• r - / ' . Baker Ninth Republican Joyner Charges Grosso \ Complete Scholastic Audubon Society Says ■ To Run for President Reneges on Commitment Sports Rpundup ^Sabotage* Is Pointless ' ^ Page 2 Page 12 Page 13 Page 17 * ■ >ii ____ iianrbfstFr *•1 Fai^ Tonight, Cloudy Friday "'I Dtlailt on pago 2 Ships Crash I A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 > 20$ Single Cojpy • 15t Home Delivered Ga l v e s t o n ; Texas ( u p d - An Inbound tanker and outbound freighter collided at the entrance to Galveston Bay before dawn today, slicing the tanker in haif I and leaving the flaming freighter j Mrs. Eisenhower wandering slowiy out of control in a Gulf of Mexico, oilfieid. Two crewmen were kilied and 18 were missing. Rescuers in * 4 heiicopters evacuating the ships' crewpien had to contend with a 82 burning, mile-long oilslick NVASHINGTON (UPI) - Mamie created by the tanker's 400,000- said Esker. “She came in seriously Eisenhower/^campaigned, she left Eisenhower, seriously ill since suf­ barrel cargo of chide oil. ill but stable." her role as the quiet woman behind fering a stroke in September, died of Ten crewmen stayed for a time The stroke had affected some of the scenes and took to the stump. Ike heart failure early today, 10 years aboard the Cypriot-registered the functions on her right side. would introduce her as "My after the death of her husband, the freighter Mimosa to fight the fire, She was last at Walter Reed Sept. Mamie." 34th president. « but they were tifted to shore When 8-15 for a routine examination. And while she liked to spend restful Mrs. Eisenhower died in her sleep the flames consumed the ship. Her death left five living former weekends in the country during her at 1:35 a.m. EST, said a spokesman first ladies — Bess Truman, husband's two terms, she would often for Walter Reed Army Medical Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Lady fill in for him when national groups Heavy Sn€nc Center where she had b « n treated Bird Johnson, Pat Nixon and ^ tty visited the White House. since suffering the stroke Sept. 25. Digging out of huge snowdrifts Ford. Mrs. Eisenhower, bom Nov. 14, She would have been 83 Ifi two weeks. left by a mid-autumn blizzard, While the family’s farmhouse, a 1896, in Boone, Iowa, never hid her Peter Esker, information officer rescuers on the Great Ptains national monument maintained by preference ,ior the serene, country for Walter R e ^ , said funeral plans found 80 people huddled in the the National Park Serivee, was her life of the farm during her eight back of a truck and helped 16 wwe incomplete. home, friends said late in life she years in the White House. And the Esker said Mrs. Eisenhower, more from a stranded bus. One became lonely living there. Eisenhowers/d^etumed there when strixen with the stroke on her Get­ couple died in Colorado before She applied in 1977 for a one- the president’s term ended in 1960. tysburg, Pa., faniTTIiad a history of snowplows reached them. bedroom apartment S(l'Washington’s She did not miss the public life, she heart trouble and had not shojm any The snowstorm, which kilted at prestigious'Army Distaff House, a said in an interview on the couple’s significant improvement since her facility she dedicated, but later ieast nine people since Tuesday, 50th wedding anniversary. admission. withdrew her application from the “No one who has ever been in that moved into the northern Plains “Her condition had remained es­ waiting list rather than bump those terrible limelight would ever seek R and upper Midwest today. The sentially stable, and she did not show ahead of her. National Weather Service posted again," she said. improvement over the long run,” When her husband, Dwight D. winter storm warnings for the Dakotas. More than a foot of snow felt on easteim Colorado, and high winds whipped snowdrifts up to 12 feet Town Seu0age Plqnt high in some areas of the Plains. Winds gusting past 50 mpb blew down power poles in Nebraska and South Dakota Wednesday j night, cutting electrical power to Above Design Flow more thifn 15,000 rural customers. UtUity oOicials said it might take I MANCHESTER - The state facility.” of the the treatment process which is until Sunday to restore power. Department of Elnvironmental The sfate report was compiled at spread to dry on sand beds and ul- Protection’s kmg-awaited answer to the request of Director Carl ZJnsser, timately buried, Flood Recedes . questions raised about the town who asked for an investigatiph when At a press conference this mor­ sewage treatment plant reveals the odors from the plant brought many ning, Zinsser said he would bring up OKEECHOBEE, Fla. (U H )- facility is operating consistently complaints this summer from the question of the work on the I MlUioos of gallons of water that Witch at Washington higher than the design flow predicted residents living near the plant. digestor cover at the first meeting of surged t h r o ^ an eartbem-4|ke to be reached in 1985. In his letter Zinnser said he was not the Board of Directors to be elected I receded gradually today. T h ^ ^ A witch kejeps Washington School students entranced as she The state is recommending that convinced the odor problem has been Tuesday. were no Injuries in the incident. reads to them, presumably from the literature of her craft. the cover, which blew off a sewage solved and he raised questions about Meanwhile, Frank Jodaitis, ad­ Officials said they coutd not un­ She is is also a mother, but perfers to remain unidentified so digester last December, be replaced the operation of the plant. derstand why the Florida Power ministrator of the Water and Sewer she will not dilute her wicked witchly image. (Herald photo by and the tank be put back into opera­ He specifically asked how the Department, said he is scheduled to A Light Co. dike burst early tion as soon as possible. cover could have blown off the tank I ^ t o ) meet Tuesday with a representative Wednnday: It had been inspected The report offers no hint on the “if the plant was being operated by just the day before and was of the Metcalf and Eddy engineering cause of the Pearl Harbor Day blast qualified adminstrators.” firm to go over a draft of bid reported sound. that damaged the plant. It does say While the response to Zinsser does documents for the repair work. Met­ A 80-foot section of the dike at | Meeting Closed the damage is characteristic of the not specifically^ijink the odor to the calf and Ekidy is the firm hired by the I Indlantown burst without warning type of damage that ocl^urs when the fact that the tamk is inoperative, ite^ town to design the repair. about 1 a.m., releasing enough tank is overfilled, an event that does say the system is overtaxed as a water to cover 80,000 acres should be prevented by two basic result and sludge quality has suffered While the report to Zinsser is dated I around - the northeast shore of On i-Park) Plan back up systems. I somewhat. Oct. 10, neither he nor Jodaitis Lake Okeechobee with 1 foot of The report, by DEP Water The sludge is the wet, solid residue received it until a couple of days ago. water. By LAUREN DAVIS SHEA Compliance Director Robert E. Herald Reporter Turnpike, south of South Windsor and Moore, said, “ For the tank to over­ More Security east of Eiast Hartford. fill two basic backup systems would MANCHESTER— A subcommittee Pending the airing of residents’ also have to fail. Normally as sludge SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador of the Economic Development Com« is pumped into the the tank, digested (UPI) — The U.S. Embassy in­ mission will meet tonight in a closecf views at tonight’s meeting, the com­ creased its security precations mission decided to meet Thursday. sludge from another area of the tank Inflation Rises door session to confer with residents is displaced and flows to the secon­ today because of escalating at­ who will be affected by the proposed At that time, if residents are in favor dary tank.” ' tacks by anti-government leftists expansion of the Buckland Industrial of the expansion, the town will make The report says kr plugged gravity against foreign diplomatic mis­ Park. the first of three applications for % transfer overflow line could result in 1 in Octobei^ sions. At an early morning meeting today state development fun^. The leftists Wednesday sprayed In other matters, the commission the tank being pressurized, but of the EDC, the westward expansion by 0.1 percent last month following a the Guatemalan embassy with concurred with Weiss to treat the another backup system should pre­ WASHINGTON (UPI) - Inflation of the park was discussed. Town sharp 1.8 percent rise in Septemter machine-gun fire and kilied six possible development by Elcott vent the cover from blowing off by at the wholesale level rose 1 percent Manager Robert Weiss said the and a 1.2 percent jump in August. national guardsmen in ambush Manufacturing in thk. area with relieving gas pressure before it during October, although energy expansion would seem to be "consls- Meat prices turned down sharply south of the capital. Six ieftists “loving care.” reaches a dangerous level. prices increased at the slowest pace tant with at least some of the while the cost of egg^ processed I aiso were kilied. Elcott had deposited a sizable This gas pressure relief valve since last spring and food costs residents' wishes” because they had fruits and vegetables and dairy Twenty Salvadoran national amount of cniih f v *hfiir optioned should open, releasjpg gas into the at­ dropped slightly, the government tried earlier to sell the land.
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