;:j?_ Y'f; lfJ2rf­ Efr- ~8 gf 1 o2 8 ALLEGHENY WILD AND SCENIC RIVER STUDY REPORT AND DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT U. S. Department of Agriculture - Forest Service . ! e Allegheny National F?rest, Warren, PA 16365·' ... ~ Federal Register / Vol. 53, No. 241 / Thursday, December 15, 1988 / Notices 50451 project must submit to the Commission, 385.210, 385.211, 385.214. In determining a. Type of Application: Preliminary on or before the specified comment date the appropriate action to take, the Permit. for the particular application, the Commission will consider all protests or b. Project No.: 10667-000. competing application or a notice of other comments filed, but only those c. Date Filed: September 27, 1988. intent to file such an application (see 18 who file a motion to intervene in d. Applicant: Youghiogheny CFR 4.36 (1985)). Submitting a timely accordance with the Commission's Hydroelectric Authority. notice of intent allows an interested Rules may become a party to the person to file the competing preliminary proceeding. Any comments, protests, or e. Name of Project: Tionesta Dam permit application no later than 30 days motions to intervene must be received Hydro Project. after the specified comment date for the on or before the specified comment date f. Location: On the Tionesta Creek, in particular application. for the particular application. Forest County, Pennsylvania. A competing preliminary permit g. Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power C. Filing and Service of Responsive application must conform with 18 CFR Act 16 U.S.C. 791(a) 825(r). Documents 4.30(b) (1) and (9) and 4.36. h. Applicant Contact: Mr. Robert D. A7. Preliminary Permit Any filings must bear in all capital Rizzo. D/R Hydro Company, 10 Duff letters the title "COMMENTS," Road, Suite 300, Pittsburgh. PA 15235, Any qualified applicant desiring to file "RECOMMENDATIONS FOR TERMS (412) 242-7900. a competing development application AND CONDITIONS," "NOTICE OF i. FERG Contact: Mary Nowak, (202) must submit to the Commission, on or INTENT TO FILE COMPETING before the specified comment date for 376-9634. APPLICATION," "COMPETING j. Comment Date: January 12, 1989. the particular application, either the APPLICATIONS," "PROTEST" or competing development application or a "MOTION TO INTERVENE," as k. Competing Application: Project No. notice of intent to file such an applicable, and the project number of 10626. Date Filed: July 15, 1988. application. Submitting a timely notice the particular application to which the I. Description of Project: The proposed of intent allows an interested person to filing is in response. Any of these project would utilize the existing U.S. file the competing application no later documents must be filed by providing Corps of Engineers' Tionesta dam and than 120 days after the specified the original and the number of copies would consist of: (a) A proposed comment date for the particular required by the Commission's penstock approximately 250 feet long application. regulations to: the Secretary, Federal and 18 feet in diameter connected to an A competing license application must Energy Regulatory Commission, 825 existing intake structure located about conform with 18 CFR 4.30(b) (1) and (9) North Capitol Street, NE., Washington, 1,000 feet from the dam; (b) a proposed and 4.36. DC 20426. An additional copy must be powerhouse containing one new turbine A9. Notice of Intent sent to: the Director, Division of Project generator having a total installed capacity of 6 megawatts; (c) a 100-foot­ A notice of intent must specify the Review, Office of Hydropower Licensing, Federal Energy Regulatory long by 50-foot-wide tailrace; (d) a exact name, business address, and proposed transmission line telephone number of the prospective Commission, Room 204-RB, at the above approximately 200 feet long; and (e) applicant, and must include an address. A copy of any notice of intent, appurtenant facilites. The proposed unequivocal statement of intent to competing application, or motion to project would have an average annual submit, if such an application may be intervene must also be served upon each filed, either a preliminary permit representative of the applicant specified generation of approximately 20,000,000 application or a development in the particular application. kilowatthours. The applicant estimates that the studies under permit would be application (specify which type of D2. Agency Comments application). A notice of intent must be about $150,000. served on the applicant(s) named in this The Commission invites Federal, m. This notice also consists of the public notice. state, and local agencies to file following standard paragraphs: AB, A10, comments on the described application. B, C, and D2. AJO. Proposed Scope of Studies Under (Agencies may obtain a copy of the Permit application directly from the applicant.) Standard Paragraphs A preliminary permit, if issued, does If an agency does not file comments AB. Preliminary Permit not authorize construction. The term of within the time specified for filing the proposed preliminary permit would comments, the Commission will presume Public notice of the filing of the initial be 36 months. The work proposed under that the agency has none. One copy of preliminary permit application, which the preliminary permit would include an agency's comments must also be sent has already been given, established the economic analysis, preparation of to the applicant's representatives. due date for filing competing preliminary engineering plans, and a Lois D. Cashell, preliminary permit and development study of environmental impacts. Based Secretary. applications or notices of intent. Any competing preliminary permit or on the results of these studies, the [FR Doc. 88--28875 Filed 12-14-88; 8:45 am] development application, or notice of applicant would decide whether to BILLING CODE 8717-01-M proceed with the preparation of a intent to file a competing application, development application to construct must be filed in response to and in and operate the project. Application Filed With the Commission compliance with the public notice of the initial preliminary permit application. B. Comments, Protests, or Motions to November 8, 1988. No competing applications or notices of Intervene Take notice that the following intent may be filed in response to this Anyone may submit comments, a hydroelectric application has been filed notice. protest, or a motion to intervene in with the Federal Energy Regulatory A competing license application must accordc..nce with the requirements of the Commission and is available for public conform with 18 CFR 4.30(b) (10 and 9) Rules of Practice and Procedure, 18 CFR inspection: and 4.36. 50452 Federal Register / Vol. 53, No. 241 / Thursday, December 15, 1988 / Notices i\10. Proposed Scope of Studies Under may obtain a copy of the application I. Purpose of Project: The power Permit directly from the applicant.) U an agency produced would be sold to a local power A preliminary permit, if issued, does does not file comments within the time company. not authorize construction. The term of specified for filing comments, the m.. This notice also consists of the the proposed preliminary permit would Commission will presume that the following standard paragraphs: A5, A7, be 36 months. The work proposed under agency has none. One copy of an A9,A10, B, C and D2. the preliminary permit would include agency's comments must also be sent to Standard Paragraphs economic analysis, preparation of the applicant's representatives. preliminary engineering plans, and a Lois D. Cashel!, AS. Preliminary Permit study of environmental impacts. Based Secretary. Any qualified applicant desiring to file on the results of these studies, the [FR Doc. 88-28876 Filed 12-14-88; 6:45 am) a competing application for a applicant would decide whether to BILLING CODE 6717-01-M preliminary permit for a proposed proceed with the preparation of a project must submit to the Commission, development application to construct on or before the specified comment date and operate the project. Application Filed With the Commission for the particular application, the competing application or a notice of B. Comments, Protests. or J\,fotions to November 9. 1986. intent to file such an application (see 1B lnterrene Take notice that the following CFR 4.36 (1985)). Submitting a timely Anyone may submit comments, a hydroelectric application has been filed notice of intent allows an interested protest, or a motio to intervene in with the Federal Energy Regulatory person to file the competing preliminary accordance with the requirements of the Commission and is available for public permit application no later than 30 days Rules of Practice and Procedure, 18 CFR inspection: after the specified comment date for the 385.210, 385.211, 385.214. In determining a. Type of Application: Preliminary particular application. the appropriate action to take, the Permit. A competing preliminary permit Commission will consider all protests or b. Project No.: 10669-000. application must conform with l8 CFR other comments filed, but only those c. Date Filed: October 3, 1988. 4.30 (b)(l) and (9) and 4.36. who file a motion to intervene in d. Applicant: New York Irrigation A7. Preliminary Pennit accordance with the Commission's District, Boise-Kuna Irrigation District, Rules may become a party to the Wilder Irrigation District, Big Bend Any qualified applicant desiring to filp proceeding. Any comments, protests, or Irrigation District, Nampa and Meridian a competing development application motions to intervene must be received Irrigation District. must submit to the Commission, on or on or before the specified comment date e. Name of Project: Twin Springs before the specified comment date for for the particular application. Irrigation Reservoir and Hydroelectric the particular application, either the competing development application or a C. Filing and Service of Responsive Project. notice of intent to file such an Documents f.
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