"VOLUME XXXVI. JNO :\\. SOUTH AMBOY. N. J., SATURDA Y. voVEMHER 4. HUG. Price Three Cents. The Autumnal fair To EMPLOYES GET Be Held Next Week The biggest enterprise of the year tor Christ Church parish will bo the "Autumnal Fair" which is to upen in the parish house on next Wednesday Big Rally to Be Held in Si. Mary's The Rarilaii River Railroad Company ! The Riversides Will Meet Ihe Origin- night. Owing to the great number of people who are expected to attend Hall This Evening—tip. John J. Voluntarily Grants Tfn Pfr Cent. al Silent Workers of rfoboken, (the parish bus nearly 1,200 mem- bers) the fair will not close until Howe of New York, Hon. Mix Increase — Road Doing Almost Champion Deaf and Dumb Tt< m Friday night. Last year was the first Tumulty and Candidates for Var- Capacity Business-New Station of Ihe East A hard Struggle is attempt of St. Martha's Guild along this line, and the busy "Marthas" ious Offices to Address Meeting at Bergen Hill. Anticipated. were BO elated over their triumphant success that they highly resolved to The Riversides are Btaglng their even surpass the record this year, The Democrats will have their last The Raritan River Railroad for the rally in this city before election by weekly basketball attraction this week and judging from tho large number past year has been tho buBlest little of well-Ptorkcd ImotiiH and the wide- holding a mass meeting In St. Mary's on Saturday night, when they meet road in tho State considnrlng its tho Original Silent WorkerB, of Hobo- spread Interest aroused in tbo fair Hall this Saturday evening com- length, and it hus kept tho manage- ken, the champion deaf-and-dumb out- for several weeks liast, throughout mencing at eight o'clock. Addresses ALFRED T. KEIlll WILLIAM S. DEY ment busy buying locomotlveo and fit of tho EaBt. The "Rivios," after the ]inrish, there IH every' reason to •will be made by Hon. John J. Howe Democratic Candidate for Muyor. Republican Candidate for Miiyor. rolling stock In ordor to handle tho winning four straight games, will go believe that history is going to repeat of New York City, and Hon. Felix. business. Into battlo against tho "dummies" itseir. Tumulty of Jersey City, Senator A pleasant surprise came to the THE REPUBLICAN TICKET. TIIK DKUOCRATIC TICKET. with a feeling of confidence, even In accordance with a custom that James E. Martlne, Congressman employees this week whon tlio com- Tho following is n list of candi- though tho silent tossers have a repu- obtains in most, bazaars and fairs Thomas J. Scully, Surrogate Daniol Tho following Is a list of candidates pany announced that all employees dates on tho Democratic Ticket in tation that IH known throughout the throughout the Episcopal Church, it W. Clayton, Charles Anderson, George on the Republican Ticket In this city: would bo granted an Increase of ton this city: country. This team won the Kastern has beon decided to charge admission P. Baler and Richard Galvin, candi- Presidential Electors. por cont. In wages, commencing championship In 1910-1911 by defeat to tho fair. But in order that no dates for the assembly; and candidates For U. S. Senator—Joseph S. Fre- November 1. Tho Increase affects Presidential Electors. ing silent fives In New York, Trenton. hardship might he worked on those for local offices are expected to be llnghuysen. practically all Oie pay roll oxenpt For U, S. Senator—James 13. Mar- Philadelphia and Plttsburg. who will want to attend the fair on present and make brief addresses. For Governor—Walter E. Edge. tho agents who roColvo express com- tine. "Rufle" Allen's boys are apparent- all the three days, and particularly All the voters in the city and For Congress—Robert Carson. mission and a few others. All of the For Governor—1-1. Otto Wlttpenn. ly ut their top stride, and arc seem- on those parents who have large Vicinity are invited to attend, and it For Membors of Assembly—George employees who are ratod on an hour- For MemlierB of Assembly—Charles ingly bound to go through a mighty families, all the members of which ia hoped that there will be a large S. Applegate, James A. Edgar, Fred- ly basis will rccolvo an Increase or Anderson, George F. Baler, Rlcharl BiiccesBful Koason, no it is likely that will want to bo in attendance, the gathering to hear these able speakers. erick C. Schneider. two cents por hour If tho rate In lem Galvin. they will put up a great fight to keen merely nominal sum of five cents will than twenty-flvo cents per hour. For Surrogate—Daniel W. Clayton. For Surrogate—William A. Spencc-. the mutes from breaking their string be charged for admission. To stim- Those who recelvo from twenty-five For Mayor—Alfred T. Korr. 'AMES Olf REGISTRY TOTAL 1,981. For Mayor—William S. Dey. of victories. The dummies are hard ulato attendance, it was further de- to thirty-four cents por hour receive For Councllman-at-Large—Francis The number of voters in this city For CouncIlman-at-Largo—Ellas S, players to handle, and they are noted cided • at the last. Guild meeting to an Increase of throe cents" per hour H. Gordon. have increased wonderfully the past Mason. for putting up a desperate fight be- glvo a prize to the one holding the and those who receive thlrty-flvo to For Councilman—Second Ward, year, or else more are interested ia For Councilman—Second Ward, Ben- fore they will acknowledge that they lucky admission coupon, one ticket forty-four cents per hour will get an William H. ParlHOii; Third Ward, casting their vote this Prosidental jamin Strasser; Third Ward, E. 11. are beaten. being given free to each visitor upon increase of four cents per hour. Ths Mlchaol J. Stanton. election than heretofore and have had Jaques. admittance. None, of these coupons latter increases affect principally the o Manager H. P. Hansen, of the Silent their names placed on the registry For Justice of the Peace, Second will be sold, and there are no catch- engine and train crews. Every man f FKKi: DELIVERY SYSTEM. Workers, writes that two of his men list. There are now 1984 names on Ward—Robert P. Mason, Sr. penny devices or "chance" schemes o— in the company's employ felt greatly are six footers, while he tops the ihe registry list, divided into election = The free delivery system was in- mark at five foot eleven, and on-i whatever In connection with the fair. ENCYCLOPEDIA AT LIBRARY. pleased with the announcement as stituted on Wednesday morning for districts as follows: ! other player is five foot ten. Mctzlcr, The prize is to be a ton of hard coal, the increase will help out greatly on the first time in this city. Three First District, 1st Ward BOO The Public Library has placed up- who played against the Rivies last which has been generously given the temporary carriers arc now working First District, 2d Ward 536 on Its shelves the most recenra increased cost of living. year as the star of the crack Com- Guild by Mr. Howard D. Mttoll. The the routes. They are: John Scally, First District, 3d Ward 476 tion of the International Encyclone "A new station is being built at Ber pany M team at Somervllle, Is the winning number will be announced Lorton Berlew and John Wortloy. on the last night of the fair. There First District 4th Ward 472 dia. The work is quite comprehen- gen Hill in order to accommodate the smallest man on the visiting team. Considering the disadvantages under will also be a musical program. sive and has a reputation which needs Increased travel from that section of The Silent Workers have been book- the city. It is a two-story building, which they are working the results Total 1,984 no elaborating upon here. The cir- ed for a tour through Pennsylvania V culation of books at tho Library con- the lower part being fitted out as a are quite satisfactory. The letters Naturally, to the male persuasion, starting December 28th, and will meet at least, the question will arise,1 tinues to be very large and the value waiting room and agent's offices, while nota bearing street and house num- s HALLOWE'EN SOCIAL. I the representative teams of Carbon- "What about the eats?" The epicures of the Institution is coming to be the upper story will be arranged as a bers is but one of the many things dale, Taman.ua, Summit Hill, Shamo- and gastronomic marvels may "rest / Tuesday evening, October 31st, a realized more and, more as it grows living apartment, and will be for the that causes the carriers no end of kin, and other Pennsylvania cities. easy." A well-provisioned lunch- /Hallowe'en Social was held in the older. The latest acquisition places occupation of the agent. As the win- trouble, but as the mail will un- Baumlin, Dlxon Petois, Reinke, counter and dining room are to be / lecture room of the Presbyterian ter months are near at hand this doubtedly be numbered properly as the library to the fore with the most Metzler and Hansen will come here maintained each night, whereat the ' church, by the young people. There station will prove a great convenience the citizens become familiar with the up-to-date institutions in the State. with the silent five, and the Rivies hungriest man or woman may secure was a very large attendance, and the to passengers traveling on this road.
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