9 H f '' ■ ■ ■ m m t io r n in g T d a hl . a g e t lid p n t O K -r- Today’s forecast 50 in an eight- .proval. But all of Minidoka Coun- • ist: The Associated Press- In Minidokaa County. Jan. I is monc>ncy by cutting d o w n on unncc-uni several months* ago ith-C enlral Ida- ty 's fiv e didoctors have decidcd lo T oday b re e z y . Roi:loin likely possibly the mrgct date; ffor mandatory par- essarsary care; and ensure patitaticnts couniy area of Soutl y nccd_ho.JEbc_CDunlics.ariUC B laine. C at..,take part. ----- mixed'with s d o w inn llihe corly morning. s a green--ticipation by rpatients, said Jan- can-sn-scc-a.doctor w hen they n BOISE — Idaho has a mas. Cassia. Good)ding. Jerome. For theiricir trouble, they get S3.50 Highs near 50. SoulllUth w inds 15. to 2 0 light. from the federal govcijvcmrhent ^iCheevcr, projcct:ct director. one. to help Lincoln. Minidoka arand fw in Fulls, n m onthI foifor each Medicaid patient mph.'Tonight chancecc of snow showers. to^ proceed with a Medicaicaid pilot '• “I think timeie will s p e a k for it- TinTlie projetct is s u p p o se d to I ; Medi- Dy 1995. the projcijcct is 10 be cx- on their lisilist. Thai sum is on top of Lows in the 20s. project aimed at providinging better, self, and w c hopape the program sue- Idahciho rcign in skyrocketing M >Opoor' tended to Ado Count;njy. their rcgultgular fees fonolTice vwits P ag« A2 chcaper| health-carc to imimpovcr- cceds," said Dr3f. Homi Vania, an caidid «costs. More than 70,000 r to pay - • So far.-Medicaidid patients caa ancTothcrtr:r treatment. ishecfrdohoans^ interrirst arid'' lu1 n g s p e c ia lis t in Idahoihoans rely on Mcdicaid to sign up for the pr<iroject if they In thei rcrest of the counties, no Under the projcct,:, c a lle d M inidoka Countinty. ■ their:ir imedical bills. >eparl- want, but they don't’t have to. Witli finn d atescs !liave been set. •- • “Healthy Connections,” thothousands So far, 35 to 5d p a tie n ts have . In January, the Idaho Dup re will the approval of the; Ircderil Health Part ofl:jf ihe purpose cif the pro- _ I of Medicoid patients in MiMinidoka signed up with;h V ania, w h o se of- ment;iit of Health and Welfare it^the-'county-seat-or—Bsk-hIc-legislators-for-on-oxtro^l 1^ 1 0.5—C-aru-Financing-AdkdminifitKition,—gram-iwasJ as-to-climinaic-eracrgcncy_:_______ £riid'SBven”o th crx D u n rii?ii?s-in-the—ficcis-in-Rupcrt r sits for illnesses that could • ■ lesfafiveaiiditclitonum’seats*---- : primary- Minidoka Couminty. Hc hasn’t seen milliillion to covet an expccpected participation can bee niadc nianda- room visits Twin Falls area pick one pr ' be treateded JJust as well — and le.ss “Several types o f seatseats for the proposed ^ 11 b f th eir m uch change inin his p racticc yet. dcflcilicit in the Medicaid budgetIgel for. tory. carc doctor to handle all o D octors don’t liu'lavc to partici- cxpensivelivcly — in u doctor’s of- John Roper AudJtoriuri•iufn w ill be availoble health. core, including referjferrais to The goal of f " ' H e a lth y G onnec- fiscalcal 1994. ‘Heolthy Connections'* staistarted pale, regardless of tlth e federal up- fice. today for comparisonin oto th e high school. specialists..^ ‘ , tions” is two-folfold: Save taxpayers “Hi PageB I __ __________ — r— <_______^ Consolidation effortefi continues Sen. b arrin g to n wit:vvill'speak tonight in Murtaugh to foes oof f 0 proposed Mur* luugh-Hatfs'etrs^tfoJiq!:dlswfcfc 0 ns0 lid a“ “ ----- -tio n . Page BI Going home Bi^ncos-Stederisrs to Russia Denver routed Pitts'ittsburgh in o game ■ thot tightened races ininthe^^FC t . YYuliy u Lobachevskly will leave his wife ^ PaseD 5 f W m -------------------- Valontina and 16- Ih V ' ' New polls year-old son Edgar in Twin Falls Barring upsets. Neb•lebraska and Florida to return td Russia. ____ __ ___ State'are headed towo:w ords 0 New Year's- t o Doy battle foe N o. !•' in college tootball^ ...... P ag eD S ' Bad^Iegs blues Varicose veins still:ill ofnii:t m illions o f Americo w om en, b utIt technologyte is offer- ing som e hope. PageD I Nfce lawyers . - - /Columnist'Davc BorBorry thinks it’s high ' tinie w e A m e r ic a s stopped,stc this jawycr- ~ AWmr AHEKZffhtTli w Hwi ' baflhibg^ '"* * ^ ""'"'* P ag eD I : - ® |g i l t ’s tience iends itiibitterrness _ ..‘.‘j.w as difdisappointed.” hc .said in frtrfac- “The only advan'antage is the great By Steve Cntn^- World changed-i Qorbacha^: HeileVb . turcd Engli:glish. “Amcrica is noi whala t I amount o f food a n d g'goods available. But d-foreVer Timcs-News-writer the food and prospcritcrity w ere never ol the . AU o f N o v e m b e r 11 —'A7 thought." r 1963. was.suffused or humiliated? — ne points, the USA .societyl y i s . first place in the li.stt of my life’s goals." with changc. The coui fw jN FAI-LS - ThThe sun has set on * “ In som e ountiy was undergo- ' much more)re far from the ideal thanI tthe So unhappy was YuliyVu with his Ameri- ing deep tnmsformatiiotion — invisible to Yuliy Lobtwhcvskiy'ss AAmerican dream. •““ “ al he lold the INS he Y eltsItsin, fa c e s a n uncertain futurelui in his , form er USSISSR (rational usage of the: irc-‘ can cxpcrienee that 1 , 'most o f us. :rimc. if nccessary. to nctown o f Kiymsk. s o u rccs. enei:nergy saving technologies; eco-cc would commit a crin: PageAS So 4o ^year-oldrem « igre radio engi- .home and gel himself deported.:d. '■ Russia is g o in g hom e Thirhc only w a y Y uliy knowss hhow to help logical probl•oblems. people’s education a neer froih southern Rus: c r t o “ 1 guess I’m notit sisurprised that some •endezvous with his «s to0 go h o m e,-so he’ll leave: hihis 43-year- health proble)blcms ...)." he wrote in letter D ect li hom e to a ren< gration ahd Naturalization StSer- Russians would want-ant to go back.” said ■pasti hom e to an uncertasrtain future. old vwife, Valentina, and hiss 116-ycar-old the Immigra jesting that he be allowed toJ irc- Ron Black of the CoCollege of Southem : Inthe 21:months sineince hc IcfU'he’s be- , son,I, 1Edgar, b eh in d in Tw in FallsFal for nC)W vicc. request :y have a fu- turn to Russiissia. "In several moments 1 hhad Idaho Refugee Assiiss is ta n c c C e n te r.,“ It gun to doubt the thingsgs 1he assumcd-abobt unulil hc decides whcther;thcy g, that 1 am in the past ecntuilury. would be difficult undunder the best circum- : Teacher’s final 1< h is h o m e la n d a n d ab<about.his adopted, turet iin the Kuban, a region betweenb< the the feeling, t 1 lesson ^ le here arc made fools the sarame stances to pick upp yyour life and start • In a city grown'niir country. All he's surere cof now,is .thai his', Blaclick Sea a n d th e Sea o f Azov.ov.-' The people \ niimb by daily death se he’ll m iss w a y as it wa:was done in the USSR, o nly itin a again In a society soo didifferent." :' and violence, a trafnc 23-yW '^ld son, Nicho:holas, a disaffected . ' BuJut there’s riot much else Be accidcnt thot tobk different diredirection. P le) a8 sse i see RUSSIA/A2 the life o f a y ou n g teacleocher w as barely no* _f6 rmer. supporter of-:3 f President'Boris here. r-' ticed. Blit In the microcrocosm of Lafayette I 'Elemenlory School,sl, her death was a • tragedy. PageAS ’ ' ■ ; ""I . Airline rej ommunlities arren’t : Still enigmatic; figure-fi; lany sim all CO . W hat does Jacc^uclincline Kennedy Onos- mediatipn p . sis touch in Amencanon psyche| that mokes ; her so'appealing? nforcinagnewr cable rrates laiw PageA 4 rettdsticickets ^ nore federal regulation thatit th e y Once the certificafication is granted, the lo­ T h e AlAssociated Press just one moi arc expcctcictcd to enforce without getctting cai authority asksks the cable company to TheAswSitedP^ - produce its rate canc a rd fo r review , : W AASHINGTON'— ; Cablelie T V s u b - a n y ex tra fuifunding to do so. oeal governments also objccicct to The authority mustmu then cither approve s — T h e chairm an scribcrers in som e cities could ha'have a tough Some loei FO RT W O RTH , T exas - regulations on the groundsis-that the rotes as legal.al.under 1 the new law or : Caught ill the cr g his heels in Sun- tim c fifighting high cable rates} hbecausc lo- the new reg crossfire ,ofAmi^CB.q Alriines dug hi e good relationships withI ttheir sny why they aren'cn’t. Litigation could foi­ Israeli Palestinians h • day,;turnjng down a callall from striking cal uutu th o ritics a rc not taking ststeps to en- they have g IS hope the pcace ac- • , local cableale operators and recciyc'c' fe w low.
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