COUNTY OF EL PAS0 OFFICE OF THE COUNTY AUDITOR EDWARD A. DION, CPA, CIO County Administrative OMces COUNTY AUDITOR 800 East Overland Street, Rm. 406 [email protected] EL PASO, TEXAS 79901-2407 (915) 546-2040 (915) 546-8172 FAX June 21,2011 The Honorable Delia Briones County Clerk Room 105, County Courthouse Building 500 East San Antonio El Paso, Texas 79901 Dear Mrs. Briones: It would be appreciated if you would place the following item on the consent agenda for the commissioners court meeting to be conducted on Monday, June 27,201 1: Approve amendment No. 31 to the County of El Paso's 2010-2011 operating budget. This budgetary amendment will decrease Grants by $26,884.66 thus decreasing the overall operating budget of $264,407,665.55 to $264,380,780.89. Your assistance with this agenda item will be appreciated. Very truly yours, Edward A. Dion County Auditor Attachment The Honorable Veronica Escobar, County Judge The Honorable Anna Perez, County Commissioner The Honorable Sergio Lewis, County Commissioner The Honorable Daniel R. Haggerty, County Commissioner The Honorable Willie Gandara, County Commissioner Mrs. Lee Shapleigh, Assistant County Attorney Pmprnd by: Mar* Qamboe 21Jun-11 09:48 AM 2010-201 1 Operating Budget Budget Amendment BA31 Prepared on June 21,201 1 ropal B* ~unnddNO. wi D.prlbnmlel Sub- Auihorlullon Aocan( 'rille Fund TIC hu*x object hun4 (Iapprop~ble) Raasons QfMh ONDCPDa JoInlPraacuh'~I4 2010 Federal prant SG 013 DbJOlNTPRO10 R3MO S 2.510.00 To inuewUla ONDCPDa Jdnl PrwdonId 2010 account for addiilonal fundo award&. ONDCPMMan.p.mml6 Federal pml SG 012 DHEMWAGE10 RMlO (5.OW.W) To decreata the ONDCP-DHE Managrmenlh Coodination 2010 CoomMaUon 2010 amntto rehdaward. H&on OCDETF 2011 Federal pmnl SG 012 HOIWON11 RJWO (3.500.00) To deomots me Hobon OCMTF 201 1 wmunl amoo%w to rqu~IQmeUSDsplof&Won(UWMll. ~d~.ppa~c~mmll Fdralpmnl SG 013 HOTPEPPER11 RWO 1.819.34 To lnueaw Ihe HdPeppsr OCDETF 201 1 account to mnmn aulhoflzadon from me US Depl of Ju- YIMO11 ONDCPPrcgramAdjud M.nagemsn1 Federal pranl SG 012 PAMANAGE10 RWO (52.522.00) To redwme ONDCP-Program Adjusl Management 6 Cwfd 6 Coord 2010 2010 acwnl as approved by ONDCP. Rural TRna &aManw 201 1 Prcgram hmme SG 013 RURALTRANS11 R9109 30.0W.W To hueue the Rural Trandt Ar*tMoe 2011 accaunl lo rolled lxcgrmkcoms re&md adpoje*ad. Toul Revenue Chenges S (10CM.ML P 'lbmuwss O.mnlFund Censnl and MmhinMhAmain1 ConWgender-m.hUo$-ar. GF 026 GADMINGF 8872 S 39217.W Torew~BAls.nbyboovrr&ofcNllerreprindwto -us mferuppioval done on W4(Apt# 25.2011) FadlRk Managemenl MalnUrepr&~enenl GF 025 FACILITIES 8301 (39.217.W) To BA28 enby lo 00m & of chYler Rpah due b paviow bsndei approval dons on W4(Am 25.2011) Pnntr DNDCP-Da Johl Prowculion In8 2010 S&l sacufiiy SG 010 DAJOlNTPROlO 3050 097.74 TO hcre~reme ONDCP-D. ~ohl~r~~ullon IM 2010 Rsbmnl SG 018 DbJOINTPRO10 3952 W0.W accounl for mWUnnal bndr mrded. Inwran&&enW SG 018 DAIO(NTPR010 3OSd 2W.W Inuranu-worksn mp SG 010 DAIOINTPROlO 3W 100.00 Inwmnurunemploymenl SG 018 DAJOINTPRO10 tWO 720.28 Da Pmrecullon Adv. VIRRA) 2010 SalaMl(Inw regular SG 025 DAPRDSARRAIO 3001 (lO.MO.18) To lrandm ~o~&A~~%vr(mhheDa Prm Adv. S0d.l- SG 025 DAPRDSARRAIO 5050 (1.5W.W) (ARRA) 2010 amount to dhm for bawl and wppks. RstsllmnJ SG 025 DAPROSARRAlO 5052 i2.OW.W) Inwranw-hanW SG 025 DAPROSARRAlO MYI (z.wO.W) Ollkn .uppk SG MO DAPROSARRAlO W03 10.447.30 MU- SG 025 DAPROSARRAIO W07 (47.30) Opera- (lme8-ged SG 025 DAPROSARRA10 Om1 i2.OW.W) -*MulP SG 025 DAPROSARRAIO 0204 (4.000.00) Tr& SG 026 DAPROSARRAIO WOZ 21149.18 Eq-1 SG 025 DAPROSARRAIO 9300 (4CmO) ONDCPDHEManagement 6 TRva SO 017 DHEMANAGEIO 6802 (4lcw.W) To decrease ma ONDCP-DHE Mannge.menl h CwfdhaOon 2010 ~oordnatbn2010 Em~loyw-hw SG 017 DHEMANAGElO 8701 Ci40.W) acmunl lo refled award. ONDCP-En(- Money Lmmdwhg Sotus SG 025 ENTERPRISE10 3007 (5.120.00) To banskr appomMm8 MnUla ONDCP-En1mpri.eMoney 2010 Wnlen-Rwan 80 025 ENTERPRISE10 8304 (12.00) Lwndedng 2010 aaount la rafled rspmglamrdw wwedQ Maw@- SG 028 ENTERPRISE10 6403 5.WO.W HIDTA. Commun(cr6o-enmal SO 028 ENTERPRISE10 6501 132.00 ONDCP-Rsglonot lnlal IdZOO9 Salariak(u(l !ha regular SG 026 HDTAINTELOO 3W1 20.090.51 Ta uaneler approp(abn8 vrldltn me -P-RegbnaI Intel sod.lrecuRy SG 028 HDTNNTELW 3050 2.014.27 In8 2WS account lo renad reprogrammingdona. Rstement SG MO HDTAlNTELOg 3052 3,425.58 Obwstiw -1 SO 028 HDTAINTEW 0201 4.WO.W Msinlenmuwdwam SG 025 HDTAlNTELW 8304 (15,810,71) Rsnlaw SG 025 HDTAlMELW 8350 (8224.W) RsntaMds SG 025 HDTUNTELOQ 0352 (2.519.05) GMI4 SG 028 HDTAINTELOO 8403 4.224.02 CommunlcaU0ru-d.t. SG 028 HDTAINTEl.09 8505 4.0W.W commun-n Contractadwn4w SO 025 HOTANTELW 6781 (12,0W.W) tiomon OCDETF 201 1 Sala-e 80 017 HORIZON11 3W7 (z.so0.W) To deobllgata he+Mmn OCDETF 201 1 account adnglo S0d.l .ecufiiy SG 017 HORIZON11 3050 W.00) rquwby me US tkp of J- on ~i~011. RMlrmenl SG 017 HORIZON11 3052 (378.W) Hol Psppn OCDETF 201 1 Sal~s SG 018 HOTPEPPER11 MOT 1.3LlO.22 To Incrow me MI Papp~OCDETF 2011 accwnl b mnn Social .ecurky SO 018 HOTPEPPER11 3050 112.15 aulhofizaUon hom the US DepC of JUS/l(LROll. Rellremenl SG 018HOTPEPPERll UlS2 170.97 ONDCPPm#nm AdjW Manqsmenl Conlmcted wrvica SG 017 PlUtANAOElO 0781 (52.522.00) To nduce the ONDCPProgm Adjud Manwemanth Cwrd hcd2010 2010 account aa appfwnd Q ONDCP. Runl Trarmt A..*(anw 201 1 Conm*edwrvla* SG 018 RURALTWINS11 0781 30.000.00 TohueuetheRumlTfumil~2011ascam(b rendppogn rnme 1- adpojmed. ONDCP-WT Smugghg ln~2010 ~ala-e SG 025 SMUGGINIT10 3007 Ci213.58) To lmwfar appmpiakmswlhh me ONOCP-Wl Sm~llng Glll/olllupph SG 026 SMUGGIM10 6403 8205.58 lril 2010 aawnl b rafkd rsprcgfammlng app+avd Q HIDTA. Commu~~enefal SG MO WGGlNIl10 8501 1.Oim.W Total Appmphllon Chlngms S (X.684.66) Pummnl b ma Tern LadGovrmmant Code 5 111,0115, me elloulorn Id.d h pr- abow are hamQ cancallad by CommlaionanCourt for Ihe above rwo~. Thia budgetary mendmml vdl decreaw Omto by $28,864.00 thus d.cread~th. ovenH budgat oft284.407.685.55 to S284.380.780.@S. Pnpand by: MahOamboa 1Wun-11 10:22 AM 201 0-201 1 Operating Budget Budget Amendment BA30 Prepared on June 6,201 1 TO rsf up me nwbudpal for ONDCP-A~~INI~I suppart 201 i pnnt as warded by ONDCP. ONDCP-Da Jolnl Pr~esullonIn# 201 1 Federal pranl To am up me new budgal W ONDCPDa Jdnt PrMecutlon Inn I I 2011 pranl aa mrdedby ONDCP. ~ONDCP-MUI~~Mency TF 201( I~ederalpnnl To ad up La nbw budgel for ONDCPMuM &ency TF 201 I Ipnnt r warded by ONDCP. Num(lcn Meah Program 201 l SM. pmnl uew Nulrlkn SO 013 NMITMEAl.11 Und- nvmuu SG 013 NVTRITMEALII ONDCP-WT TX SMHam TF 2011 Fedad grant SG 013 STASHHOUSE11 TO td up me W+-91 IW ONDCP-WT TX sw HWU TF 201 1 grant u awardsd by ONDCP. Total Revenw Ch~ngms I Saladas-full Meregular To revene BP28 due la balanchg Mnb. Sadll urcurny ReUfamenl Inwrancn-life InaurancchealWan(aI Inruranocworken camp Inrurancwnemploym~nl OMu erp.nn Book., pubballon*, tubso. CommunkaWns4alephone To mfarhe rmahing bahce from he W1Mlm hd8b Coutt Acmnmt lnlo Lhe GenuaI nd Mminkbah Accaud due lo dhcon0nuabn of Ganeral and AdmlnklfaGw Account Codngnndsrpn~onnel General and AdminWaGw Acwunl ConUngonmrpwaMnd To transfer Ihe remaining balance horn me 388m hoodate Court Account lnlo tho General and AdmhbbaLe Account due In diswnkuation of coun General and AdmlnWaUve hunt ConUngensknmhUopnr. TO rWaRe BP28 due lo balamiw cenb. TO tranakr Iha remaining balance bom the 388hAsMdale /Court Accounllnlo the General and Administrare Accounl . Idue to discontinusen of court. -h General and MmWllrahn Account Conhgsnd.s-malnlhpr. TO rmna8A28 anuy lo cwer cat( of cniller repails due lo p&usO.nsfer apprml don* on 81\24 (April 25.201 1) I I General and Adrnk&Imhn Acmunt WnVrepdr+eneral To Ievana BA20 enl8y Ia cwur corl of chiller rewsdue lo pwiow transfer approval done on EAZ4 (Aprl25.2011) !aQmws& CapHal ProlCounly Cap(talPr* 2007 h4scdlansous To fund nllocah based on Commh.llonen Cowl Capital Prol-CMn Rembfu 2007 Renonllone To fund allocations badon Commlrtionen Court FurrWre and Wures Capllal Proj-Shrf Dalenbn Fao Imp RenovaLns To fund dlacabns bedon Commh.lloners Coud approval. 12007 Equlpmenl Capllal Ptoj-Cnty Flood Control2007 Capital consultanUprof svu To fwd allccaihs bared on Commbrlonen Court applwal. Conttrucbn Capllal ProjJw Jual Enlr Expnsion ConrlfucUon To fund allccam basad on Commissionoft Cowl approval. 2007 CnHal Proj-Leo Samanleoo JM Annax Conrlru~n To fund allccaUons based on ComrnManen Cowl appwal. 2007 To fund allccalons baled on CornmMwen Court apponl l~apiisl~rol-~ural parks 2007 IPark lmprovamsnt To fund sllocalions based on ComrnhabnanCourt appovel. IZOO7Capi(al Proj-Sen EU Regional Park Park improvement To bnd allocalons baaed on Commdarionera Court approval. 12007Capital Proj-Tornillo Guadalupe Poe IConst~&n To fund allocalbns badon Commlsdonert Court approval. .
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