List of Locations and Regions For Municipal Transportation and Water/Wastewater Grants As of: 21-Aug-2008 Location/Commission, etc. Municipality Region MLA Name Abee County of Thorhild No. 7 North Central Mr. Jeffrey Johnson Acadia Valley Municipal District of Acadia No. 34 Central Honourable Jack Hayden Acme Village of Acme Central Mr. Richard Marz Airdrie City of Airdrie Southern Mr. Robert Anderson Alberta Association of MDs and Counties Alberta Association of MDs and Counties North Central Mr. George Rogers Alberta Beach Alberta Beach North Central Mr. George VanderBurg Alberta Capital Region Wastewater Alberta Capital Region Wastewater Commission North Central Mr. Ken Allred Alcomdale Sturgeon County North Central Honourable Doug Horner Alder Flats County of Wetaskiwin No. 10 Central Ms. Diana McQueen Aldersyde Municipal District of Foothills No. 31 Southern Honourable George Groeneveld Alhambra Clearwater County Central Mr. Ty Lund Alix Village of Alix Central Mr. Raymond Prins Alliance Village of Alliance Central Mr. Doug Griffiths Altario Special Areas Board Central Honourable Jack Hayden Amisk Village of Amisk Central Mr. Doug Griffiths Andrew Village of Andrew Central Honourable Ed Stelmach Antler Lake Strathcona County North Central Mr. David Quest Anzac Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo North Central Mr. Guy Boutilier Ardmore Municipal District of Bonnyville No. 87 North Central Ms. Eugenia Leskiw Ardrossan Strathcona County North Central Mr. David Quest Argentia Beach Summer Village of Argentia Beach Central Ms. Diana McQueen Armena Camrose County Central Mr. George Rogers Arrowwood Village of Arrowwood Southern Mr. Barry McFarland Ashmont County of St. Paul No. 19 North Central Honourable Ray Danyluk Aspen Regional Water Services Commission Aspen Regional Water Services Commission North Central Mr. Jeffrey Johnson Athabasca Town of Athabasca North Central Mr. Jeffrey Johnson Atmore County of Athabasca No. 12 North Central Mr. Jeffrey Johnson Aviation Strategy Action Group Aviation Strategy Action Group North Central Mr. Doug Elniski Banff Town of Banff Southern Honourable Janis Tarchuk Barnwell Village of Barnwell Southern Mr. Broyce Jacobs Barons Village of Barons Southern Mr. Barry McFarland Barrhead Town of Barrhead North Central Honourable Ken Kowalski Bashaw Town of Bashaw Central Mr. Raymond Prins Bassano Town of Bassano Southern Mr. Arno Doerksen Bawlf Village of Bawlf Central Mr. Doug Griffiths Bayview Beach County of St. Paul No. 19 North Central Honourable Ray Danyluk Beaumont Town of Beaumont North Central Mr. George Rogers Beauvallon County of Two Hills No. 21 Central Honourable Ray Danyluk Beaver County Beaver County Central Honourable Ed Stelmach Beaver Lake Lac La Biche County North Central Honourable Ray Danyluk Beaver Mines Municipal District of Pincher Creek No. 9 Southern Mr. Evan Berger Beaverlodge Town of Beaverlodge Peace Mr. Wayne Drysdale Beiseker Village of Beiseker Southern Mr. Robert Anderson Bellis Smoky Lake County North Central Honourable Ray Danyluk Benalto Red Deer County Central Honourable Luke Ouellette Benchlands Municipal District of Bighorn No. 8 Southern Honourable Janis Tarchuk Bentley Town of Bentley Central Mr. Ty Lund Berwyn Village of Berwyn Peace Honourable Hector Goudreau W:\IGIS\Impromptu7Reports\Reference\location.imr Page 1 List of Locations and Regions For Municipal Transportation and Water/Wastewater Grants As of: 21-Aug-2008 Location/Commission, etc. Municipality Region MLA Name Betula Beach Summer Village of Betula Beach North Central Honourable Fred Lindsay Bezanson County of Grande Prairie No. 1 Peace Honourable Mel Knight Big Valley Village of Big Valley Central Honourable Jack Hayden Birch Cove Summer Village of Birch Cove North Central Mr. George VanderBurg Birch Hills County Birch Hills County Peace Honourable Hector Goudreau Birchcliff Summer Village of Birchcliff Central Mr. Ty Lund Bittern Lake Village of Bittern Lake Central Mr. Verlyn Olson Black Diamond Town of Black Diamond Southern Honourable Ted Morton Blackfalds Town of Blackfalds Central Mr. Raymond Prins Blackfoot County of Vermilion River Central Honourable Lloyd Snelgrove Blackie Municipal District of Foothills No. 31 Southern Honourable George Groeneveld Blue Ridge Woodlands County North Central Mr. George VanderBurg Bluesky Municipal District of Fairview No. 136 Peace Honourable Hector Goudreau Bluffton Ponoka County Central Mr. Raymond Prins Bodo Municipal District of Provost No. 52 Central Mr. Doug Griffiths Bon Accord Town of Bon Accord North Central Mr. Jeffrey Johnson Bondiss Summer Village of Bondiss North Central Mr. Jeffrey Johnson Bonnyville Town of Bonnyville North Central Ms. Eugenia Leskiw Bonnyville Beach Summer Village of Bonnyville Beach North Central Ms. Eugenia Leskiw Botha Village of Botha Central Honourable Jack Hayden Bow Island Town of Bow Island Southern Mr. Leonard Mitzel Bowden Town of Bowden Central Honourable Luke Ouellette Boyle Village of Boyle North Central Mr. Jeffrey Johnson Bragg Creek Municipal District of Rocky View No. 44 Southern Honourable Ted Morton Brant Vulcan County Southern Mr. Barry McFarland Brazeau County Brazeau County North Central Ms. Diana McQueen Breton Village of Breton North Central Ms. Diana McQueen Brooks City of Brooks Southern Mr. Arno Doerksen Brownfield County of Paintearth No. 18 Central Mr. Doug Griffiths Brownvale Municipal District of Peace No. 135 Peace Honourable Hector Goudreau Bruce Beaver County Central Honourable Ed Stelmach Bruderheim Town of Bruderheim Central Honourable Ed Stelmach Brule Yellowhead County North Central Mr. Robin Campbell Buck Creek Brazeau County North Central Ms. Diana McQueen Buck Lake County of Wetaskiwin No. 10 Central Ms. Diana McQueen Buffalo Lake Buffalo Lake Metis Settlement North Central Honourable Ray Danyluk Buford Leduc County North Central Ms. Diana McQueen Burdett County of Forty Mile No. 8 Southern Mr. Leonard Mitzel Burnstick Lake Summer Village of Burnstick Lake Central Mr. Ty Lund Busby Westlock County North Central Honourable Ken Kowalski Byemoor County of Stettler No. 6 Central Honourable Jack Hayden Cadogan Municipal District of Provost No. 52 Central Mr. Doug Griffiths Cadomin Yellowhead County North Central Mr. Robin Campbell Cadotte Lake Northern Sunrise County Peace Ms. Pearl Calahasen Calahoo Sturgeon County North Central Honourable Doug Horner Calgary City of Calgary Southern Dr. David Swann Calgary Regional Partnership Calgary Regional Partnership Southern Honourable George Groeneveld Calling Lake Municipal District of Opportunity No. 17 North Central Mr. Jeffrey Johnson W:\IGIS\Impromptu7Reports\Reference\location.imr Page 2 List of Locations and Regions For Municipal Transportation and Water/Wastewater Grants As of: 21-Aug-2008 Location/Commission, etc. Municipality Region MLA Name Calmar Town of Calmar North Central Ms. Diana McQueen Cambria Town of Drumheller Central Honourable Jack Hayden Camrose City of Camrose Central Mr. Verlyn Olson Camrose County Camrose County Central Mr. Doug Griffiths Canmore Town of Canmore Southern Honourable Janis Tarchuk Canyon Creek Municipal District of Lesser Slave River No. 124 North Central Ms. Pearl Calahasen Capital Region Northeast Water Services Capital Region Northeast Water Services North Central Mr. David Quest Capital Region Parkland Water Services CapitalCii Region Parkland Water Services North Central Honourable Fred Lindsay Capital Region Southwest Water Services CapitalCii Region Southwest Water Services North Central Mr. George Rogers Capital Region Vegreville Corridor Water CapitalCii Region Vegreville Corridor Water Services Central Honourable Ed Stelmach Carbon Village of Carbon Central Mr. Richard Marz Carcajou Municipal District of Northern Lights No. 22 Peace Mr. Frank Oberle Cardiff Sturgeon County North Central Honourable Ken Kowalski Cardston Town of Cardston Southern Mr. Broyce Jacobs Cardston County Cardston County Southern Mr. Broyce Jacobs Carmangay Village of Carmangay Southern Mr. Barry McFarland Caroline Village of Caroline Central Mr. Ty Lund Carseland Wheatland County Southern Mr. Arno Doerksen Carstairs Town of Carstairs Central Mr. Richard Marz Caslan County of Athabasca No. 12 North Central Mr. Jeffrey Johnson Castle Island Summer Village of Castle Island North Central Mr. George VanderBurg Castor Town of Castor Central Mr. Doug Griffiths Cayley Municipal District of Foothills No. 31 Southern Honourable George Groeneveld Central Park Red Deer County Central Honourable Luke Ouellette Cereal Village of Cereal Central Honourable Jack Hayden Cessford Special Areas Board Central Honourable Jack Hayden Champion Village of Champion Southern Mr. Barry McFarland Chauvin Village of Chauvin Central Mr. Doug Griffiths Cheadle Wheatland County Southern Mr. Arno Doerksen Cherhill Lac Ste. Anne County North Central Mr. George VanderBurg Chestermere Town of Chestermere Southern Mr. Robert Anderson Chin County of Lethbridge Southern Mr. Barry McFarland Chinook Special Areas Board Central Honourable Jack Hayden Chipewyan Lake Municipal District of Opportunity No. 17 North Central Ms. Pearl Calahasen Chipman Village of Chipman Central Honourable Ed Stelmach Clairmont County of Grande Prairie No. 1 Peace Honourable Mel Knight Clandonald County of Vermilion River Central Honourable Lloyd Snelgrove Claresholm Town of Claresholm Southern Mr. Evan Berger Clear Hills County Clear Hills County Peace Honourable Hector Goudreau Cleardale Clear Hills County Peace Honourable Hector Goudreau Clearwater County Clearwater County
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