Society in Language, Language in Society Ruqaiya Hasan (17 February 2015) Photo by Ernest Akerejola Society in Language, Language in Society Essays in Honour of Ruqaiya Hasan Edited by Wendy L. Bowcher Sun Yat-sen University, China Jennifer Yameng Liang University of Science and Technology Beijing, China Selection and editorial content © Wendy L. Bowcher and Jennifer Yameng Liang 2016 Individual chapters © Respective authors 2016 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 2016 978-1-137-40285-1 All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission. No portion of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, or under the terms of any licence permitting limited copying issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, Saffron House, 6–10 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS. Any person who does any unauthorized act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. The authors have asserted their rights to be identified as the authors of this work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. First published 2016 by PALGRAVE MACMILLAN Palgrave Macmillan in the UK is an imprint of Macmillan Publishers Limited, registered in England, company number 785998, of Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS. Palgrave Macmillan in the US is a division of St Martin’s Press LLC, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010. Palgrave Macmillan is the global academic imprint of the above companies and has companies and representatives throughout the world. Palgrave® and Macmillan® are registered trademarks in the United States, the United Kingdom, Europe and other countries. ISBN 978-1-349-57286-1 ISBN 978-1-137-40286-8 (eBook) DOI 10.1057/9781137402868 This book is printed on paper suitable for recycling and made from fully managed and sustained forest sources. Logging, pulping and manufacturing processes are expected to conform to the environmental regulations of the country of origin. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Society in language, language in society : essays in honour of Ruqaiya Hasan / Wendy L. Bowcher, Sun Yat-sen University, China ; Jennifer Yameng Liang, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China) pages cm Summary: “This is the first collection dedicated to research directly influenced by the innovative and groundbreaking ideas of the eminent linguist Ruqaiya Hasan. The collection offers an insight into the breadth and depth of Hasan’s distinctive linguistic approaches and theoretical concerns. The chapters cover areas such as verbal art, context of situation, semantic networks, cohesive harmony, text structure and literacy education. The volume contains an interview with Ruqaiya Hasan, and a section in which the contributors describe their connection with Ruqaiya Hasan and her work. This book is of particular value to scholars and students working in sociolinguistics, literary criticism, stylistics, functional linguistic theories, literacy pedagogy, social semiotics, multimodality and applied linguistics” — Provided by publisher. 1. Semiotics—Social aspects. 2. Communication—Social aspects. 3. Language and languages—Variation. 4. Language and culture. 5. Language and education. 6. Sociolinguistcs. I. Bowcher, Wendy L., editor. II. Liang, Jennifer Yameng, 1987– editor. III. Hasan, Ruqaiya, honoree. P325.5.S63S63 2015 401.4—dc23 2015012349 Contents List of Figures vii List of Tables ix Preface x Acknowledgements xii Notes on the Contributors xiii Part I Hasan’s Linguistics 1 The Ontogenesis of Rationality: Nigel Revisited 3 M. A. K. Halliday 2 ‘Construe My Meaning’: Performance, Poetry and Semiotic Distance 24 David G. Butt Part II Verbal Art 3 Jakobson’s Place in Hasan’s Social Semiotic Stylistics: ‘Pervasive Parallelism’ as Symbolic Articulation of Theme 59 Donna R. Miller Part III Semantic Networks 4 Can Semantic Networks Capture Intra- and Inter-Registerial Variation? Palliative Care Discourse Interrogates Hasan’s Message Semantics 83 Alison Rotha Moore 5 Hasan’s Semantic Networks Revisited: a Cantonese Systemic Functional Approach 115 Andy Fung Part IV Context of Situation 6 Language and Society, Context and Text: the Contributions of Ruqaiya Hasan 143 Annabelle Lukin v vi Contents 7 Multiscalar Modelling of Context: Some Questions Raised by the Category of Mode 166 Tom Bartlett 8 On Describing Contexts of Situation 184 Margaret Berry 9 Interfacing Field with Tenor: Hasan’s Notion of Personal Distance 206 Marvin Lam 10 Studying Language in Society and Society through Language: Context and Multimodal Communication 227 Rebekah Wegener Part V Structure and Texture: Two Kinds of Unity 11 GSP and Multimodal Texts 251 Wendy L. Bowcher and Jennifer Yameng Liang 12 Construing Instructional Contexts 275 Carmel Cloran 13 ‘Threads of Continuity’ and Interaction: Coherence, Texture and Cohesive Harmony 300 Kristin M. Khoo Part VI Literacy and Education 14 Reflection Literacy in the First Years of Schooling: Questions of Theory and Practice 333 Geoff Williams 15 Reflection Literacy and the Teaching of History 357 Mariana Achugar and Mary Schleppegrell Part VII In Her Own Words 16 In Her Own Words: an Interview with Ruqaiya Hasan 381 David G. Butt and Jennifer Yameng Liang Part VIII In Honour of Ruqaiya Hasan 17 In Honour of Ruqaiya Hasan: Notes from the Contributors 415 A Bibliography of Work by Ruqaiya Hasan 433 Author Index 439 Subject Index 444 List of Figures 2.1 Verbal art and language (Hasan, 1985, based on Hasan, 1979) 27 2.2 A schematic view of the logogenetic accumulation of tokens in Act 2 Scene 2 of Troilus and Cressida 33 3.1 The overlapping semiotic systems (based on Hasan, 1985, p. 99) 64 4.1 Hasan’s ‘Demand Information’ network (based on Hasan, 2013, p. 289) 95 5.1 Primary options of message semantics in Cantonese 126 5.2 Systemic options of RELATION ENACTMENT in Cantonese 127 5.3 A tentative semantic network of asking questions in Cantonese 134 6.1 Culture, meaning and situation (Hasan, 1985b) 148 6.2 A ‘rudimentary’ network for field (Hasan, 1999a) 150 6.3 Realization and Instantiation in Halliday’s linguistic model (Hasan, 2009c, p. 12, based on Halliday, 1999) 153 6.4 Class, codes and communication: an interpretation (Hasan, 2005c) 155 6.5 Hasan’s typology of sign types (Hasan, 2014, Figure 6.1, p.112) 158 8.1 Language event: Mode systems 191 8.2 Language event: Tenor systems 193 8.3 Language event: Field systems MK1 201 8.4 Language event: Field systems MK2 202 9.1 Sophie Neveu and Robert Langdon’s biography of interactions in Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code (Lam, 2010) 220 9.2 Accumulative frequencies of [ancillary] and [practical] vs [constitutive] (top) and [relation based] vs [reflection based] (bottom) (Lam, 2010) 223 10.1 Stratification: reproduced from Halliday and Matthiessen (2004, p. 25) 237 10.2 Stratification and the contextual plane representing the union of the social and biological 238 11.1 The GSP of the nursery tale (Hasan, 1996, p. 54) 253 11.2 GSP of multimodal print advertisements (Cheong, 2004, p. 164) 263 11.3 A tourist site entry ticket to Hua Shan (with ‘Enhancer’ circled) 265 11.4 A tourist site entry ticket with the Attributor circled 267 vii viii List of Figures 11.5 A tentative GSP of the register of tourist site entry tickets (TSET) 270 12.1 Relation of RU classes to a material base 276 12.2 GSP of the official instructional context 277 12.3 Function structure and RU structure of Extract 1 278 12.4 Function structure and RU structure of Extract 2 280 12.5 RU structure of Clarification element exemplified in Extract 3 282 12.6 Function and RU structure of Extract 5 284 12.7 RU analysis of Extract 6 285 12.8 GSP of local instructional context 289 12.9 RU structure of Extract 9 290 12.10 RU structure of Extract 10 291 12.11 RU analysis of Extract 11 292 12.12 RU analysis of messages 1–14 of Extract 12(a) 295 12.13 RU structure of Extract 12(b) 297 12.14 The structural element Practicum 297 12.15 Extract 12(a) amended 298 13.1 Place of cohesion and the textual metafunction rank matrix of SFL (reproduced from Halliday, 2009, p. 85) 303 13.2 Summary of cohesive devices (reproduced from Hasan, 1985, p. 82) 305 14.1 A child’s initial recording of some examples of language in use 344 14.2 Collaborative recording of oral language in use at school in a kindergarten class 345 14.3 The children’s example of dysfunctional wording in a command 347 14.4 Screenshot of ‘Mr Very Confused’s Recipe for Fairy Bread’ 349 14.5 An example of a child’s playful text to display his ability to identify Events 351 15.1 Support for deconstructing the Declaration of Independence passage 366 List of Tables 2.1 Logical analysis of Sonnet 30 44 2.2 Logical analysis of Sonnet 64 45 2.3 Logical analysis of Sonnet 60 46 2.4 Logical analysis of Sonnet 29 47 2.5 Logical analysis of Sonnet 65 48 3.1 Process types ascribed to Archie (from handout, Hasan, 2010) 75 3.2 Process types ascribed to death/dying (from handout, Hasan, 2010) 75 3.3 The close associations of time and death (from handout, Hasan, 2010) 76 6.1 Material and textual relations within one interaction: complex vs parallel simple texts (Hasan, 1999a, p. 267) 152 6.2 Properties of the sign types in Figure 6.2 (Hasan, 2014) 159 8.1 Categories of activities in the language events 199 9.1 Notions on distance with reference to the ordered typology of systems (adapted from Lam, 2010, p.
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