(No. 44.) 18 7 5. TASMANIA. LEG ISLA TI VE C O UN C I L. VALUATION OF PROPERTY., HOBART TOWN AND LAUNCESTON. REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS. Laid upon the Table by Mr. Chapman, and ordered by the Council to be printed, August 10, 1875. Hobart Town, 7th June, 1875. Srn, HAVING completed our surveys of properties in the City of Hobart Town and the Town of Launceston, we have the honor to forward to yo•.1 the new Valuation Rolls ther~of, which have been prepared under our instructions and supervision. We have endeavoured to ascertain in ev_ery case what rent the properties produce ; and have generally, except where held under peculiar conditions, taken such amount to be a "reasonable rent" in accordance with the terms of the Act, under the provisions of which we have been working. · It will be seen that we have made an increase in the total value of properties situate in Hobart Town, of £5811. This sum, however, is caused partly by the addition of a good many properties not in the Corporation Roll-as, for instance, Market Places and other Municipal Buildings, Sunday Schools, &c., amounting to £2729. In Launceston the increase amounts to £5149, and arises, in some degree, from similar addi­ tions, but principally from the properties having been under-rated in the Corporation Roll. We desire to express our sense of the highly satisfactory manner in which the clerical work has been performed by Mr. Toby and Mr. George Boyes, and the ready assistance they have uniformly. afforded us in our tedious and somewhat laborious work. We have .the honor to be, Sir, Your obedient Servants, HENRY HUNTER,~ C . H. DOWLING, j ommisszoners. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary. RECAPITULATION. Valuation by Valuation by Disfrict. Commissioners. Assessment Rolls. Increase. £ £ £ Hobart Town - - - 113,150 107,339 5811 Launceston - - - 68,278 63,129 5149 --------- --- £181,428 £170,468 £10,960 ('~. CITY OF HOBART TOWN. OLD WHARF. Name or Situation Name and Residence of the Name aml Residence of the Proprietor Rate No. Description of the Property._ of the Property. Occupier of the Property. of the Property. able Value £ 59 Licensed house Old Wharf Elijah Baggott John -Featherstone, Antill-street 60 57 House and shop ditto John Hargrave George Crisp, Campbell-street 18 57A ditto ditto Mary Ann Chilus William Dawson, Fitzroy-place 12 .35 Licensed house & tenements ditto ditto ditto · 52 53 House ditto William. Veal Lewis Riley, Macquarie-street 16 ~l ditto and shop ditto William Ikin William !kin · · 36 ditto ditto George Whitehouse ditto 14 ditto 1 Empty Lewis Riley, Macquarie-street 8 ditto I George Martin ditto 8 ditto Henry Young ditto 8 ditto ~Riley's-lane David Wallace ditto 8 ditto I Empty ditto 8 ditto I ditto ditto 8 ditto ) ditto ditto 8 47 ditto Old Wharf William P. Green William P. Green' 50 Flour-mill ditto ditto ditto 200 41 House and soap wor~s · ditto Care-taker C. Colvin, trustee-Cleburne's estate 50 Land ditto Empty R. Wilcox · 1 37 House ditto Daniel Griffiths Daniel Griffiths 23 I ditto Empty ditto 8 2 ditto l ditto ditto 8 3 ditto I James Barrett ditto 8 4 ditto ~In yard E. Bressington ditto 8 5 ditto Empty ditto 8 Sail-loft I James Morling James Morling 10 35 House ) ditto ditto 18 33 ditto l ~ Charles Johnson ditto 10 ditto }-Morling's-lane Jesse Fisher ditto 7 ditto I - Williams ditto 7 Sail-loft J John Whitehead ditto 7 31 House and tenements Old Wharf Alfred Wood J. E. AddisonA High-street 40 25&27 ditto and warehouse ditto John & James Murdoch Exors. of Mrs. Germain 85 ·warehouse ditto Webster, Corrie, & Co. John Murdoch, Sandy Bay 150 21 ditto ditto ditto ditto · 60 19 House ditto George Meredyth Exors. ofT. Hewitt ·-14 17 Warehouse ditto Empty· ditto !20 House and bark-mills ditto R. Wilcox R. Wilcox 75 15&13 ditto and jam factory · ditto George Peacock George Peacock 150 11 Warehouse - ditto Empty, Elizabeth Read 20 House ditto George Green ditto 10 0 \Varehouse ditto Moses Cohen ditto 30 ,7 Public-house ditto William Teed William P. Green, Old Wharf ·40 5 House ditto Robert M'Clement ditto 16 .3 ditto · ditto F. H. Wise A. M'Naughton, out of colony 10 I Warehouse ditto ditto ditto 80 House ditto Robert Hawkins Robert Hawkins 40 Store ditto Empty ditto 40 4- ditto ditto Robert Hawkins ditto 68 6 House ditto Joseph Barnett John Walker's estate 10 8 ·warehouse ditto Webster; Corrie, & Co. ditto 15 ·1() House and shop cHtto Matthew Tait Evan Jones, Collins_.street ]6 ::12 ditto ditto Thomas Hadley ditto 1.3 ,14 _ditto ditto Samuel Stratton ditto 13 16 ditto ditto John Thompson ditto 18 ::JS ditto ditto Henry Adlard ditto 13 20 ditto ditto Henry Barrett ditto 10 22 ditto ditto John Walker ditto TO 24 ditto ditto .. George,Files· ditto ·.s 2 Rate- Name or Situation Name and Residence of the Name and Residence of the Proprietor No, Description of the Property. able of the Property. Occupier of the Property, of the Property. Value. P ARK-S'l'REET. £ House and gas-works Park-street H. Town nas Co. Hobart Town Gas Company 800 ditto and land ditto Mrs. Waldon F. Trappes & J, Hurburg trustees 25 ditto ditto Henry Gibson S. W. Hoberts, Argyle~street 26 ditto ditto George Green ditto 26 ditto ditto Alexander ,vatt Henry Martin, Collins-street 17 ditto ditto James Reading ditto 17 ditto ditto Charles Young F. A. Holmes 10 ditto and store ditto F. A. Holmes ditto 50 House ditto Alexander Smith J. T. Robertson; Brisbane-street 23 House and store ditto Euphemia Robertson ditto 50 ditto ditto Daniel Devine ditto 21 ditto ditto Robert Armstrong Robert Armstrong 23 ditto ditto William Gardiner John Paget 13 ditto and tannery ditto John Paget ditto 65 ditto ditto H.J. Warner William Young, Victol'ia 18 ditto ditto Henry Gibbons Henry Gibbons 13 ditto ditto John \'Villiams Philip Allen, -Campbell-street 17 ditto ditto Ja mes Staples ditto 18 ditto ditto 'J'homas ,vren ditto 18 Land ditto William Fossett S. W .. Roberts, Argyle-str·eet 2 House ditto Thomas Hough Thomas Hough 14 Land ditto Elizabeth Ridge Elizabeth Riilge, Campbell-street 1 House ditto William Molloy William Snow, Bathurst-street 14 ditto ditto Walter Munn ditto 14 ditto and land ditto Jesse Wallace Thomas Green, Campbell.. street 18 Land ditto Charles Sauler ditto 1 ditto ditto Thomas Green ditto 1 ditto ditto 1'dary Ann Henderson Mary Ann Henderson l House and garden ditto Matthew Orpwood Matthew Orpwood 15 ditto ditto Mary Ann Henderson Mary Ann Henderson 26 House ditto Edward Salter Jacob Minty 15 ditto and garden ditto lleynolds Cooke Reynolds Cooke 32 ditto ditto Alfred Glover Alfred Glover 18 Land ditto John Howe John Howe 5 House and garden ditto Samuel Broadby Samuel Broadby 13 Land ditto -Wood A. Harvey, New Zealand 2 House and land ditto John Roffey J olrn Roffey 14 Land ditto David Wood, New Town A. Harvey, New Zealand 2 House and land ditto Samuel Rennie George Taylor, Elizabeth-street 13 ditto ditto John Moore John Moore 13 Three allotments land ditto Joseph Feltham George Taylor, Elizabeth-street 6 House and land ditto Elizabeth Staples Elizabeth Staples 45 ditto and land ditto Mary JonPs Mary Jones 5 Land ditto William McDonald William i\1 cDonald 7 I-louse and land ditto Charles Miller Charles Miller 30 ditto ditto James Sykes William ~mith, Collins-street 10 Land ditto William Lovett William Lovett, Campbell-street 5 ,.. CAMPBELL-STREET. 1 House and shop Campbell-street IJ. Hopwood Watkins' estate, W. V. Morris 45 3 ditto ditto William Liston G. Crisp, Campbell-street [agent 22 Timber-yard ditto G. and A. Crisp ditto 17 5 House and shop ditto Thomas N. Short Thoinas N. Short 30 7 Chapel and school ditto The Bishop of Tasmania James Robertson 15 9 House· ditto Joseph Shaw· ilitto 13 ]l ditto and stables ditto James Robertson ditto 50 13 House ditto William Whitehouse William Snow, Bathurst-street 18 15 ditto and shop ditto William Davis Thoinas N. Short, Campbell-street 18 17 ditto ditto Daniel Beazely · ditto 21 19 · ditto and shop ditto Joseph Argre J ohiJ Dennett 26 21 ditto ditto John Dennett ditto 16 23 ditto and shop ditto John Watson ditto 16 23.A. ditto ditto - Collins J. E. Packer, agent for G. M. 50 25 ditto and shop ditto Mrs. Hargrave ditto [Wilson 7 27 Theatre Royal ditto David Lewis David Lewis, Hampden Road 200 29 Hotel ditto Mrs. M. Brown John Groombridge, out of Colony 60 31 House and shop ditto Empty Mary Ann Ashton, Liverpool-st. 10 33 ditto ditto George Guest ditto 13 35 I-louse ditto Willilm Turner C. Butler. agent for S. Loring 60 37 House and shop ditto Charles Mazengarb Mrs; M. Brown 18 39 ditto ditto Mary Williams Executors Bush's estate 16 -4cl House ditto Empty ditto 21 43 ditto ditto Mrs. B. R. Young · I' Mrs. E. R. Young 70 45 ditto pitto ·Mrs.Mary Wilkinson· , E. Vf ilkinson's estate 70 47 ditto and land ditto George Crisp George Crisp 75 ,:3 Rate• Name or Situation Name and Residence of-the Name and Residence of the Proprietor : . No. Description of th-, l'ropertj• able of the Property. Occupier.of the ·Property. of ,the, Property.' . Value. ----~ ·····~-... -··· ••- •• •••••-os•• £ 49 Hotel Campbell-street Philip Allen Philip Allen , . 85 51 House ditto -Lewis John Beaugard"'· 12 53 ditto ditto John Beaugand ditto 18 55 ditto ditto James Isherw,ood ditto 18 ot ditto ditto William Dallas ditto 21 ditto ditto Thomas Bakewell ditto 21 59 ditto ditto · George Sprigg Robert Hewitt, CampbelJ-street 13 th ditto ditto Henry Srnithi· Odd Fellows Society, Liyingstone 21 63 ditto .
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