Europe Overview Consulate and a British bank in Istanbul, killing 25 people. The United Kingdom provided signifi cant European nations worked in close partnership with counterterrorism assistance and training to foreign the United States in the global counterterrorism governments around the world. campaign and have continued to strengthen their legal and administrative ability to take Italy continued its exemplary work against action against terrorists and their supporters, terrorism, deploying forces to Afghanistan and including freezing their assets. The contributions Iraq. Nineteen Italian citizens were killed in a of European countries in sharing intelligence, terrorist attack on Italian Carabinieri in Iraq. Italian arresting members of terrorist cells, and interdicting authorities continued to disrupt suspected terrorist terrorist fi nancing and logistics continued to be vital cells linked to al-Qaida and, for the fi rst time, elements in the war on terrorism. Allies such as expelled suspects believed to pose a terrorist France and the United Kingdom were particularly threat. Members of the Red Brigades–Communist responsive during periods of heightened security, Combatant Party staged a shootout with police, cooperating with United States offi cials to monitor leading to the arrest of the group’s leader and airline fl ights of concern. subsequent signifi cant progress in dismantling it. The European Union (EU) has been a reliable Spain’s vigorous investigation of extremist groups partner in the war on terrorism and has signifi cantly continued, with Spanish authorities indicting strengthened its legal and administrative ability, Usama Bin Ladin and 34 others for complicity in the and that of EU member states, to take action September 11 attacks. Substantial progress was against terrorists and their supporters—including made against the Basque Fatherland and Liberty freezing their assets—in the past several years. (ETA) terrorist organization; more than 100 persons International judicial cooperation advanced in 2003, connected to ETA were arrested, and several as EU members changed domestic legislation operational ETA cells were dismantled. to incorporate provision of the European Arrest Warrant, which was scheduled to come into effect France made many signifi cant terrorism-related in early 2004. The EU and United States signed arrests, including suspects linked to persons new Extradition and Mutual Legal Assistance who assisted the September 11 hijackers. Treaties at the G-8 Summit in June 2003 that will Investigations continued into the activities of expand law enforcement and judicial cooperation. terrorist cells connected to plots against the US Signifi cant defi ciencies remained, however, and Embassy in Paris. French authorities, working with some countries have legal impediments to taking their Spanish counterparts, put intensive pressure fi rm judicial action against known terrorists, on ETA, arresting top leaders of the Basque often stemming from asylum laws, inadequate terrorist group’s military wing in December. France counterterrorism legislation, or high standards of continued to engage numerous non-EU countries evidence that afford loopholes and limit the ability in dialogue on counterterrorism issues. of authorities to hold suspects. The EU as a whole was reluctant to take steps to block the assets of Cooperation among European law-enforcement charities associated with HAMAS and Hizballah. authorities was a feature of many successes during the past year. For example, France and Spain The United Kingdom continued its longstanding became the fi rst countries to create “multi-national close partnership with the United States, providing police investigation teams” under the terms of an the second-largest contingent of forces for the EU agreement of 2002. liberation of Iraq, arresting extremists in the United Kingdom on terrorism-related charges, Germany contributed signifi cantly to international and stepping up efforts to disrupt and prosecute forces in Afghanistan and took a lead role in that terrorists. The United Kingdom aggressively country’s reconstruction. In February, a German moved to freeze the assets of organizations and court became the fi rst to convict a terrorist linked persons with terrorist links and to proscribe terrorist to the September 11 attacks. German authorities groups. UK overseas interests were attacked in continued extensive investigations into Islamic November when suicide bombers struck the British extremist–based terrorism and arrested a number 41 of suspects. In November, Germany extradited Albania suspected al-Qaida fi nancier Sheik Mohammed ali Hasan al Moayad and an associate to the Despite limited resources, Albania has provided United States. considerable support to US and international counterterrorism initiatives. Albania continues In Turkey, two separate—but probably to implement its National Action Plan against coordinated—attacks by suicide bombers on Terrorism, originally approved in 2002. British and Jewish targets in Istanbul in November killed 61 people. Turkey and the United States The government has frozen the assets of a continued to discuss cooperation against Kongra- notorious terrorist fi nancier, curtailed the activities Gel (KADEK—the former Kurdistan Workers of suspect Islamic NGOs, and detained or expelled Party), which, for its part, continued to launch individuals suspected of having links to terrorism attacks against Turkish targets. Despite progress by or attempting to foment religious intolerance. In Turkish police against the Revolutionary People’s June 2003, Parliament passed a strong money- Liberation Party (DHKP/C), that group continued its laundering law that included antiterrorist fi nancing attacks as well. provisions, bringing Albania’s legislation into compliance with international standards. The In December 2003, a Greek court convicted Bank of Albania has also established a task force 15 members of Revolutionary Organization to monitor all fi nancial activities of secondary 17 November (17N) of hundreds of crimes, banks and their compliance with client verifi cation. sentencing fi ve 17N leaders to multiple life terms Legislation is pending that would defi ne what and imposing sentences of up to 244 years on constitutes a terrorist act, identify the antiterrorism others. Four suspects were acquitted. responsibilities of specifi c Government agencies, and create an interministerial National Coordinating Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Denmark, and Norway Committee for the Fight Against Terrorist Acts. contributed forces and reconstruction assistance Albania continues to cooperate extremely closely to Afghanistan and Iraq. Sweden and Finland with the United States and other governments also have peacekeepers in Afghanistan and are in sharing information and investigating terrorist- active in reconstruction in both nations. Norwegian related groups and activities. Albania has also authorities continued to investigate suspected started cracking down on ethnic Albanian Ansar al-Islam leader (and Norway resident) extremists, recently convicting a key leader of the Mullah Krekar and froze an account linked to ultranationalist Albanian National Army on charges that organization. of inciting national and religious hatred and using falsifi ed documents. Despite limited resources, the countries of southeast Europe have actively supported the Albania has ratifi ed all 12 UN international international Coalition against terrorism. Albania, conventions and protocols relating to terrorism. Serbia-Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Bulgaria cooperated to combat Belgium organized crime and various forms of traffi cking, enhance border security, and improve training for The Belgian Government continues to participate border security personnel. in the global war on terrorism and cooperates with its European neighbors and the US Government on The United States and the EU signed extradition multiple levels. Brussels remains active in sharing and mutual legal assistance agreements in June information with the United States regarding that, as US Attorney General John Ashcroft noted, terrorist threats to US interests or persons. will provide “additional tools to combat terrorism, organized crime, and other serious forms of The Belgian judicial system effectively applied the criminality.” The EU and its member states have rule of law to terrorist conspirators in 2003 when it made signifi cant contributions to the reconstruction prosecuted Europe’s largest terrorism trial since of Aghanistan. 11 September 2001. Among the 23 defendants was Nizar Trabelsi, a Tunisian national and al-Qaida 42 associate arrested by Belgian authorities in was presented to Parliament on 8 December. Its September 2001 for plotting against various signature and ratifi cation was also expected in targets, including an Antwerp synagogue, the early 2004. Kleine Brogel military air base, and the US Embassy in Paris. Trabelsi was sentenced to Bosnia and Herzegovina 10 years in prison—the maximum permitted under Belgian law at the time of trial. Also sentenced The Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) was Tarek Maaroufi , a Tunisian-born Belgian has continued to condemn acts of international national arrested in December 2001 for providing terrorism. Combating terrorism in BiH remains forged travel documents to the two assassins of diffi cult because of the country’s ethnic divisions Afghan Northern Alliance leader Ahmad Shah and the lack of strong central institutions, such as a Massoud. Maaroufi was
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