Newsletter No. 131, March 2010 Published by the New Zealand Ecological Society (Inc.), P.O. Box 25-178, Christchurch FROM THE EDITOR Fleur Maseyk Horizons Regional Council New Zealand Journal of Ecology New Zealand Journal of Ecology New Zealand Journal of Ecology New Zealand Journal of Ecology New Zealand Journal of Ecology New Zealand Journal of Ecology New Zealand Journal of Ecology New Zealand Journal of Ecology New Zealand Journal of Ecology New Zealand Journal of Ecology New Zealand Journal of Ecology New Zealand Journal of Ecology New Zealand Journal of Ecology The Journal of the New Zealand Ecological Society Volume 28, No. 1, 2004 The Journal of the New Zealand Ecological Society Volume 28, No. 2, 2004 The Journal of the New Zealand Ecological Society Volume 29, No. 1, 2005 The Journal of the New Zealand Ecological Society Volume 29, No. 2, 2005 The Journal of the New Zealand Ecological Society Volume 30, No. 1, 2006 The Journal of the New Zealand Ecological Society Volume 30, No. 2, 2006 The Journal of the New Zealand Ecological Society Volume 30, No. 3, 2006 The Journal of the New Zealand Ecological Society Volume 31, No. 1, 2007 The Journal of the New Zealand Ecological Society Volume 31, No. 2, 2007 The Journal of the New Zealand Ecological Society Volume 32, No. 1, 2008 The Journal of the New Zealand Ecological Society Volume 32, No. 2, 2008 The Journal of the New Zealand Ecological Society Volume 33 No. 2, 2009 The Journal of the New Zealand Ecological Society Volume 33 No. 2, 2009 CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS PrivateCONTENTS Bag 11025CONTENTS CONTENTS Articles Articles Articles Articles Introduction to the Nigel Barlow Symposium John Parkes 1 Review Review Articles Reviews Articles Articles Roost use by long-tailed bats in South Canterbury: Jane A. Sedgeley and 1 Early Maori settlement impacts in northern coastal Janet M. Wilmshurst, Thomas F.G. 167 Movement of exotic plants into coastal native forests Jon J. Sullivan, Susan M. Timmins, 1 An ecological and historical review of bracken Matt S. McGlone, Janet M. 165 The impact of brodifacoum on non-target wildlife: gaps Hoare, J.M.; Hare, K.M. 157 Wind damage and response in New Zealand forests: a Martin, T.J; Ogden, J. 295 Biomass allocation, shade tolerance and seedling Kate G. McAlpine, Linley K. Jesson 1 New Zealand’s historically rare terrestrial Peter A. Williams, Susan Wiser, Bev 119 Seed retention times in the New Zealand pigeon, Debra M. Wotton, Mick N. Clout, Dave Clark 1 Articles examining predictions of roost-site selection in a highly Colin F.J. O’Donnell Taranaki, New Zealand Higham, Harry Allen, Dilys Johns from gardens in northern New Zealand and Peter A. Williams (Pteridium esculentum) in New Zealand, and its cultural Wilmshurst and Helen M. Leach in knowledge review survival of the invasive species Berberis darwinii ecosystems set in a physical and physiognomic Clarkson, Margaret C. Stanley Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY: VOLUME 28 NO. 1, 2004 VOLUME OF ECOLOGY: NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL 28 NO. 2, 2004 VOLUME OF ECOLOGY: NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL 30 NO. 1, 2006 VOLUME OF ECOLOGY: NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL 30 NO. 2, 2006 VOLUME OF ECOLOGY: NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL 30 NO. 3, 2006 VOLUME OF ECOLOGY: NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL 32 NO. 1, 2008 VOLUME OF ECOLOGY: NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL 32 NO. 2, 2008 VOLUME OF ECOLOGY: NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY: VOLUME 29 NO. 2, 2005 VOLUME OF ECOLOGY: NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY: VOLUME 31 NO. 2, 2007 VOLUME OF ECOLOGY: NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL New Zealand New Zealand 29 NO. 1, 2005 VOLUME OF ECOLOGY: NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand 31 NO. 1, 2007 VOLUME OF ECOLOGY: NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand 33 NO. 2, 2009 VOLUME OF ECOLOGY: NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL New Zealand 33 NO. 2, 2009 VOLUME OF ECOLOGY: NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL New Zealand fragmented landscape and Caroline Phillips Is Pittosporum patulum Hook. f. threatened by pest Geoffrey Rogers and Susan Walker 11 significance Ecology after 100 years: Progress and pseudo-progress Charles J. Krebs 3 (Darwin's barberry). framework Articles Articles Tūhoe Tuawhenua mātauranga of kererū (Hemiphaga Philip O’B. Lyver, Te Motoi Taput, Spady T. Kutia, 7 Diet and impacts of brushtail possum populations P.J. Sweetapple, K.W. Fraser and 19 herbivory in eastern South Island, New Zealand? Successional processes induced by fires on the northern Ian A.E. Atkinson 181 Mosquitoes breeding in phytotelmata in native forests José G. B. Derraik 185 Recent loss of indigenous cover in New Zealand Walker, S.; Proce, R.; Rutledge, 169 Plant and invertebrate assemblages on waste rock at Rufaut, C.G.; Hammit, S.; Craw, 311 novaseelandiae novaseelandiae) in Te Urewera Brenda Tahi across an invasion front in South Westland, New P.I. Knightbridge Linking pasture, livestock productivity and vertebrate Jim Hone 13 Site conditions affect seedling distribution below Eric Verkaik, Rhys O. Gardner, 13 Frequency and impact of Holocene fire in eastern Geoffrey M. Rogers, Susan Walker, 129 offshore islands of New Zealand Journal of Ecology Diet of hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus)Journal in the Chris Jones,of Kirsten Ecology Moss, 29 in the Wellington region, New Zealand Journal of Ecology Journal of Ecology JournalD.; Stephens,of T.;Ecology Lee, W.G. Wangaloa coal mine, Otago, New ZealandJournalD.; Clearwater, of S.G.Ecology Journal of Ecology Journal of Ecology Multi-scale habitat models for reintroduced birdJournal Pascale Michel, of Katharine Ecology J.M. Dickenson, 18 Journal of Ecology Journal of Ecology Journal of Ecology Journal of Ecology Zealand upper Waitaki Basin, New Zealand: Implications for and Mark Sanders pest management and outside the crown of kauri trees (Agathis Wim G. Braakhekke South Island, New Zealand Les M. Basher, William G. Le Effects of an aerial 1080 possum poison operation R.G. Powlesland, I.A.N. Stringer 193 Positive effects of forest edges on plant reproduction: Burgess, V.J.; Kelly, D.; Alastair 179 australis). populations: a case study of South Island saddlebacks on Barbara I.P. Barratt, Ian G. Jamieson Insect assemblages in a native (kanuka – Kunzea Richard J. Harris, Richard J. Toft, 35 Effects of forest edges on herbivory in a New Zealand Catherine E. Bach and Dave Kelly 195 conservation literature review and a case study of bee visitation to W. Robertson, A.W.; Ladley, J.J. Habitat use by three rat species (Rattus spp.) on an Harper 321 Potential of direct seeding for establishing native Grant B. Douglas, Mike B. Dodd, 143 Motuara Island using carrot baits on invertebrates in artificial refuges at and D.I. Hedderley Bovine tuberculosis in brushtail possums: models, Peter Caley 25 ericoides) and an invasive (gorse – Ulex europaeus) John S. Dugdale, Peter A. Williams, Joanna mistletoe, Alepis flavida Role of exotic pine forests in the conservation of the Eckehard G. Brockerhoff, 37 flowers of Peraxilla tetrapetala (Loranthaceae) island without other mammalian predators Secondary forest succession differs through Jon J. Sullivan, Peter A. Williams, 22 plants into pastoral land in New Zealand Ian L. Power shrubland S. Rees Whirinaki Forest Park, 1999–2002 dogma and data Recovery of a sooty shearwater (Puffinus griseus) Sam McKechnie, Henrik Moller, Corey Brag, 34 Desmoschoenus spiralis displacement by Ammophila Pip Dixon, Mike Hilton and 207 critically endangered New Zealand ground beetle Lisa A. Berndt, and Hervé Jactel naturalised gorse and native kānuka near Susan M. Timmins breeding area after habitat destruction Jamie Newman, Darren S. Scott, Justine B. Cruz Importance of ground weta (Hemiandrus spp.) in stoat D.H.V Smith, I.G. Jamieson 207 An experimental study of the impacts of understorey Wilson, D.J.; Ruscoe, W.A.; 191 Influence of pastoral management on plant biodiversity Norton, D.A.; Espie, P.R.; Murray, 335 Articles The relationship between male head size and mating Paul T. Leisnham and 49 arenaria: the role of drought Peter Bannister Holcaspis brevicula (Coleoptera: Carabidae) Wellington and Nelson. (Mustela erminea) diet in small montane valleys and and R.M.E. Peach Persistence of disease in territorial animals: insights G.C. Smith 35 forest vegetation and herbivory by red deer and rodents Burrows, L.E.; McElrea, L.M.; in a depleted short tussock grassland, Mackenzie Basin W.; Murray, J. Diet of stoats at Okarito Kiwi Sanctuary, South Westland, Elaine Murphy, Fraser Maddigan, 41 opportunity in the harem-defence, polygynous tree weta Ian G. Jamieson Lack of movement of stoats (Mustela erminea) between Des H. V. Smith and I. G. Jamieson 45 (Hemideina maori) (Orthoptera: Anostostomatidae) alpine grasslands from a model of Tb control in badgers on seedling establishment and species composition in Choquenot, D. Kauri trees (Agathis australis) affect nutrient, Eric Verkaik and Wim. G. Braakhekke 39 How large a managed area is needed to protect Ian Westbrooke 154 New Zealand Brad Edwards, Kay Clapperton Little geographic or host plant genetic variation in a Andrew C. McCall, Dave Kelly 215 Nothofagus valley floors and alpine grasslands, with Habitat use by chevron skinks (Oligosoma Neilson, K.; Curran, J.M.; Towns, 345 a threatened animal species? Combining simple Chionochloa (Poaceae) seed predator (Cecidomyiidae: and Hazel M. Chapman Waitutu Forest, New Zealand water and light availability for their seedlings. Interspecific and seasonal dietary differences of PalmerstonJohn P. Parkes, David M. Forsyth 46 North Survival of adult mountain stone weta Hemideina implications for the conservation of New Zealand’s Invasibility of native habitats by Argentine ants, Darren F. Ward and 215 Measuring stoat (Mustela erminea) and ship rat (Rattus J.E. Christie, J. Kemp, C. Rickard 43 homalonotum) (Sauria: Scincidae) on Great Barrier D.R.; Jamieson, H.
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