CaSS C Tv HRONICLEI @ ~RI-COUNTY CHRONICLE, Establ|shed in1899 t Consolidated CASS CITY, MICH., FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, ~9o8. OASS CITY ENTEI~PRISE, Esl,ablished in 1881 [April20, 1906, Vol. 2, No. 4o. u fi[[A [RS A r1ERRY SLEIOHLOAD. 5UBSCR[IBER S ffIUST PAY IO A pleasant surprise party was given Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Neville of Cumber BlJl[D D[l OIT 0n Wednesday evening, when a jolly PRO/I PTLY NAYS P. O. DEPT. Commences January 4, ~9o8 sleighload of abou~ twenby young Farmers' Organization Will Move people: of that vicinity arrived at and for 30 days. Every suit and overcoat in our large stock is being of- their home to find that they had Newspaper Cannot t5o Through Nails at Second Class to Detroit from Caro. fered at bona-fide discounts. Cash only. retired for the nigl~t. But this did R~ate to a .Subscriber Flore Than One Year The Real Thing As to Profits not add to their troubles in the least Departme Will Prove Serious Loss as they were not long in letting them in Arrears for His Paper. Bargain sales, annual sales, Some o~ our competitors to Caro-~$5o,ooo Buildings know that two sleeps were better than inventory sales, and going seem to be much exercised on to be Erected. one. The evening was spout in a very out of business sales are of enjoyable manner andat the midnigh~ Roosts too much to carry them in account or our inability to ][HIE N[W P0$TA[ LAW. weekly occurrence and each hour they retired to the dining room the mail sacks and the postmaster The Ancient Order of Gleaners de- general is right in his position. of them gives to the buyer make a profit at the priers where theydid justice to the abun- Section 436, Article 3. A reason- cided at its bi-ennial meeting in To- able time will be allowed publishers some really desirable offerings for which we are selling dance of oysters that was awaiting The Chronicle has been very lenient and many offerings that are ledo last week to move its headquar- to secure renewals of subscriptions, to goods. We want them and them, and the "wee sma' hours" of bu~ unless subscriptions are ex- with many, and while our list of de- desirable only in imagina- ters from Caro to Detroit and erect a pressly renewed after the term for linquents has been growing less each tion. J. D. Crosby & Son the public to understand that $50,000 building in that city on a site bhe morning found them wending have indulged but very little their way homeward feeling that t,he which they are paid, within one year, tlmre are still a number who are we are under circumstances yet to be selected. year, they shall not be counted in along this line in the past evening had been well spent and a behind on their subscripbions. A 25 willing to sacrilice our protit James Slocum, manager of the the legitimate list of subscribers, and will not overdo it in the good time enjoyed by all. look at the label on your Chronicle future, but when we do have "Gleaner," the official organ of the and copies mailed on account tlmre- and our word is good. The of shall not be accepted for mail- will£ell ~o what date your subscrip- a sale, it will be a bona-fide society, is quoted as saying that the circumstances are that we ing at the second-class postage rate. tion has been paid, and unless it mark-down sale and the headquarters of the order at Caro are marking down will be done Dis- are stocked up with suits shows that you are paid up to '08 or and overcoats and rather too small and that tlm change had before tlm goods have been A ruling by the postmaster general '09, it will be necessary for you to pat marked up. This isa prin- been long contemplated. Present than carry our stock over we is t0 the effect that none but, bona yore account Promptly. This demand ciple we have started to es- plans indicate that the new building prefer to sacriIiee our profit fide subscribers to any periodical shall is made because Uncle 8am says he tablish and the people are will be somewhere out Jefferson or not at, all slow in catching on and be in shape for a new be. entitled to receive the same will not deliver the paper at the Woodward avenues and tha~ it, will as the throngs in our store spring stock. For we are not through the mails at, the second class second class rate until you do pay up, bear evidence. going out of business. not be in the down town district,. Geo. Tennant Returns to Cass City postage rate. He ful thor decrees that tlmugh we don't deny tidal subscrip- The ~ransfer of the headquarters ~o Give us a trial and be convinced. After Many Years. subscribers shall be called bona fide tion money, is alwaY~ acceptable. Detroil~ will take a number of people when paid in advance or not more from Car9 to Detroit and will mater- Kindly remember this ruling is no- Proved a Friend in Need to the Home- than one year in arrears, otherwise J. D. CR[OSBY & 5ON, tally increase the mail and express thing the Chronicle has any say about tlmy must go into the third class rate. business in tl]at city. less and Helpless Sufferers in whatever, and while many of our sub- Cass City's Shoe and Clothing The third class rate is prohibitory One year ago the members organ- the Great Fire. scribers are considered perfectly good and newspapels throughout the ized the Gleaner Clearing House asso- by us as far as securing payment from eount,ry will be compelled to cut off ciation in Detroit, at Gratiot avenue George Tennant, a former resident them is concerned, that fact makes no all subscribers as soon as they are one P and Russell street, where the farmers of this place, but now of Rapid River, difference in the sight} of the law. year 1;ehind in their payment, or for- shipped the products of their farms arrived here last week to visit his The ruling is now effect!re but pub- feit the privilege of the low postal and sold them direct to the con- brother, James Tennant, after an ab- lishers have been notified thaTt it Will rate. This ruling is to cut out of the sumers, thereby eliminating the mid- sence of twenty-one years. During not be strictly enforced for a few Security Gates the few days he has been here at least mails a class of papers that are mailed weeks giving them a limited time to dleman from the deal. The pheno- year after year regardless of whether menal growth of the enterprise a hundred persons, old-time friends, comply with the new provisions. We prompted several cities to make over. have called to see him and chat for an naid for or not, in fact are simply sent hope every subscriber will give this Reduced in price to local farmers out, for the purpose of showing a large .tures to have the headquarters, but hour or two. He notes many changes matter his prompt attention. We To get our gate in general use throughout Detroit was considered the most ad- in the appearance of the town during circulation for advertising purposes. don't want to drop a single subscriber. this section we will for the present put our vantageous. Plans have already been his absence, but he readily recognizes prepared and tlm building will be his friends and former acquaintances, N[W ROAD UW [[[[(;ll!/[ criminal prosecution or tim disbarring ~4 ft. Gate out to farmers at $7.50 at the fac- commenced at an early date. notwithstanding that, the advancing of the publication from the mails.-- years have wrought many changes tory. This gate will admit your widest tools The removal of the Gleaner head- Provides New Plans for Improvement Ex. quarters from Caro will prove a se- among them, too. In 1870, Mr Ten- and is the one we are selling mostly wher= of Highways in Country Districts. rious loss to that town. The clerical nant came to Cuss City. where he THUMB NOTES. built and conducted the hotel ever we have placed them. Other sizes will pay roll of the organization is about A new state law went into effectthe known as the Tennant House, and $15,000 per annum. The printing ac- first of the year, which provides that Minden City has a movement on be sold at proportionate discount. Every which stood on the present site of the count is immense, and it will also take farmers will no longer be allowed to foot to organize a band: gate guaranteed. We now have a large sup= New Sheridan. A year after, 1871, about$3,00O annually from the re- pay their load taxes in team work or W.J. Braford, who has been pub- marked the awful visitation of the ply of them on hand but as they will mostly ceipts of the Caro postoffice probably by '~working it out," but will have to lisher of the Vassar Times for about first great Michigan fire. Bghard reducing it from second to third class' pay them in money. In place of the two years, has disposed of the proper- go out in March or April, we would ask that work, the Tennant House was saved, The Gleaners were organized in road distrie~ as it formerly existed, ty to a stock company.
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