Enchanting musical weekend i" Bon Iver debuted his new album at the 2nd Eaux Claires Wisconsin festival, but there was so much more to the Gazette OCOM magical weekend. (PROGRESSIVE. ALTERNATIVE.( August 25, 2016 Vol. 7 No. 20 What your cellphone is doing to you page 10 4, 5 Charred 6 Labor's might 24, 26 Up the morals Ahead of Hill at APT Behind headlines November's Award-winning about the recent elections, labor critic Michael riots in Milwaukee is organizing in a Muckian reviews is a story of hope big way to rally two productions and perseverance voters behind now on stage in the face of Hillary Clinton 8 Pot not at American discrimination, and Democratic Two petitions filed with the federal Players Theatre economic hardship candidates up and government to reclassify marijuana — King Lear, and shocking down the ballot. went to pot in August. right, and lip ellfr neglect. Endgame. 11/' r WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM I August 25,'2O16 News with a twist WiGWAG By Lisa Neff and Louis Weisberg MEMORY LAPSE HIGH ON THE LEAVE IT TO BEAVERS recent ex-governor of Illinois to week with an extra sense of pride. Former New York City Mayor FUMES? A man and his prosthetic leg be serving time in federal pris- "I wanted to see my haircut across Rudy Giuliani claims that "suc- Police in the south- have been reunited after two on, has always been a big Elvis the world," Cox said, adding that cessful" attacks of terrorism ern Oregon community canoers near Wabeno, Wiscon- fan. He was known for pepper- Phelps is "a pretty cool, a great never occurred on U.S. soil until of Rogue River made their larg- sin, saw it sticking out of a bea- ing his speeches with snippets guy." President Barack Obama took est pot seizure ever after a man ver dam. Canoers Elliot Fuller and of his Elvis impersonation. Now office. Giuliani, of course, was the notified them that he'd stumbled Jason Franklin said they thought comes word that Blago formed THE DONALD UNVEILED mayor of New York City when the upon a porta potty in a park that it was part of a corpse until they a band in the big house called An anarchist collective known World Trade Center's twin towers was filled with marijuana plants. got close enough to pull it out. the "The Jailhouse Rockers." The as INDECLINE commissioned and were destroyed in the worst ter- Police Chief Ken Lewis said he Searching Craigslist, they found former governor served as the placed five statues of a naked rorist attack in the nation's histo- doesn't know how the pot got an ad from a man who said he lost lead singer, and the group had a Donald Trump across the nation ry. George W. Bush was president there. But he speculated the toilet a prosthetic limb after his canoe 21-song play list. But the group to protest the Republican presi- at the time. might have been a pickup place. tipped during a July fishing trip. dissolved after the lead guitarist dential nominee's racism and The canoers got a $50 reward. was released. Usually that's when ignorance. The project was called GLOBE-TROTTING DUCK DEVIL IN THE CLASSROOM? bands reunite. "The Emperor Has No Balls" — An oversized rubber duck sto- The Satanic Temple of Seat- HIS HEART BELONGS and neither did the statues. The len from a New Hampshire fam- tle has asked the Mount Vernon TO DADDY THE CUT SEEN rugs, however, matched the cur- ily's home five years ago has School District in the state of Her father's heart recipient 'ROUND THE WORLD tains, lending support to the Don- returned. After the duck's dis- Washington for permission to recently escorted a Pennsylva- On his way to the Olympics, ald's claims of authenticity. appearance, the Troiano family start an after-school program. nia bride down the aisle. Arthur Michael Phelps got a haircut from began receiving cryptic postcards The group made the request after Thomas received the donated an Atlanta barber, then snapped WHY HIM? and pictures of it from locations learning the Good News Bible organ after a mugger killed the a selfie of himself with his new Tony Perkins says natural disas- all over the world. A Facebook Club, which is run by the Child bride's dad 10 years ago. Jeni cut surrounded by a crowd of ters are caused by LGBT people, page documenting the globe- Evangelism Fellowship, had a pro- Stepien said she was thankful smiling barbers and customers. who bring down the wrath of God trotting of "Gale Ducky" gained gram at a local elementary school. his heart and spirit were able to The shot quickly received more on places such as New Orleans a large following. But Gale Ducky A 1991 U.S. Supreme Court ruling attend her wedding. Thomas said than 60,000 likes after the and New York. So how does he recently ended the adventure, stated that if schools allow any he couldn't imagine a greater record-setting swimmer posted it explain the recent flooding in returning home with a suitcase organization to use school prop- honor than escorting the daugh- on Instagram. The caption on his God-fearing southern Louisiana? full of mementos from 20 coun- erty, they must allow access to all ter of the man who gave him his post read, "Thanks to the boys at And how does he explain why his tries and cities across the United organizations, religious and secu- heart. #vintage barber shop for the nice house was one of many that were States and the globe. The duck's lar. The district is exploring how trim before rio!" Raefus Cox, the demolished? human travel companion remains to handle the conundrum. JAILHOUSE ROCKERS barber who gave Phelps the trim, a mystery. Rod Blagojevich, the most said he watched the Games all INJURED? We'll come to you! ONE CALL THAT'S ALL GRUBER LAW OFFICES LLC Personal Injury I Auto Accidents (414) 276-6666 gruber-law.com WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM I August 25, 2016 WEDC issued false claims of producing jobs in Sherman Park WiG report Of the three "Sherman Park" companies urbs. WEDC's own website takes credit for know investment is deeply needed, yet Gov. Scott Walker's troubled job agency on the WEDC map: impacting more jobs in Waukesha County we haven't seen it — and now must find has not created new jobs in Milwaukee's • Saelens Corporation, which received (12,317) than Milwaukee County (11,889), answers to where the state's flagship jobs Sherman Park neighborhood, despite $400,000 in tax credits, is actually based despite Milwaukee's much greater popula- agency is actually making its investments," claiming otherwise. closer to Menomonee Falls on Milwau- tion and poverty rates. said state Rep. Evan Goyke, whose district Citizen Action of Wisconsin conducted kee's far northwest side. Also, Walker chose to turn down more includes part of Sherman Park. "Where a review of reporting by the Wisconsin • Novation Companies, which received than $800 million in federal money for did the money actually go? As we move Economic Development Agency and could $750,000 in tax credits, is actually based high-speed rail, forcing a train manufac- to build strong neighborhoods throughout verify no job creation in the area, which downtown and is selling its office to a turer in the Sherman Park neighborhood to Milwaukee, we are left asking questions was the site of civil unrest Aug. 13-14. California tech company. leave Wisconsin. This could have been an about the state's investment, which could As Citizen Action has documented, • Merge Healthcare Inc., which received anchor for further economic development. be the economic foundation from which Sherman Park is on of the places that has $500,000 in tax credits, is actually based "It is clear that Sherman Park and other to rebuild prosperity in Milwaukee's most borne the brunt of the outsourcing and in Hartland. economically devastated areas like it have economically distressed neighborhoods." deindustrialization that has taken place Even if WEDC had created 483 jobs, been abandoned by Gov. Walker's failed On Aug. 23, Citizen Action of Wisconsin since the 1970s. that would not be nearly the scale of economic strategy," said Robert Kraig, held a news conference on a block in Sher- Citizen Action's review of the WEDC's employment necessary to help the thou- executive director of Citizen Action of man Park where WEDC falsely claimed database found claims of creating 483 jobs sands of area residents who cannot find Wisconsin. "WEDC's misrepresentations to have created new jobs. Local lawmak- in the area. good jobs. of its job creation efforts in Sherman Park ers and leaders called "for massive state The map on WEDC's website lists eight The revelation that Wisconsin's flagship are yet another affront to area residents, investments to expand opportunity in Mil- companies in Sherman Park receiving tax economic development agency is doing who simply want real economic opportu- waukee's urban core." credits or related incentives to create jobs. little to nothing for one of the most eco- nity and their fair share of the American Only three of them claim to have done so. nomically distressed areas in the United dream." However, an investigation revealed the States is consistent with early reports by "For decades, jobs within Milwaukee's The information in this article was provided three companies show they are not located Citizen Action and others that WEDC is industrial core have been lost to othw- by Robert Kraig, executive director of Citizen in Sherman Park.
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