Published online: 2019-11-25 THIEME 36 TranspulmonaryPoint of Technique Closure of Giant Persistent Ductus Arteriosus Chowdhury et al. Transpulmonary Closure of Giant Persistent Ductus Arteriosus under Cardiopulmonary Bypass and Normothermic Cardioplegia Ujjwal K. Chowdhury1 Sukhjeet Singh1 Niwin George1 Lakshmi Kumari Sankhyan1 Poonam Malhotra Kapoor2 1Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, All India Address for correspondence Ujjwal K. Chowdhury, MCh, Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, All 2Department of Cardiac Anaesthesia, All India Institute of Medical India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi 110029, India Sciences, New Delhi, India (e-mail: [email protected]). J Card Crit Care TSS 2020;3:36–38 Abstract A 25-year-old female patient with a giant, short, calcified, hypertensive, window duc- tus arteriosus underwent successful closure via transpulmonary approach under nor- Keywords mothermic cardiopulmonary bypass without circulatory arrest using a Foley catheter ► giant ductus for temporary occlusion. arteriosus ► adult ductus ► cardiopulmonary bypass ► transpulmonary closure ► calcified ductus Introduction chylothorax, or recanalization. Postoperative computerized tomographic angiography revealed complete ductal inter‑ Despite 80 years of experience, correction of persistent duc‑ ruption with no residual shunt or ductal aneurysm (►Fig. 3). tus arteriosus remains a surgical challenge in the subset of 1. Primary median sternotomy is performed. patients with persistent ductus arteriosus presenting in adoles‑ 2. The thymus is dissected and the pericardium is opened cence and adulthood because of diminished elasticity, friability in the midline in between stay sutures. and/or calcification of vessel wall, previous infection causing 3. Aortobicaval cannulation: Patient is put on cardiopul‑ ductal endarteritis, unusual anatomic features like giant ductus, monary bypass and the left atrium is vented through wide ductus, short ductus, window ductus, aneurysmal ductus, right superior pulmonary vein on a partially filled heart 1 ‑7 and recurrent ductus. to prevent intracardiac air suction (►Video 1 ). It is associated with dreaded complications related to sur‑ 4. The great vessels are not isolated. gical dissection and aortic cross‑clamping like injury to the 5. The pericardial reflection between the aorta and the ductal tissue, distended pulmonary arteries, recurrent laryn‑ main pulmonary artery is dissected and the aorta is iso‑ geal nerve and large lymphatics.1 ‑7 lated for later selective aortic cross‑clamping. We present here‑in the case of a 25‑year‑old female 6. Four stay sutures are placed on the distal part of main patient with a giant, short, calcified, hypertensive, window pulmonary artery for the performance of pulmonary ductus arteriosus undergoing closure under normothermic arteriotomy at a later stage. cardiopulmonary bypass without circulatory arrest using 7. The aorta is cross‑clamped; left atrial vent is placed on Foley catheter for temporary occlusion (►Fig. 1, ►Fig. 2A–D ). suction. The patient survived the operation. There was no bleed‑ 8. Myocardial protection is achieved by a combina‑ ing, phrenic or left recurrent laryngeal nerve damage, tion of root cardioplegia and topical cooling. During published online DOI https://doi.org/ Copyright ©2020 Official November 25, 2019 10.1055/s-0039-1697547 Publication of The Simulation ISSN 2457-0206. Society (TSS), accredited by International Society of Cardiovascular Ultrasound (ISCU). Transpulmonary Closure of Giant Persistent Ductus Arteriosus Chowdhury et al. 37 Fig. 1 Transthoracic two-dimensional color Doppler echocardiogram showing continuous wide flow from the aorta through the ductus to the pulmonary artery. Fig. 2 (A–D) Surgical photographs showing step-by-step transpulmonary ductal closure under normothermic cardiopulmonary bypass and cardioplegic arrest. The aorta was individually cross-clamped. After cardioplegic arrest the pulmonary trunk was transversely opened in between stay sutures. The pump flows were transiently lowered to identify the pulmonary arterial end of the ductal orifice. A 20-Fr Foley catheter was inserted through the ductal orifice into the aorta. The ductal orifice was closed using multiple interrupted 4-0polypropylene suture buttressed with Teflon pledgets. The Foley catheter was advanced little deep within the aorta to avoid balloon rupture during suture placement. The balloon subsequently was deflated and withdrawn. Journal of Cardiac Critical Care TSS Vol. 3 No. 1/2020 38 Transpulmonary Closure of Giant Persistent Ductus Arteriosus Chowdhury et al. Conclusion We conclude that appropriate surgical management of an adult patient with giant calcified and hypertensive win‑ dow ductus should consist of occlusion with patch on car‑ diopulmonary bypass via transpulmonary approach using temporary balloon‑occlusion. This method is safe, expedi‑ ent, obviates the need for descending aortic cross‑clamp‑ ing, internal shunting, profound hypothermia, and circu‑ latory arrest. It avoids dissection in the presence of ductal wall calcification, adhesions, thereby avoiding periopera‑ tive injury to the tense pulmonary artery and recurrent laryngeal nerve. Funding The authors received no financial support for the research, authorship and/or publication of this article. Conflict of Interest The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship and/or publica‑ tion of the article. Fig. 3 Sagittal oblique computerized tomographic image showing the closed ductus arteriosus (arrow) with no flow between the aorta and pulmonary artery. DTA, descending thoracic aorta; LPA, left pulmo- nary artery; MPA, main pulmonary artery. Video 1 Transpulmonary closure of ductus arteriosus under administration of cardioplegia digital compression was cardiopulmonary bypass. 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