A vocabulary is essential. To spell is mandatory. • P. E. Cote Stu-G Approves Echo Budget Despite Serious Opposition At a fiery session which degen- which will be situated in the new unfairly dealt with. - This is not erated into insult hurling, Stu-G Student Union Building (SUB) justice when we have no say be- this week decided by a 15 to 12 when- it is built within the next fore that happens." vote to appropriate $3700 for the five years. 1966-67 'budget. Also at the meet- Echo representatives argued that Various Stu-G members had the fund transferral had been com- ing, Stu-G President Jim Wilson wanted to use the $10,000 for stu- announced that Ellerton Jette, pleted with the knowledge and dent government purposes and op- approval of Vice President Wil- Chairman of the Board of Trust- posed the Echo plans. Upon learn- ees, will appear before the council liams. Stu-G. president Jim Wil- ing of the Echo transferral of the son and Treasurer Sol Hartman Oct. 17 to discuss various problems funds to the administration, Repre- confronting student-faculty rela- had been informed both of its im- sentative Eric Rosen charged that pending move and its completion. tions. Three students, including one the decision marked a complete girl, will go before the Board of Hartman favored the budget as "turnabout on Williams (Vice- presented at the meeting. Why is he there ? Should he remain? Trustees at their quarterly meeting President Ralph) part." According Symposia I: The VIET NAM DILEMMA Oct. 28. to Rosen, Williams last year stat- The $3700 allotment marks a Men's Judiciary Chief Mike Pich- ed that the money would be turned $700 drop from last year's work- er proposed a trial period to test over to Stu-G. Lamenting the fact ing capital of $4400. It also marks visiting hours in the girls' dorms. that the gift of the sinking fund a change in policy for the Echo The Echo controversy centered had faeen made externally from the from a money-making operation to Underwood Tells of LSD around the publication's $10,000 governing body, Rosen said that a break-even one. From now on, sinking fund. The fund has been he felt "the council has suffered any profits accumulated at the accumulated by the campus news- the worse slap it has ever seen." end of the year will be returned Trip 'Mystic* Experience paper over a 30-year period Representative Beth Lawton con- to the Student Government cof- by Jane Pheffer Dr. Underwood then outlined through advertising profits, and is curred with Rosen, saying that the fers. "I want to talk to you a'bout a (Continued on Page Five) earmarked for the Echo office "representatives of Stu-G have been The two-hour session opened with dance — one that took place with- Men's Judiciary Head Michael in my own heart.'' Thus Professor Picher's announcement that both Richard Underwood from the "What Gets Lost In Translation " the men and women's judicial Hartford Theological Seminary, boards would meet to work out a began to tell of his experience with proposal for a trial-period of par- LSD. Professor Underwood's talk ietal hours in the girls' dorms. The had been introduced hy a brief Reid Speaks Out on Poetry plan is being initiated by Picher modern dance, the mystery of . and Women's Judicial head Pam writer and Monthly, Poetry, and other period- which was 'heightened hy the dimly Alastair Reid, poet, Cooper, lit chapel. translator, will be on campus on icals. Dr. Underwood explained that Friday, October 14, at Parent's He is a translator of Jorge Luis The student representatives or- his inter est-in LSD is a "religions, Weekend as a Danforth Visiting Barges, Jorge Guillen, Pablo Ner- iginally submitted a personal pro- ' mystic, and psychedelic" (consci- Lecturer. • . uda and other Spanish writers. He posal to President R. E. L. Strider ousness or mind expanding) one ; While here Mr. Reid will give a has also done some translating asking for visiting- hours in the not an interest prompted by a pu'blic lecture on "The Tower of from the French and Latin. girls' dorms. They took the ini- ¦"therapeutic, clinical, or pharma- Bahel", dealing with language in Alastair Reid is a competent lin- tiative as individuals, Picher said, cological point of vieW." Dr. Un- our time. He will speak on "Poems guist whose native speech retains because "Our premise is the kids derwood briefly outlined the con- As Happenings", making some re- only a slight burr. He is recog- don't know what is good for them. ditions under which he took the marks on poetry and reading from nized as an accomplished crafts- We thought we knew better than drug. During the summer of 1965, his own and other poems. In two man for whom writing is more the students, and we still do." This he took part in a twelve day ex- informal sessions or class meetings than an avocation. Words put to- was said in the context of the periment under the auspices of the with students arid faculty, he will gether as language are his main Averill situation of a few years ago "Worcester Foundation for Experi- discuss "What Gets Lost In Trans- concern. But there Is, certainly, a where it was felt that the students mental Biology at the Norwich lation?" and "Putting the World touch of whimsy in what has would not back the proposal if they had the opportunity vote State Hospital in Worcester, Mass- into Words". caught his interest and his affec- to achusetts. This legitimate clinical tions — the individualistic and on it. However, once enacted, it The Danforth Visiting Lecturers was a success. experiment was carried out under project, under which Mr. Reid fiercely nationalistic people of the the supervision of Dr. Milton Ras- comes to this campus, was begun Basque provinces, gypsies (with It was for this purpose that the kin (who also spoko at Colby, on in 1957 and is sponsored jointly by whom he has recognizable affin- idea of a proposal was 'brought October 6). In the course of twelve the Danforth Foundation and the Alastair Reid ities) , cats ghosts, and children. before the council. The plan the days ¦ , Dr. Underwood, In conjunc- Association of American . Colleges. \ Books published by Mr. Reid are combined judicial board is work- tion with another man, took LSD Mr. Reid is one of several out- Scotland to attend St Andrews, and "To Lighten My House'", "I Will ing on will call for a trial period under controlled circumstances, in standing1 scholars or specialists received an M.A. with honors in Tell You Of A Town", "Fairwa- for the visiting hours. It will he tho presence of another person from this country and abroad se- 1949. He then came to the United ter", "Allth", "Ounce Dice submitted to student vote upon its who had had experience with the lected hy the Foundation and the States, and was a member of the Thrice" (with Ben Shahn) , Sup- completion. drug. Association's Arts Program for Sarah Lawrence College faculty posing" and "Passwords: Places, Also at tho meeting, the Colby Criticizes Drug Administration campus visits during the current for five years. Poems, Preoccupations". In prep- Graphic Arts Workshop was In stating his position regarding academic year. Properly, Mr. Reid should be aration are a novel, "Icsylf" and a awarded $275 for its yearly budget; the use of LSD, Dr. Underwood Mr. Roid, who is 40 years old, called an expatriate, After periods book of poems, "Mediteraniam". the Womcns Athletic Assn. was said he "supports free scientific was born in Scotland. "My own of residence in Franco, Switzer- Mr. Reid was a Guggenheim Fel- awarded $300 and tho dance club Inquiry", which, he feels, has hoen childhood ,"., he reminisces, "now land, Morocco/ Greece and princi- low in 1956-57 and in 1957-58. He $60. Appropriations for tho Oracle impeded by the Pood and Drug that I look back on it with the pally Spain (which, he says, he has given readings and lectures at budget , which wore to have hoen Administration's measure to. re- proper distrust, seems to havo boon "discovered to ho a cranky incar- tho New York Poetry Center, at discussed at the meeting, were move the drug from the open not extraordinary, for all child- nation of the whole human para- the Guggenheim Museum for the postponed to Monday night be- market. Not only is it now 'difficult hoods aro that, but a peculiar mix- dox, joyful, harsh, loving and vio- Academy of American Poets, at cause of the peppery mood of tho to obtain the drug for scientifi c ture o'f earth and air, of the prac- lent, all at once"), he has for the Harvard University, and a number body. They aro asking for $8000 purposes (in 1085, LSD was taken tical and the impossible. My father last several months been living in of American Colleges. to publish this year's Oracle, off tho market), hut also people was a minister of the church and the United States. aro moved and breathed with an extra- turning to the black market Since 1050 Mr. Reid has been a ordinary reverence for things, and thus there are more cases of a staff writer for tho New Yorker simply hy people taking tho drug under un- reverence wo absorbed Magazine which has published "We hope Symposium I will generate light rath- being in the same house with him. supervised circumstances. many of his poems and his essays er than heat on the present problem in Viet Nam." Ho did not spoak often; when ho on Spain and miscellaneous sub- Professor Weisshurg, Moderator of Symposium I, , I used to listen to him with did jects.
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