Review of Environmental Factors PERISHER SERVICES PRECINCT DEVELOPMENT STAGE 2 AUGUST 2010 Volume 2: Appendices Perisher Services Precinct Development Stage 2 APPENDICES APPENDIX A FLORA SPECIES LIST AND THREATENED SPECIES EVALUATIONS.................... A-1 A.1 FLORA SPECIES LIST .............................................................................................................................. A-2 A.2 EPBC PROTECTED MATTERS REPORT ................................................................................................... A-4 A.3 THREATENED ENTITIES EVALUATION ................................................................................................. A-11 APPENDIX B GEOTECHNICAL INFORMATION .................................................................... B-1 GEOTECHNICAL INFORMATION ......................................................................................................................... B-2 APPENDIX C ASSESSMENTS OF SIGNIFICANCE .................................................................. C-1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................. C-2 C.1 NSW LISTED ENTITIES ........................................................................................................................... C-2 C.2 COMMONWEALTH LISTED ENTITIES .................................................................................................... C-7 C.3 CONCLUSION OF STAGE 2 ASSESSMENTS OF SIGNIFICANCE ............................................................. C-10 APPENDIX D ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT .................................................................. D-1 APPENDIX E NATIONAL HERITAGE LIST ASSESSMENT ....................................................... E-1 APPENDIX F STAKEHOLDER AND COMMUNITY CONSULTATION ....................................... F-1 APPENDIX G BUSHFIRE PROTECTION ASSESSMENT .......................................................... G-1 APPENDIX H DESIGN DRAWINGS...................................................................................... H-1 DESIGN DRAWINGS .......................................................................................................................................... H-2 Final 2010 i Perisher Services Precinct Development Stage 2 Appendix A Flora Species list and Threatened Species Evaluations Final 2010 A -1 Perisher Services Precinct Development Stage 2 A.1 FLORA SPECIES LIST COMPOSITE SPECIES LIST FOR THE SITE Relative abundance is given by a cover abundance scale (modified Braun-Blanquet): 1 1 to a few individuals present, less than 5% cover 2 many individuals present, but still less than 5% cover 3 5 - < 20% cover 4 20 - < 50% cover 5 50 - < 75% cover 6 75 - 100% cover Cover/abundance scores relate to general abundance over the entire site, not to representative quadrats. *Introduced species are preceded by an asterisk. Location as at 12 March 2009: Road = 2m either side of pegs marking centre line of proposed road route WS = pegged area of workshop building and buffer zone c. 2m wide around it TS = pegged area of transfer station and buffer zone c. 2m wide around it Scientific name Common name Family Abundance Road WS TS SHRUBS Epacris glacialis Epacris gunnii swamp heath Epacridaceae 1 1 1 Epacris paludosa swamp heath Epacridaceae 2 Epacris petrophila Epacridaceae 0-4 3 3 Grevillea australis Proteaceae 1-3 Olearia algida Asteraceae 1 1 Pentachondra pumila carpet heath Epacridaceae 0-2 Pimelea alpina Thymeleaceae 1 1 Richea continentis candle heath Epacridaceae 1 2 0-4 FORBS *Achillea millefolium yarrow Asteraceae 2 1 1 Asperula gunnii Rubiaceae 1 Astelia psychrocharis Asteliaceae 1 Brachyscome scapigera Asteraceae 2 2 Celmisia pugioniformis snow daisy Asteraceae 2 2 Cotula alpina Apiaceae Craspedia aurantia billy buttons Asteraceae 2 1 2 Epilobium gunnianum willow herb Onagraceae 1 1 Final 2010 A -2 Perisher Services Precinct Development Stage 2 Scientific name Common name Family Abundance Road WS TS Erigeron nitidus Asteraceae 1 Euchiton ?argentifolius Asteraceae 1 Euphrasia collina ssp glacialis eyebright Scrophulariaceae 1 Geranium antrorsum native geranium Geraniaceae 1 Gonocarpus micranthus swamp raspwort Haloragaceae 1 Hypericum japonicum Clusiaceae 1 *Hypochaeris radicata cat’s ear, flatweed Asteraceae 1 Leptorhynchos squamatus ssp B alpine scaly buttons Asteraceae 0-4 0-3 Myriophyllum pedunculatum ssp Haloragaceae 1 pedunculatum Oreomyrrhis argentea Apiaceae Plantago euryphylla Plantaginaceae 1-2 Plantago muelleri Plantaginaceae 0-2 Ranunculus graniticola Ranunculaceae 1 1 Ranunculus gunnianus Gunn’s alpine buttercup Ranunculaceae 2 0-2 Ranunculus millanii dwarf buttercup Ranunculaceae 1 Scleranthus biflorus knawel Caryophyllaceae 1 1 Stackhousia pulvinaris Stackhousiaceae 1 *Taraxacum officinale dandelion Asteraceae 1 *Trifolium repens white clover Fabaceae 1 GRASSES *Agrostis capillaris browntop bent Poaceae 3-6 Australopyrum velutinum 1 Deyeuxia carinata Poaceae 1 1 2 Festuca muelleri Poaceae 1 *Festuca rubra ssp rubra red fescue Poaceae 2-5 Poa costiniana snow grass Poaceae 4 0-4 Poa fawcettiae smooth blue snowgrass Poaceae 0-4 1 0-4 Rytidosperma nivicolum snow wallaby grass Poaceae 2 1 2 Rytidosperma vickeryae Poaceae 1 GRAMINOIDS Carex ?blakei Cyperaceae 0-2 Carex gaudichaudiana tufted sedge Cyperaceae 2 0-2 Carpha nivicola Cyperaceae 1 Empodisma minus spreading rope-r u s h Restionaceae 3 0-3 ?Isolepis sp. Cyperaceae 1 Juncus falcatus Juncaceae 2 Luzula sp. Juncaceae 1 1 Oreobolus sp. Cyperaceae 1 Final 2010 A -3 Perisher Services Precinct Development Stage 2 A.2 EPBC PROTECTED MATTERS REPORT Final 2010 A -4 Perisher Services Precinct Development Stage 2 Final 2010 A -5 Perisher Services Precinct Development Stage 2 Final 2010 A -6 Perisher Services Precinct Development Stage 2 Final 2010 A -7 Perisher Services Precinct Development Stage 2 Final 2010 A -8 Perisher Services Precinct Development Stage 2 Final 2010 A -9 Perisher Services Precinct Development Stage 2 Final 2010 A -10 Perisher Services Precinct Development Stage 2 A.3 THREATENED ENTITIES EVALUATION Threatened flora species and endangered ecological community habitat evaluation The table below evaluates the likelihood of impact on threatened flora and Endangered Ecological Species (EEC) recorded from EPBC database of Matters of National Significance, which fall within a 10km buffer of the Perisher Valley site. Threatened flora and EEC from the DECC database for the New South Wales Alps sub-region of the Southern Rivers Catchment Management Authority (CMA) region and the New South Wales Alps (Part B) sub-region of the Murrumbidgee CMA region, known or with the potential to occur at the proposed work site is also included in this evaluation. Recorded sightings of threatened species and EEC were determined through the Atlas of NSW Wildlife7, within the 1:100 000 Kosciuszko (8525) map sheets. For each species, the table assesses whether habitat is present, if there are any recorded sightings near the proposed project area, and based on this, the likelihood of the species or EEC occurring at the site and being adversely affected by the proposal. The categories are defined below. Presence of Habitat: Present: Potential or known habitat is present within the study area Absent: No potential or known habitat is present within the study area Likelihood of Occurrence: None: Species has a very low, or no probability of occurrence Vagrant: Species could occur on occasion as a vagrant or passing over/across the study area (usually applies to more mobile species) Possible: Species could occur and utilise resources in the study area Present: Species was recorded during the field investigations Possible Impact: No: The proposal would not impact this species or its habitats. No Seven-Part Test is necessary for this species Yes: The proposal could impact this species or its habitats. A Seven-Part Test for NSW threatened species or an EPBC Assessment of Significance for Commonwealth Migratory of Threatened Species has been applied to these entities. 7 The Atlas of NSW Wildlife is the NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (DECCW) online database of fauna and flora records and contains over four million recorded sightings. Final 2010 A-11 Perisher Services Precinct Development Stage 2 Species Habitat description & ecology Presence of Habitat Nearest Records Likelihood of Occurrence Possible Impact? TREES Suggan Buggan Mallee Grows in rocky sites or cliffs in shallow soils adjacent to dry rainshadow Absent Lower Snowy area None No woodland near the Victorian border, with six populations known from the Eucalyptus saxatilis Lower Snowy area of KNP, and four populations in adjacent parts of Victoria E TSC (DECCW 2009). Found at elevations of 700-1000 metres. SHRUBS Leafy Anchor Plant “In rocky situations, usually along streams in sand or gravel, in the Snowy Present nearby Sawpit Creek area None. Conspicuous species, not No Mountains above 1000m” (Harden 1990). This species also occupies non- seen. Discaria nitida rocky areas of stream bank in sub-alpine areas and in frost-hollow grasslands V TSC along streams, where factors other than the presence of rock (such as islands in the stream bed) provide long-term protection from fires (J. Miles, pers. obs.). Occurs only within Kosciuszko National Park and on Snowy Plain to the east in NSW, with some populations from adjoining areas in Victoria. FORBS Monaro Golden Daisy This perennial mat-forming
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