September 8, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 157, Pt. 9 13225 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The (1) Rapidan Camp, once a summer retreat (The address delivered by the Presi- clerk will report the resolution by for President Herbert Hoover and now a na- dent of the United States to the joint title. tional historic landmark; session of the two Houses of Congress (2) Skyline Drive, a historic district listed The legislative clerk read as follows: on the National Register of Historic Places; is printed in the proceedings of the A resolution (S. Res. 260) commemorating (3) Massanutten Lodge, a structure listed House of Representatives in today’s the 75th anniversary of the dedication of on the National Register of Historic Places; RECORD.) Shenandoah National Park. (4) 360 buildings and structures included on the List of Classified Structures; f There being no objection, the Senate (5) 577 significant, recorded archeological proceeded to consider the resolution. sites, 11 of which are listed on the National RECESS SUBJECT TO THE CALL OF Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask Register of Historic Places; and THE CHAIR unanimous consent that the resolution (6) more than 100 historic cemeteries; Whereupon, at the conclusion of the be agreed to, the preamble be agreed Whereas Congress named 10 battlefields in joint session, the Senate, at 7:46 p.m., to, the motions to reconsider be laid the Shenandoah Valley for preservation in pursuant to the previous order, re- upon the table, with no intervening ac- the Shenandoah Valley Battlefields National cessed subject to the call of the Chair tion or debate, and any related state- Historic District and Commission Act of 1996 and reassembled at 7:49 p.m. when (section 606 of Public Law 104–333; 110 Stat. ments be printed in the RECORD. 4174), and Shenandoah National Park, an in- called to order by the Acting President The resolution (S. Res. 260) was tegral partner in that endeavor, provides pro tempore. agreed to. visitors with outstanding views of pristine, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- The preamble was agreed to. natural landscapes that are vital to the Civil pore. The majority leader is recog- The resolution, with its preamble, War legacy; nized. reads as follows: Whereas Shenandoah National Park also protects intangible resources, including as- f S. RES. 260 pects of the heritage of the people of the DISAPPROVAL OF THE PRESI- Whereas the 75th anniversary of the dedi- United States through the rigorous commit- cation of Shenandoah National Park cor- ments of the Civilian Conservation Corps and DENT’S EXERCISE OF AUTHOR- responds with the Civil War sesquicenten- the advancement of Civil Rights as Shen- ITY TO INCREASE THE DEBT nial, enriching the heritage of both the Com- andoah’s ‘‘separate but equal’’ facilities be- LIMIT—MOTION TO PROCEED monwealth of Virginia and the United came the first to desegregate in Virginia; Mr. REID. Mr. President, I now move Whereas, on October 20, 1976, Public Law States; to proceed to Calendar No. 153, S.J. Whereas in the early to mid-1920s, as a re- 94–567 was enacted, designating 79,579 acres sult of the efforts of the citizen-driven Shen- within Shenandoah National Park’s bound- Res. 25. andoah Valley, Inc. and the Shenandoah Na- aries as wilderness under the Wilderness Act The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- tional Park Association, the congressionally (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), which protects the pore. The clerk will report the motion. appointed Southern Appalachian National wilderness character of the lands ‘‘for the The legislative clerk read as follows: Park Committee recommended that Con- permanent good of the whole people’’; and Motion to proceed to the joint resolution gress authorize the establishment of a na- Whereas Congress should support efforts to (S.J. Res. 25) relating to the disapproval of tional park in the Blue Ridge Mountains of preserve the ecological and cultural integ- the President’s exercise of authority to in- Virginia for the purpose of providing the rity of Shenandoah National Park, maintain crease the debt limit, as submitted under western national park experience to the pop- the infrastructure of the Park, and protect section 3101A of title 31, United States Code, ulated eastern seaboard; the famously scenic views of the Shenandoah on August 2, 2011. Whereas, in 1935, the Secretary of the Inte- Valley: Now, therefore, be it rior, Harold Ickes, accepted the land deeds Resolved, That the Senate— The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- for what would become Shenandoah National (1) commemorates the 75th anniversary of pore. The motion is not debatable Park from the Commonwealth of Virginia, the dedication of Shenandoah National Park; under section 301(a) of Public Law 112– and, on July 3, 1936, President Franklin D. and 25. Roosevelt dedicated Shenandoah National (2) acknowledges the historic and enduring Mr. REID. Mr. President, I do ask Park ‘‘to this and to succeeding generations scenic, recreational, and economic value of now for the yeas and nays on my mo- the Park. for the recreation and re-creation they would tion. find’’; f The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Whereas the Appalachian Mountains ex- tend through 200,000 acres of Shenandoah Na- RECESS pore. Is there a sufficient second? tional Park and border the 8 Virginia coun- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask There appears to be a sufficient sec- ties of Albemarle, Augusta, Greene, Madison, unanimous consent that the Senate ond. Page, Rappahannock, Rockingham, and War- stand in recess until 6:30 p.m. The question is on agreeing to the ren; There being no objection, the Senate, motion. Whereas Shenandoah National Park is at 6:12 p.m., recessed until 6:30 p.m., The clerk will call the roll. home to a diverse ecosystem of 103 rare and and reassembled when called to order The legislative clerk called the roll. endangered species, 1,405 plant species, 51 Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the mammal species, 36 fish species, 26 reptile by the Presiding Officer (Mr. FRANKEN). Senator from West Virginia (Mr. species, 23 amphibian species, and more than f 200 bird species; ROCKEFELLER) and the Senator from Whereas the proximity of Shenandoah Na- JOINT SESSION OF THE TWO Virginia (Mr. WEBB) are necessarily ab- tional Park to heavily populated areas, in- HOUSES—ADDRESS BY THE sent. cluding Washington, District of Columbia, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED Mr. KYL. The following Senator is promotes regional travel and tourism, pro- STATES necessarily absent: the Senator from viding thousands of jobs and contributing The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Florida (Mr. RUBIO). millions of dollars to the economic vitality The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. of the region; ate will now proceed as a body to the Whereas Shenandoah National Park, rich Hall of the House of Representatives to FRANKEN). Are there any other Sen- with recreational opportunities, offers 520 receive a message from the President ators in the Chamber desiring to vote? miles of hiking trails, 200 miles of which are of the United States. The result was announced—yeas 45, designated horse trails and 101 miles of Thereupon, the Senate, preceded by nays 52, as follows: which are part of the 2,175-mile Appalachian the Deputy Sergeant at Arms, Martina [Rollcall Vote No. 130 Leg.] National Historic Trail, more than 90 fish- Bradford, the Secretary of the Senate, YEAS—45 able streams, 4 campgrounds, 7 picnic areas, Nancy Erickson, and the Vice Presi- 3 lodges, 6 backcountry cabins, and an exten- Alexander Coats Enzi dent of the United States, JOSEPH R. sive, rugged backcountry open to wilderness Ayotte Coburn Graham Barrasso Cochran Grassley camping to the millions of people who annu- BIDEN, proceeded to the Hall of the House of Representatives to hear the Blunt Collins Hatch ally visit the Park; Boozman Cornyn Heller Whereas the Park protects significant cul- address by the President of the United Burr Crapo Hoeven tural resources, including— States, Barack Obama. Chambliss DeMint Hutchison VerDate Mar 15 2010 14:39 Aug 13, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00074 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR11\S08SE1.002 S08SE1 pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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