THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AUSTRALIAN HOTELS ASSOCIATION (SA BRANCH) OCT/NOV 2018 THE DRAUGHT BEER ISSUE 2019 AHA NATIONAL HOTEL AWARDS FULL WINNERS LIST ON PAGE 38 CRAFERS: KING OF THE HILLS PAGE 10 www.ahasa.asn.au | Hotel SA | 1 Contents HOPSOM1234_285x210_AHA SA_Hotel SA_Performance_FA.indd 1 2/10/18 5:36 pm Contents 10 22 THE CRAFERS HOTEL FROM GLASSY TO GLOBETROTTING GM Crafers est le mellieur! The once dour and time-forgotten inn The story of Pavithran “Pav” Nambiar can be summed has not only invigorated and ‘Francophiled’ the Hills hamlet of up as “dropout med student becomes pub glassy becomes Crafers, it has scooped five prix at the State AHA awards. general manager of five-star hotels”. 25 30 34 CHEERS TO DRAUGHT BEER! BEST DRAUGHT BEER WINNERS SA HOTELS LEAD THE WAY Purists say it’s the only way to drink the At the AHA|SA Awards For Excellence, Hotels account for the lion’s share of food amber fluid – fresh from a keg in a clean, draught beer was put on a pedestal with service in SA – but it is a market typified cold glass with frothy head. two awards for the best draught beer. by ever-increasing competition. Want to advertise + in HotelSA? P 08 8233 9433 A Level 3, 47 South Tce, Adelaide SA 5000 Contact [email protected] boylen.com.au www.ahasa.asn.au | Hotel SA | 3 HOPSOM1234_285x210_AHA SA_Hotel SA_Performance_FA.indd 1 2/10/18 5:36 pm + From the President DAVID BASHEER – AHA|SA PRESIDENT ELECTION WISHLIST Sensible reforms that need immediate implementation include: The AHA at both State and National levels is developing a list • Remove the current disincentive to hire ‘adult’ apprentices. of priorities that must be addressed at the next Federal election. Currently it is a costly exercise. The government must provide incentives to encourage employers that, at age 21, While there are general business issues - such as company a person who made a slightly later start to career path is not tax and policy certainty – that need attention, I will focus on considered too expensive to train and employ specific industry issues which require the attention of all sides of the Parliament. • Reinstate the tools for trade incentives. • Consider methods, such as formalised mentoring programs, BEER EXCISE that will reduce the high drop-off rate. The AHA will continue to urge all parties that there is a In short, we need actions and details, not words. compelling business case to reduces the excise on draught beer and to freeze other excise. NATIONAL ALCOHOL STRATEGY The continuation of six-monthly, CPI-based rises is poor We require a coordinated and sensible approach to the National policy. Beer served over the bar is where the jobs are and Alcohol Strategy. A national harm minimisation framework all governments should be focused the economic benefits of must be fact-based and cannot be hijacked by fringe elements of sustained employment growth. the debate. As the Minister for Finance, Mathias Cormann, once said: Whichever party assumes power at the next federal election “… jobs don’t grow on trees. Jobs are created by successful must: profitable businesses. The more successful, the more profitable a business is the more people it can hire and the better the wages • work with industry and key stakeholders it can pay.” • to guarantee a coordinated approach A review is needed in the way excise is calculated and the fact • with no unintended consequences it is done so twice a year. It gives the customer no chance to recover from the previous price rise. Venues are faced with the • including safeguarding jobs prospect of reducing margins to stay competitive when so many of their operational costs are spiralling. ONLINE GAMBLING At an electorate level, the price of the humble pint continues to In today’s digital world, there is no doubt that the negative rise and these price hikes are deeply unpopular among social impact of online gambling continues to spiral out of control. drinkers. With alcohol consumption showing a consistent Socially, it is unseen and lacks the physical presence of trained downhill trend, there is no case for arguing the increases should staff to identify those at risk. occur for the social good. However, there is an argument that From a business viewpoint, it is unregulated, largely untaxed says taxpayers would benefit from some “hip pocket relief”. and offshore operations do not create a single job in Australia. Indeed, the burden falls heavily on the bricks and mortar SKILLS SHORTAGE operators. Our industry is experiencing a skills shortage that is getting It is time we had a common purpose, across all parties, progressively worse, not better. for action. 4 | Hotel SA | www.ahasa.asn.au AUSTRAC At a magnificent event at The Sheraton on the Gold Coast, which culminated in a poolside party and fireworks to celebrate Another essential reform to do away with the AUSTRAC our great industry, the AHA’s National President, Scott Leach reporting responsibilities. and TAA Chair, Martin Ferguson made impressive speeches Pubs are not high stakes operations where $10,000 wins are advocating for our industry in front of 450 guests. commonplace. A small licensee could spend a lifetime as a The Crafers deserves special mention, after being named the publican and never see a win of this magnitude. best hotel in Australia. Here we see a venue-led resurgence in As such it is an unnecessary burden on our operators; it is a the rejuvenation of Adelaide Hills pubs. The win was a great layer of red tape our SMEs shouldn’t have to deal with. reward for the vision of the Peters, Matthews and Brumby families. The Crafers also won Best Redeveloped Hotel. AIRBNB Congratulations also go to Ian Tregonning, Graham Hobbs The AHA is not opposed to the true spirit of Airbnb, which and his team at Sporties Tavern for Best Bar Presentation and is where a vacant back room is let out in a single dwelling. Service in regional Australia, Port Pirie. However, the reality is far different to this romantic vision. The Fahey family is no stranger to winning awards and the Large operators with more hotel rooms than the average stunning gaming room transformation at The Lakes Resort is a Australian hotel are taking advantage of the unregulated credit to them. environment to run complex operations that dodge the The Dean Group is to be congratulated for a well deserved regulations and taxes paid by the mainstream industry. win for the Largs Pier in the Best Mid Range Accommodation Our members are placed at a competitive disadvantage. category. Common sense must prevail. To provide a level playing field, Robert and Paola Coro and their team have an enduring large Airbnb operators must be required to pay an equal reputation for the uniqueness and quality of the Apothecary. amount of tax, levies and compliance costs as traditional For a SA member to win national honours in such a keenly operators. contested category is a deserving recognition of this venue. ENERGY Kym Bond oversees a young team at The Cathedral (see page 30). Following the hotel’s renovation, they have been judged the Finally, I want to underline the AHA’s commitment to reducing best at what all pubs nationwide do... serve beer! power prices for members. At a local and national level, we continue to engage with third parties to provide assistance. In closing, well done to all SA nominees, a number of whom attended the function. Our State awards will be held next In addition, a newly-elected Federal Government has the July and I encourage all publicans to consider entering, as the opportunity to assist commercial venues to install power factor rewards and publicity are very real. correction units, which will also have benefit of increasing energy efficiency. NATIONAL AWARDS For SA to have seven SA category winners at the National David Basheer AHA Awards is an outstanding result (see story page 38). AHA|SA President www.ahasa.asn.au | Hotel SA | 5 From the General Manager IAN HORNE – AHA|SA GENERAL MANAGER THE STATE BUDGET It of course makes sense. The duplication and contradiction served no one, not the industry, the consumer, problem The Liberal Government delivered their first budget after 16 gamblers or the regulatory process. years in opposition. It contained a raft of cuts and some positive incentives but two items were specific to the interest of many LIQUOR FEES TO INCREASE hoteliers. The Government also announced a revision of liquor licensing IGA ABOLISHED fees in the 2018-19 State Budget, based in part on the recommendations of the Anderson Review into the South The abolition of the IGA (Independent Gambling Authority) Australian Liquor Licensing Act 1997. The expectation is that it was one that attracted attention. will raise an additional $3.2 million per annum from 2019-20. “The first Marshall Liberal Government Budget will deliver The Government has undertaken to consult with stakeholders substantial and long delayed reform to the administration but our preliminary view is that while ‘sold’ as a reflection of a of the gambling industry in South Australia,” said Attorney- venue’s ‘risk’, it is simply a tax that has little to do with risk. General Vickie Chapman. As was put to Tim Anderson QC and the former Labor “The 2018-19 State Budget establishes the Liquor and Government on several occasions, the AHA|SA cannot state Gambling Commissioner as the sole regulator of gambling its opposition to risk-based fees more strongly. The models put and dissolves the Independent Gambling Authority (IGA) forward by Tim Anderson QC (and apparently adopted by the and its Board.” Liberal Government) are based on ‘a one size fits’ all and uses These reforms are based on recommendations of the simplistic indicators of trading hours and capacity as the only Administrative Review of Gambling Regulation in South measure.
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