Ins tauration. VOL. 22, NO. 5 APRIL 1997 1 Honest Abe's True Colors side down, topsy-turvy. We are violating their rights by not making it safe for them to violate our laws!!! In keeping with Instauration's policy of ano- is no anti-Semite. A while back a Jewish 766 nymity, most communicants will be identified bureaucrat was appointed his boss. Ac- by the first three digits of their zip code. cording to my pal, the new boss has re- 0 Mental exercise: First, sit down and Does it ever occur to anyone that O.J. placed everyone he could with often in- read all you can about the dark days of Simpson can vote and Mark Fuhrman competent fellow tribesmen. The finan- Reconstruction. Then immerse vourself can't? cial press keeps mum. Disillusioned, my in current events by plowing through to- 330 friend is taking early retirement. day's newspapers and newsmagazines 100 and see if you can tell the difference. 0 How about a 50-year rule? Everyone 344 takes a pill at 50, the age most of us be- 0 Israel and France are lately accused of gin to take more from the world than we being the most active in "industrial espi- 0 The teaching of Ebonics doesn't really give. This would eliminate the physical onage." I don't imagine they ignore dh- bother me. But if I had to drive over a and spiritual suffering that comes with er bits of information that fall in their bridge designed by graduates of the Ne- declining years. Think of the billions hands when they go a-snooping. Makes gro Institute of Technology, then I'd Medicare and Medicaid would save. It one nervous, doesn't it? think twice. would put a quid end to overpopula- 785 488 tion. Let's wise up and start putting intel- ligence to work on a healthy and produc- 0 Hillary admits she has met many stu- 0 The last time I left California was in tive life span rather than waste so much pid adults, but never a stupid child. How 1990. When I browsed and shopped precious time worrying about the ail- old do we have to be to become stupid? there, I was surprised at the truly vast ments that more often than not make the 801 amount of yowling, howling and shriek- last years of life a slow-burning torment. ing I was obliged to endure. I am refer- 320 o Irs comforting to know that wen the ring to certain varieties of "black" music. rich are only one flat tire away from real- Now I live in Brownsville (TX), just 0 The Umatilla Indians say there is no ity. Welcome, Ennis Cosby, to the world across the river from Matamoros, Mexi- need for further study of the 8,400-year- the rest of us live in. co. Would you believe I never hear any old skeleton of a white man found in 113 "American" or "Mexican" music? All I their "ancestral homelands" in Washing- hear is a vast' amount of black yowling, ton state. Their oral traditiom suff~cefor 0 Inever met a redneck I didn't like. In howling and shrieking! their "history." Case closed. fad I'm not quite sure I have ever met a 942 redneck. But Icertainly have met a lot of urban hicks from the vicinity of New 0 The Democrats' furor about the $6.5 0 Publ'kattm like the Wall St. Journal York and California, all of them psycho- million that Senator Thompson requested and the Economist reflect the big- neurotic mutts. for the investigation of campaign financ- business view that immigration is 100% pfc ing gives me a laugh. Think of the much benef~ial.They never mention any limit. larger amount that these same people 701 0 We knew Madeleine Albright was a Jewess. How come she didn't? CONTENTS 0 A friend of mine has long been a key 111 Abraham Lincoln's True Colors. 4 official of an important international Tips from a Trojan Horse. 8 body. From past conversations Iknow he 0 In a prison of say 500 inmates, there ...... will only be one or two guys at most who The Anatomy of Tribute. .......ll have the desire and ability to read In- Rebels and Revisionists. .......13 Instauration stauration. 14s most important to reach is published 12 times a year by these one or two men. The Military Zoo. ............ .14 Howard Allen Enterprises, Inc. 877 Israel Should Remain As Is. .....15 Box 76, Cape Canaveral, FL 32920 Best of a Sorry Crew. ......... -16 Annual Subscription 0 An Israeli spokesman grimly protests $35 (third class) that the very worst aspect of the recent Neighborhoods Stay White. .... .17 $45 (firnclass) turmoil was Palestinian police firing on Backtalk. ...................19 $48 Canada Israelis. Doesn't the opposite happen all $50 foreign (surface) Cultural Catacombs. .......... 21 $67 foreign (air) the time? 907 Inklings. .22 Single copy price $3, postpaid ................... Magazine is mailed in plain white envelope Primate Watch. ............. .24 0 Every year the U.S. deports 30,000 Wilmot Robertson, editor Mexican kids between the ages of 12 and Talking Numbers. ........... .25 Make check payable m Howard Allen. 15. Mexican government officials charge Satcom Sam. .............. .26 the teens' rights are being violated be- Florida residents, please add 6% sales tax. Notes from the Sceptred Isle. ....2 8 cause "crossing the frontier involves in- Third-class mail is not forwarded. Advise change of address well in advance. numerable risks." Sometimes I wonder if Report from the Darkening Tip. -29 ISSN 0277-2302 this is all a nightmare, a Lewis Carroll Elsewhere. ..................30 01 997 Howard Allen Enterprises, Inc. fantasy. Everything seems backward, up- PAGE 2-INSTAURATION-APRIL 1997 rush to approve for the daily handout to by my mother who observed me playing birthrate immediately--no excuses. The the nation of Israel. Give me a break! with a little colored girl. She told me to white folks did so, but no one else did. 301 "find a more suitable playmate." Now with minority population growth, 507 immigration out of control and predic- Eastern European and Mongoloid Jews tions of a white minority nation around may account for some odd shapes and a When the topic turns to illegal immi- the comer, we hear few ledures from faces we see among the Chosen, such as grants, one side trots out a well- liberals about the importance of capping the tall, thin, cadaverous types, the bar- credentialed economist to point out the nation's population. racuda-like Menahem Begin, strange and what a horrendous drag they are on the 606 ugly mouths like that of Streisand and system. The other side dusts off an equal- the mannish faces the women acquire as ly wellcredentialed economist (frequent- 0 A recent issue of the Economist had a they age. A typical case is Lillian Hell- ly Jewish) to point out what a boon they long article on Africa's inexorable slide man, who was a rather pretty girl when are to our economic well-being. He back to the bush, posing the question, young. doesn't know how we ever got along "Why Has Africa Faded? Not even a hint 520 without 'em! That the economic argu- of the true and simple explanation. ment is always foremost shows the utter 223 a The Jews in Russia are not the victims bankruptcy bf such an approach. The they pretend to be, but are in fad a fa- simple fact is they're not supposed to be 0 For what it's worth, everyone I've met vored group. here! They are lawbreakers adtherefore from Arkansas the last few years has as- 025 criminals. After all, if economic benefits sured me that everything I've heard were the be-all and end-all of public poli- about Bill Clinton is true. a Hope may be killed and faith lost be- cy, why do we put burglars in jail? 729 cause of cold logic and hard facts. But Doesn't their behavior stimulate con- never say die. Life is not logical but illog- sumption after people return home to 0 While being interviewed by Larry King ical. find their TVs, VCRs and stereos missing? on CNN, racial cousin Walter Matthau 420 800 admitted to Larry that one of the many lies in his autobiography was that his fa- When Iwas in Guatemala I read a sto- a Hard to open a general interest maga- ther was a Greek Orthodox priest. Lots ry about a meeting of village leaders at- zine without seeing the profile of some of chuckles. King continued his question- tended by "guerrillas" in black-face and blissfully queer couple. How long before ing as though viewers were expected to camouflage, who shot them all dead. Ob- threesomes (or more) will be the in believe the replies were any more truth- viously they were military. At least thing? ful than the already admitted falsehoods! 70,000 natives were killed. Their de- 022 61 1 stroyers (the military) got their weapons from Israel. a Every culture is based on a moral con- a For the media the only qualification a 258 sensus. Unlike Koreans, we do not eat refugee needs for citizenship is the abili- dogs, nor have we yet embraced the Eski- ty to cry. 0 After listening to the Council for For- mo practice of putting our eklerly out to 91 7 eign Relations crowd praise Pamela Dig- freeze to death. When this consensus is by Churchill Hayward Harriman, it oc- changed by subterfuge, without suffi- 0 My aunt who lives in Los Angeles as- curred to me that morality, like pa- cient debate, discord results.
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