Volume 74 • Number 4 • 2020 The Jewish Veteran A Jewish Voice for Veterans and a Veteran’s Voice for Jews Facing Aging And Covid, Jewish Veterans Stay The Course, As They Did During Wartime By Heather Robinson, Jewish News Syndicate out, I go out,” he says. When they were young, some stormed the beach- Dolny, who has three children, five grandchil- es, taking the fight to the enemy; some liberated dren and nine great-grandchildren, praised the ra- Nazi concentration camps in Western Europe and cial integration of America’s armed forces when he forever bear the scars of having witnessed man’s served active duty in 1952 and 1953, in addition to worst inhumanity to man. Still others sailed ships, the sense of camaraderie that Marines feel. sent radio signals, fixed machines and trained their “We did the most to give our lives to our coun- fellow service members at home or overseas. try, and unfortunately, some do give their lives,” he This Veterans Day, Jewish soldiers, sailors and says. Marines who served in World War II and Korea Irving Rosenblum, 91, former JWV depart- are, if they are still alive, in their late 80s, 90s and ment commander for Minnesota, and his wife of 100s, which makes them statistically at the highest 63 years, Toby, live independently in a condomini- risk of complications from COVID-19. With this um in Saint Louis Park, a suburb of Minneapolis. in mind, JNS spoke with some Jewish veterans to Retired from the furniture business, Rosenblum, hear stories of their service and how they are cop- who served in the National Guard and then the ing with the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Army during the Korean War, regrets not being Department of Minnesota 75th Anniversary Having reached the winter of their lives, some Celebration. From Left: JWV Chief of Staff Robert able to attend synagogue during these trying times. are living with family and others in assisted-living Nussbaum, Major General of the Minnesota “I have always gone to synagogue,” he shares, facilities. Some still have surviving wives; others National Guard Shawn Menke, JWV National but because seniors are more vulnerable to the vi- are alone. One recently died, but only after having Commander Jeffrey Sacks, and Department rus, “the rabbi told me to stay home.” beaten COVID-19. Commander of Wisconsin Kim Queen. He and his wife have three children, five All pride themselves on their ability to cope grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren scattered with the rigors of life, including the virus that has other Marines in combat overseas from his base at around the world, mostly in Israel. made the past seven months difficult and kept them USMC Camp Lejeune, N.C. Dolny says he is deal- Rosenblum hasn’t let COVID-19 stop him from from activities and family members. ing with the pandemic by “listening to what scien- getting out; in particular, he enjoyed last month’s Warren Dolny, 92, of Boynton Beach, Fla., a tists have to say. I’m not completely quarantined, Jewish War Veterans Department of Minnesota past national commander of Jewish War Veterans but we’re wearing masks and distancing.” 75th annual membership dinner at Mancini’s Char of America—the oldest continuously operating Thanks to their daughter, who decamped to House in Saint Paul, where he said attendees dis- veteran service organization in the country—lives their apartment from New York City and has stayed tanced, wore masks and had a blast. with his wife of 71 years, Violet, in a retirement with the couple since March, Dolny doesn’t have “We invited everyone,” he said. “We sat not community. to grocery shop, but says the threat of COVID-19 too close together, and as far as I know, everyone A former Marine, he served as a radio oper- coupled with difficulty walking “doesn’t stop me is healthy.” ator during the Korean War, communicating with from getting around”—by scooter. “If I have to go Continued on page 10 JWV Disaster Relief Makes A Difference By Greg Lee home, made dinner, and turned in early when the formers. I quickly jumped on my motorcycle and The evening of September 8, 2020 started out sun set at 8:30 p.m. did a local recon. Everything seemed fine. fairly routine here in the mountains of Northern At 10:30 p.m. what sounded like a jet aircraft The only fire I could see was miles away and California. We even checked the status of the wild- making low flybys disrupted my light sleep. I went not an immediate threat. fires in our area by visiting the local Fire Chief at outside to check things out. There were no aircraft, But I didn’t know that officials were igniting the Station. but the winds were whipping up. Soon I heard the back fires in our community. I’m not sure why they The fire was miles away and three crews were sound of loud explosions. would light fires in high winds, and naturally, they on it, so we figured there wasn’t much chance of it I’m not a stranger to the sounds of exploding soon got out of control. reaching my location anytime soon. So, we went propane tanks, vehicle gas tanks, and power trans- Continued on page 8 CONTENTS D’vrei HaShomrim ..................2 JWV in the Community .......12 Message From the National Ladies Auxiliary ...18 Commander ............................. 3 Museum News........................20 On The Hill ................................4 Taps ........................................... 22 Membership Corner ...............6 D'vrei HaShomrim THE JEWISH A CONCERT OF UNITY VETERAN By Chaplain Rabbi (CPT) David Becker, USARCENT The Jewish Veteran is the Official Publication of the Jewish Theater Chaplain Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America On a recent trip in the skies over Iraq and Kuwait, I had the opportunity to become well acquainted National Commander Jeffrey Sacks with the flight crew of the C-130 I was traveling on. National Editor Larry Jasper Managing Editor Cara Rinkoff As a chaplain I find it natural to connect to service Graphics/Production Editor Christy Turner members, so upon landing at a waypoint where we EDITORIAL OFFICE were stuck for several hours, I took the opportunity 1811 R Street, NW • Washington, D.C. 20009 to get to know the crew. For his part, the Captain Telephone (202) 265-6280 x413 parked the C-130 on the tarmac, lowered the ramp, Fax (202) 234-5662 E-mail [email protected] and there we laid (all 10 of us) sunbathing beneath Web Site www.jwv.org the Iraqi sun. The Jewish Veteran is published 4 times a year: A C-130 is basically the military’s bus and Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall, by the workhorse of the sky. It has a long track record Jewish War Veterans of safety and mission success. Six crewmembers of the United States of America are required to fly and navigate a C-130. The flight 1811 R Street, NW deck crew consists of the Captain, First Officer, Washington, DC 20009 Crew Chief, and the Navigator. In the back of the Periodical postage paid at Washington, DC, and at there is the plane, the seventh entity in this equa- additional mailing offices. aircraft there are two Loadmasters who manage tion, so obviously akin to the orchestral sections. cargo, weight distribution, safety systems, and pas- Postmaster: Send form 3579 to Jewish War Veterans, The plane is roaring to fly, it just needs the other 1811 R Street, NW, Washington, DC 20009. sengers. I inserted myself on a bench at the back six entities to give it direction. Observing from the Subscription price in the United States is $5.00 per year, of the flight deck and had a clear view ahead and flight deck, I was indeed witnessing something re- included in membership. Nonmember subscriptions: to the sides of the plane. The experience did not markable in its seamless purpose. The components $10.00. Single copies: $2.50. disappoint. Once the plane took off, I could walk were indeed a concert of unity! Photos and articles submitted to The Jewish Veteran the deck. From the cockpit, when the plane banks shall be used at the discretion of the organization. The This evolved into the subsequent thought. As opinions expressed in signed articles and letters in this and turns, the line where the ground meets the sky Chanukah is upon us, my thoughts turned to the magazine are not necessarily those of JWV. becomes alarmingly horizontal. Skirting around Holy Menorah! It occurred to me that I was riding Advertising information and rates available from the clouds and weather systems with the sun’s rays on a Menorah! Not necessarily the Chanukiyot that Editorial Office. JWV assumes no responsibility for peeking through is just about one of the most beau- products and services advertised in this publication. we will light in our homes, but the Menorah creat- © 2020 by the Jewish War Veterans of the USA. tiful natural scenes I have ever seen, if not bumpy. ed mikshah achas, formed (or beaten) of one piece. Combat diving, a reality in a combat zone, takes NPA#112285 • ISSN 047-2019. The one Moses our Beloved Teacher formed out of Reproduction without permission is prohibited. you on a spinning and plunging trajectory towards one massive chunk of gold. This original Menorah the ground in an accelerated way! Leveling out at a stood in the Mishkan, the Tabernacle, and the first scant few hundred feet and landing on a short run- great Temple as a testament of G-d’s, balance, uni- For your consideration, I would like to submit way, one wonders what just happened! ty, beneficent kindness, and ever giving nature.
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