking the judge between Edwards and Smith. By Levell Williams Sunny Slaughter. to allow his subpoena of the ac- “The actions by Mr. Seward is a Tougaloo Student Writer same as fi led by the state. cause of ‘transferred intent.’ Un- Stephen Rozman, board cuser Christie Edwards’ cell Last week, as The Mississippi der court mandate, the defense felony offense,” Smith said. “At Students, faculty, staff and member of the Historians phone records be permissible in Link fi rst reported, another new and prosecution are suppose to best it is a threat against a pub- other guests gathered in front Against Slavery and James court and that the judge would development took place that exchange the necessary informa- Smith of the historic Woodworth Stewart, historian, whose deny an opportunity to quash the could cause additional arrests be- tion with each other in prepara- Chapel at Tougaloo College cooperation with the An- Continued on page A3 November 14 for the Red drew W. Mellon Foundation Sand Project press confer- helped to fund the earthwork, ence. were also present. The event was hosted by Maberry said that the the college’s Study of Mod- Study of Modern-Day Slav- ern-Day Slavery Institute. ery Institute gives the col- Defense saves the day and The goal was to promote lege a place to conceptualize awareness of the seldom student art for modern day recognized issue of human slavery. At the ceremony, traffi cking and mass-incar- one of such artworks, Justin maybe coach Hughes’ job ceration that affects an es- Ransburg’s “The Teacher’s timated 40 million people Struggle,” was on display. By Tim Ward worldwide. Rozman said that in all of Contributing Writer President of Tougaloo, his forty-six years of projects Soul Bowl 2017, no longer B.W. Hogan, greeted the as- and grants, “this one is the called the Capital City Classic, sembly, expressing the col- most important.” The college ended with a surprising outcome lege’s gratitude for the privi- has reached out to its fellows, for many. “Nobody gave us a lege of hosting the Red Sand such as Morehouse College, chance,” JSU coach Tony Hughes Project, a symbolic pouring because, “The Mellon Foun- said. “Nobody but us. We fully of red sand between side- dation wants Tougaloo to be expected to come in here and win walk cracks. a model for other HBCUs,” this game.” Tiger Nation always Tougaloo is the fi rst according to Rozman. roots for their Tigers to win. HBCU to display the newest Present also was Molly But there is some truth to development of the project – Gochman, creator of the Red Hughes’ statement after the game. an alarming Red Sand Earth- Sand Project. She expressed Offensive woes have hindered work, a shallow mote of her excitement for the Red “the process” all season. Jackson red sand in the shape of the Sand Earthwork’s comple- State scored 20 points or more US-Mexico border. Hogan tion. “I think [Tougaloo] is only twice and lost both games. said that “it’s in [Tougaloo’s] the perfect place,” she said. Quarterback changes, offensive DNA” to be a voice against She explained that fi ve line injures, play calling and more such an atrocity as modern- years ago, organizations all factored in this season. JSU day slavery. kept telling her that aware- fans were hopeful Saturday but Among those present were ness was the primary issue not as confi dent in years past. Tougaloo’s own Rukia Lu- in modern-day slavery. Now, Alcorn State University rolled mumba, activist for social her Red Sand Project has into Jackson having secured a equity and Derrick Johnson, spread to all fi fty states and birth in the SWAC championship game in Houston, December 2. president and CEO of the seventy countries. Red sand The Darkside Defense was awesome PHOTO BY TIM WARD National NAACP. Key sup- seeps between the cracks of Alcorn will play the winner be- porters of the event included sidewalks around the world, tween Grambling and Southern, JSU held Alcorn without a touch- 250 yards of offensive, but never Kennedy gashed the Braves de- associate professor of art reminding observers of how who play in the Bayou Classic this down the entire game. Alcorn made it into Alcorn’s redzone. fense right up the middle late in Johnnie Maberry and na- victims all over slip through weekend. Alcorn really struggled was stopped inside the 5 yard line Terrell Kennedy’s 69 yard touch- the second quarter. Quarterback tional human rights and so- offensively or you can say Jack- and forced to kick a fi eld goal. down run provided the only points cial justice expert/consultant Red Sand son State dominated defensively. Jackson State scraped together needed to win. JSU Continued on page A3 Continued on page A3 Gospel singer Wedlocked: The Share this issue with a friend surprises students; Perils of Marriage by mailing it to: praises their glory Equality Inside to God Page B1 Page A4 COMMUNITY A2 • THE MISSISSIPPI LINK NOVEMBER 23 - 29, 2017 www.mississippilink.com Fry your turkey safely, advise AMR medics The Mississippi Link Newswire oil can cause a “fl ash-over,” a sudden Never stand directly over hot oil. Always keep a fi re extinguisher Serving nearly 20 counties, AMR’s Thanksgiving is a holiday people eruption of oil onto the source of heat. Always make sure the oil is com- with you when using a turkey fryer. companies in Mississippi are the might not associate with building Then the oil itself can catch on fi re. pletely cooled before removing it If the fryer catches fi re, immediate- state’s busiest ambulance servic- fi res or burn injuries, apart from mi- Always lower the turkey slowly from the fryer. ly call 911. The oil itself may be burn- es. The Mississippi Department of nor burns from wrestling a turkey out into the oil. Nearly all fryers come Always use long-sleeved, fl ame- ing, so do not attempt to extinguish Health has reported AMR companies of the oven. But deep-frying turkeys with a hook that attaches to the bird. retardant gloves when putting the tur- the fi re with water. Hot oil doused transported more than 40 percent defi nitely increases burn and fi re haz- Using the hook keeps your hands sev- key into the fryer or taking the turkey with water can erupt with deadly re- of ambulance patients statewide in ards, sometimes with disastrous con- eral inches above the hot oil. or oil out. sults. some recent years. sequences. AMR paramedics recommend fol- lowing these safety tips from the Burn Institute to help you and your loved ones prevent serious injuries and property loss when using a tur- key fryer. Never leave turkey fryers unat- tended. Due to the risk, it is wise to have two fry cooks. Always keep children away from the fryer. AMR recommends drawing a circle ten feet in diameter around the fryer and declaring it a “kid-free zone.” Always use turkey fryers outdoors. Do not use them in garages or under carports. Always keep fryers away from fl ammable materials. Do not use them under eaves or porches or near leaves, bushes or trees. Always place fryers on a fl at, sta- ble, non-fl ammable surface such as concrete. Do not fry the bird on a deck. Never overfi ll the fryer. Always follow the fryer manufac- turer’s warnings and recommenda- tions for use. Never heat oil above the recom- mended temperature. Always use a thermometer to moni- tor food temperature. Never move the fryer once it is in operation. Never let the cooks consume alco- hol while tending the fryer. Always thaw your turkey com- pletely before placing it in the fryer.
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