~ ~~AN. .,u ,.,~ j.· .. :· • ~ ( -; --~ -: ~ j HI i 4 ;; •.i 'tj .I COMMISSION OF THJB JEUROPE.tL~ COI\1MUN1TIES • ~ ~1-1(74) 1825 final Brussel-s, 7 November- 1974 ·.J Proposal for a. COUNCIL DECISION extending the period of operation of the system of minimum prices for potatoes and certain vinegars (submitted to the Council ~r the Commission) • COM(74) 1825 final '·· <.: .. ~.,, ..... ~ ..,... .. ' VI/3890/74-E 1. 1. rosuant to the second sentence of Arti'c.le 44(6) of the EEC Treaty, the Council, by its Decision tf 20 December 1969 (OJ No L 328 1 30 December 1969, P• 11) extended in respect of the Member States concerned the period during which the s,ystem of-minimum prices effective on 31 December ·1969 was to apply. However, in the case of vin~gar and substitutes for vinegar imported into Germ~ and of seed potatoes and certain fishery products imported into F:":.nc~, it also authorised the levying of countervailing charges in place m' minimum prices. 2. The CMmcil Decision of 20 December 1969, which was to apply qntil 31 December 1970 e . ., t:1e latest, was extended successively by the Decisions of 15 :D:;cGn:·3r 1970 (OJ No L ~81, 27 December 1970, ~~ 25), of 29 Deccinber 1971 (OJ ~T0 !, 2, 4 January 1972, P• 23), of 19 December 1972 (OJ No L 291, 28 De.cer~1:Gr l972, P• 152) and of 17 December 1973 (OJ No L 360, 29 December 1973, P• 6)). \ At, the time when ~hose extensions were made, in December 1970 and December 1971, the CfJ:Jl:'lcil took into account the fact that the autho:risation granted to the Menber States concerned to levy countervailing charges in place of minimum prices on wine vinegar and the fishery products specified in the Decision of 20 Deceobcr 1969 had eA~ired on 1 June 1970 and I February 1971,·the respective dated from which took effect Council Regulation (EEC) No. 816/70 of 28 April 1970 leying dmm addi tiona1 provisions for the common organisation of the na.rket in vrine (OJ No L 99, 5 Mey 1970, p. 1) a.nd Council Regulation .. (EEC) No. 2142/70 of 20 October 1970 ·on the common organisation of the market in fishery products (OJ No L 236, 27'0ctober 1970, P• 5) • • 3. At present· of all the arrangements instituted under Article 44 of the EEC Treaty, only the foll~1ing are stil~ in effect: (a) charges· replacing miniml.Ul4 prlce_f.a in .Fra.nce,,S(:led potatoes and in Germ~, vinegar and substitutes for ~negfll', other than. wine vinega;r;. ' (b). :t:Ji•1imum pricas: in Fra.n.Oe, ware potatoes and in Franco, Germ~, E-<'.Lgium a.nd Lu.xeobourg, nm-i potatoes. The s,ystem of minimUP p:x-ices is at present applied: for ware potatoes, in France, throughout the ye,:.r; for new potatoes, in France, from 15 Ma;y to ·30 June, in Belgium e.tl'1 Luxem ..l()ilr.gt from 1 Jtirie 'to 31 July and ·in ·Ge'rrna.n:Y, :f'ros 10 June to 10 August. ·.. :· ·' ' ....... f"'~ • J .. ' .. ( , .. ~~ ' ••••••• .c ·-·•. -'"*' - ·: .. '· .......... ..,.,_ ., - It should be noted that in the past the application of cinimum prices '"'I 4· \ • ··r ' .. ,I or ot charges helped alleViate; ~difftcUl ties a:-ismg w~'J;h regard to those ) ., '! .:.. .• ~· ', ·products. _, ..... As regards ohar~s .lerled, instead of m~ prices, (on seed potatoe·s and Vinegar other than wine vinegar) the figures 'in the attached tables show ·a favourable trend. · · The. appl~c~tion of the systGill of minimum prices for seed· potatoes (France, 'Belgiu:l', ;; .(~ Lu%ollbOUl'& Germany) involved in 1974 the closing of :frontiers a.t certain times of the year: in France, :from 28 Mew to 5 June a.nd frOLl 21 June to ' ., 25 ·June and in Germa:rzy', froo 1 July to 17 July and from 23 July to 10 A~st. I Nonetheless,·trade tn new potatoes over the yea:r ~be considered b,y and large; to have been normal. ,l'i Admittedly, in tho case of wa:rc potatoes, together with' the application of the system of nini.Lrum prices, France closed its· frontier from 23 JUly to ~· ' ,' 24 October 1974 to imparts from the EEC countries and Greece. However, it has to be recognised that the import requirements of France, whicn for this product is prC:domine.ntly an exporting country, are: limited in normal years .. 5· (a) ·'The Council Decision of 17 December· 1913 extended the period during which systems of minimum prices of count~rva.iling charges in pitl.Ce of minimum ·prices might be applied until such time as a. common orgaidsa.tion of the ' ' ' .. ~· markets in the products in question could be est~ished or until • I • • 31 December 1974, whichever was the earlier. It should be ~ted that the • Council is at present discussing a proposal for a common organisation of, t~e: ma:rket in alcohol, whi<?h would cowr spirit vinegar, and that work, is in progress on m~a.sures to establish a. common orga.nisa:tion of the 'V market in vinegar other than wine or spirit vinegar. (b) 4s regards potatoes, however, it has not yet been possible to submit to the Council a proposal for a common or~isa.tion of the market. It mu:st· be remember~d· that 'the pr~blems ·:created. by the particular characteri'stics. of· this mark~t ha.ve been aggra.Va.t~d by_.tf'le enlargement of tbe Cdmmuhity since. in th~ United. Kingdom there exists a national - • organisation of the I!lai-k~t which comPz.i'scs ~ system' of individual quotas ~ 1 r susta.nteed prices em.'; d~ticiency p~ents. ',( ii ~ -3- . I •• In view of the above, the period of validit,y of the Council Decision of I ! 17 December 1973 extending the system of miniLlum prices should be extended in respect ofpo'ta-t;~ ·.and romrt;~ :~JS. 1Ult1li'3lr:O~em'bet! 1975 at the latest. This is the purpose of the proposal for a decision attached hereto • .. :,. VI/3890/74-E ' ~ AIDIEX I,- • Q le FR4J.1CE .- IMPORTS -ffe~d 11~tato~ 1,ooo kg ' .. ': ..... • ..... '. -·. • ··~ • t • • • ·::·;:~$~96·~· ·-·-1967 .J 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 ~97~ ~ .. .. ~ ~ f I .c lit F ~- 1' ' t'GermaJzy" 634 1,499 .311 507 174 858 331 666 BLF.U 727 716 .849 544 739 644 58o .596 Netherlands 58,517 79,240 47,881 61,474 59,565 49,763 61,359 67,584. Italy 45 16 19 19 13 2<~ - - if Denmark 1,361 6,735 1.047 1,021 1,237 6,10~ 240* 10L:. TJnitcd ! K~ngdoo - ' - ., I - • - - - - - I . Ireland - - - - '.- - ':- .. - I i J<ir:Y.) as ;• , 1 o.,·iginally · cr-·:nsti tuted 59,938 31,455 49,.085 62,521 60,497 51,284 62,283 68,87C ! ~'including ! ' JJenoa.rk) 61,299 88,190 62,523 I 50,133 63,562 61,734 57,392 69,574 I ' r 1 \it;.rld 61,992 90,183 50,645 64,305 62,984 59,236 64,261 72,646 ' ; ' i: ·-· . I * The probable reason for this extrenely lat·r figure is the objections on plant health grounds raised by France. ' .. ~I •','1" •v· or W'' ~ •, I' ,.· \ ' ' G -~··,-c..;~ ;'L, . -~ ·' ' ' J .l ' .1 j '.\' '•, ,. hl .. • • 1" I. • • J . ' ·~ . ' ,, . ~·. '"' '--~ ... J••• ... •• .. t " ~ Origin'· I ~ ',! 1968 1969 . ... 1970 1~71 •.. 1972 1973 .. -· .,''• t .. \ .:, iI { France 229 306. 1,401 521 1,200 706 ' BLEU I ... 171 145 ~ - - - I Netherlands .. 30 - - 3,596 - ' ~ Italy I 545 1,116 . 1,25.6 1,855 1,995 2,334 '· i New Member States ' - - ; - . I - - - ' :~1 ,. EEC 774 1,563 3,024 3,984 ~ 3,532 7,268 ;~ i· '; I• World 1, 371 2,153 3,341 3,546 ; 3,979 8,063 ~ I· I ' ' .~ Source: Nimexe analytical tables for .1968, 1969, 1910, ~971, 1972 Statistisches Bundesamt, Series 2, 1973 N:B: This table does not distinguish between wine' vinegar and othe; vinegar. •' '· , •' '!' ~· ·r ~ 1.," .. ,. ' ' r "'.) I'~ ·., VI/3890/74-E Preposal for a COUNCIL DECISION \'i ) extending the period of operation of the ~stem of minimum prices for potatoes and certain vinegars. #. THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPF.AN COMMUNITIES1 :tlI Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European EconOl!lic Comnunity, ., and in particular Article 44 thereof; Having regard to the proposal from the Commission; . Having regard to the Opinion of the European Parliament; Whereas, by its Decision of 4 April 1962(l) on m,inioUIJ prices;, the Council laid down objective criteria for the establishoent of minioum price s,ysteos and . I . ! ! for the fi~ing of such prices; Whereas, by its Decision of 20 December 1969(2 ~, the Council extended, in respect of the Member States concernedr the period during which the ~stem of minimum prices ef'fective on 31 December 1969 was tQ apply; whereas, in the case of vinegar and substitutes for vinegar other than wine vinegar imported into Germany and of ,.• seed potatoes and certain fisher~ p~oducts imported into F.rancer however it authorised in place of minimum prices the levying of countervailing charges; ,.1 \ Whereas the Decision of 20 December 1969, which was to apply until not later than 31 December 1970, was extended successively by the Decision of 15 December 1970(3), the Decision of 20 Decenber 1971 (4), the Decision of 19 Dec.ember 1972(5) and the ' (6) - Decision of 17 December 1973 ; ..... 'CH T I ••• ...,_ 1 OJ No 30, 20 April, 1962, P• 995/62 2 OJ No L 328, 30 December 1969, P• 11.
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