NEWS Students voice their opinions about the Budget Repair Bill, page 3 .... POINTLIFE Want .a dorm pet? ......... _ . .. ... --·- - ·- - -·- ---- .·-- ·-···- -···· - -·-- -- Well, your options are pretty SPORTS Anything can happen in basketball, page S limited, page 5 ................ _. ··- -·········- ···- ................. - .. ,........... .......... ........ - ... OPINION Is the Republican Party declaring awar on women? page 11 March 3, 2011 pointeronline.uwsp.edu Volume 55 I Issue 19 Stevens Point City Bus in jeopardy DUSTIN KLEIN [email protected] . After the 14 Democratic state sen­ ators left the state last week in an effort to slow down the Budget Repair Bill, they have -begun to widen their argu­ ments against it. Democratic Senator and University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point alumnus, Julie Lassa, released a statement on the economic impact of the bill in her district. "If the Governor's bill goes through, the city's transit system will have to be shut down as a result of the loss of transit funding from the federal government due to the absence of collective bargaining pro­ visions," said Lassa. This is because the federal gov­ ernment requires transit employees to get a carting amount of fringe bene­ fits for a city to receive federal money. If the bill passes, Stevens Point transit employees may loose those required benefits and the federal money. UWSP students pay a segregated Photo by Samantha Feld fee into The City Bus system so that Govenor Scott Walker's Budget Repair Bill could cause The Stevens Point City Bus system to lose all federal money and shut down. they may ride the bus for free. It's a way for many students living off oriented," Bruch said. himself as a Republican. branded the "Wisconsin 14," have campus to get to school. Students on campus also use ''I'm a Republican, and I don't repeatedly said they are not corning Stefan Bruch, junior natu­ The City Bus to go to areas around even like this bill," he said. back to Wisconsin until Republican ral recources major, lives b1 the Stevens Point for errands like shop­ Mayor Andrew Halverson origi­ Governor Scott Walker is willing to sit Wisconsin River and looks at the idea ping and eating. nally brought up the issue of The City down and discuss the bill and make of losing the City Bus as a downside Joe Zompolas, freshman natural Bus while he was in Madison when compromises. Neither of the bill. recources major, lives in a residence he went to propose resolutions and "Republicans can be so crooked hall and has strong feelings on the amendments for the bill. See Bus, page 2 sometimes. They're very corporate- bill as well, even though he describes The Democratic State Senators, SGA passes final move on UCAPB and SHAC DUSTIN KLEIN Committee. dure is completed," he said. place previously was also not ideal. [email protected] However, this isn't the final SGA Senators didn't all agree "I feel proposed SUFAC reorga­ step for the legislation, as Interim with Van Den Elzen's take on the nizations actually does represent an The Student Government Vice Chancellor Brad Van Den Elzen issue. opportunity for our university," Van Association passed legislation that explained to the Senate at their last Pat Testin, senator for Letters and Den Elzen explained. they hope will bring an end to the weekly meeting. Sciences, ·raised his placard to ask That final step may occur after debate about segregated fees at the Van Den Elzen went on to explain questions of Van Den Elzen several the university's budgets are due for University of Wisconsin-Stevens that UW System Policy 35-C dictates times throughout the meeting. the next fiscal year, and, according to Point. the procedure for internal changes to "System policy states that there is Van Den Elzen, the Chancellor will Under the new legislation student government at universities. one SUFAC per university. To say that not allow those budgets to be late authored by Vice President Hans The next step for the legislation is this idea is new ... I would disagree," this year. · Schmid, the University Centers approval by the Chancellor and then Testin said. Advisory and Policy Board and the approval by the Board of Regents Van Den Elzen did explain that See SGA, page 2 Student Health Advisory Committee after submission by the university he agreed with the measures taken will no longer have power to allocate "It seems that there are policies by SGA and that Chancellor Bernie student money. The power instead being implemented before the proce- Patterson also felt that the system in will be granted to the SGA Finance INDEX ONLINE CONTACT US NEWSROOM .................................................... 715.346.2249 NEWS 1-3 Check us out on line at BUSINESS ........................................................ 715.346.3800 Please SPORTS 4-6 Recycle. POINTLIFE 7-10, 12 pointeronline.uwsp.edu. ADVERTISING .................................................. 715.346.3707 OPINION 11 FAX .................................................................. 715.346.4712 2 The Pointer NEWS THE POINTER Bus/ Dems. Editorial Editor-i n-Chief ................... .......... .... ... .... .. Greg Ubbelohde want com- Managing Editor ....... .. ............... .... ... .............. Aaron Osowski .. News Editor promise ...... .... .... ........ ......... ...... ........ Aaron Osowski Sports Editor ... .... ....... .... ....... ... ... .. .... ... .Seth Hoffmeister continued from page I Pointlife Editor ........... .. .. ............................... Kaitl yn Luckow side has budged and the bill can­ Online Editor not be passed without a 20-member ...... ................ ... ......... ... ......... ... Chris Be rens Head Copy Editor quorum. The Republicans have 19 ...... ., ......................... .. ... ...Moll y Halgrimson members in the Senate, meaning one Copy Editors Democrat coming back into the state ..... .......................... L<}ura Hauser-Menting would allow them to have quorum. Walker alleges that Democratic Photo by Samantha Feld Reporters Senators are trying to come back into Members ofWEAC, AFSCME, and students and community members, filled the Sundial ............................ .... ....... .. ....... Madison Heid the state but can't until they get some Thursday to protest Governor Scott Walker's Budget Repair Bill. ... ......... ....... ........ .. ... ,. .. ... ........ .. ..Du stin Klein result to give back to their constitu­ ..... ................ ....... ............ ..... ...... Dan Neckar ents. ... ........ ...... .. .Agu stus Marcellino-Merwin "Seven . to nine Democratic .. ............................. .. ........ .. ... Logan Carlson Senators have reached out to ....... .. ............. ........................... Nate Enwald Republican members of the Senate Union supporters show Photography and Design trying to find a way to get back into the state, but they can't find a way out Photo Editor of this hole they've dug," he said. solidarity in the Sundial .. .......... ....... ............... ... ......... Samantha Feld With both sides having support Layout Editor from various groups, issues like the LOGAN CARLSON voiced his opposition to the bill as .... .................................... .. ... ..Rebecca Swan City Bus await final confirmation Lcarl 5 5 [email protected] well. Harswick refuted reports from Page Designers from the Senate on whether the bill Fox News and Walker that the crowds .............. ............. .... ......... ... .. ........... Kelly Lutz passes or fails. Rallies in opposition to Governor. who were organizing were from out .. .... ... .... ...... .... .... .... ... ... ..... ... .. ...... Elsa Weber The City Bus does employ Scott Walker's Budget Repair Bill of state. Business Stevens Point residents and ridership showed no sign of dwindling last ''I'm from Green Bay, which has increased over the past two years week as the University of Wisconsin­ is a long way from Nevada," said Stevens Point held one of the larg­ Advertising Manager dramatically as students have had Harswick. .............................. Laura Hauser-Menting est rallies outside of Madison and access to free ridership. "Real leaders lead by compromis­ Business Manager Milwaukee last Thursday at the ing and sitting down, not acting like ........... .. ................................... Anna Vroman Sundial. The crowd featured a mix of tyrannical kings," said Harswick, in college students, teachers, firefight­ reference to Walker's refusal to sit Faculty Adviser ers, police and other union support­ down and negotiate with Democratic ............................. .. .................... .. .. Liz Fakazis ers. lawmakers and union officials. SGA/ Bernie At 5 p.m., supporters started Seth Hoffmeister, who helped their march south towards the cam­ organize the event, spoke about how has next pus from the Ramada Inn, which was this bill would affect his family. hosting a teachers' convention at the "My mom works for the schools time. When the march reached the in Eau Claire. My brother just got a move Sundial, the crowd that had gathered job for the schools," said Hoffmeister. erupted in loud cheers and applause. "After 6 years of not having health continued from page I The official start to the rally began care ·he now has health care because Editorial Policies with music provided by Horseshoes he works for the schools. That is in The Pointer is a student-run "Bernie is drawing an explicit line and Hand Grenades. While playing danger of being taken away now." a rendition of "This Land is Your newspaper published weekly in the sand;
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