Page 16 ('Ao'ao Umikumaono) Okakopa (October) 1987 KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS/BISHOP ESTATE Campus Program REQUESTS FOR 1988 ·1989 ADMISSION APPLICATIONS ARE BEING ACCEPTED APPLICATION DEADLINES ARE AS FOLLOWS: Grade Kindergarten .............. November 13, 1987 Grade 7,8,9,10,11 and 12 ......... December 18,1987 Applications are not being taken for grades 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 Public Information Meetings will be held at the following places and times: J.s!aOO Time O'ahu Pearl City l..I>rary OCt 20 7:30 p.rn. 'Alna Halna Lbra1t, OCt 21 7:30 p.rn. rary 0cl22 7:30 p.rn. KallB'ohe rary OCt 26 7:30p.m. 'Alea LIlrary OCt 27 7:30p.m. Kalua l..I>rary OCt 29 7:30 p.rn. Wahiawa l..I>rary Nov. 2 7:30p.m. Katuku Nov. 3 7:30 p.rn. WaIanae lbary Nov. 7:30p.m. Ewa Beach CommurtylSchooll..l>rary Nov. •S 7:30 p.rn. Waimanalo Commur*yISchooll.brrt Nov. 10 7:30 p.rn. HawaII Thelma Parker l.brrt Nov. 10 7:OOp.rn. W8S1 Hawaii Resou/C8 eer.w (New K8lUhou ShlppIng Certer) Nov. 12 7:00 p.rn. Hlio High Carel m Nov. 16 700 p.rn. Hila High Calelorium Nov. 18 700 p.rn. Maul Cameron Center Nov. S 7:00 p.rn. Hana LIlrary Nov. 6 700p.rn. Lana' Lana' CommunlyJSchooll.brrt Nov. 21 1000 a.m. Moklka'i Kualapu'u SChool Nov. 10 700 p.m. Mnchel Pau'ole eer.er Nov. 700 p.rn. Kilohana Recreational Certer Nov. 17 7:00p.m. Kaua'i Waimea Cereer Nov. 17 7:00p.m. LillI" Ne rhood Certer Nov. 18 7:00 p.rn. Kapa'a l..I>rary Nov. 19 7:00 p.rn. Call 842-8223 (O'ahu), 322-6044 (West Hawai'i), 935-5580 (East Hawai'i), 244-5449 (Maui), 245-8070 (Kaua'i), 553-3473 (Moloka'i), 565-6374 (Lana'i), for application materials or write to the Kamehameha Schools Admissions Office Kapalama Heights, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96817 FINANCIAL AID IS AVAILABLE '0 OFFICE. OF HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS 1600 Kaplolanl Blvd., Suite 1500 Honolulu, HawaII 96814 A Moment of Joy ... photos, story pages 8, 9 1 I OFFICE Kamehameha Officials, Trust·ee Clarify Record Charges of Inaccuracies Leveled at Series Editor's Note: During the first week of September, RAW MEAN SAT SCORES COMPARISON GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS the Honolulu Star Bulletin ran a provocative series of Point Question: Kamehameha's graduation requirements for articles on Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate. While 1877 1888 Incr.... % Inc...... math and science were questioned. Exactly what is re- scrutiny by the press is welcomed, the Schools and Verbal 435 460 25 6% quired? Bishop Estate also expect fair and balanced reporting. Math 489 562 73 15% Darvill: Four years ago the requirements for math and Kamehameha officials have said, however, that the Hewell science were increased to two years each, taking effect series presented many inaccuracies about the Schools . Verbal 401 403 2 .49% with the Class of 1988. Even so, for years our students and its programs. Thus officials feel compelled to pro- Math 470 477 7 1.50% have been taking more science, math, social studies and vide accurate information about the Schools' programs Nelonel language courses than are minimally required. For and policies to their beneficiaries. In an effort to clarify Verbal 429 431 2 .46% example, 99% of our students took two years' of math the record, Ka Wai Ola 0 OHA is happy to present the Math 470 475 5 1.06% even when we required only one. In effect we just made it following series of three interviews submitted by Presi- . official. dent Jack Daruill, Trustee Myron Thompson and COMPARISON OF 1977 AND 1986 • See Kamehameha, pages 2,3,4 Public Affairs Director Neil Hannahs, the three men SCHOLASTIC APTITUDE TEST (SAT) SCORES most quoted in the Star Bulletin series. A question and (Number. of .tudent. are the .eme both ,eara: K88 - top 55'1 Hewan - top 45'1 Nation - top 34'.) GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS answer format is used for this purpose. Readers with va additional questions are encouraged to contact Kame- 800 I ACTUAL STUDENT COURSE SELECnONS hameha's Public Affairs Department, 842-8300. VERBAL SCORES CLASS OF 1817 575 Requirements * Selected Math - 1 year REACTION 550 2 years - 99% Question: What is your reaction to recent Star Bulletin 3 years - 88% 525 articles on Kamehameha Schools? 4 years - 54% Darvill: Many of us at Kamehameha -students, parents, In 500 Science - 1 year 2 years - 82% 3 years - 38% Z 475 teachers, staff and alumni - have been deeply offended (5 4 years - 8% A. 480 by the articles. Personally, as one who is nearing the end 450 Foreign Language -0 2 years - 82% of a 25-year career at The Schools, I am surprised, be- 425 :n ........ ..... ...... ..... ·431 3 years - 38% wildered and upset. 40 1 ___________ __________ 403 4 years - 18% 400 * In 1983. math and science requirements were Increased to KAMEHAMEHASECONDARYSCHOOL 375 two years each for all classes graduating after 1987. Que tion: Most of the focus was on Kamehameha's Secondary School. What are the educational objectives 200 T for grades 7 - 12? 1977 1986 Darvill: We are committed to the growth of the "whole child". We assist students to develop academically to the best of their abilities. We are also concerned that they 800 I acquire skills needed to relate positively to self and MATH SCORES others, maintain health and continue learning. We want 575 them to leave us with the capabilities to make their life 550 rewarding and productive. 525 In 500 Question: Describe the student body in grades 7 . 12. z Darvill: We have a secondary school population of (5 475 2,080. Generally, applicants exhibiting the greatest A. 450 achievement are admitted according to geographic 425 quotas. Preference is given to orphans and indigent 400 children, as stated in Mrs. Bishop's will. Consequently, 375 we get a student body with average to very high abilities. At least four of every five students have college aspira- 200 T tions, but our program must meet the needs and inter- 1977 ests of all. That's why the Secondary School is called Jack Darvill comprehensive. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS VS. ACTUAL STUDENT SELECTIONS SAT COMPARISONS , Question: What do you think of the comparisons made CLASS OF 1987 between Kamehameha and other private schools? Darvill: They are invidious. As lalani's Paul Kennedy 100 said, "It's not fair to take a school like lolani, where ad- 99% took mission is competitive ... and compare it with Kame- 2 years hameha, which has a mission to reach out to all Hawaiian 88% took 3 years children." Our best students can compete with any· 82% took 82% took body. But Kamehameha should be assessed on the basis 2 years 2 years of progress made in achieving our own goals, not those of an elitist institution like Andover which enrolls 1,200 students from 40 states and 30 foreign ,countries. Tuition there is $8,000 for a day student with an additional 34% 54% took underwritten by its endowment. 4 years Question: Are your students showing any gains on SAT scores? 38% took 38% took 3 years 3 years Darvill: Yes! The number taking this test increased by 71 % in a decade-from 55% of the juniors and seniors in 1977 to 94% in 1986. Also comparisons of the respective 18% took performances of the top 55% of the students in 1986 with 4 years the 55% who took the test in 1977 show that verbal 8% took scores rose 25 points and math scores jumped 73 points. 4 years During the same ten years, national scores increased o only two and five points respectively. Our 1987 results are even better, increasing 34 and 97 points, respective- MATH - 1 YEAR SCIENCE - 1 YEAR FOREIGN LANGUAGE - ly, for verbal and math over the 1977 scores. Okakopa,(0ciobel') ·. 1987 • Kamehameha, from page 1 (This column is open to all OHA Trustees as a vehicle for them to COLLEGE ADMISSION Trustee's express their mana'o . Opinions expressed are those of the individual Question: Is the number of Kamehameha students Trustees and do no t necessarily represent the official position of the going to college increasing? OHA Board of Trustees.) Darvill: Yes. Betweeh 1977 and i986, graduating class Views sizes remained constant-about 360 students per class. Yet the percent of students going to 4-year colleges in- creased from 36% to 60% of the class. The actual number Bottom Une on Waiola of students went from 130 to 215, an increase of 65%. Another 20 - 25% of each graduating class continues By Clarence F. T. Ching Mike Moon, the "new" director of the Department of their education at 2-year colleges. Many of them do this Trustee, O'ahu Housing and Community Development sent a memo- for economic reasons and then transfer to complete "Waiola!" Almost eve· randum dated Dec. 29, 1986, to Jeremy Harris the . their baccalaureate requirements. ryone who has read the "new" managing director. '. ' The n;temo related the existence of four possible newspapers or watched I KAMEHAMEHA GRADUATES TV news has been ex· problem areas: 1) that the increase of traffic contributed POST·HIGH SCHOOL EDUCAnON posed to "Waiola," a t? by the Waiola project would not only add to conges- name that has had much tion, but would result in the state's "Air Quality Stand- 357 Students CI ... of1t77, a... of 1_ exposure in the media ards being exceeding by a level necfrly twice that speci- 4 year colleges 36% ' 60% over the last couple of fied as the maximum allowable and four times the level 2 year colleges 27% 22% MIlitary/Work Force 35% 17% I years.
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