BELMA: PUB. LIBRARY 10T. AVE., BELMAR Keep Your Mind On Your Driving And There Are Better. Your Eyes On The Buys ln Belmar Road THE COAST ADVERTISER Official Newspaper For Belmar, South Belmar, Wall Township, Spring Lake Heights. Sixty-Eighth Year No. 5 — 8 Pages BELMAR, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1961 Seven Centa Little League To Bridge Openings Hoffman Heads Study Suggested Jewish Appeal Open In Heights In Effect May 30 The Belmar United Jewish Higher Fees For Appeal has elected Alex Hoff- man chairman of the 1961 Parade Of Teams Be- campaign. He succeeds Rabbi Liquor Licenses State Resuming Limit- Norman Eller, who served in fore First Games Satur- ed Shark River Boat 160. j day At Borough Park Vice chairmen are Rabbi Councilman Newman Operations Eller, Julius Fader and Abra- SPRING LAKE HEIGHTS— ham R. Klitzman. Jacob My- Proposes Increase In A gala opening day program ers is treasurer. South Belmar will get the Spring Lake Hei- TRENTON — The State At the initial gifts meeting ghts Little League under way Highway Department has an- next Monday night at the this Saturday., starting at 11 nounced that limited opera- home of Mr. and Mrs. Hoff- A proposal to increase the A. M. tion of the Route 35 and Route man, 313 llth avenue, Mrs. fee for liquor licenses in South The day will open with a 71 draw bridges over Shartk Shulamith Zechory Spector, Belmar is to be studied by parade from the Grammar River in Belmar, will go into Israeli engineer, industrial Borough Attorney William No- School to the baseball field in effect on Memorial Day. consultant and radio produc- wels and the alcoholic bever- the borough park off Allaire This will be the second year er, will speak in behalf of the age control committee of the road. The parade is scheduled that limited openings will be United Jewish Appeal. Borough Council. to start at 11 o'clock. Elmer MISS JUDITH LUIZZI ANI) MISS BARBARA ZANE, In effect. They wlll be enfor- The quota assigned to Bel- The increase proposal was Oberto, league president, will The Belmar Woman's Club Miss Luizzi. a junior in ced until September 30. mar is $10,000. Following the presented to Mayor Leroy F. be grand marshal. The mar- has chosen Miss Judith Luizzi Manasquan High School, is From Memorial Day thr- initial gifts meeting, a gen- Walling and the council by chers, including members of and Miss Barbara Zane as its the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ough September 30 the brid- eral meeting will be held for Councilman Donald M. New- the teams and their manag- delegates to the Citizenship Luizzi of 408 10th ave- ges will open on signal only the entire community after man Monday night. The pre- ers and coaches, will be head- Institute June 19 to 23 Miss Zane, a junior in from boats at half hourly in- June 1. sent fee for a plenary retail ed by the Hurricanes Band. Douglass College, New Bruns- Asbury Park High School, liv- tervals, on the hour and half consumption license, such as In the line will be police, fire- Joel Neuschatz (center) of Edison and Joseph C. Alper wick. The institute is an an- at 319 12th avenue. hour, between 9 A. M. and 9 is held by a tavern, is $500 men, first aid, the fire auxili- (right) of Teaneck, Rutgers University freshmen receive nual event held for girls from tp. M., on Saturdays, Sundays, and that of a plenary retail ary and fire apparatus. counsel from Phi Sigma fraternity brother Arnold B. Le- all parts of the state in which I Memorial Day, Independence distribution license for a pack- Simpson Elected age store is $365. vin, of Belmar who will be graduated next month. Levin, Joseph Smith is in charge they participate in the study LAYMEN'S DINNER Day and Labor Day. On week 19, youngest candidate for degree at university, lives at of the parade, assisted by of government. days during this period the Referring to a hearing two IN OCEAN GROVE limited openings will be in weeks ago on the transfer of 509 15th avenue. He entered men's colleges at age of 15. Mrs. Frederick Koenig, presi- Officer Of Bank dent of the Ladies' Auxiliary. effect between 4 P. M. and 7 the license for Goslln's Tav- OCEAN GROVE —The 10th P. M., daily, ern in 18th avenue to Thomas NEW BRUNSWICK — Al- of social chairman of the Phi Mayor Joseph E. Robertson CHANGES MADE IN annual laymen's dinner of the "The regulations were instl- n , . _ , .. J. Gallagher, Mr. Newman though he Is scheduled to re- Sigma Delta fraternity. He will throw out the first ball said that as long as such li- ceive a degree in political traces his concern over soc- as the season's play opens. FIRE ALARM CALLS Brunswick District of the I t, ied by the secretary of the L-ashier OT belmar-Wall u censes were being discussed science from Rutgers in three ial adjustment to his days at There are six teams in each Methodist Church will be held Army last Summer as the re- National Promoted To Asbury Park High School of the major and minor lea- Belmar has put into effect he felt it was time the council weeks, Arnold B. Levin is , May 23 at 7 P. M.. sult of a formal request by | ... D where he remembers being gues. Two games will be changes in fire calls. The should consider increasing the largely disinterested in next the Homestead Restaurant state Highway Commissioner I Vice President "too young to communicate played on the opening day, former call of 2-2-2 for Good- 'license fees. Fall's New Jersey guberna- Dwight R. G. Palmer to re- with most of my classmates." but all the boys signed up will Hose Company now cov- "Everything else is going torial election. | lieve serious traffic delays He credits his size — he's a with the league will be on the ers both Goodwill and Union Calvin F. Woolley, execu- up," Mr. Newman said, "why "I intend to follow the con- that were occasioned by in- husky, 200-pounder — with re- field. Fire Company. The former 3- tive vice president, today an- not liquor licenses." creasingly frequent span test," he said, '•but, threlet'es moving that obstacle at col- 3-3 call for Union company nounced that Merle Simpson Mr. Nowels said fees could face it, when you're has been changed to apply to | openings. had been elected vice presi- be increased, but only at the years away from the vote, it's lege. out-of-town calls. The 4-4-4 Linked to the scheduled dent and cashier of the Bel- rate of 10 per cent above cur- difficult to get worked up over "Few fellow students or fa- call for Volunteer Hook and i opening of the State Highway I mar-Wall National "Bank I rent fees. He said the state any election." I culty members realized how PRESIDENT [Ladder Company remains the Department's Route 35 ancl ma Mr. Simpson presently *imum for a plenary re- Levin, who lives at 509 15th young I was," he said, same, but the 6-6-6 call on a Route 71 bridges is operation tail consumption license was avenue,' Belmar, is just five He recalls a class in educa general alarm has. been abol- of the Monmouth County High- $750 and for a package store months P^t his 19th birthday, j tional psychology, one of the ished. Fire company officers way Department's Ocean ave- license $500, He saicl he did He's the youngest graduate in special courses in which he said the latter was too simi- nue bridge, also over Shark not think the fees could be his class at the university and enrolled to acquire teaching lar to the civilian defense I Riveh, between Belmar and raised unless it could be only about a year older than credits, in which the teacher calls and was confusing. , Avon. According to the Fed- shown the cost of regulation the typicial young man who discussed the relative merits ! era] regulations, the county and enforcement had gone up. The Coast Advertiser will bridge will be operated in the will enter the Rutgers fresh- of pushing students ahead or Borough Clerk John S. D. soon print cards carrying the j same manner as the state man class here next Fall. increasing their assignments MacMillan said he already revised call system on fire bridges, exfcept that its half Records reveal tha when they demonstrate abil- had renewal applications and alarms. They will be made hourly interval will occur 15 among the thousands of men ity beyond their years, fees in his hands from five available at the office of The minutes before and 15 min- •who have attended Rutgers' .. j present license holders. These ghe was all for increas ng Coast Advertiser, 701 Seventh utes after the hour. 195-year-old men's colleges, assignments, claiming that avenue, at Borough Hall, Po- have to be passed upon by the Levin is one of only 53 grad- promotion would be 'doomed lice Headquarters and the council so they become oper- uates 19'/2 years of age or • to fal]ure. socially and would fire houses' of the three com- ative July 1. younger. ) affect the student's studies. I panies. GEORGE BEITZEL State Dentists , "What am i going to do Arnie considers his youth j didn't have the heart to tell (with these?" Mr.
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