JANUARY 26, 1973 25 CENTS VOLUME 37/NUMBER 3 A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY/PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE ere i eno • e sou Thleu •11xon. Rumored 'peace· accords •old maintain uro-u.s. regime In Salaon. see pages 3,4. Linda Jenness on abortion movemenl/14 . Phase 3= same wine in new bOIIIe111 In Brief THIS EX-NUN FREED, EXPELLED FROM BOLIVIA: that while voiceprints are accurate in a laboratory, they On Jan. 13 the regime of Colonel Hugo Banzer Suarez are not reliable under field conditions, including the re­ WEEK'S released from jail and degorted Mary Elizabeth Harding, corded telephone conversation introduced as evidence a former Maryknoll nun from Worcester, Mass. Harding, against defendant Nehemiah Jackson. who was arrested last Dec. 5, was accused ofbelonging to The prosecution attempted to show that a scratchy police MILITANT the ELN (Army of National Liberation), a guerrilla or­ recording of a telephone call luring two police officers 3 U.S. raises nuclear ganization founded by Che Guevara. into an ambush in April 1971 was a recording of Jack­ threat In a letter to a friend in the U.S. dated July 1972, son's voice. 4 Reply to Tom Hayden Harding spoke of her work in the Committee for Defense On Jan. 15 a support rally was held at noon at the of Human Rights and pleaded for protests in the U.S. on 'peace' accords courthouse. Speakers included Billy Dean Smith, a re­ to answer Banzer's repression. cently released political prisoner; the Reverend AI Dortsch Rockefeller's drug pro­ 9 Her release came after growing protests and extensive of Operation Breadbasket in Los Angeles; Woody Diaz gram news coverage drew attention to her imprisonment and of the Young Socialist Alliance; Mike Wolsson ofthe Young 10 Chicago teachers strike the plight of thousands of political prisoners in Bolivia. Workers Liberation League; and representatives of the gains support The U. S. Committee for Justice to Latin American Po­ Vietnam Veterans Against the War and the ACL U. litical Prisoners (USLA) reported that letters and tele­ 11 Price rise highest since Funds are urgently needed to continue the defense ef­ grams had been sent to Bolivian officials, and that seve­ fort. Contributions may be sent to the Riverside Political Korean War ral demonstrations were being organized when Harding Prisoners Defense Committee, P. 0. Box 5154, San Ber­ 12 Israeli socialists call for was released. nardino, Calif. 92412. Telephone: (714) 684-8131. solidarity 13 Detroit Blacks hit new VICTORY IN TOMBS CASE: On Jan. 16 a New York cop attacks State Supreme Court jury acquitted Earl Whittaker of GAY ACTIVISTS ALLIANCE WINS RIGHT TO IN­ two counts of kidnapping and one of unlawful imprison­ 15 Program for March CORPORATE: After more than two years of court battles, ment. The charges stem from a rebellion in 1970 at the abortion tribunal takes the New York Gay Activists Alliance has won the right Manhattan House of Detention, better known as the Tombs. to establish itself as a corporation under that name. In shape Whittaker, a guard at the prison, was accused of taking a 6-to-0 decision New York State Court of Appeals ruled 16 l. A. officials rule Rodri­ the side of the prisoners during the rebellion, during which Jan. 12 that Secretary of State John. Lomenzo acted ar­ guez can't appear on he and 11 other guards were held hostage. He faced bitrarily in denying GAA the right to incorporate. ballot as 'socialist'· life imprisonment on the kidnapping charge. The jury Lomenzo had argued that the GAA, which advocates has not yet returned a verdict on lesser charges of criminal 17 What's wrong with Ber­ the repeal of the state's archaic sodomy law, would be solicitation and obstructing governmental administration. promoting "activities which are contrary to the avowed keley 'Community' slate? Guards at the Tombs had testified that Whittaker was public policy of the state.... " 18 Issues in N.Y. Dist. 1 not considered trustworthy or cooperative. Whittaker ex­ school fight plained that he would not falsify reports, could not co­ 19 Uganda: meaning of operate with other officers who did, and would not use NEW GOVERNMENT ATTACK ON YWLL: The court­ Amin's nationaliza,tions excessive force against inmates. This case is the second resulting from the Tombs re­ martial of Clifford (Heshima) Broadnax on a charge 21 How ADL distorts Pales­ volt. Earlier three prisoners were acquitted of charges of being absent without leave from the Armywas scheduled tinian struggle similar to those against Whittaker. Two other prisoners, to begin Jan. 15. Broadnax, a member of the Young 24 Scandinavians spear­ Herbert Blyden and Stanley King, remain to be tried. Workers Liberation League, was arrested in Berkeley head Viet protests Dec. 4 by a dozen FBI agents. Taken under armed guard to the Presidio Army Base in San Francisco, he was 'THE UNITED STATES AT ITS BEST': That's what shipped to Fort Lewis in Washington State the next day. Nixon says about the $10.6-million his administration The YWLL pointed out that Broadnax was AWOL from 2 In Brief doled out as emergency relief to Nicaragua following the Fort Ord, in Monterey, Calif., and that his transfer to Fort 6 In Our Opinion earth-quake there. He spent $2-billion for bombing Viet­ Lewis can only be interpreted as an attempt to isolate Letters nam just in the last nine months. him. His arrest came the day after that of Leonard McNeil, 7 Women in Revolt the chairman of the Northern California YWLL, who was arraigned on a charge of draft evasion Jim. 13. National Picket Line YWLL leaders have urged that letters and telegrams 8 Great Society be sent to Staff Judge Advocate Lieutenant Culpeter · at By Any Means Neces­ Fort Lewis, Wash., demanding that Broadnax be returned sary to the San Francisco Bay Area immediately, that ali American Way of Life charges be dropped, and that he be given an honorable discharge. SORRY- WRONG HOUSE: On Jan. 9, 15 men carry­ WORLD OUTLOOK ing rifles and handguns broke down two doors _ and 1 left Caucus has impact stormed into a house in Winthrop, Mass. William Pine in Canadian labor party awoke to the screams of his wife and daughter, who were 2 Revolutionary workers begging, "Please don't kill us." He saw several men with guns trained on him and felt a gun barrel pressing against alternative in Argentine his temple.· election campaign As Pine was pushed out of his bedroom, he was·asked 3 Argentine press com­ his name. When he told them, the men suddenly rushed ments on workers and out of the house. One of them turned around at Pine's socialist front questions and yelled, "State police." This incident, in which police on a narcotics raid picked 4 Out Now-Sign Now de­ the wrong house, merited an editorial in the Jan. 16 New bate in British antiwar Managua, Nicaragua. Rumor has it that Nicaraguan dictator York Times- and rightly so. The Times quotes Ms. Pine: movement Somoza is insisting that the city be rebuilt on the same site "I didn't know police operated like that in America. I'm because of his real estate investments. ashamed that this could happen here." Unfortunately, the Times neglected to mention in its editorial the fact that exactly such raids as the one visited PROSECUTOR COMES UP WITH NEW ARGUMENT IN on the Pine family are a common occurrence in Black MAGEE CASE: The prosecution has begun its case in and Chicano communities throughout the country. (See THE MILITANT the trial of Ruchell Magee for murder and kidnapping. article on Detroit police attacks on Black community, The charges against Magee stem from an incident on page 13.) VOLUME 37/NUMBER 3 August 7, 1970 in which police opened fire on the escape JANUARY 26, 1973 vehicle of several San Quentin prisoners. Judge Harold CLOSING NEWS DATE-JAN. 17, 1973 Haley and three of his captors were killed. If you subscribe to The Militant and plan to move Editor: MARY-AliCE WATERS Chief prosecutor Albert Harris added a new twist to the soon, don't forget that the post office does not for­ Managing Editor: DOUG JENNESS case, arguing that Magee had committed a robbery when ward newspapers. Send your old address label Business Manager: SHARON CABANISS he disarmed several sheriffs deputies during the escape Southwest Bureau: HARRY RING attempt. Harris claimed in his opening statement that and your new address into The Militant business you ensure Published weekly by The Militant Publishing Ass'n., Magee should be convicted of murder not only on the office at least two weeks before move to 14 Charles lane, New York, N.Y. 10014. Phone: Ed­ direct evidence against him but also because of a Cali­ that you will not miss any issues. itolial Office (212) 243-6392; Business Office (212) fornia law that holds that a defendant may be charged 929-3486. with murder if he participates in a robbery during which Southwest Bureau: 11071/2 N. Western Ave., los EX-Gis PLEAD GUILTY ON REDUCED CHARGES IN Angeles, Calif. 90029. Phone: (213) 463-1917. a killing takes place. Second-doss postage paid at New York, N.Y. Sub­ WIS.: On Jan. 16 Thomas Chase, Steve Geden, and Dannie scription: Domestic, S5 a year; foreign, S8. By first­ Kreps- the Camp McCoy 3 -.pleaded guilty to charges class mail: domestic and Canada, S25; all other coun­ DEFENSE OPENS IN LAWTON TRIAL: The defense of dynamiting a water reservoir at Camp McCoy, Wis., tries, S41.
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