Reunion 2009 St. Andrew’s Commencement FALL 2008 WINTER 2009 Arts Weekend SPRING 2009 SUMMER 2009 MAGAZINE 41797_Cover.indd 1 9/16/09 6:24 PM Mis!ion State"ent of St. Andrew’s School In 1929, the School’s Founder, A. Felix duPont, wrote: !e purpose of St. Andrew’s Sc"ool is to provide secondary education of a de#nitely Ch$istian c"ara%e& at a minimum cost consistent with mo'ern equipment and highest standa&ds. DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS We continue to cultivate in our students a deep and lasting desire Amy Kendig for learning; a wi!lingness to ask questions and pursue skeptical, ASSOCIATE DIRECTORS OF COMMUNICATIONS independent inquiry; and an ap"reciation of the liberal arts as a Greg Doyle ’87 source of wisdom, per#ective and hope. We encourage our students Jean Garnett to model their own work on that of pra$icing scholars, artists and scientists and to develop those expressive and analytical ski!ls CLASS NOTES EDITOR necessary for meaningful lives as engaged citizens. We seek to Denise Thorn inspire in them a commitment to justice and peace. CONTRIBUTORS Our students and faculty live in a residential community Erin Burnett ’94 founded on ethical principles and Christian beliefs. Our Betsy Cahill P’11,’12 students co!laborate with dynamic adults and pursue their passions Chesa Profaci ’80 in a co-cur%iculum that includes athletics, community service and Tad Roach the arts. We encourage our students to &nd the balance between Ford Van Fossan ’09 living in and contributing to the community and developing Liz Wolinski ’09 themselves as leaders and individuals. PHOTOGRAPHERS As an Episcopal School, St. Andrew’s is grounded in Don Blake and upheld by our Episcopal identity, welcoming persons regar'less of their religious background. We are ca!led Beth Crook to help students explore their spirituality and faith as Bernadette Devine ’99 we nurture their understanding and ap"reciation of a!l Greg Doyle ’87 world religions. We urge students to be a$ively involved Jean Garnett in community service with the understanding that a!l Karen Gowen members of the community share responsibility for improving the world in which we live. ADDRESS CORRESPONDENCE TO: St. Andrew’s Magazine St. Andrew’s is commi(ed to the sustainability 350 Noxontown Road and preservation of its land, water and other Middletown, DE 19709-1605 natural resources. We honor this commitment by Fax (302) 378-0429 what we teach and by how we live in community Tel (302) 285-4257 and harmony with the natural world. General E-mail: [email protected] On our campus, students, faculty and sta) from a variety of backgrounds work together Class notes E-mail: [email protected] to create a vibrant and diverse community. Pavsner Press in Baltimore, Md., prints St. Andrew’s St. Andrew’s historic and exceptional Magazine. &nancial aid program makes this possi*le, St. Andrew’s Magazine is published four times a year by ena*ling the School to admit students the Advancement Office for the alumni, parents and regar'less of their &nancial needs. friends of St. Andrew’s School. Copyright 2009. Third-class postage paid at: Middletown, DE POSTMASTER: Send address changes to St. Andrew’s School, 350 Noxontown Road, Middletown, DE 19709- 1605. This publication is printed with vegetable-based soy inks on paper with 15% post-consumer waste and 50% total recycled content. Please complete the process by recycling your copy when finished. 41797_Cover.indd 2 9/16/09 6:24 PM St. Andrew’s SUMMER 2009 VOL. 31, NO.3 MAGAZINE TALK OF THE T-DOCK 19 Headmaster’s Remarks 2 Trustee Notes 4 Chapel Ta!k 7 Betsy Cahill P’11. In the Classroom 10 Faculty Seminar Series. Annals of the Arts 14 Christopher Reiger ’95; Arts Weekend 2009; Once Upon A Mattress. 52 Cardinal Points 22 Spring sports reports. Names and Faces 26 Students James Simons ’10 and Leah Weston ’10; Director of Security Bill Bright; faculty members Michael and Candace Schuller. FEATURES "e Divine Class of 2009 38 Remarks from Erin Burnett ’94, Headmaster Tad Roach and the School co-presidents. Andrew Reynolds ’68: Mastering the Politics of Science 46 Reunion Weekend 52 Over 300 alumni returned to campus to reconnect and relax. ALUMNI Alumni Per#ective 56 38 Alexandra Cox ’97. News from Alumni Association Board 61 56 In Memory 62 Class Notes 63 Back cover: Rain or shine, they teed off at nine! Over 85 golfers attended this year’s Scholarship Golf Tournament during Reunion Weekend. One joked, “I’ll be there with my snorkel and flippers!” S!""#$ %&&' 1 41797_1_61.indd 1 9/16/09 6:27 PM Re!arks from the Headmaster Celebrating the Class of 2009 Daniel T. Roach, Jr. e have returned to Old St. graduates may rely and draw at the most crucial Remarks Anne’s a!er a year I described moments of their lives. Old St. Anne’s Church back in September as an “ethical #e study reveals that the fo(lowing qualities May 17, 2009 Wexperiment in education.” And today, we begin serve us we(l as we adapt to life’s cha(lenges and the process of thanking our seniors for their many crises: we live with a spirit of altruism in our remarka"le contributions and accomplishments to hearts, seeking to embrace and protect the needs our School. and concerns of others; we learn how to anticipate #is past week, the Atlantic pu"lished an di)cult times and plan for moments of pain article describing a fascinating longitudinal study and dislocation; we learn how to sup*ress the of a group of 268 men who a$ended Harvard in confrontation with an issue until we are re&ed the 1930’s and have been the subject of consistent and ready to a+dress it; we master the art of research and study throughout their lives. #e su"limation, developing and expressing outlets for study provides an unusual series of per%ectives our feelings of anger, a,gression, self-absorption. on the life experiences each man confronted, and But the -nding that has found and deserves of course, researchers are particularly intere&ed the most a$ention involves the central role of in studying how and why some men succeed and relationships in our lives. #e psychiatrist George 'ourish, while others, in Tennyson’s phrase, “fade Vai(lant, the leader of the study for 42 years, and wither disma(ly with age.” writes: #e Harvard Study described in the article “It is social aptitude, not inte"ectual by Joshua Wolf Shenk revealed that the central b#i"iance o$ parental social clas%, that lea&s question is not “how li$le trou"le these men met, to succes%ful aging.” Vai"ant concludes: “'e but rather precisely how they responded to that only thing that rea"y ma(ers in life are you$ trou"le.” In other words, the human condition relationships to othe$ people.” itself wi(l force us to live amidst uncertainty, chaos, #is is, of course, why graduation week at tragedy and despair. We assert our freedom, St. Andrew’s is so intense, complex, emotional and dignity and humanity by how we prepare for and unforge$a"le. We co(lectively have developed, react to moments of great cha(lenge and testing. nurtured and celebrated relationships, and these #e ultimate test of a great school or co(lege must relationships are litera(ly the source of our lives, be how we provide a foundation upon which our identities and our human spirits. 2 S(. A)*$#+’, M-.-/0)# 41797_1_61.indd 2 9/16/09 6:27 PM photo by Doug Barber photo by Celebrating the Class of 2009 In 50 years or so, some archivist or research % you know how to ask questions, might study the Class of 2009 and ask similar develop ar,uments, analyze questions to the ones employed in the Harvard evidence, develop hypotheses, Study. Did they -nd hap*iness, ful-(lment, grace conduct experiments and explore and love in their lives? Have they ena.ed and new cultures, lan,uages, religious embraced an ethic of care, concern for others and traditions. courage in facing life’s major questions? Have they % you know how to cooperate, co(laborate and 'ourished and made those around them be$er, compete ethica(ly in athletics and life. more compassionate, caring, judicious people? #is % you know how to confront tragedy and death is the -nal test of the St. Andrew’s education and and live with even more passion, intention, experience. But we already know the answers to humility and grace. these questions. % you know how to play bagpipes and the harp; We have seen . you know how to be resilient through ACL % you know what to do when a child is i(l and injuries, concussions and broken limbs. stru,gling with a life-threatening i(lness. % you know how to write le$ers to the editor, % you know what to do when someone feels editorials, pu"lished loca(ly and nationa(ly. invisi"le, lonely and desolate. % you know how to transform an eighth % you know how to embrace a wide and ever consecutive day of rain into a front lawn expanding circle of diversity. celebration of community. % you know how to connect, how to serve others % you know intuitively what is ap*ropriate, in need, in peril, in despair. re%ectful, accepting in human communities. % you know how to commit to a cause, a purpose, % you know how to say no to acts of intolerance a good larger than yourself and to sacri-ce for and meanness of spirit.
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