% CASS CITY C HRONIGLE VOLUME 48, NUMBER 48., CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1931. EIGHT PAGES Argyle at Applegate; Minden vs. Mel- ROBT. WARNER HEADS RECEPTION IN HONOR OF vin at Sandusky. MR. AND MRS. JAS.' FIELDS al2 AII[ D[D IH[ April 17--Shover at Minden; Ar- ffOPL[IOH IU[ TUSCOLA'S FEDERATION gyie at Meivin; A~le~ate at Fort [)(1)ITTUW)SHfl Sanilac. At the annual meeting of the Tus- i Mr, and Mrs. ~. ~. 'rurner, Mr. an~ April 24 Shover at Applegate; cola County Federation of Farmers' Mrs. J. D. Tu~er and Cressy Steele iOWNSHiP ,AU US AlL attended a reception at the home of Minden at Argyle; Melvin at Port THai[OU[STiON TD Clubs'held at the Caro M. E. church Sanilac. Thursday, Mar. 5, the following off:- !Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Turner at E1- lington Friday evening. The reception May 1-- Melvin at Shover; Argyle cers were elected: IN[LI(LAND ONDAY VO')'[ AP)tl[.O was given in honor of their daughter, . "-~ at Port Sanilac; Applegate at Min- President, Robt. Warner, Cass City. DONII(A)IS NOND IY den. Vice pres., Bert Thurston, Vassar. Mrs. James R. Fields. James R. Fields and Miss Leone Turner were marled Audley Rawson Nominated for On May 8, the "Li~ttle Six" will hoM Capital Punishment Most Secretary-treasurer, Mrs. R. L. Instructors Given Until April 10 a track and field meet at Sandusky. Robinson, Almer township. ~idi~y, Zebruary27La ~ Caro by_Rev, ruscola Twp. Reports Unpaid Supervisor on the The boys' events will be: running high Important Referendum . Three hundred attended the meet- to Sign and Return . ~mr~. over J.uo attended the ......... I reception and enjoyed a social time. taxes oi a Llll;le lvlore Second Ballot. jump, running broad jump, 100-yard ~..h.H+÷.~a ing and heard the following program: I Delicious refreshments were served Than 7%. ~: - dash, 440-yard run, and 440-yard re- ~ ........... i A talk by D. B. Jewell, agricultural Contracts. lay. The girls events will be running .... l agent of Tuscola county; readings by ~ -- l at small tables. They received many GRANT ,AND GREENLEAF high jump, baseball throw, 50-yard CEMENT PLANT FIGHT I Mrs. Win. Wilkenson and Mrs, Wm. L. D. RANDALL WAS GIVEN I beautiful as well as useful gifts. Mr. !and Mrs. Fields will make their home CO. TREAS. ESTIMATES NAME TWP. CANDIDATES dash, and 200~yard relay. ~N~w~-- ............ ~v ~ OUSE] ~/Iurday;_ a solo by_ Mrs " Fred Math- TWO - YEAR CONTRACT IN 1930 At field day the two baseball teams l ews. Greetings from the Huron for the present with the groom s par: RETURNED TAXES AT $150.000 with the highest percentage will play ~ ]County Farmers' clubs were brought , l ents south of Cass City. __ .... ' Three hundred seventy-two attend- for the championship of the associa- Three referendums on proposals to (by Mrs. Frank Kinch, Port Austin. " At a session of the board of educa- I --~ Only eight of the 23 township treas- ed the township caucus Elkland in tion. amend the state constitution will be Emmett Raven, Huron county agri-'tion Monday evening, contracts were i[~~NF[|FTN ['t[|R TN urers of Tuscola county had settled township Wednesday afternoon and up for the decision of the voters at cultural agent, gave a short talk. A. offered to all the members of the fac- I~~||~~ ~'~l~ ~ with County Treasurer 0rlo McDur- placed candidates in the field for the the April 6 election. The capital .]9. Love, marketing specialist of Mich- ulty of the Cass City Public Schools. ~,~~J~U ~u~ ~ before Thursday, March 12. April 6 election. rnon IW0 U]~~]][~] ~]~[~][~[~~~'~[~ punishment bill, signed by Gov. igan State College, spoke on the topic, Teachers were given untilAprfl 10to I hnN~lmnAN¢" ~m m~ ~]little more time has been given the Three hundred fifty-three ballots Brucker after it had weathered the "The Agricultural Outlook for 1931." accept and return signed contracts to ||aKEHH~|,]~ F~|~ |~g~ treasurers make their returns this were cast for supervisor on the first to storm of amendments proposed by ~-~ i the board of education. year. In 1930, all but two township ballot with the following result: John ~)~U~Xi~SU~ ~U~ ~))L~ F0~ PAS~ION W[[[ the House in an indirect attempt to ~U, ,, "g,,~T~ ,,~Tr~% , L.D. Randall was given a two-year treasurers had filed their returns b~ A. Benkelman 109, Audtey Rawson kill it, will dommand the most atten- ~|N~ Y ~[~ ~'~ Ic0ntraet as superintendent last spring" i_ I March 12. 174, and Geo. Burg 70. As there was tion from the people. They have UI~K~ ]~|~| ~%$~LU with an increase in salary each year Doctor-Dentist Group of Corn-) Ten years ago, the amount of taxes no choice, a second ballot was taken heard it discussed, pro and con, from and will remain in that position for m~mi~v Ch,h P~¢,~ i returned in T~.scota county totalled with the result that Mr. Rawson had tlegislative halls since way back, ~ U~ ~ ~[ ~ ~D~ the coming school year. a majority 'of the votes cast, receiv- .......~.;~ "~ ........... )$20,000.00 in round numbers. Last Good Friday Service April 3; lbut this year will be the first time . ~~[~[ ~U~ Members of the corps of instructors • me vrogram, year, the amount had reached approx- ing 233. Mr. Benkelman received Crucifixion Day Play ]they havebeen asked to dispose of [[[----~--"}who were offered contracts Monday imately $12G000.00 and this year, ac- exactly the :~ same number as on the ........... ~o County first ballot and Mr. Burg 26. March 29. sehve............. ~ .................. "~ .... ~ ..................... ~" i .~ icoro~g to tne eshmat, oz s ' ~ Six of the Seven Officers Were Kindergarten," " Zora Day • Charles E. Patterson won the nomi- " Two other referendums are those " First grade, Elna Aurand: nation of ~ownship clerk to succeed ' Four of the churches of Cass City providing a way of refunding the Elected to Succeed Second grade, Lottie West. March meeting of the Cass City Corn- Henr Palmer Tuscola townshi himself with 206 votes and Harry L. munity Club Tuesday evening hs~d a (. Y ~ '. ~ .~ ~ P. are planning for two union selwices $40,000,000 of road bonds outstand- Themselves. Third grade, Margaret Muntz. .... ~xeasurer, has re~urnea vne lowesD ~Iunt received 163. nne start towards a healthy week. for) . , .: ....... the week before Easter Sunday. ing, and the other allows the state to Fourth grade, Mary Holcomb. - - l amoun~ o~ ~ne elgn~ townships which For township treasurer, Mrs. Ber- happiness appeared to reign supreme. The first will be an evening meeting construct and operate landing fields Fifth grade, Goldie Wilson. i have thus far reported. The total of tha Brown was named with 312 votes. Banquet tables presented a pretty on Sunday, March 29, at the Baptist in various parts of the state. The village election on Monday was Sixth grade, Trena Wood. Tuscola to,reship tax roll Was close to John West, a contestant for this po- appearance decorated with potted church, when a religious play, "The A saving of $200,000 a year is almost as tame. as the village caucus, English and Latin, Ernest:he Man:- $26,700.00 of which Mr. Palmer re- ~sition, was given 60. plants. Favors emblematic of St. Pat- Terrible Meek," a story of the cruci- Sought by the refunding of the road only 30 citizens flaking the trouble to gold. I turned $1,925.16, which is a little more Win. J. Schwegler was nominated tick's Day were tissue paper hats • fix:on by Charles Rahn Kennedy, wil ! bonds, now drawing 6 per cent in- visii the council rooms and cast History, Alice Lammers. than 7% unpaid. Last year, Geo~ a member of the board of review with which were donned by the guests. A be presented under the direction of terest. The lower rate of interest ballots on Monday. Of the 30 ballots Jr.-Sr. High School English, Ger- Burg, Elkland township treasurer, re' 121 votes on the first ballot. Scatter- toy balloon lay by each plate. These t Virgil Logan. which they could be refunded for, cast, one was spoiled and in another trude Hale. turned $1,426.50 'on a roll totalling ing votes totalled 20. were quickly filled and kept flying as t The story takes place at the end of would make this possible, according instance, the voter took the trouble to Home Economics, Frances Perrin. $72,152.84, which was less than 2% Other candidates were named by i the six-hour per:G4 of darkness on to the claims of administration lead- vote for but three of the seven officers Music and Art, Ione Hamman. long as they retained their ability to acclamation. They are: Highway float. unpaid. Mr. Burg will settle with the i Good Friday. It is a discussion of the ers who have b~ed the request of on the ticket. The other 28 voted Mathematics, Ruth Erskine. county treasurer Saturday, March 14. commissioner, John Profit; overseer The banquet was served by ladies ~sig=nificance of the life and crucifixion Ithe Governor, ~ade in a special "straight." The following officers Commercial, Verda Zuschnitt. The following table gives a compar- of highways, George Russell; justice of the Evangelical church and Gun- of Jesus from the viewpoint Of the message to the Legislature early in were elected: Speech and Dramatics, Virgil Lo- ison of the taxes returned during the of the peaqe, A. D. Gillies; constables, sell's Orchestra furnished music dur- captain of the guard in which he de- t~e session. Eastern bond houses President, George W. West. gan. past two years by the eight townshit> James D.
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