1905. l CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 3413 John Gretzer, jr., shall hereafter be held and considered to have HOUSE OF -REPRESENTATIVES. been discharged from the military service of the United States as a private of Company D, First Regiment Nebraska Volun- SATUP.DAY, February ~5, 1905. - teer Infantry, on the 23d day of August, 1899, by reason of disa­ bility resulting from a wound incurred in that service and in The House met at 12 o'clock m. the line of duty. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. HENRY N. CoUDEN, D. D. '1'he bill was reported to the Senate without amendment, or­ The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. dered to a third reading, read the thir~ time, and passed. RESERVATION OF SOUTHEAST LADIES' GALLERY• . HENRY BEEGER. Mr. COOPER of Texas. Mr. Speaker, by special order of the House, 3 o'clock to-day has been set apart for appropriate exer­ The bill (H. R. 16266) to remove the charge of desertion cises upon the acceptance of the statues of Sam Houston and from the record of Henry Beeger was considered as in Commit­ Stephen F. Austin. I therefore ask unanimous consent for the tee of the Whole. It provides that Henry Beeger shall be held immediate consideration of the resolution which I send to the and considered to have been honorably discharged from the service as a sergeant of Battery D, Second Artillery, as of date desk. of January 20, 1851, and the Secretary of War is authorized to The Clerk read as follows : Resolved, That the southeast ladies' gallery be reserved for the rela­ issue an honorable discharge in accordance with this act. tives of Sam Houston and Stephen F . .Austin and for such citizens of The bill was reported to the Senate without amendment, or­ Texas as may attend the exercises appropriate to the reception of the dered to a third r~ading, read the third time, and p~ssed. statues of Sam Houston and Stephen F . .Austin. FREDERICK H. STAFFORD. The SPEAKER. Is· there objection? [After a pause.] The Tile bill (H. R. 15763) gi'anting an honorable discharge to Chair hears none. Frederick H. Stafford was considered as in Committee of the The resolution was agreed to. Wllole. It p1·ovides that J.i"'rederick H. Stafford, late captain PUBLIC CONVENIE ~cE STATIONS IN DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA.. Company G, One hundred and thirty-ninth ~egiment New York Mr. BABCOCK. Mr. Speaker, I call up a. conference report Volunteers shall hereafter be held and considered to have been honorably 'disch:uged from the military service of the United on the bill (S. 4156) for the establishment of public convenience States on the 2d day of September, 1864, and shall be entitled stations in the District of Columbia. The conference report and statement are as follows~ to all the rights and privileges and benefits that ar~ now or may hereafter be provided by law for honorably discharged The committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the officers or soldiers of the United States. two Houses on the amendment of the House to the bill ( S. 4156) The bill was reported to the Senate witllout amendment, or­ an act for the establishment of public-convenience stations in dered to a third reading, read the third time, and passed. the District of Columbia, having met, after full and free con· BERT E. BARNES. ference have agreed to recommend and do recommend to their respective Houses as follows: The bill (S. 7254) fo·r the relief of Bert E. B3;rnes was con­ 'l'hat the Senate recede from its disagreement to the amend­ sidered as in Committee of the Whole. It authonzes the Secre­ ment of the House numbered one, and agree to the same, with tary of War to amend the record of Bert E. Barnes ~o as to an amendment as .follows : In line 13, of section 2, strili:e out show him honorably discharged from Company D, Ftfty-first the word " purchase " and insert in lieu thereof the word " ap. Iowa Infantry, for disability contracted in line of duty. proaches; " and the House agree to the same. '.rba bill was reported to the Senate without amendment, or­ That the Honse recede from its amendment numbered two. dered to be engrossed for a third reading, read the third time, J. W. BABCOCK, and passed. AMOS L. ALLEN, AGREE~fENT WITH SHOSHONE INDIANS. W. S. CoWHERD, The PRESIDING OFFICER. This completes the list. The Managers on the pat·t of the House. Senate will now take up the bill which the Senator from Wyo­ J. H. GALLINGER, ming [Mr. CLARK] desires to have considered. H . C. HANSBROUGH, The Senate as in Committee of the 'Vhole, proceeded to con­ THOMAS S. MARTIN, sider the bill' (H. R. 17994) to ratify and amend !ill ag~·eament Managers on the part of the Senate. with the Indians residing on the Shoshone or Wmd Rtver In­ dian Reservation, in the State of Wyoming, and to make appro­ Statement ot rn.anagers on tlte pa1·t of the House. priations for carrying the same into effect; which had been re­ The Senate recedes from its disagreement to the amendment ported from the Committee on Indian Affairs with amendments. of the House, making the appropriation for maintenance avail· The first amendment of the Committee on Indian Affairs was, able for the fiscal year 1906, and agrees to the same with an In article 2, on page 11, line 7, after the words " Secretary of amendment, striking out the word " purchase " and inserting the Interior," to insert the following proviso: therefor the word " approaches," to correct an error in the Ana pro1:ided, That nothing herein contained shall impair the ri9_hts language of the measure. under the lease to Asmus Boysen, which has been appro':ed by the ;:sec­ retary of the Interior; but said lessee shall hav~ for tbuty days fr<;>m The House recedes from its amendment reducing the amount the date of the approval of the surveys of said land a_ preferential appropriated for maintenance, leaving the sum for this purpose right to locate, following the Government sur.veys, not to exceed 6~0 as carried in the original Senate act. acres of contiguous mineral or coal lands in said reservatiOn ; that s:ud Boysen at the time of entry of such land shall pay cash therefor at the The question was taken, and the conference report was rate of $10 per acre and e.urrcnder said lease, and the same shall be agreed to. canceled. GEORGE H. BRUSSTAR. The amendment was agreed to: The next amendment was, in article 3, on page 12, line 19, Mr. MIERS of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, I call up the confer­ after the word" reserve," to strike out the following proviso: ence report on the bill (H. R. 17117) granting an increase of pension to George H. Brusstar. Provicled, That the constitution ~nd laws of the .state of Wyoming shall not operate to secure any rights having pnority to those of The conference report and statement are as follows : members of the Shoshone tribe of Indians to the use of th_e waters within the territory hereby open_ed to sale and settlement,, mcludlng The committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the Big Wind River and its tributanes, for PJ?.rposes o~ iqigabon of .the two Houses on the amendment of the Senate to the bill H. R. lands compris.ed within such territory until such bme as the Umted States shall have perfected allotments to the members of the Shoshone 17117, an act granting an increase of pension to George H. Indian tribe either from the lands to be opened for settlement or Brusstar, having met, after full and free conference have agreed within the diminished reservation of said Indian.s, and comp!eted the to recommend and do recommend to their respective Houses as necessary steps under the law to secure the desired water nghts for follows: the said allotments. '!'hat the Senate recede from its 'amendment and agree to an The amendment was agreed to. amendment, inserting in lieu thereof, the word "thirty," and The bill was reported to the Senate as amended, and the that the House agree to the same. aniendments were coneurred. The amendments were ordered to be engrossed, and the bill THOS. W. BRADLEY, to be read a third time. CHARLES E. FULLER, The bill was read the third time, and passed. ROBERT W. MlERS, The preamble was agreed to. Managers on the pm·t of the House. Mr. ALLISON. I move that the Senate adjourn. P. J. McCuMBER, The motion was agreed to; and (at 6 o'clock and 37 minutes N. B. ScoT'!', p. m.) the Senate adjourned tmtil Monday, February 27, 1905, JAS. P. TALIAFERRO, at 9 o'clock and 50 minutes a. m. Managers on the pm·t of the Senate. 3414 OONQ-RESSION4L RECORD--HOUSE. FEBRUARY 25, · Staternent of conferees on the .part of the Hou.se. gard the persons owning or operating such bridge shall be deemed 2·uilty of" a violation of the provisions of this act, and in addition shall be liable This bill originally passed the House at $24 per month, but in any court· of competent jurisdiction to the persons injured in a sum was amended in• the Senate to $40 per month. The result of double the amount of the injury. the· conference is that the Senate recedes from its amendment S~JC. 5. That any persons who shall fail or refuse to comply wlih the lawful order of .the S~creta~y of War ·<?r the Chief of Engineers, made of $40 per month, and your conferees agree to an amendment at in ~ccor!lance WI~b the proVIsions of tlus act, shall be deemed guilty of the rate of $30 per month, instead of $24 per month, as the bill a vwlatwn of this act, and any persons who shall be guilty of a viola­ tion of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanot· and on con­ Qriginally passed the House.
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