On Your Bike cardiff cycling campaign news Campaign Autumn 2011 Issue No. 79 launches new website Campaign’s Annual Members’ Meeting and AGM, Monday 14th November, 7pm Keep an eye on Cardiff Cycling RIÀFHU ZLOOEH and bookmark the Campaign AGM and speaking on Council Campaign’s excellent Members’ Meeting will cycling policy and new website, take place on Monday its implementation, www.cardiff-cycling- 14th November 2011, including the strategic campaign.co.uk, upstairs at O’Neill’s cycle route network. managed by Lewis Trinity Street Cardiff, Jane Lorimer, Deputy Mottram, and con- starting at 7pm. Director of Sustrans tribute your news and Jo Sachs (Cardiff Cymru, will introduce views to Lewis. Council Cycling continued on page 3 Bute Park cyclists’ celebration Left to right: Cllr. Iona Gordon, Dr Hugh MacKay, Professor Bob Franklin, and Tony Bianchi. On Tuesday evening 18th October 26 cyclists met to celebrate Cardiff Council’s decision to Inside: 1-2 Bute Park opens until 7; Campaign AGM trial access across Bute 3 Pont y Werin; Campaign seeks activists Park after dark. We 4 Understanding walking & cycling continued on page 2 5 Options for Queen Street; 6 CTC Rides 2 On Your Bike is published by Cardiff Cardiff Cycling Cycling Campaign at 33, The Balcony, Campaign said “This Castle Arcade, Cardiff, CF10 1BY. trial is welcome and Cycle campaigners may reproduce is clearly proving a material from On Your Bike freely. real boon to people To advertise in On Your Bike, please who cycle or walk contact Ken Barker (Editor) at Ken. to work. We were [email protected] or contact all amazed at how the Campaign at the above address. many people were crossing the park continued from page 1 when we met up at met by the Royal get back avoiding the 6.30 pm. This is the Welsh College of longer route with culmination of two Music and Drama KHDY\WUDIÀFDORQJ years campaigning and went together North Road and by the Cycling over ‘Fisher Bridge’ Castle Street. This is Campaign, Cardiff and across the park a 3 month trial that University and UWIC.’ in the dark - taking all began at the beginning Note: on occasions these of one minute. On of October. Richard gates have been locked the bridge into Sophia Nelmes, Chair of earlier-we are complaining. Gardens we paused and raised our thumbs Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama and a glass to Cardiff We have continued to press for improvements at Council for leaving the North Road front of College that were not these two gates open made part of the planning conditions. till 7 pm. Bute Park, like all Cardiff ’s formal parks, closes half an hour before dusk. Now, thanks to the Parks Service, two gates on each side of Bute Park are kept open for commuters to cycle or walk to work to 3 Bridge Provides a Cycling continued from page 1 Route around Cardiff Bay the ‘Smart Choices’ When Pont y Werin, leisure route are very personalised travel the Big Lottery funded encouraging. Sustrans planning scheme. bridge over the River have reported that There will also be Ely opened in July pedestrian and cycle reports from Cardiff last year, Cardiff and counters show 41,000 Cycle Campaign Penarth cyclists were trips were made over RIÀFHUVDQGHOHFWLRQV very critical of the lack the bridge between RI RIÀFHUVIRUWKHQH[W of routes from the July and November year. bridge up to Penarth last year. and into the Vale. We 3LFWXUHGDUHWKHÀUVW Committee elections are still waiting to cyclists over Pont y hear of satisfactory Werin at its opening: We need people to solutions and are /L]*ULIÀWK6XH/DQH offer their time. We dismayed about and Karl Lawrence, are looking for these those works that have all from Penarth. The committee roles to since been installed. metal sculpture in the EHÀOOHGE\DFWLYH We have asked for foreground is of Sybil members: independent comment Williams in honour o Chairperson on aspirations for of her contribution o Secretary routes into the Vale. to promoting cycling o Treasurer But the numbers of for all through o Member Sec. cyclists using Pont the Pedal Power o ‘OYB’ Editor yr Werin bridge as a project in Cardiff. o Website Manager Come to the AGM & Members’ Meeting on 14th November, have your say about plans for the future, and come to our monthly Campaign meetings. You will be welcomed! Ken Barker Campaign Secretary 4 “Understanding Walking and Cycling” to “the majority who Funded by the and ‘arriving sweaty don’t already choose Engineering & at work’ as reasons greener modes of Physical Sciences not to cycle. The built transport rather than Research Council, environment, currently the minority who ‘Understanding hostile to both cycling do.” The three most Walking and Cycling’ and walking, was also common obstacles to shows that no an important factor in cycling over a short matter how much keeping Brits in their journey were found infrastructure might be FDUV´$VLJQLÀFDQW to be concerns over built for cyclists, there proportion of people VDIHW\WKHGLIÀFXOW\ would still be stigma won’t ditch their cars RI ÀWWLQJF\FOLQJLQWR attached to everyday because cycling is not complex household cycling. The study seen as ‘normal’. The routines, especially found there was a core academics concluded with young children; image problem which that if we want to and a perception that kept people off bikes, tempt more people walking and cycling are with many respondents out of their cars policy “abnormal”. citing ‘helmet hair’ makers need to listen continued on page 5 Taff Trail Underpass LEQ Project The Underpass project Project Information Report aims to create a more visually attractive area that is less intimidating and a more appealing link between hous- ing areas and the Taff Trail. The Campaign would like to see improve- ments to cycling space and visibility as well as the proposed murals and signage, informing Cardiff Council of the needs of cyclists and walkers on the Trail. Version: 1.0 Author: James Moore Date: Sept 2011 Status: No Status 5 Lancaster University’s Options for cycling in Queen Street Professor Colin Pooley, who led the study, said: “our study set out to discover not only the reasons why people were persuaded to walk or cycle but, more importantly, the reasons why people do not do these Cyclists continue to use Queen Street things. Many people interviewed expressed The conclusion of The loading and a desire to cycle but a risk assessment servicing of vehicles were not doing so - carried out by Local were seen to be a clearly something was Transport Projects PRUHVLJQLÀFDQWULVN stopping them from for Cardiff Council And, cyclists were making that choice. in April 2011 is that observed to dismount “Most people prefer the levels of observed DVSHGHVWULDQÁRZV to adopt norms of FRQÁLFWDVVRFLDWHG increased. EHKDYLRXUWKDWÀWLQ with the existing Local Transport DQGUHÁHFWWKHPDMRULW\ situation are low. Their Projects considered experience. Travelling recommendation is options, including by car is seen as that “any of the an enforced 24-hour normal. “Our message options to change cycle ban; permitting for policy makers is, arrangements for cycle cycling outside of peak don’t base policies access are associated pedestrian periods; and about cycling [only] with only marginal introducing 24-hour on the views and reductions in risk, at DFFHVVZLWKVLJQLÀFDQW experiences of existing best.” This is because redesign of street, committed cyclists. It’s the levels of observed central delineator with necessary to talk to FRQÁLFWZKHUHWKH tactile indicators. non-cyclists, potential majority of people The Campaign’s cyclists .. to determine with cycles continue to preference is for 24- what would encourage cycle notwithstanding hour access through them.” See also www. the current cycling Queen Street, but with bikehub.co.uk/news, 7th ban, are already low. parallel routes too.. Sept, 2011. Dave Horton. 6 Introducing the proposed to be incremental Highways & Transport (Wales) Bill and may include retrospective actions At the last Campaign Walking and Cycling” on existing networks, meeting, Sustrans publication that calls compulsory purchase, Wales director Lee for better dedicated DQGLQÁXHQFLQJURDG Waters introduced facilities for cyclists. schemes at the earliest the proposed This was not about possible stages. Welsh Government arguments between The draft Bill will “Highways and segregation and on- be published in 7UDQVSRUW :DOHV road cycling however. the Spring. Lee Bill, which will place Lee understood there encouraged us to keep a duty on highway is a range of attitudes in touch, as others, authorities to develop from the disability and to make sure and maintain networks lobby, from opposition commitments are of paths for walking from Guide Dogs for made in the May 2012 and cycling. There is the Blind for example, Council elections. a commitment to 5% to enthusiastic support Ken Barker of transport budgets from Pedal Power, to support sustainable UHFRJQLVLQJEHQHÀWV Cycle Cardiff Rides transport in this way. for many. Lee explained that We had a lively Cycle Cardiff, a cycling group that encourages WKLVLVD¶ÁDJVKLS·ELOO discussion about the riders of mixed abili- that is likely to gain Bill, about its purpose ties, runs rides every all-Party support, but of making cycling Sunday morning at there are issues about mainstream, adopting 10am from Pedal Pow- local government and applying good er, Pontcanna, Cardiff, and social events. support that need to design standards, New members are be worked on between and changing the welcome to join us. now and 2013, with culture and practice in For more information: consultations to shape highway authorities, www.cyclecardiff.org. the Bill. reinforcing learnt uk Paths will not be just experiences in shared Cardiff Ajax WUDIÀFIUHHEXWSDUWRI space and application http://www.cardiffajax- a mixed approach, Lee of the Manual for cycling.co.uk/ said, referring to the Streets.
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