• 6000 MORNING, IOWA CITY! uPon,lblt ~n 8 field: Partly cloudy with occasional light snow flurries. l!leraobbel. Continued fairly windy. ~ y for 001. ~ .ndi'ill" owaJ1 Ilea, ttore P.ttablJahed 1868 Vo1.79, No. 146-AP News and Wirephoto _____ lowo City. Iowa. Saturday. MaTch 15. 1947-Five Cents and .u JAPANESE 'BLUE BEARD' GOES TO COURT ... ..,..-..-. ... Ask · Broad Power for Trumen To Administer Proposed Loans Marsh'oll Outlines 'Essentials' House Group For Democracy in Germany Plans -Hearing- MOSCOW (AP) - Secretory of to lay figures on Ih e table show­ own beliefs :lncJ conviction~ with­ State Marshall. in an obliq ue Bl- ing the amount or reparations out fear that they may be . natch­ NexiWeek tack on totalitarian government, taken from Gel"many nnd expected ed away from their home and laid before the fOI'eig n ministers family." WASHINGTON (JP) - A plan yesterday a pointed ou tline of the other powel"s to do the ~ame. He asserted that the glvinif Pre id nt Truman wide dis­ American concepls of Democracy Marshall domina! d lhe meet­ wuulc.l never make Germany a cretion In using the $400,000.000 and ho ~ th y shou ld apply to a ing with his proposals (or Q [I'ee democracy by " 0 mere negative he seeks for bolsterina Or ece Democrati c 'Germany. press and radio, guarantee or civil process depriving the Nnzi~ ot and Turkey aaainst communism On the question of Chi n.. , lhe rights to individuals, freely c.on- their positions and Influence. We was studied yesterd y as bolh United States fornlll liy acknow- stituted political portie . free trode mllst rather toke an active part branch s or congre arronet'd for ledged receipt of a IH,te fro III Sov- unions, and freedom of movement In the establishment or the essen­ peedy action. Iiet Foreign Minister Molotov throughout Germany. tials which J have outlined and The how foreign offalr!! com­ pressing for informal Briti sh- "To us a society is not free if proceed lo restore the German mittee .et publiC h orini'! tor American-Russiim talks. No an- law-abiding citizens live in lear economic and political life upon next week. swel', however, wos gi vell by Uni. 0 1' being denied the l'lghl to work the foundation Ivhich these essen­ The senale republican confer­ FLANKED BY TWO policemen, 1:"oshlo Kodalra, 43, Is taken to court led Stales. or deprived of life, liberty nnd the tials provide." ence approved II work scheduLe In Tokyo to face charges that he was responsible for the deaths of 10 Chinese Object lo lIi !!c u s~ lon pursuit of huppiness," Marbhull He read two other pap rs in designed to produce a d cislon on womell . The traditional rope Is attached to the I"isoner's handcuffed (A Nanking clisputch ~ uid th e said . which he disclosed that the United the question by Morch 31, al­ ,,.1815 while the straw hat he wears is allowed under Japanese law Chinese fo reign office :ent identi- Molotov acknowledged that States is holding only 15,103 Nazi thouah leaders privately xpresR­ It bide his shame. (AP WIREPHOTO) cal notes to the four powers in 'Marshall's remarks were userul prisoners of war. ed doub . that action c uld be Moscow objecting 10 any discus- but he asserted speCifically t hat The Moscow radio later broad­ completed that soon. sion of China's internal affairs. the Russian view on rl'eedom of cast a report lhat there were 890,- Rep. Eaton (R-N.J.), chair­ either officially or outside the speech and press did not mean 532 German war pri oners on ter­ man of the committee, said he (harge Taft, New Robot Device rOTeign ministel's' conference.) freedom for propagation of Nazi ritory of the Soviet Union. expect to have a bill ready for Mol otov urged the mini s t~s to and aggressive doetrines. It said the figures were ex­ introduction Ion day • Call1n&' take immediate action on estab- Molotov added that the Soviet changed at a meeting ot the tore­ for II con Ide ration on a non­ Talks for Blind lishing central trade unions and Union would have something lu1'­ Ign ministers yesLerday. parU.an ba III, he declared he With Misusing central political agencies before ther to soy on the subject. French Foreign Minister Bidault Is not worried about poilU taking up economfc questions in Marshall soid bluntly that the ,aid the French have 641,483 Ger­ And Handicapped "but I am worried .bou~ the Germany. United States does not consider man war prisoners, while British United tates In a world that Is NATIONAL LEADERS, meeUm!' informallY at the Capitol Yflllterday, He was blocked immediately by a society democratic if· men who Foreign, Secretary Ernest Bevin full of hell." WASHINGTON (AP) - Now British Foreign Secretary Bevin, "respect the rights of their fellow said his country had 435,295 pris­ plan 81)ecdy action on Greek and Turkish loan . Top, enators Artbur ~enate Office Vandenberg (Il-Mlch.), Eurene MUllkln (R·Colo.), Bourke I1Icllen· While waitlna for the hous to the sooientists have come up with who said the British were ready men are not free to express their oners outside. of Germany. act first, Senator Vandenbera WASHINGTON (AP) - Walter a device which "reads out loud." looper (R· lowa), Robert Taft (R-Ohlo), (len 10 rl&'ht) conler before ~~----~---~-------------- a sennte Republican meetJlIl. Below. Rep. C. A. Eaton (R-N.J.). (R-Mich.) beaan compiling a list W. Cenerazzo told the house labor They say it may be possible to ( econd from right) meet before hou e forel,n a/fairs committee of Questions on all phase or the rommittee yesterday that Senator have the instrument read to a hcarln, with (left to right) Ac~ln&, eerelary of tate Dean AclIeson, historic diplomatic move. He sold Tall (R-Ohio) has "u ed his of- blind or handicapped person or to Big 4 Un,leash Propaganda Aims at Moscow Secretary of Navy Jame Forre tal and ecretary of War Robert cabinet member wJlt b a ked to fice" as a senator· to further the people" just too plain lazy to read. By WES GALLAGHER Patter on. (AP WIREPHOTO) answer \hem lu\\~ wh n \hey al)· importation of swiS'S watches into This robot-reader was developed pear before the foreign relations MOSCOW (JP) - With the first a long exposition from Soviet For­ way the western zones are going this country. in the Bell telephone laboratories. week of the foreign ministers' con­ eign Minister V. M. Molotov. committee whieh ht' heads. about the task, Sevin and Mar- Mt. Clemens Portal Case * * * One Question, ra! ed by Sena­ The witness, who is president of Appropriately for an Infant, the ference almo~t over, its record pf ·To these- Brit i ft-. Foreign S(!Cre­ the American Watch Workers un- choice for its first reCitation last accomplishments appears to stand tary Ernest Bevin usually replies shall contend th at so long as the Goes to Highdr Court Izvestia Blasls tors Taft (R-Ohlo) and Jenner (R-Ind.), wheher top aovern­ lon, testified al 0 that ,Rep. Celler night was: "Mary had a little close to zero. at length. job is done-and they say it is Is the floor of the House" and in lamb, its fleece was white as being done-the methods should ment officials kn w of tile 1m­ Thus far the' meeting appeal'S to The m inisters hear the same DETRotT (,lP)- The Mt. Clem­ (D-N.Y.) has "used his posifioll on snow." . not concern the roreign mini tel's, pendinll Med\\.etan an si\u\\Uon as have been more a sounding arguments on demililal~ization, de­ ens Potlery Co. case. pattern for but should be left to administra- tong ago 89 In t Oelob r. the floor 0/ the house" and in At preselA it can't read a book. board for propaganda than a nazification and democratization nearly $6,000,000,000 in portal-to­ Truman Plan The deportment laCer dealine with the state department Ii can only read large-sized paper policy-making attempt to write which have been publicized lor tors. state is­ portal pay claim , wa appealed By EDDY GILMORE sued a denial of thi . Pre Olfl­ In lavor of the Benrus Watch com- patterns mounted on a background the peace treaties tor Germany months by the co ntrolled press in Veteran diplomats who came to II higher court again yesterday. MOSCOW (A") - Izvestia, the eer Lincoln White told reporters: pany, an importer. of contrasting color. and Austria. , Moscow and the Soviet zone of here pessimistic as to chances of Counsel for the pottery workers most authoritative government "There Is obviously a misunder­ Cenerazzo said Taft Iormerly ExPlains Device One American who has been to Germany, in the allied coordinat­ reaching a substantial agreement asking a hearin, in the United newspaper in the Soviet Union, stand ina about what the Britl h was a director of the Gruen Watch Dr. Oliver E. Buckley, president most the foreign ministers' con­ ing committee in Berlin. in the on Germany say that the Russians ot States circuit court of appeals at charged yesterday that President told us. company, another importing firm. of the laboratories, in an explana­ terences said: allied control council and usually must know there is no chance of Cincinnati. Ohio, first step in any Truman's proposals lor aid to "The British have for many He added that members of the Taft tion of the new device for mem­ "They all start dils way-all in the fo ur major capitals.
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