INSIDEASOSU M. U. President ASOSU 1st Vice President Mike Macnab Cleora Adams ill ASOSU Treasurer ASOSU 2nd Vice President Debbie Williams Ann Daneke I: .If,,. _ Academic Affairs City Affairs• Executive Assistant Experimental College Alan Clement Steve Loosley Nancy Jac:kson Fred Warren Senate Secretary Jan Adsit ASOSU Secretary Cindy Maksym Senate Parllmentarian Kirk Klossner National Student Lobby I Rick Anderson Bicentennial Commission _ TomMurphy 11111"''\;~ _../ t Public Affairs State Affairs Veterans Affairs Volunteer Services Mike Faha Jim Howe Chuck DeRieux Brad Berry (Associated Oregon Student Lobby) Legislative and Executive Agencies, which represents all state colleges and such as the State Board of Higher Introduetion universities. Education, community organizations The City Affairs Program not only and administration functionaries. The student governing body at OSU is addresses itself to problems related with Another is the desire to become involved known as ASOSU, the Associated the city Council, but is actively involved in the academic considerations of OSU. Students of Oregon State University. in the Corvallis Goals Program and with What these new philosophies herald is As the student's voice ASOSU is often the Chamber of Commerce and local an understanding on the part of student responsible for academic innovations, social service elements as well. leaders of the need to change the in- policy revisions and fiscal decisions at Student government is intensely in- volvement of ASOSU to adequately the University. ASOSU's network of terested in seeing that students have portray student needs before the public, agencies and its committee system influence over decisions that effect the the State and the Administration. The provides the impetus behind most quality of education and student life at ASOSU President attempts to do this organized student activity at OSU. In this University. through communication, involvement addition, ASOSUis involved with the City Traditionally most policy decisions and innovation with a variety of people at the local level, and also works with the have been made with little student input, and institutions. State Board of Higher Education, the but that has been drastically changing in legislature and the Governor's office. the last decade and students are ob- ASOSU FIRST ASOSU is the guiding body behind the taining more input into administrative VICE PRESIDENT budgeting of student incidental fee ap- and academic concerns. propriations for the 1976-76 year, in- ASOSU in coming years will need an The primary duty of the ASOSU First volving a budget of $1,170,176. These increasingly larger influx of interested Vice President is to serve as the student monies provide financial backing students - students concerned with Chairperson of the student Senate. With for the Educational Activities budget, helping make decisions - students ASOSU Senate meetings scheduled for Physical Recreation, the Memorial desiring to take leading roles in policy every other Tuesday night, there is a Union, and Men's and Women's In- matters concerning the future of Higher tremendous amount of work to be done tercollegiate Athletic programs. ASOSU Education in Oregon. before and after the meetings. also reviews the budget for the Student This individual must keep abreast of Health Center which is set at 792,643for the issues and concerns of OSU and, the coming year. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS when necessary, appoint ASOSU Senate Each term in the 1976-76 academic Ad Hoc committees to resolve any year, students will contribute $25.00 in Every spring term, there are four problems. student fee monies toward the fore ASOSU Executive positions which come The First Vice President must keep in mentioned student fee budget. The up for a general student body election: contact with the various ASOSU Senate budgeting review and the allocation of President, First and Second Vice- committees at all times to insure that the such funds is largely vested in the hands Presidents and Treasurer. The in- needs of the students are being of students. This is why ASOSUis able to dividuals who fill these positions are represented. innovate according to student wishes. important people to get to know - if you The First V.P. also serves on the For example: the Experimental would like to get involved in what's going University Cabinet and ASOSU Cabinet, College; a Legal Advising Service; a on, perhaps have some ideas of programs as well as helping the President with Veterans Center providing OSU service you think could better meet the needs of ASOSU reponsibilities. veterans with information and our OSU community, would like to voice Both of these officers try to be assistance; and a new Volunteer Ser- your concerns about particular subjects, available in the Activity Center to talk to vices program that coordinates volun- or would like to just sit down and talk, . students. teer help from University students with these are the people to contact. You may the community were all created within call the ASOSU Student Government ASOSU SECOND the last five years. offices at 754-2101or drop by to talk with VICE PRESIDENT Finally, a real need for additional them in the Activity Center, located recreational facilities has been between the Memorial Union and the The ASOSUSecond Vice President is to recognized by ASOSU and correspon- OSU Book Store. They are elected to serve as the student coordinator for all dingly an increasing amount of in- serve you. University committees. In this capacity, cidental fee money now goes to this individual recommends to the Recreational Sports, Intramurals, and ASOSU Executive officers, and when Sports facilities maintenance. ASOSU ASOSU PRESIDENT necessary, the ASOSUSenate, the names played a major role in the Dixon of individuals to serve on over 60 dif- Recreation Center completed in the Fall The function of the ASOSUPresident is ferent student-faculty University of 1975. quite diverse. The ASOSU President committees. Everyone who is sincere in ASOSU is also involved in providing serves on a number of Boards of their desire to serve on these committees solutions to student problems in a variety Directors: Bookstore, Memorial Union, is encouraged to apply in the Activity of other w1ys. Men's and Women's Intercollegiate Center. Though most of the openings are Most University committees have Athletics, Physical Recreation, and filled by the late spring, there are some student representation at OSU. These Recreation and Health Service. positions available throughout the year. committees deal with the myriad of In addition, the President serves on the See the Student Handbook for a list and problems facing a large, modern University Student Fees Committee, the description of the committees. education institution. More and more, the University Cabinet and the Faculty The Second V.P. also serves as a liason student perspective is carefully weighed Senate. Over and above the defined between ASOSU Senate and the various before decisions are made at the functions of the President, the shifting committees. This position gives the University level. philosophies of student government student representatives the opportunity OSU students are represented at the dictate the President's involvement. to keep up with the various committee State Legislature through student lob- Currently these philosophies show the activities on campus. Other duties in- bying efforts of the ASOSUState Affairs need to provide interaction between clude chairing the University Student Program as well as the AOSL student government and the State Activities Committee and representing the OSU students on the OSU Bookstore EXPERIMENTAL Activities desk in the Memorial Union. Board of Directors and various cultural Student Fee Allocation: $24,000. center boards. COLLEGE The Experimental College was established in 1970 to expand the NATIONAL STUDENT educational environment and has been LOBBY ASOSU TREASURER The National Student Lobby is the The Treasurer's responsibility is to most successful in so doing via the provision of a more personally involved student's direct representative in keep a running record of all ASOSU and motivated learning experience. The Washington. Founded in 1971and fwided expenditures, funds and transactions. As program continues to grow in size and and staffed by students, the student a non-voting member of ASOSU Senate, scope due to its primary appeal - the community governs NSL through an officer presents a financial report at this active participation of the entire annual Referendum which determines every meeting~ This individual is University community, including the issue priorities of the organization. available to the general student body to Student Fee Allocation: $150. help answer any questions concerning students, faculty, administrators and area residents. unique free-flowing how student money is being allocated and This interaction in the educational process is OSU STUDENT where it is being spent. restricted only by the imagination and FOUNDATfON talents of the participants. The course offerings have varied over In the Winter of 1973,the OSU Student ASOSU Services a wide spectrum of craft skills, hobbies, Foundation was established with the special interest groups, sports, music- purpose of attaining and channeling ASOSU ACADEMIC dance, and a gamut of esoteric subjects. funds into worthwhile services, The Experimental College is totally organizations, and programs for the AFFAIRS administered by students and has offered direct
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