NOAA TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM NWSWR-240 DOWNSLOPE WINDS OF SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA ) Gary Ryan . NEXRAD Weather Service Forecast Office Oxnard, California July 1996 ) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF National Oceanic and National Weather COMMERCE I Abnospherie Administration I Service WdNams, Jr., May 1972. (COM 72 10701) 78 Monttly~ OWts of the BehiMor of Fog and l.Qw Slratus at I.DI Angeles International Airport Donald M. Gales, July 1972. (COM 72 11140) • n A Study of Radar Echo Distribution in Arilona During July and Augull John E. Halel, Jr., July 1972. (COM 7211136) 78 Forecaoting Precipitation at BakeBiield, California, Uling Pressure Gredient Vectors. Earl T. Rlddiough, July 1972. (COM 7211148) 79 Climate of Stockton, Cafdornia. Robert C. Nelson, July 1972. (COM 72 10920) NOAA TECHNICAL MEMORANDA 60 Estimation of Number of Days Abow or Below Selected Temperotures. Clarence M. Sakamoto, October 1972. (COM 72 10021) National Weather Service, Western Region Subseries 81 An Aid to< Forecasting Summer Maximum Temperaturn at Seattle, Washington. Edgar G. Johnson, Ncwwmber 1972. (COM 7310150) The Nolicnol S.fllice (NWS) Westem Region (WR) SUbseries pnMdes an inlonnal medium to< 82 Flash Flood Forecasting and Warning Program in the Weslem Region. Philip Winiams. Jr., the documentationw- and quick dissemination of results not appropriate, or not yet ready, tor lonnal O..WL Glem, and Roland L Raetz, December 1972. (Revised March 1978). (COM 73 10251) publication. The series is used to report on wot1t in progress, to describe technical ptocedures and 63 A~ of Manual and Semiautomatic Methods ol Digitiling Analog Wind Records. G lenn proclices, or to relote progress to a limited audience. Thew Technical Memoranda woll report on E. Rasch, March 1973. (COM 73 10669) irwnliga1iors delolod prirnonly to regionol and local problems of interest mainly to personnel, and hence 66 Condticnal Pnlbatiitiesfao Sequence• of Wet Days at Phoenix. Arilona. Paul C. Kangieser, June will not be w;dely distributed. 1973. (COM 73 1 1 284) 67 A Refinement of the Use of K.Valuos in Forecasting Thunderstorms in Washington and Otegon. Papers 1 to 25 are in tho former series, ESSA Technical Memoranda, Westem Region Technical RobertY.G. Lee, June 1973. (COM 7311276) Memoranda (WRTM); papers 24 to 59 are in the lonner series, ESSA Technical Memoranda, Weather 89 Objective Forecast Precipitation Over the Westem Region of the Un~ed States. JuliaN. Paegle Bureau Technical Memorondo (WBTM). Beginning with 60, the papers are part of the series, NOAA and Lany P. Kierultt, September 1973. (COM 731194613AS) Technical Memoranda foloNS. Out.of·print memoranda are not listed. 91 Arilona "EddY" Tornadoes. RobertS. Ingram, October 1973. (COM 73 10465) 92 Smoke Management in the Willamette Valley. Eart M. Bates, May 1974. (COM 74 112ntAS) Papers 2 to 22. except tor 5 (revised edition), are available from the National Weather S.M<:e Westem 93 An Operalional Evaluotion of SQO.mb Type Regression Equationa. Al111ander E. MacDonald, June Regiol, SeMces OMsion, 125 South State Street· Rm 1210. San Lake City, Lnah 84133-1102. Scion1tic 1974. (COM 74 11407/AS) Paper 5 (revised edition), and all others beginning with 25 are available from the National Technical 94 Cond:lia>al Pnlbability at Visibility Less than One-HaH Mile in Radiation Fog at Fresno, California. Information s.Mce, U.S. Department of Commerce, Sills Building, 5235 Port Royal Road, Springfield, John D. Thomas, August 1974. (COM 74 11555/AS) -· Vorgno 22181. Prioes """'lor al paper copies; microfiche are $3.50. Otder by accession number"-" 95 amate of Aagstatr, Arilona. Paul W. Sorenson, and updated by Reginald W . Preston, January in parorrtheses at end of each entry. 1987. (P867 143160/AS) 96 Mop type Precipitation Probabilities to< the Westem Region. Glenn E. Raoch and Alexandot E. ESSA Technical Memoranda (WRTMJ MacDonald, February 1975. (COM 7510428/AS) ~·, 07 ea.tern Pacific Cut.otl Low of Apri121·28. 1974. WiUiam J. Alder and George R Millot, January 2 Climatological Precipitation Probabilities. Compiled by Lucianna Miller, December 1965. 1076. (PB 250 71 1/AS) 3 Westem Region Pro- and Post·FP.J Program, December 1, 1965, to February 20, 1968. Edward 98 Study on aSigr11icant Precipitation Episode in Westem United States. 1111 S. Brennot, Apri11976. D. Diemer, March 1968. (COM 75 10719/AS) 5 Slalion OeocriptjonsofLocal Effects on SynoplicWeather PatlemL Philip W iHiams, Jr., April 1968 1111 A Study of Flash Aocd SUsceptibility·A Balin in Southam Arizona. Gerald W illiams, August 1975. (Revised N<wember 1967, October 1969). (PS-17800) (COM 7511360/AS) a lnlorpreling the RAREP. Herbert P. Benner, May 1968 (Revised January 1961). 102 A Sel of Rules to< Forecasting Temperstures in Napa and Sonoma CountieL Wesley L Tuft. 11 Some Electrical Processes In the Atmosphere. J. Latham, June 1968. October 1975. (P8 246 902/AS) 11 A Digi1aliled SUmmary of Radar Echoes within 100 Miles of Sacramento, Californio. J. A. 103 Applab dthe National Weather SeMce Flash-Flood Program in the Westem Region. Gerald Youngberg and LB. CMtraas, December 1968. W illiams, January 1976. (PB 253 053/AS) 21 An Objectiw Aid to< Forecasbng the End of East Winds in the Columbia Gorge, July through 104 Objective Aids tor Forecasting Minimum Temperatures at Reno, Ntwada, During the SUmmer October. D. John Coparanis, April 1967. Months. Christopher 0 . Hill, January 1976. (PB 252 866/AS) 22 o.rivation of Radar Horizons in MOUntainous Terroin. Roger G. Pappas, April 1967. 105 Forecasting the Mono Wind. Charles P. Ruscha, Jr., February 1978. (PB 254 650) 108 Use of MOS Forecast Parometers in Temperature Forecasting. John C. Plankinton, Jr., March ESSA Technical Memorando, Woother B ureau Technical Memorando (WBTMJ , 078. (P8 254 849) 107 Mop Typeoa1 Aid• in Using MOS PoPs in Westem United States. Ira S. Brenner, August 1978. 25 Verilicotion of Operstion Probability of Precipitation Forecasts, April 1964-Morch 1967. W. W . (PB 259594) Dickey, October 1967. (PS-178240) 108 Olhll Kinds of Wind Shear. Christopher 0 . Hill, August 1078. (PB 260 437/AS) 211 A StudyofWindoln the Lake Meed Recreation Areo. R. P. Augulis, January 1968. (PS.1n830) 10G Fonocasting North W indt in the Upper Secramento Volley and Adjoining Fores!L Christopher E. 28 W-e.nn- R J. Schmidli. April 1968 (Revised March 1948). (Pea8 1n672/AS). (Revised Fontana. September 1978. (PB 273 6n/AS) October 111111 • PB92·115062/AS) 110 Cool Inflow ao • Weakening lnftuence on Eastem Pacific Tropical CycloneL William J. Denney, N Smaii.SCOie Analyolsand Prediction. Philip Williamo, Jr., May 1968. (P8178425) N<wember 1978. (P8 284 655/AS) 30 Numerical Weather Prediction and Synoplic Meteorology. CPT Thomao D. Murphy, USAF, May 112 The MANIMOS Program. Alexander E. MacDonald, February 10n. (P8 265 941/AS) 1966. (AD 673335) 113 Winter Seaton Minimum Tempersture Fonnulo to< Bakersfield, California, Uling Multiple 3t ~ OMidon Plobobilities by Sen Lake ARTC RedarL Robert K. Belesky, July 1968. (P8 Regression. Michael J. Oard, February 10n. (P8 273 894/AS) 17ll084) 114 Tropical Cyclone Kath'->. James R Fors, February 111n. (P8 273 678/AS) 32 Probobilily Forecasting-A Problem Anolyoll with Reference to the Portland Fife Weathet District. 118 A Study of Wind Gusts on Lake Mead. Bradley Cotman, Apn119n. (P8 266 847) - S. Ayor, July 1968. (P8 17928ll) 111 The RelatiYe Frequency at CUmulonimbul Clouds at the NeYeda Test Site •• a Function of K· 311 T_... Trends in Sacromento-Anothlt Heat Island. Anthony D. Lentini, February 196G. (P8 Value. RF. Ouiring, April 111n. (P8 272 631) 163055) 118 MoiAnOiAi>ution Modification by Upword Vertical Motion. 1111 S. Brenner, Apri119n. (PB288 ~ 0itpooa1 of Logging Residues W ithout Damege to Air Duality. Owen P. Cromet, March 196G. (P8 740) 163051) 1 10 R.-"'-d o.:c..rence of Wonn Season Echo AciMty as a Function of Stability Indices 39 Upper-Air Lowo OYer Northwestern U nited~- A.L Jacobson, April 1969. P8 184296) Computed from the Yucca Aa~ Ntwada, Rawinsonde. 0atrt1 Randerson, June 19n. (PB 271 40 The--Mil in Applied Weather Forecuting in the 1970L LW. Snellman, August 1969. 290/AS) (P8 1a5066) 121 Climatological Prediction of Cumulonimbus Clouds in the VICinity of the Yucca Aat Weathet 43 Forecosting Maximum Temperstures at Helena, Montana. David E. 04sen, October 196G. (P8 Station. RF. Quiring, June19n. (P8 271 704/AS) 165782) 122 AMetlodlorT~TemperaturoOistributiontDNormality. MorrisS. Webb, Jr., June 19n. 44 Estimated Retum Periods lor Short-Ourotion Precipitation in Arilono. Paul C. Kongies«, October (P8 271 742/AS) 196G. (PB 18n63J 124 Statistical Guidance to< Prediction of Eaotam North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Motion · Part I. ole AppiCationl of the Not Rad.,.,_ to Short-Range Fog and Slratus Foreca.sting at Eugene, Otegon. Charla J. Neumann and Praoton W . Leftwich, August 10n. (P8 272 861) L Y11 and E. Bates, December 1969. (P8 190476) 125 Statistical Guidance on the Prediction of Eastem North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Motion · Part U. Q ~ Analyslo at a Flood Routing Tool. Robert J.C. Bumosh, December 1969. (P8 166744) Preston W . Leftwich and Charles J. Neumonn, August 111n. (PB 273 155/AS) 46 Tsunami. Richard P. Augulio, February 1970. (P8 190157) 128 Oi'nlioofSan Francisco. E. Jan Null, February 1978. RoMsed by George T. Perich~ Apli 1988. 411 Predicting Precipitation Type. Robert J.C. Bumash and Floyd E. Hug, March 1970. (PB190982) (Peae 206624/AS) 50 Stllillical Report on Aeroallergens (Pollens and Moldo) Fort Huachuca, Arilona, 1969. Wayne S. 127 D...,elopment of a Probability Equation lor Wlntet-Type Precipitation Pattemt in Great Falls, Johnson, April 1970. (P8 191743) Mon1ana. Kenneth B. Mielke, February 1976. (PB 281 367/AS) 51 Westem Region Sea State and Surf Forecaste(s Manual. Gordon C. Shield1 and Gerald B. 128 Hand Calc\llator Program to Compute Porcel Thermal Oynamk:L Dan Gudgel, April11l78. (P8 Burdwell, July 1970.
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