[ and accessoriet, publkations and gnitioos and everything for Scout camp ... all featured in the Girl Scout Catalog recently sent Girl Scout memben. Your catalog is a source of gift.gl\-ing ideas, too. girls and adults. So keep it handy year long! "!~~elect•~ items also available through Girl council-operated shops, your local Scout department In stores nation· and the J.C. Penney and Sean Fall Catalogs. GSUSA/NES 6/88 Girl Scout FALL 1988 Children of Alcoholics foundation FfATURIS ~ 9 Words Change, Values Don't GIRL SCOUTS President Betty F. Pilsbury 11 On My Honor National Executive Director Frances Hesselbein 13 You're Someone Special! Director, Communications Rhoda Pauley 15 You Are What You Value (centerfold) Managing Editor C<lrolyn Cagglne Graphics and Design Director Going the Distance for Girl Scouting '1ichael Chanwick 19 Senior Editor Marianne llaw Associate Editor Deborah Craven 22 Getting to Know You Contributing Editors Patricia Sloddard, Janet Lombardi Editorial Assistants 26 Children of Alcoholics: A Neglected Population Colleen FIO>d, Marie Kary Circulation Assistant Millie Freeman 30 Notes on the New Safety-Wise <ilr1 Scout Leader ISSN 0017-0.5771 is published quartet!) b> Oirl Scouts of the U.S.A.• BJO Third Avenue, ~ew York. N. Y 10022. ·~ 1988 by Olrt Scouts of the 31 Leaders' Month at Macy t;nited States of America. All rights reserved. This pub· IJ<.ation ma) not be reproduced. stored In a reltleval S)stem. or transmitte<l on -.hole or in part in any form or b) an) mc.~ns electronic. mechanical photOCOP) • ong. rttordlng. or other-.lse "'ithout the prior -..'Titten pennis sion or Oirl Scouts or the t:nited States of Amer· lc.a. Send stamped, self·addressed en,elope -..·ith un· solicited manuscripts photos or art Olrl Scout Leader cannot be responsibk! lor wch material .n Its offKeS or on transit Th•rd-dass po~t.age paid at Ne-. York Cit) and additiona fT'kt•l•ng offkc~ Subscriptions. $5 yearly 14 Issues~: $7. .50 for all des· tinallons outside U.S.A and possessions; $2 SeniorOirl Scouts Change ofaddress \\'rite Oirt Scout Leader. BJO Third A~enue. l'fe-. York. NY. 10022. Include old an<! new addres~. ru. ..·ell as council, troop. and idenunc.a lion num~r. Allow 8 week$ for change. Vol. 65, No. 3, fall 1988. DEPARTMENTS Cover: Gill Scout volunteers from Sangre de Cristo Girl Scout Council (Santa Fe, N. Mex.) conclude an adult rededication 4 President's Message 6 In the News ceremony by sharing a bouquet of dais· ies. Photographed on location for GSUSA by Alan Gould. 25 Near and far --------- President's Message his issue of Girl Scout Leader fo­ cuses on the topic of " values. " Adult leaders also have TWhat do we mean by values? How do we define them? their own sense of values The word value is often used in­ reinforced exposure to terchangeably with price. Does it fol­ by low that value can be measured in the Promise and Law. monetary terms? It is said that a fool is someone who knows the price of put in touch with a system of values everything and the value of nothing. that will last them all through their So value must be more than just a dol­ lives. lars and cents figure. The sense of ethical and moral We Girl Scouts have our own value values goes all the way back to our President Reagan greets GSUSA Na­ system-it is found in our Promise and founder. In Lady from Savannah, the tional President Betty F. Pilsbury at a Law. They are the touchstone by which biography of Juliette Gordon Low, the White House brieflng before the recent we measure our lives- the star we fol­ following little verse is identified as a low to bring leaders and girls to the favorite of the founder and one she to ha\'e faith in their own abilities and highest fulfillment of their personal shared with her family: sharper. those abilities for the general potential. Money can't buy that. good and their own personal growth. "Life is mostly froth and The most respected of American These \ita! lessons are not only bubbles. institutions are taking a fresh look for young Girl Scouts. Adult leaders Two things stand like stone. at the need for values. Many of the also have their own sense of values Kindness in another's nation's most prominent medical reinforced by exposure to the Promise troubles. schools have started offering classes and La\'. The constant reaffirmation of Courage in your own." that emphasize ethics and morality in these fine \'alues is illustrated on the patient treatment. The Harvard Busi­ This little poem is certainly not the front cover of this issue where Girl ness School recently received a grant, equal of the classical commandments Scout leaders convene to participate in rumored to be in the neighborhood of on ethics and religion. But it does il­ an adult rededication ceremony. $20 million, for the establishment of lustrate that before there was a Girl So .. good luck to the Harvard a program to teach ethics. The lack of Scouts, in the heart of the woman who Business School. May their new pro­ a strong value system in modern-day was to begin the Movement there was gram on ethics be as successful as our America is one that distresses the Har­ an emphasis on values- an emphasis Girl Scout program has been. vard President. In his annual report, that took into account both the dignity President Derek Bok expressed his of the individual and the sense of re­ concern about the "increasing inability sponsibility that each of us owes to --8~5- p~ of families, schools, and religious in­ others. Betty f. Pilsbury stitutions to impart moral values in Business schools may teach eth­ National President youth." So Harvard has taken a giant ics and medical schools across the step by establishing a program to em­ country may be emphasizing the doc­ phasize values to its students. tor-patient relationship. But these are Personally, I think that the college lessons that the Girl Scouts know al­ years are too late a time to bring the ready. They have learned them by liv­ message about the place of values in ing the Promise and the Law. They the lives of young people. There is an learn to serve God and their country, African proverb that says "If you refuse and discover, by following the guide­ to be made straight when you are lines of the Law, that honest, fair, co­ green, you will not be made straight operative, and kind behavior has re­ when you are dry." That's what we do wards undreamed of. They learn to in the Girl Scouts. Beginning with five­ work within their troQp, their commu­ year-old Daisy Girl Scouts, the girls are nity, and the greater ·~vorld. They learn 4 Girl Scout Leader/Fall 1988 enseiiar etica y las facultades de medi· cina en todo el pafs pueden destacar Las lideres adultas Ia relaci6n doctor·paciente. Pero hay tambien refuerzan su lecciones que las Girl Scouts ya han aprendido. Las han aprendido al vivir propio sentido de los Ia Promesa y La Ley. Aprenden a servir valores al exponerse a Ia a Dios y a su patria, y a descubrir, si· Promesa y Ia Ley. guiendo los lineamientos de Ia Ley, que una conducta honesta, justa, de etica. La carencia de un fuerte sis· cooperativa y bondadosa tiene recom· tema de valores en Ia America mo· pensas lnimaginadas. Aprenden a tra· derna ha sido causa de aflicci6n para bajar dentro de su tropa, su comuni· el presidente de Harvard. En su in· dad, } el mundo en general. Aprenden forme anual, el presidente Derek Bok a tener fe en sus propias capacidades expres6 su preocupaci6n sobre Ia " in· y a agudizar esas capacidades para el capacidad creciente de las farnilias, bienestar general y su propio creci· escuelas e instituciones religiosas miento personal. para impartir valores morales en laju· Estas lecciones vi tales no son solo ventud." Entonces Harvard ha dado un para las Girl Scouts j6venes. Las If· paso gigante al establecer un pro· deres adultas tambien refuerzan su grama para destacar los valores en propio sentido de los valores al ex· sus estudiantes. ponerse a Ia Promesa y Ia Ley. La re· Personalmente, pienso que los afirmaci6n constante de estos finos aiios universitarios son un perfodo de· valores se ilustra en Ia portada de este masiado tardio para comunicar el numero donde las Jrderes Girl Scouts mensaje sobre el papel de los valores se reunen para participar en una ce· en las vidas de los j6venes. Exlste un remonia de rededicaci6n adulta. proverblo africano que dice: " Si te nie· Entonces . buena suerte a Ia nauonal Conference for a Drug free America gas a enderezarte cuando estas verde, Harvard Business School. Que su no lograras enderezarte cuando estas nuevo programa de etica tenga tanto seco." Eso es lo que hacemos en las exito como el que ha tenido nuestro ste numero de Oirl Scout Leader Girl Scouts. Comenzando con las programa de Girl Scout. se dedica al tema de los "va· Daisy Girl Scouts de cinco aiios de t: !ores." LQue significan los va· edad, las ninas entran en contacto con -13~:1. p~ !ores? LC6rno los definirnos? un sistema de valores que les durara La palabra valor se ernplea a me· toda Ia vida. Betty F. Pilsbury nudo intercambiablemente con pre· El senlido de los valores eticos y Presidenta Nacional cio. lse desprende de eso que el valor morales se remonta directamenta a pueda medirse en terminos moneta· nuestra fundadora.
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