1909. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 687 By I\Ir. HAYES: Petitions of citizens of San Francisco, Cal., Also, paper to accompany bill for reliet of Henry B. Fenton­ as follows: Charles A. 1\.Ianert, Joseph V. Ducoring, E. Calm­ to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. hardt, R. I. Wirbs, Frank E. l\Iaxwell, Andrew J. Gallagher, H. By 1\Ir. ROBERTS: Petition of American Prison Association, Sagor, Jacob Bauer, James Burian, ·c. W. Peck, Patrick O'Brien, for suitable appropriation for the Congress of the International John J. Breslin, John O'Fallon, H. E. Lubden, Charles L. Schil­ Prison Commission-to the Committee on the Judiciary. ling, William Doud, S. J. Gardner, J. S. Slattery, George Robert­ Also, petition of National Woman's Christian Temperance son, L. Strickland, Theodore B. Ketelson, William P. McCabe, Union convention at Denver, Colo., for legislation to protect· John 0. Walsh, Oscar H. Hinten, N. L. Hanley, William 1\fcin­ prohibition States from the liquor traffic through interstate tosh, Anton P. Wohl, F. Q. Jackson, Patrick Carroll, F. ·w. commerce--to the Committee on the Judiciary. Zimmerman, A. J. Beck, and John.Wagner; of Fred W. Brandle By Mr. SULZER: Petition of James Post, George L. Miles, and J. J. Mullaly, of San Jose, Cal.; ofT. Harton, Dennis Coffee, and J. H. Rice, of New York, favoring repeal of duty on raw Walter Dalton, Thomas Mason, W. Pence, and Thomas Lord; of and refined ~ugars-to the Committee on Ways and Means. Frank Zergler and 22 other citizens of Sacramento, Cal.; of J. R.. By Mr. 'rOWNSEND: Petitions of citizens of Blissfield, Bowden and !:15 other citizen·s of San Jose, Cal.; and of L. M. Springfield (Grange No. 45), Auburn, North Adrian (Grange), l\Iullinix and 46 other citizens of Louin, Miss., favoring an ex­ Ousted, and North Rome, all in the State of Michigan, favoring clusion law against all Asiatics save merchants, students, and a parcels-post and a postal savings bank law-to the Committee trayelers-to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. By 1\.Ir. HOUSTO~: Paper to accompany bill for relief of By Mr. VREELAND: Petition of residents of Alfred, N. Y., James B. Prosser (ll. R. 23919)~to the Committee on Pensions. for parcels post on rural delivery routes and a postal savings­ By Mr. HOWELL of New Jersey: Paper to accompany bill for banks law-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. relief of Ferdinand H .. Wurdemann~to the Committee on In- By 1\Ir. WANGER: Petitions of 'Vestern Electric Company, v-alid Pensions. · of Philadelphia; Felton, Sibly & Co., of Philadelphia; and By l\Ir. KAHN: Petitions of W. H. Smith and 95 other resi­ Philadelphia Cred.itmen's Association, favoring S. 6975 (in­ dents of Sparks and Reno, Nev.; 0: B. Anderson and 115 other crease of judges' salaries)-to the Committee on the Judiciary. residents of Seattle, Wash.; l\1. Garfinkle and 149 other residents By Mr. WOOD : Paper to accompany bill for relief of Ger­ of San Francisco, Cal.; and J. A. Sopp and 143 other residents shom C. Hires-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. of San Francisco, Cal., favoring an exclusion law against all : Also, petition of A. H. Friedmann and S. T. Karne, of Asiatics save merchants, students, and travelers-to the Com­ Boundbrook, N. J., favoring repeal of duty on raw and refined. mittee on Foreign Affairs. sugars-to the Committee on Ways and l\Ieans. By Mr. KIMBALL: Paper to accompany bill for relief of Also, paper to accompany bill for relief of Cornelius .S. Abra­ W. W. Alcoke-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. hams-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By :Mr. KNAPP: Petition of San,dy Creek Grange, No. 127, of New York, for a parcels-post law and postal savings banks-to SEN.ATE. the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. By Mr. M.A.USHALL: Petition of B. W. Schouweiler, of Fair­ SATURDAY, J anumvy 9, 1909. mount, N. Dak., fayoring repeal of duty on raw and refined sugars-to the Committe·e on 'Vays and Means. The Chaplain, Rev. Edward E. Hale, offered the following Also, petition of citizens of North Dakota, against passage of prayer: Senate bill 3940-to the Committee on the District of Columbia. These men were honored in their generation; and they were a Also, petition of residents of l\Iorton and Oliver counties. glory in thei1· day. N. Dak., for appi·opriation to protect west bank of Missouri 'l'hese were me1~ of mercy, whose righteous deeds have not been Ri \·er-to the Committee on RiYers and Harbors. forgotten. Also, petition of citizens of North Dakota, favoring S. 5117 'l'he peoples will declare their 'Wisdom; ana the congregation and H. n. 18445 (to investigate and develop methods for treat­ shan show forth the·ir p1·aise. ment of tuberculosis)-to the Committee on Appropriations. Let us pray. By Mr. NORRIS: Petitions of citizens of Kearney County, Father, to-day we thank Thee for the men who have served citizens of Harlan County, and citizens of Nuckolls County, all Thee, and served this people, and served this Nation in the 1n the State of Nebraska, against a parcels-post and postal days which have passed, in the days which are here. Thou saYings banks law-to the Committee on the Post-Office and hast been pleased to answer the prayer of this people. From Post-Roads. year to year and from century to century Thou hast sent us Also, petition of citizens of Nebraska, against S. 3940 (Sun­ men who loved the Nation more than they loved themselves, day observance in the District of Columbia) -to the Committee who served this people and served Thee.· Going and coming_:_ on the District of Columbia. in the field, on the sea-in the wilderness and in this Senate By .Mr. NYE: Petition of Trades and Labor Assembly of Chamber Thou hast sent Thy servants to do Thy perfect will. 1\fin.neapolis, Minn., against delivery by the United States Gov­ Teach this Nation to-day what it is when men and women and ernment of Jan Pauren and Christian Rudowitz as prisoners children live for others, when they forget themselves for the to the Russian Government-to the Committee on Foreign Af­ common good, when they are strong in Thine almighty strength, fairs. when they do not ask to be praised of men, but seek the praise By Mr. O'CONNELL: Petition of American Prison Associa­ of God. tion for suitable provision for the preparatory work of the In­ Bless us in this Congress; bless us in these States; bless us ternational Prison Commission and for the entertainment of in this Nation; and make of this people that happy Nation the congress-to the Committee on the Judiciary. whose God is the Lord. We ask it jn Christ Jesus. · By 1\Ir. OVERSTREET: Petition of Indiana Conference of Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Seventh Day Adventists, against passage of Senate bill 3940- kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven. to the Committee on the District of Columbia. GiYe us this day our daily bread, a1;1d forgive us our trespasses. By 1\!r. POLLARD: Petition of Lincoln Commercial Club, Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for of Lincoln, Nebr., favoring a tariff commission to deal with Thine is the kingdom, Thine is the power, and Thine is the tariff legislation-to the Committee on Ways and Means. glory, forever and ever. Amen. By l\Ir. PUJO: l\Iemorial of the general assembly of Louisi­ The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and ap­ ana in 1908, favoring legislation to construct a dam across proved. Bayou _Courtableau on west bank of Atchafalaya basin leyee PRESIDENTIAL APPROVA.LS. district to protect by levee its arable territory from overflow, A message from the President of the United States, by Mr. legislation granting to the State of Louisiana the public lands M. C. Latta, one of his secretaries, announced that the Presi­ of United States in the State, legislation establishing a national dent had approved and signed the following acts : standard of classification of the marketable grades of cotton, On January 5, 1909: and legislation for national ·park on site of the battle of New S. 3125. An act for the relief of Jabez Burchard; Orleans-to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. S.1162, An act to correct the naval record of Alfred Burgess; By Mr. RANSDELL of Louisiana : Paper to accompany bill and for relief of 1\frs. H. L. Slack, heir of Benjamin Temple-to S. 5263. An act for the relief of William Parker Sedgwick. the Committee on War Claims. On January 6, 1909: By Mr. RHINOOK: Paper to accompany bill for relief of S. 534. An act to reimburse George W. Young, postmaster at William Fortner-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Wanship, Utah, for loss of postage stamps. Also, petition of citizens of Kentucky, favoring parcels-post On January 7, 1909: system and postal saYings banks-to the Committee on the Post­ S. 2027. An act for the relief of Philip Hague, administrator Office and Post-Roads. of the estate of Joseph Hague, deceased. 688 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE .. JANUARY 9, On January 8, 1909: He also introduced the following bills, which were severally S. 3388. .A.n act to correct the military record of William .A.. read twice by their titles and referred to the Committee on the ·· · Hinsch; District of Columbia: S.
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