NEWS AND NOTES 985 The Fifth World Congress of The International 1964, at a place to be determined later. Political Science Association was held at the The Fifteenth Annual meeting of the New UNESCO building in Paris, France, September York Political Science Association was held at 26-30, 1961. Over five hundred political scientists Cornell University on April 21 and 22, 1961. attended and there was representation from over Panel sessions were devoted to "Government and https://doi.org/10.1017/S0003055400126590 forty countries. The Congress was held under the Resources Development," and "Politics of De- . auspices of the Prime Minister, the Minister of veloping Areas." At the dinner session Laurin Foreign Affairs, and the Minister of National Henry of the Brookings Institution discussed Education of France. Professor J.-J. Chevallier, "Presidential Transition." Officers of the Associa- President of the French Political Science Asso- tion for 1961-62 are: William R. Willoughby, St. ciation, headed the Organizing Committee. Five Lawrence University, president; Channing Rich- series of panel discussions dealt with (1) the con- ardson, Hamilton College, vice president; Fred- tribution of studies of political behavior; (2) the erick T. Bent, Cornell University, secretary political problems of polyethnic states; (3) ad- treasurer; and James Riedel (Union College), ministrative problems in the field of nuclear Frederick Englemann (Alfred University), and energy; (4) technocracy and the role of experts in Herbert Rosenbaum (Hofstra College), members government; and (5) civil-military relations in of the excutive council. https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms the field of foreign policy making. Norman A joint meeting of the Western Political Science Chester, Warden of Nuffield College, Oxford, was Association and the Pacific Northwest Political elected President of IPSA for a three-year term, Science Association will be held March 23-24 at succeeding Jacques Chapsal, Directeur de l'ln- Portland State College. Officers of the WPSA are stitut d'Etudes Politiques de l'Universite de president, Hugh A. Bone, University of Washing- Paris. Carl J. Friedrich (Harvard), Jovan ton; vice-president, Ivan Hinderaker, UCLA; Djordjevic (Belgrade), Francesco Vito (Milan) secretary, Brock Dixon, Portland State College. and S. K. Kogekar (Poona, India) were elected Members of the executive committee are: vice-presidents and Evron M. Kirkpatrick was Harold Enarson, Roy V. Peel, Bernard C. elected to the Executive Committee. The next Hennessey, Ned Joy, Daniel M. Ogden, Jr., International Congress of IPSA will be held in Kline Swygart and Leo Riethmayer. APPOINTMENTS AND STAFF CHANGES , subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at Milnor Alexander has been given appointment ministration at the Pennsylvania State Univer- as instructor in political science at the Pennsyl- sity. Prior to this, he was assistant professor of vania State University. political science and assistant director of the training program of the governmental research Paul Alexander, Jr. of Vanderbilt University center at the University of Kansas. has accepted a position as instructor at Marshall University. Gary L. Best, formerly on the staff at the 29 Sep 2021 at 03:20:27 University of Oregon has accepted an appoint- Henry S. Albinski has been promoted to the , on ment as assistant professor at Miami University rank of assistant professor of political science at (Ohio). the Pennsylvania State University. Vernon V. Aspaturian has been promoted to Yaroslav Bilinsky,formerlyof Douglass College, Rutgers University, has been appointed assistant rank of professor of political science at the Penn- sylvania State University. professor at the University of Delaware. Hans Baerwald has been promoted to the rank Rev. Virgil C. Blum, S.J., has been promoted to professor of political science at Marquette Uni- . IP address: of associate professor at Miami University (Ohio). versity. Stephen Kemp Bailey, professor of political science, has been appointed as the fourth dean of John N. Born is now an instructor at the Uni- the Maxwell Graduate School of Citizenship and versity of Nevada. Public Affairs, Syracuse University, effective September 1, 1961. Robert Bone, formerly of Tulane University, has been appointed associate professor at Florida Russell H. Barrett has been advanced to a full State University. professorship at the University of Mississippi. Clark W. Bouton, formerly of Drake Univer- https://www.cambridge.org/core Kenneth E. Beasley has been appointed asso- sity, has been appointed assistant professor of ciate professor of political science and public ad- political science at the University of Colorado. Downloaded from F 986 THE AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW Robert Burrowes, Ph.D. candidate at Prince- Emery Fast has been made professor of political ton, has been appointed instructor in political science at Montogomery Junior College. science at University College, New York Univer- sity. Edward T. Ferguson III, formerly of the faculty of Southern Illinois University, has been Leo I). Cagan has been appointed chairman of appointed assistant professor of political science https://doi.org/10.1017/S0003055400126590 . the government department at San Francisco at the University of Oregon. State College. Richard M. Fink, candidate for the Ph.D. at Mark W. Cannon, formerly administrative Harvard, has been appointed an acting instructor assistant to Congressman Henry Aldous Dixon, at the University of Wisconsin. has been made associate professor and chairman of the department of political science at Brigham Mildred L. Fitch, associate professor of govern- Young University. ment, Purdue University, retired from the Uni- versity on June 30, 1961, She was named Profes- Donald F. Cate at Stanford University has ac- sor Emeritus by action of the Board of Trustees. cepted a position at San Francisco State College. Milton E. Flower has been appointed chairman https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms Hsien t'ing Peter Ch'en has been appointed in- of the department of political science at Dickinson structor in the department at Brown. College. Yung Ping Chen, on leave from the Pan Wayne Francis has been appointed instructor American College, has been appointed as lecturer and research assistant in the bureau of govern- in the European program of the University of ment research at Indiana University. Maryland commencing in September, 1961. Elke Frank, tutor at Harvard, has been ap- Edwin Cobb, a doctoral candidate at the pointed assistant professor at Florida State Uni- George Washington University, has been ap- versity. pointed an instructor of political science at the Carl M. Frasure, who has served 26 years as Montgomery Junior College. chairman of the department of political science George A. Codding, formerly of the University has been appointed dean of the college of arts and of Pennsylvania, has been appointed associate science, West Virginia University. professor of political science at the University of Robert L. Friedheim, who expects to complete Colorado. the work for his Ph.D. at the University of Wash- ington in August, 1961, was appointed assistant , subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at Stuart Edgar Colie, formerly of Bowdoin College, took up his duties as assistant professor professor of government at Purdue University, of political studies at the American University of effective September 1, 1961. Beirut in Lebanon in September, 1961. Robert S. Friedman of Louisiana State Uni- Thomas I. Cook has been named chairman of versity, has resigned to accept a visiting associate the department of political science at the Johns professorship at the University of Michigan. 29 Sep 2021 at 03:20:27 Hopkins University. Richard T. Frost, formerly assistant professor , on Eugene E. Dais has accepted appointment as of politics at Princeton University, is associate assistant professor on political science at the professor of political science and administrative Johns Hopkins University. assistant to the president, Reed College, effective September, 1961. David J. Danelski of the University of Illinois has become assistant professor at the University Jack G. Gabbert, formerly of the University of of Washington. Texas, has been appointed instructor in political science at Washington State University at Pull- . IP address: Paul Dolan has been promoted to full professor- man. ship in the department of political science at the Fred Gantt, Jr., formerly of the University of University of Delaware. Texas, has been appointed instructor in history Harry Eckstein of Princeton has been promoted and government at the A & M College of Texas. to full professor. Robert Moulton Gatke has retired after 25 Jack D. Edwards has been appointed instructor years as professor and chairman of the political at the University of Nevada. science department at Willamette University and 40 years as a member of the faculty. Luigi R. Einaudi has been appointed as an in- https://www.cambridge.org/core structor in government at Wesleyan University. William Gerberding has accepted an appoint- Downloaded from NEWS AND NOTES 987 ment as assistant professor of political science at of political science at Michigan State University, the University of California, Los Angeles. Oakland. John D. Gerletti has been promoted from asso- Victor K. Heyman of Marshall University has ciate to full professor of public administration at resigned to accept a position in the Department of the University
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