University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository New Mexico State Record, 1916-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 3-9-1917 New Mexico State Record, 03-09-1917 State Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/nm_state_record_news Recommended Citation State Publishing Company. "New Mexico State Record, 03-09-1917." (1917). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ nm_state_record_news/35 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in New Mexico State Record, 1916-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. NEW MEXICO STATE jRECORD 31.50 A YEAR. SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1917. NUMBER 128 claimed to be an attribute of this OPUflfll AC IlltJCC principles expounded from the back, session Even the time honored Us" bone of our civilization. MEMORY OF LATE FEDERAL - jOllilUUL MINtO POWDER THIRD STATE LEGISLATURE 31ipJljr Mill WAS jJdICU UWWU III U1J3- Any system of education that fails iness basis, and there were very few to teach child who did the how to earn his employees not earn their GEOLOGIC SURVEY bread and butter is worse than no GOVERNOR OBSERVED money In fact there were some FACTORY IS NOT system. Specialization is the magic HAS PASSED INTO HISTORY employees who did enough extra to success wotk at the rate of key and it matters but pay prescribed little whether the controlling fac- BY I j make up for deficiencies in this IS NOW ESSENTIAL tor be brain or brawn. LEGISLATURE PRACTICAL SUCCESS i Observation BUSY ENDING f'irth-Cr.sma- at the School of SESSION HAS The n contest for t Mines show seat in the as that our public schools senate representative arc dealing too much with i tli? counties of San Juan, San-ti- c things LT7CERO AND and Bernrlillo have been srmooT. ar mtnrs nvvv.na unessential and not enough with the (ANTONIO 0. GOVERNMENT MAKES CON- a' might of life. A child RUSH AT FINISH CARRIES MANY BENEFICIAL MEASURES turned) into a holiday of public ex- - m jpractical things who A. LASRAZOLO EXTALL TRACT BUUUUIJSKX JTUK XHJS JJJ5-u- s skilled in doing something useful TO PURCHASE IUTD CCCCPT DHAnC AIICTBAI 1AM Pense- - Duttiie contesting gentleman i--l i I ftfinn - n'an ill IV kw vauwi iivnuu, nvwiimkinii were considerate enough of the pub- VELOPMJSNT OF THE hundrid incompe?et,.,eiy "e "probity op EMINENT CHEAPER THAN BALLOT, AND CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT TO .ic treasury not to be precipitate EXECUTIVE and exercised a stroke of diplomatic PRIME INDUSTRY IN NEW Better Wear Out Than Rust Out, IT CAN MAKE AT THE PROMINENT Barth the The members SUFFRAGE ARE strategy by leaving at MEXICO of the School of PRESENT floor leader of the opposition. (Joke) Mines faculty love to work and - A crowd Important Legislation would take great pride in shoulder- that taxed the canacitv It will be months before the full in Cf anv evtra kiiflnn - t : of the hall of the hou f of renre- - OF THE GOVERNOR the the gathered to pay tribute to Government Ownership Discredited APPOINTMENTS importance of much of the legisla- Some of to-b- development of mineral re. the advantages gain sources ot memory ui me n. tion of this session can be fully un cd the school New Mexico, provided r-- late ...governor Washington, Feb. 28 The govcrn- - through state r - r. derstood, but the passage of the have rnmmi'nfcH the legislature will grant a small V":- .c ment movement suffered 'mines hern nnnti ,!iy i . ownership RECEIVE CONGURRANGE OF SENATE ... '?.w 8 the Dr. A. Jones. lu a wi uurinu tne wee k. m",c. ft At-- President . Fayette7 T Z:.Z r rrf K,T I . ! I J ,, v. V II I W C :yvfrai joirs I past "lw. r. In n am a .1IMIP 11 r it II fl . r rr IP nnr4m ti, . ' ' Willi 3 a L III IUH1L f hvpu iaw , unnrnnrln"H1 ,ai,w UI in a recent visit te the ramln He a u muigj,i j . tl . inunsiui u several projects now Texas-Ne- w at ,he to tiing the Mexico bound- - he lwh ZvtTy mininK "w ha.. ". ,t,me; P"""1"1 ? under way disclosed some of the the title to a"umber oMnterwtTnB he School of Mine,, and losses incident ary squabble, entailing g"es through Senator Li of Colfax to gov some $.3 000.000 of New Mexico land p?ml technical staff of trained instruct-it.:"- icero county. ernment the ad- - cYsHe Octa-ian- management, and LONG LIST STATE BOARD MEMBERS CONTAINS Sen-- - jy A Larrazolo was the ,are all important. The work of ! Jors. reinforced with its splendid la- vocaU.s of bj ownership an(, or e of the Natural for Clark, in his bills for the development oratories and scientific instru. '""nc'pal speaker the occasion tion that tHeir cause NAMES OF MEN AND WOMEN ABLE TO sources of New is largely larrazolo reviewed the h' reai,e lavement of the powers of the state Mexico, V stands ready to render ,xt.,;..fr - ,u. :r:. .." t, ,,, M. r ....... A , - S(.r:tv Hampered .;.... Kuv- ACCOMPLISH GREAT GOOD FOR THE STATE tax commission; for improving tax service to tne people of New Mex-- I' ,... For one .- - r"7"" . t B thing, it was announced u t i..v wnnuiir a nn v .iiuui It inn inns uLii ' s.iiiiik sing.e .n.ra.n .i",,,..fini-s- i"... "the THE UPBUILDING OF INSTITUTIONS AND j,j,Col.cge of Agriculture, Thpsp in "'ll.im as une of th t tvni r,fllnat military authorities find IN HER taxable on the ro'ls and,?""1 salaries. property - .' ,s to ofitw '"ft'tutions are basic it. charact- All is Is pani'li American citizenship and 1 ' "a,.lt Pssit.e purchase pow for collecting a higher percentage that asked enough funds contract as as it ENTERPRISES - of a noble ."er by cheaply can the levies, and for a valuation ap- - "'. "" ""-- " ' to conduct field, laboratory anr! of- '.orthy descendant truly 1,fe commonwealth. im c of be made by the which be They Ifice and ti.cn. government",' the actual, must oftthe expenses , to provide for the r. ....... r. j enk proaching to be more nrlnh-nr- c ot it.. or i cognized as constructive to the high- - liberally endow. neresenrv ecrotarv htate Antonio Lucero .nn;iiiK led. dollar Mthe friend and of i " at the last session The closing days of the third state, It is up to him to appoint his , ,i ..,, Every contributed to bu!!,iin: monoffiDhi boyhood companion "Ppropnated i Governor de followed Mr. Lar-- 1 Vf for a powder have witnessed the usual Sisants md lix their e iiicii aujjiitiit win uc luiuriicu iu lie l ive thousand dollars Baca, factory pay. APPOini-neni- ..... i i i n,.,ll.f an. effort to make it that mea-- 1 A unified huiiuilu r.uiuiii. tllO flrct turn Vfirm ufilt ha speaking in Spanish. His re appear icramble for place of "pet" highway system, (as at Tax Commission nuic . ,4fc ,'" - State . marks were full of and of the ls, merely a temporary condi- sores, the rush center tactics of the is maintained, N?w Mexico had estimated rne V - pathos i,h'1 present projected) J. Mora county;! mines pin organization in motion to , tion. the . 10 Raphael Aguilar, JlCiauildl; l':" w j' 'J55 . nnnm....... rnn ,;... ...v.u. In the lower house, and to This is limited to cent L. Ul- -j r r WI6 of turn out the first installment lellll ?' tliu j majority system per A. W. Pollard Luna; George gold ot death of h, 'rro cAiia.iauon mat me cost ot manu- an dictated amount of the actual road in the Re-d- , : silver $1,008,000; technical literature on extent by the mileage rii':. R. C. (.'ii'.ls '?U3?0.000;Prl copper some of the ia,,.,he facture of the novern- - te several rresentative Mares of Colfr.c powder by of legislation to be passed, in the state, a wise provision when the C. Wi' 011, each $24,570,000; lead $4Ai,000; zinc mining istricts. - R Sarta Fe; tjr tvo n few !l. as well. In this grist the min- ount of roadway is considered and coal and coke $6,861,000; Many thousand. lo.'iity, a.le i rem. i..l5!.. Vc"?ca . rea,on. - yci.s. r,,,,ii . .. .. r U iihimstic 0 the nigner cost ot latior and materials; orlty has by no means been over- the impossibility of making it all other mineral products $1310,000 or nfll."v. g"vetror. the is manul An Capitol Cnttodian Committee we'Trl unahl..01' excellent wa, J" same thing true of and meritorious measures to boulevards just at present. Marcelinn Gar- a total of $41,000,000. be of one ori- - of ideas between the Tclesforo Rivera, g!veCheeTroerm:tionaresouUghb whether they party's interchanpe Dearth of Literature. V""' V T T- u A e cia. Santa Fe each for two Mining AnVTll' commission-plac- county, - ,V4r gin, or the otherT have received their state board, and $40.- state with a $40,000,000 mininir oiitnnt county Any basic industry producing and composer of the state "() for the for consideration by the calen. ers is provided, with the former years. is can well afford to further encour- songi, jolt government ownership Board 000,000 annually well worthy of Fair New Mexico," being especially advocates was the admission it a little the Dcst ot it in tne Insane Asylum le- - age its mining bv the ex- that Having i more than passing notice by the industry would be unwise to - way of authority and administrative penditure of at least $5,000 annual.
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