West Visayas State University Luna La Paz, Iloilo City UNIVERSITY LIBRARY LIST OF NEW ACQUISITIONS (JUNE-AUGUST 2014) FICTION Alighieri, Dante (2009) Dante Alighieri. USA: Signet Classics. (Call No./CIR/FIC/Al411/2009) (Acc. No. 24147) Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl. New York: Bantam Books. (Call No./CIR/FIC/An71a/1986) (Acc. No. 24150) Dickens, Charles (2012) Great Expectations. UK: Transatlantic Press. (Call No./CIR/FIC/D550d/2012) (Acc. No. 24151) Doyle, Arthur Conan (1986) Sherlock Holmes: The Complete Novels and Stories. New York: Bantam Classics. (Call No./CIR/FIC/D77s/1986) (Acc. No. 24152) Raffel, Burton. (2008) Beowulf. USA: Signet Classics. (Call No./CIR/FIC/B450b/2008) (Acc. No. 24149) Roth, Veronica (2012) Insurgent. New York: Katherine Tegen Books. (Call No./CIR/FIC/R742/2012) (Acc. No. 24184) Shakespeare, William (2011) The Tragedy of Julius Ceasar. New York: Simon & Schuster Paperbacks. (Call No./CIR/FIC/Sh111t/2011) (Acc. No. 24148) Shakespeare, William (1994) The Tempest. New York: Simon & Schuster Paperbacks. (Call No./CIR/FIC/Sh111t/1994) (Acc. No. 24145) Shakespeare, William (1994) The Tragedy of Macbeth. New York: Simon & Schuster Paperbacks. (Call No./CIR/FIC/Sh111t/1992) (Acc. No. 24146) Sheldon, Sidney (2012) Angel of the dark. New York: Harper Collins. (Call No. CIR/FIC/Sh43a/2012) (Acc. No. 23179) Alcott, Louisa May (2007) Little women. New York: Bantam Dell. (Call No. CIR/FIC/Al161/2007) (Acc. No. 24054) Brown, Dan (2000) Angels & demons. New York: Pocket Books. (Call No. CIR/FIC/B780a/2000) (Acc. No. 24083) Chbosky, Stephen (19990 The Perks of being a wallflower. New York: Gallery Books. (Call No. CIR/FIC/C399p/1999) (Acc. No. 24038) Doyle Arthur Conan (1986) Sherlock Holmes: the complete novels and stories. New York: Bantam Dell. (Call No. CIR/FICD77s/1986) (Acc. No. 24070) Dumas, Alexandre (2004) The Three musketeers. New York: Bantam Dell. (Call No. CIR/FIC/D89t/2004) (Acc. No. 24081) The Odyssey: the story of Odysseus (2007) New York: Signet Classics. (Call No. CIR/FIC/Od9/2007) (Acc. No. 24085) 000-099 – GENERALITIES Boyle, Randall (2013) Corporate Computer Security. 3rd Edition. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education. (Call No./RSV/005.8/B696/2013) (Acc. No. 24116) Coronel, Carlos (2011) Database, principles: fundamentals of design, implementation and management. International edition. Australia: Course Technology/Cengage Learning. (Call No. CIR/RSV/005.74/C816/2011) (Acc. No. 24215) West Visayas State University Luna La Paz, Iloilo City UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Deitel, Paul. (2012) C++ How to Program. 8th Edition. Boston, Mass: Prentice Hall. (Call No./CIR/RSV/005.133/D367/2012) (Acc. No. 24204) Gaddis, Tony (2012) Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures Through Objects. Boston: Pearson. (Call No./RSV/005.133/G116/2012) (Acc. No. 24159) Gaddis, Tony (2013) Starting out with Java: From Control Structures Through Objects. 5th Edition. Harlow, Essex: Pearson. (Call No./RSV/005.133/G116/2013) (Acc. No. 24155) Greco, Adam (2013) The Adobe Site Catalyst Handbook: An Insider’s Guide. California: Adobe. (Call No./RSV/006.312/G799/2013) (Acc. No. 24115) Hofer, Jeffrey A. (2013) Modern Database Management. 11th Edition. Boston: Pearson (Call No./RSV/005.4/H672/2013) (Acc. No. 24118) Irvine, Kip R. (2012) Advanced Visual Basic 2010. 5th Edition. Boston: Addison Wesley. (Call No./CIR/RSV/005.13’3/Ir81/2012) (Acc. No. 24109) Knittel, Brian (2013) Windows 8: in depth. Indianapolis, IN: Que. (Call No./RSV005.446/K749/2013) (Acc. No. 24208) Kroenke, David (2013) Database Concepts. 6th Edition. New Jersey: Pearson Education. (Call No./RSV/005.74/K913/2013) (Acc. No. 24181) Kurose, James F. (2013) Computer Networking: A Top-down Approach. 6th Edition. Boston: Pearson. (Call No./RSV/004.678/K965/2013) (Acc. No. 24160) Liang, Y. Daniel (2013) Introduction to Java Programming Comprehensive Version. Boston: Pearson. (Call No./CIR/RSV/005.2762/L612/2013) (Acc. No. 24157) Mullins, Craig S. (2013) Database Administration: The Complete Guide to DBA Practices and Procedures. 2nd Edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Addison-Wesley. (Call No./RSV/005.74/M88/2013) (Acc. No. 24170) Nielsen, Jakob (2013) Mobile usability. Berkeley, Calif.: New Riders. (Call No./RSV/006.775/N553/2013) (Acc. No. 24211) Panko, Raymond R. (2013) Business Data Networks and Security. 9th Edition. Boston: Pearson. (Call No./RSV/005.71/P194/2013) (Acc. No. 24117) Papazoglou, Michael P. (2012) Wed Services & SOA: Principles and Technology. Harlaw: Prentice Hall. (Call No./RSV/006.76/P197/2012) (Acc. No. 24111) Rich, Jason (2013) OS X Mountain Lion tips and tricks. Indianapolis, IN, USA: Que. (Call No./RSV/005.446/R37/2013) (Acc. No. 24216) Rubel, Dan (2012) The Eclipse Graphing Editing Framework (GEF). New Jersey: Addison- Wesley. (Call No./RSV/005.4’37/R821/2012) (Acc. No. 24113) Rubel, Dan (2012) TCP/IP Illustrated. 2nd Edition. New Jersey: Addison-Wesley. (Call No./RSV/004.6’2/F19/2012) (Acc. No. 24114) Smith, Charles Wyke (2013) Stylin’ with CSS: A Designer Guide. 3rd Edition. Berkeley, California: New Riders. (Call No./RSV/006.7/Sm511/2013) (Acc. No. 24169) Snuder, Lawrence (2013) Fluency with information technology: skills, concepts & capabilities. 5th ed. Boston: Pearson. (Call No./RSV/004/Sn921/2013) (Acc. No. 224213) Sosinsky, Barrie A. (2013) Windows 8. Berkeley, Calif: Peachpit. (Call No./RSV/005.446/So73/2013) (Acc. No. 24209) West Visayas State University Luna La Paz, Iloilo City UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Stallings, William (2013) Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance. Boston, Mass: Pearson. (Call No./RSV/004.22/St111/2013) (Acc. No. 24171) Stallings, William (2012) Computer Security: Principles and Practice. 2nd Edition. Boston: Pearson. (Call. No./RSV/005.8/St111/2012) (Acc. No. 24112) Valacich, Joseph S. (2012) Essentials of Systems: Analysis and Design. 5th Edition. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. (Call No./RSV/003/V23/2012) (Acc. No. 24119) Calmorin, Laurentina P. (2010) Research @nd Statistics with Computer. Mandaluyong City: National Bookstore. (Call No./FIL/RSV/001.4/C125/2010) (Acc. No. 24124) Craig, Austin (2011) Lineage, Life and Labors of Jose Rizal: Philippine Patriot. Manila: Tulay Foundation. (Call No./FIL/92/C844/2011) (Acc. No. 24179) Latada, Mabel S. (2010) Research writing for beginners. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. (Call No./FIL/RSV/001.4/L34/2010) (Acc. No. 24121) O’Brien, Terry (2012) The Students’ Companion: A Must for Every Student. New Delhi: Rupa Publications India Pub. Ltd. (Call No./028.7/Ob62/2012) (Acc. No. 24219) Cisco Networking Academy (2011) IT Essentials: PC hardware and software lab manual. 4th ed. Indiapolis, Ind.: Cisco. (Call No. RSV/004/C497/2011) (Acc. No. 23749) Liang, Y. Daniel (2011). Introduction to JAVA programming: brief version. 8th ed. Boston: Pearson. (Call No. RSV/005.13'3/L613/2011) (Acc. No. 23756) McDanile, Adam (2012) HTML5: your visual blueprint for designing rich web pages and applications. Hooken, NJ: Wiley. (Call No. RSV/0006.74/M141/2012) (Acc. No. 23754) Spaanjaars, Imar (2010). Beginning ASP.NET 4: in C# and VB. Indiapolis, Ind.: Wiley. (Call No. RSV/005.276/Sp111/2010) (Acc. No. 23750) Thiran, Jean-Phillipe editor. Multimodal signal processing: theory and applications for human-computer interaction. Amsterdam:ELSEVIER/Academic Press. (RSV/004.091/M919/2010/23715) (Acc. No. 23715) Crystal, David (2011) Internet linguistics: a student guide. London/New York: Routeledge Taylor & Francis Group. (Call No. GSL/RSV/004.601'4/C889/2011) (Acc. No. 23966) Leedy, Paul D. (2013) Leedy, Paul D. Practical research an design. Boston: Pearson. (Call No. GSL/RSV/001.4/L517/2013) (Acc. No. 23989) Miller, David et. Al. (2011) Security information and event management (SIEM) implementation. New York: McGraw-Hill. (Call No. GSL/RSV/005.8/S446/2011) (Acc. No. 23528) Garcia, Alipio M.et. al. (2011) Research: simplified guide to thesis writing. Philippines: Booklore Publishing Corporation. (Call No. FIL/RSV/001.4/R311/2011) (Acc. No. 23333) Daigneau, Robert (2012) Service design patterns: fundamental design solutions for SOAP/WSDL and restful web services. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Addison- Wesley/Pearson Education. (Call No. RSV/006.7’8/D14/2012) (Acc. No. 24049) Darcey, Lauren (2012) Andriod wireless application development. 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Addison-Wesley. (Call No. RSV/005.1/R24/2012) (Acc. No. 24096) Gefen, David (2010) The Art of successful information systems outsourcing. New York: Business Expert Press. (Call No. RSV/025.04/G272/2010) (Acc. No. 23736) Havaldar, Parag (2010) Modern multimedia systems. Boston, MA: Cause Technology Cengage Learning. (Call No. RSV/006.7/H11/2010) (Acc. No. 24097) West Visayas State University Luna La Paz, Iloilo City UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Sebesta, Robert W. (2013) Programming the world wide web. 7th ed. Boston: Addison- Wesley. (Call No. 006.7’6 CIR/RSV/006.7’6/Se21/2013) (Call No. 24095) Thomas, Tom (2012) Network security first-step. Indianapolis, IN: Cisco Press. (Call No. RSV/005.8/T361/2012) (Acc. No. 23752) Nelke, Margareta (2012) Strategic business development for information and libraries. Witney: Chandus Pub. (Call No. REF/025.1/N323/2012) (Call No. 23905) 100-199 – PHILOSOPHY Quinn, Michael J. (2012) Ethics for the Information Age. 5th Edition. Boston: Pearson. (Call No./CIR/RSV/174.9004/Q443/2012) (Acc. No. 24180) Aamodt, Michael G. (2013) Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Pasig City: Cengage Learning. (Call No./GSL/RSV/158/Aa47/2013) (Acc. No. 24188) Palmiano, Daniel A. (2010) Logic Make Sense. Quezon City: C&E Publishing Inc. (Call No./FIL/RSV/160/P18/2010) (Acc. No. 23891) MAlinao, Alito L. (2011) Handbook on basic media laws and ethics. 1st ed. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store. (Call No./FIL/RSV/175/M294?2011c1) (Acc. No. 24210, 24161) Tria, Geraldine E. General Psychology. Quezon City: KEN Incorporated. (Call No./FIL/RSV/150/T730/2012) (Acc. No. 24138) Murphy, Joseph (2009) The Power of Your Subconscious Mind.
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