Western Park The Gazette No.33 April/May 2012 www.westernparkgazette.co.uk News and Views for Western Park Westcotes The Fosse River Soar near Western Boulevard Drought… What Drought This month is on the way to becoming the wettest April for 20 years. Last spring was one of the warmest and driest on record and this March was also unexpectedly dry, but April is proving to be the exact opposite. Atlantic weather fronts off the coast have created the wind, hail and heavy rain lashing down on West Leicester, considerably raising the water level of the River Soar for a time. According to Met Office statistics, halfway through April, the torrential rainfall across the UK was only 10% above the normal 35mm, so the 2000 record of 120.3mm is still to be beaten Near the end of April, the Mountsorrel weather station reported our area’s total rainfall for the last three month was 137mm; considerably wet- ter than 76mm last year, yet local April rainfall is only slightly above the Met Office average. It’s also colder than normal, with temperature a little below the local seasonal average of 12C. The weather is expected to become more settled during the second half of May, but a great deal more rain is needed to replace the badly depleted water table which ultimately supplies reservoirs. SLOW IT DOWN! Plans to impose speed limits on roads in the Westcotes, and Tudor Road area are coming into force during the spring. The £100,000 scheme by the Leicester City Coun- cil’s planning department, to cut the 30mph speed limit down to 20mph, will effect a total of 114 city roads, with more in the pipeline. The residential roads chosen already have speed bumps as traffic calming measure and as a result the new limits will be easier to enforce. The plans were put out for public consultation with 84% of those responding backing the plan which brings Westcotes and Tudor Road into line with other areas of Leicester. LOCAL COUNCILLOR IN THE RUNNING Volunteer groups and locals across West Westcotes Councillor Sarah Russell has been Leicester are once again springing into action chosen by the Labour Party as their repre- to clean up our neighbourhoods and open sentative in the race to become Leicester- spaces. shire's first elected Police Commissioner. Leicester’s BIG Spring Clean 2012 which runs Councillor Russell will until 5th June, is encouraging as stand in the November many as possible to take part. 15th election against a In April children from Woodgate currently unknown field Adventure playground joined of candidates. other volunteers to fill 16 bin Policing Authorities out- liners with rubbish from around side London are due to the play area and staff, parents be replaced by Police and children from the New and Crime Commission- Parks Adventure Playground ers, on a £70,000 a year joined parks staff to litter pick salary. Western Park. The change is aimed at To find out more visit making the police more www.leicester.gov.uk/bigspringclean accountable to the com- munities they serve. The Commissioner will be overseen by a new Police and Crime Panel made up of representa- tives from within the policing area. The elections will take place every four years and anyone wishing to put their name forward as a candidate, should visit the Police and Crime Commissioners page at www.homeoffice.gov.uk St. Anne's, St. Paul’s and St. Augustine’s Events Diary Zumba Class Tues. 6.45-7.45 & 8-9.00pm at New At St. Anne’s Church Hall - College. Call Sarah 07810 307 113. Mon - Fri Sandhurst Playgroup 285 7440. Fosse Camera Club: Fridays. St. Peter’s Church Mon: 5.30 - 7.00pm: W.E.A. Yoga 255 6614. Rooms. 7.45pm. 0116 299 2230. 7.15 - 9.00pm:Tai Chi. Call Rick 285 5159. Leic’ Ladies WI: Meets monthly on 3rd Mon.7.15pm 2nd Tue: 2.00 - 4.00pm: MU Speakers. Upstairs in The Almanack, 15 Bath House Lane. 3rd Tue: 7.30 - 9.30pm: W.P. Gardening Club. Breastfeeding Group: West End Sure Start Chil- Wed: 5.00 - 8.00pm: Weightwatchers. dren's Centre, Catesby Street, Leicester, LE3 5PB Wed: 8.00 - 9.00pm: Tai Chi with Rick. Every Tuesday 1:30pm - 3:00pm. 0116 225 2225. 1st Wed: 2.30 - 4.00pm: Wednesday Club. Plant Sale: 4th-7th May. Afternoons. Woodgate 4th Wed: 7.00 - 9.00pm: MU Speakers. Resources Centre. Thurs: 9.00 -10.00am: Pilates for fitness. Peter Crebbin & His Cool Swing Band: 6th May. 1.30 - 3.30pm: Pram Club. (Term time) Residency at the Hilton Hotel. 1-3.30pm. 6.30 - 8.00pm: Rebounder Aerobics. May Fair and Coffee Morning: Sat 12th May. 10-12 Fri: 10.00am: Coffee Morning. noon at St. Anne's Church Hall. st The Secret Life of the Honey Bee and their Keep- 1 Fri: 1.30 - 1.00pm: Lunch club. ers: An illustrated talk with Graham Law:15 May. St 2 & 4th Fri: 2.00 - 4.00pm: Folk dancing. Anne’s Church Hall. 7.30pm. Visitors £1.50. Tuesdays 10.00am: Mums and Toddlers: Over Moroccan Market: 8th-12th May. City Centre. 60’s Club. 12.30 (St. Paul’s) Family History on the Internet: 14th May. 10-12 Messy Church: April 7th, May 12th. noon. Fosse Library Mantle Road. Free. Bob's Family Quiz: St. Anne's. Sat 5th May. Poetry Please: 18th May. Westcotes Library. 10.30- 700pm. Bring a team of 4. RSVP Jan 285 4284 or 12noon. Free. Nick 07792123630 tickets (In Advance) £6. Pelargoniums with Mike Darch: & plants for sale. Evening talk at St. Anne's Church Hall, 19 June. Church of the Martyrs 7.30pm. Visitors £1.50. For details T: 0116 255 9245 Westcotes Drive Leicester Western Park Festival: Sun July 15th. 12-8pm. Tomatoes Cafe Church: Live music alternate Saturdays, 9.30 -12 noon. Shake Rattle & Roll: For babies toddlers & car- ers every Thursday in term time- 9.30-11.30am. Street Self Defence: Mondays in the Hall. 7.30- 8.30pm Call 07788 637 686 for details. Martyrs Football Training: every Weds eve 9pm at New College, Glenfield Rd. Craft Group: for any type of craft. Every 2nd Thurs of the month. Karate: Fridays in the Hall. 6.00-7.00pm. Rainbows: Mondays 5.15pm. Brownies: Mon & Thurs. 6.30pm. Guides: Tuesdays. 7.00pm. Photo Exhibition: 29th April– 5th May. During church opening times. St. Andrew’s Methodist Church Glenfield Road East, Leicester Weds: Brownies. 6.30-8.00pm. T: Heather Valen- tine 0116 287 1056. Fri: Pram Club. Term Time. 10.00-11.30am. T: Jean, 0116 255 2912. Parish of St. Peter 21 Hinckley Road Leicester Details of events and services can be found on line at www.stpetersleicester.org.uk Epworth Methodist Church Blackbird Road, Leicester Weds: Boys' Brigade 6.00 - 9.30 (ages 5 - 17) Tel: John Ogleby 0116 233 7978 A Fully Loaded Canon Several decades ago, I spent some time with a remarkable local man. I whiled many happy hours in the company of the late Alfred Silverwood of Church Avenue, as he regaled me with tales of Leicester in the late 1900’s and the early years of the 20th century. One of the most colourful local characters Alfred recalled was Canon Fredrick Lewis Donaldson, the Vicar of St. Mark’s in the city from 1896 to 1918. Lewis Donaldson (1860-1953) was born in Bir- mingham and educated at Oxford. He arrived in Leicestershire as Rector of Nail- stone in the 1890’s, having spent time working in the slums of London where he became deeply concerned with the social issues of the time. He was one of the founders of the Christian So- cial League and upon his arrival in Leicester, became chairman of the local branch of the Christian Social Union. As a lifelong campaign- er on behalf of the underdog, he led 470 out of work shoemak- ers on the Leicester Unemployed March to London in 1905 and secured lasting fame, 8 Caught in Metal Net or possibility notoriety, Local police based at Hinckley Road have as an anti establish- Lewis Donaldson on the caught eight drivers illegally transporting ment troublemaker. Workers March of 1905 scrap metal. Having being refused an audience at Lambeth Officers took part in a Palace, by the Archbishop of Canterbury to dis- multi-agency opera- cuss the marchers’ rights, he then published the tion on Wednesday Church's unsympathetic responses to his pleas. April 18 to tackle A life long pacifist, socialist, supporter of wom- scrap metal theft. ens’ rights and a believer in the idea of union The team patrolled between Anglicans and Methodists, he frequent- the area with repre- ly locked horns with the Church and Government. sentatives from the Eventually, having spent most of his career up- Leicester City Council, Environmental Crime setting them, he was removed from Leicester and Team. They were looking for vehicles carrying sent to a quiet rural parish near Peterborough. scrap metal and vehicles known to be used in He had to wait until his friend, Ramsey Macdon- the scrap metal trade. ald, became Prime Minister in the 20’s for further The operation was to ensure that the drivers promotion to a Canon of Westminster Abbey. were carrying the correct waste licences and As he grew older, he became an expert on the documentation and to locate stolen scrap metal. traditions and history of the Abbey, conducting A total of 12 vehicles were stopped in the opera- tours of the building even until he reached 90.
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