E38 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 19, 2010 He also holds the degrees of Master of He- a government takeover of the entire private in gaining meaningful and quality employment brew Literature and Doctor of Divinity, Honoris health care delivery system. in the construction industry deserve our Causa, from the Jewish Theological Seminary. f thanks. Their endeavors are in keeping with Rabbi Rembaum was part of the well re- Dr. King’s simple message that all deserve the nowned faculty and administration of the RECOGNIZING SGT KIMBERLY D. chance to succeed and I again wish to con- American Jewish University from 1970 to MUNLEY OF FORT HOOD, TEXAS gratulate them on all the outstanding work 1985, pursuing his steadfast vocational climb they do for all Georgians and for the important to the positions of Dean of Undergraduate HON. JOHN R. CARTER work they do to honor Dr. Martin Luther King’s Studies and eventually becoming an associate OF TEXAS legacy. professor of Jewish history. He was a visiting IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f assistant professor at UCLA and UC Irvine. Tuesday, January 19, 2010 COMMEMORATING THE 50TH ANNI- He then taught at the Wexner Heritage Foun- VERSARY OF THE GREENSBORO, dation and served on the faculty of the Ziegler Mr. CARTER. Madam Speaker, I would like NORTH CAROLINA, SIT-IN AND School of Rabbinic Studies. He has received to recognize SGT Kimberly D. Munley of Fort CELEBRATING THE OPENING OF countless graduate and research fellowships Hood, Texas for her unbelievable bravery on THE INTERNATIONAL CIVIL and contributed to the Melton Research Insti- November 5, 2009 at Fort Hood, Texas. Kim- RIGHTS CENTER AND MUSEUM tute Seminar in Jewish History. He was also a berly, selflessly, helped put an end to the hor- member of the board of directors of the Asso- rific massacre that took place, killing 12 sol- ciation for Jewish Studies. Rabbi Rembaum diers and 1 civilian and wounding more than HON. MELVIN L. WATT has published an impressive variety of articles 40 others. She had the courage to defend, de- OF NORTH CAROLINA in the field of Jewish history and has lectured spite her own gunshot wounds from the shoot- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES extensively throughout the United States. er. Her leadership, skill and bravery are truly Tuesday, January 19, 2010 Since July 1985, Rabbi Joel E. Rembaum heroic. We, as one Nation under God honor Mr. WATT. Madam Speaker, on February 1, has passionately served as Senior Rabbi of her today for her heroism. Her actions will not 1960 four freshman students from North Caro- Temple Beth Am in Los Angeles, California. be forgotten, and she will forever be recog- lina Agricultural and Technical State Univer- As Senior Rabbi, he successfully launched a nized for her leadership and bravery. sity, Ezell Blair (Jibreel Khazan), Franklin reform of the synagogue’s education system It is an honor to recognize SGT Munley, as McCain, Joseph McNeil and David Richmond, and worked with the congregation’s lay and she continues to be a true leader at Fort sat down and requested service at the F.W. professional leadership to construct the Rabbi Hood, in Texas District 31, and The United Woolworth’s segregated lunch counter in Jacob Pressman Academy. I commend Rabbi States of America. Greensboro, North Carolina. In the following Rembaum for making the academy a holistic f days more students from North Carolina Agri- educational system. Nevertheless year after cultural and Technical State University, Ben- IN CELEBRATION OF THE LIFE year, Rabbi Rembaum has continued teaching nett College for Women, Woman’s College of AND WORK OF DR. MARTIN LU- in all facets of Beth Am’s educational pro- the University of North Carolina (now the Uni- THER KING, JR. gramming, in which he continues to inspire versity of North Carolina at Greensboro) and and touch the lives of students and faculty. Dudley High School would join the sit-in. The Rabbi Rembaum lives in Los Angeles with HON. JIM MARSHALL nonviolent action of these students sparked a his wife, Fredi, herself a respected and promi- OF GEORGIA nationwide sit-in movement. nent Jewish public professional. The IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I ask my colleagues in the House to join me Rembaums have four children: Yona, Avi, Tuesday, January 19, 2010 today in commemorating and celebrating Nomi, and Joshua. They also have six grand- these acts of heroism and the opening of the children: Itai, Dani and Ella Rembaum and Mr. MARSHALL. Madam Speaker, it is my International Civil Rights Center and Museum Ilan, Uri and Maayan Eshkenazi. pleasure to rise today to honor one of Geor- on February 1, 2010. The Museum is located Madam Speaker and distinguished col- gia’s greatest citizens, Dr. Martin Luther King, at the site of the February 1, 1960 sit-in and leagues, we ask you to join me in saluting Jr., and to recognize the efforts of the Martin will be a lasting memorial to these historic Joel E. Rembaum for his impressive career Luther King, Jr., Banquet Committee, the acts. and dedication to the Jewish community, and North Georgia Building and Construction The courage of the students at North Caro- to congratulate him on his service to Temple Trades Council, and the Central Georgia Fed- lina Agricultural and Technical State Univer- Beth Am and the Pressman Academy. eration of Trades and Labor Council. It is on sity, Bennett College for Women, Woman’s f this 22nd Annual Martin Luther King, Jr., Ban- College of the University of North Carolina quet and Awards Ceremony that we all pause (now the University of North Carolina at AMERICANS WANT to remember Dr. King’s life and legacy and to Greensboro) and Dudley High School serves TRANSPARENCY ON HEALTH CARE reflect on what a profoundly positive impact he to remind us of the important role that young has had on each and every one of us. Dr. people played, and continue to play, in the HON. LAMAR SMITH King’s impact was not limited to the South or civil rights struggle and in the fight for equality OF TEXAS even to the United States. His nonviolent and justice for all people. The International IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES struggle for the equality of all people enriched Civil Rights Center and Museum will be a Tuesday, January 19, 2010 our entire globe, a fact acknowledged by his monument to the sacrifices of freedom-loving Mr. SMITH of Texas. Madam Speaker, the receipt of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. people who came together to work for the Administration’s health care plan will affect Dr. King’s message throughout the struggle promise of this nation. Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join every single American and impact one-sixth of of the Civil Rights movement was clear and me in commemorating the 50th anniversary of the U.S. economy. simple. All people should be equal before the But congressional leaders have taken the law and all should have the opportunity to the Greensboro sit-in and to thank those who labored to keep America’s dream of democ- critical negotiations behind closed doors, even make the most out of their lives in a free and racy alive and real. I also encourage all citi- though President Obama repeatedly promised democratic society. Dr. King contributed enor- zens to join me in supporting the International a transparent process. mously to the passage of the Civil Rights Act The Administration claims Congress needs of 1964, a landmark in the struggle for racial Civil Rights Center and Museum. to pass a health care plan to cover 47 million equality. Unfortunately, that struggle continues f people who are uninsured. today, almost 42 years after Dr. King was HONORING LUCY BILLINGSLEY But that 47 million figure includes 4 million murdered by an assassin. Our nation’s annual AND THE CHIAPAS PROJECT people who are eligible for public health insur- celebration of Dr. King’s birth reminds us that ance but not yet enrolled, 10 million illegal im- we have more to do to assure the equality of HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON migrants, 9 million people who are only tem- all people before the law. OF TEXAS porarily uninsured, and 10 million people who Madam Speaker, the work of the North IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES can afford health coverage but choose not to Georgia Building and Construction Trades purchase it. Council and the Central Georgia Federation of Tuesday, January 19, 2010 We should focus on the long-term, low-in- Trades and Labor Council continues the work Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. come uninsured, about 14 million people, not begun by Dr. King. Their efforts for Georgians Madam Speaker, I rise today to recognize VerDate Nov 24 2008 04:08 Jan 20, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19JA8.002 E19JAPT1 dcolon on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with REMARKS January 19, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E39 Lucy Billingsley who founded the Chiapas tified expert in matters dealing with terrorism 3rd BCT’s operations resulted in 419 detain- Project, a non-profit organization that is dedi- and homeland security. He is a board certified ees, 236 enemy killed, and 120 enemy cated to lifting women out of poverty in Latin expert in traumatic stress, making him a keen wounded. At the same time, the Spartans had America. asset when dealing with sensitive global ca- 311 friendly casualties and 32 brave Soldiers The Chiapas Project was founded in 2003 tastrophes. He has become an expert in treat- killed in action.
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