VOLUME I.—No. 33. CONTENTS. Leader, Gertrude Spaldmg, '92 - 461 The Week. 468 Physical Training, Alice Leonard Gaule 462 Auld Acquaintance 470 A True Story With a Moral, Theodora College Notes, 471 Kyle, '90 - - - - - 463 Inter-Collegiate News, 471 Poem, — After Reading Austin Dobson, Our Outlook, 472 E,'()i - 466 Waban Ripples, 473 Letter, Laura Lyon Williams, '87 466 Magazine Reviews, 474 Poem,— Grace Fitz Hugh Thompson, '90 - 468 Our Exchanges 474 Wellesley, Mass., June 7, 1890. BbowH Bbob., FubliBbcra, « Linwdn Street, Botton. — ADVERTISEMENTS. GEMS AND PRECIOUS STONES ARTISTS' SUPPLIES. AT I keep a complete line of Brushes, Paints, Flacquea "ART PARLiORS," 5S WINTER ST. Canvas, Etc., Etc. Manufacturers of Jewelry in Special Designs. and 0LA88 BADGES, PINS EING8, I carry the Plain and L.inen Papers, ruled and unruled, Ughe FLOEAL SOUVENIE SPOONS, and heavy weight, by the quire and by the pound. HEIELOOMS MODEENIZED, FICXTXRE IPR.-A.M:ilSrG-. Moonstone, Turquoise, Topaz, Chalcedony Hearts I make it a specialty, keeping the latest stj'les of Moulding aad With Diamond or Plain Mountings. guaranteeing satisfactory work. Quality and prices of Goods to compare with Boston's. riWe recognize the fact that original designs are more appreciated than goods purchased from a stock without personal association. For Convenience it would stand as 5 to 1 in favor of Natick, as —«-FiNE Watch Repairing. «• it is only five minutes ride by the S. C. and the fare would be in about the same ratio. A Specialty in Eye Glasses extremely becoming; to ^Vearer. J. E. DeWITT, l-a l^aixL Street, asTatlclc, aiCaea. GEORGE A. PERRY. G. C. FRIEND. For first-class Limited Tickets. 0. BAILEY & CO NEW J. , YORK $3 FARES REDUCED. ItrVER. L.I3VE. FJkXuT^ Diioiils, MM 111 J E:cpre8s trains connecting with steamer at Fall River in 80 minutes, leave Boston from Old Colony Station week days at 6 Washington St., - Boston. p. M. Sundays at 7 P. m. 507 Steamers Puritan and Pilgrim in commission. Steam heat Repairing, in staterooms. An orchestra on each steamer throughout the year. Watch Jewelry Repairing. Tickets, staterooms, &c., secured at the line office. No. 3, Old State House, and Old Colony Station, Kneeland Street. J. B. KENDKICK, Gen . Man. GEO. L. CONNOR, Gen. Pas. Agt. L. H. PAXMEE, Agent, 3 Old State House. ummJFiLiwii ••• Artists' NIaterials Columbus Avenue and Holyoke Street, OF EVEBT DESCRIPTION. Under the new management, will be run as a first- Mathematical Instruments, class family and transcient hotel. Etching Materials, Etc. AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN. >sa? eft? jaLX>j^]V[s», The finest TURKISH BATHS in the country. Ladies F. S. FROST, ) 37 COBNHILL, BOSTON. every morning until noon and all day Thursdays. H. A. LAWRENCE. ( PRIVATE DINING ROOMS. This hotel is elegantly furnished throughout and ladies visiting Boston will find every convenience. 28-19 GEO. W. CROCKBn, Manager. Opposite Railroad Station, - Wellesley. Cut Flowers and Plants of the choicest varieties constantly on hand. Floral designs for all occasions arranged at shortest notice. DeWOLFE, FISK & CO., Orders by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Flowers carefully packed and forwarded to all parts of the United PUBLISHERS AND BOOKSELLERS, States or Canada. ~ NEW DRUG STORE. The Archway Bookstore, 361 & 365 Washington St., Boston. To the Citizens of Natick and Vicinity, the undersigned would most respectfully call your attention to his store in All the ITew, FopnUr and Stasdasd Soots at Lowest Frices. DOWNS' BLOCK, SO, MAIN ST., SHREVE, CRUMP & LOW CO., Recently fitted up, where may be found a full line of DRUGGISTS' SUPPLIES. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, With twemty-five years experience, and a careful attention to business, I hope to merit a fair share of your patronage. SIVERWARE. All Prescriptions will be Carefully &. Accurately Compounded. CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF FANCY GOODS. ^F~ Engravers ot Calling Cards, Invitations, &c. Fine on^s. EC. :]ynoE.SE, Stationery in great variety. Agent, Registered Pharmacist. HO ME AGA m epp: Ndorae Institute, Naticlc, Nlasa. Desires to call the attention of the Wellesley College * prti5ti(; pi70to<^rapl7y. * young ladies to the fact that he is again at 45 WEST STREET, BOSTON, MASS. CLASS WORK A SPECIALTY. COLLEGE Lovers of Bailey's Fine Candies can find them there Only. ADVERTISEMENTS. SWITZERLAND. A Christian family receives about 6 young ladies desirous BASLE,5 of studying and practising French OjiK Grove h\i CAF AND German. Remarkable opportunities for gaining proficiency in drawing, painting and music. Excel- lent references. Prospectus sent post-free. 413 WASHINGTON STREET, A. EHEHARDT, 3r-tf. Aeschengraben 28» Basle Tlrie Fasl:\ior\able Dir|irig Parlors iri W, F. CLELAND, Boston. Elegantly appointed, perfect attend- ance, and superior Ciiisine. Fine line of Wash Goods, Ginghams, Percales, Victoria Cloths, Surahs, Etc. Plushes, Ribbons, Small Wares, Trimmings. nredBiram Largest and Most Complete Stock in town. HORSFORO'S ACID PHOSPHATE, 9 Clark's Block, Main St., Natick. ESTABLISHED 1880. A brain food. It increases the capacity for mental labor, and acts as a general NOTICE OF REMOVAL. tonic. It rests the tired brain and im- On account of the intended destruction of this building, parts thereto new life and energy. 31 East 17th Street, (between 4th Ave. and Broadway), where I have been established for many years, my address after May ist, will be Dr. F. W. Lythe, Lebanon, 111., says : " I have peisonalh' used it with marked advan- E. MIRIAM COYRIERE, Teachers' Agency, tage when ovenvorked, and the nervous system 150 Pifth Ave., Cor. SOth St., New York. 29-19 much depressed." JOHN F. DOWSLEY, D. D. S., Dr. O. C. Stout, Syracuse, N. Y., says : MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, " I gave it to one patient who was unable to transact the most ordinary business, because his Room 19, Evans House, 175 Tremont Street, ' BOSTOiT, ^^.A-SS. brain was tired and confused ' upon the least mental exertion. Immediate relief and ultimate THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, recovery followed." Room 10, Clark's Block, Natick, Mass. DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET FREE. Rumford Chemical Works, Providence, R. I. Beward of Substitutes and Imitations. CAtJTIOX : —Be sure the word "Horsford's" is printed on the label. All others are spurious. Never sold in bulk. LDWNEY'S ByMail.Dne And .a OT54Ct>:EK5&/^>tJfACTURERi TwoPoundEleganx, Iargeh MetalBoxes Packages PaSTAGEPREPAI^# ^ , By Express, *LddPer.^^A.^ CarefullyPacked, PouNg^ TBCTiPERPoiDIDANOCHAflGES '45WESTST.B03TDN,MA53. BQN-BDNS ^trSoTT^vrCH/* . Send Volumes of the Prelude to Brown Bros., iZ Lincoln Street, Boston, and have them nicely Bound 11 ADVERTISEMENTS. PIANOS AND ORGANS The MASON & HAMLIN im- 100 different Styles of Organs. proved method of Stringing, pro- $22 to $1200. duces remarkable refinement of Mason & Ilanilin Organs tone and phenomenal capacity to have received Highest Awards in stand tune. at all great world's Exhibitions These Pianos are consequently at wbii'h they liavo been exhibited excellent for Renting. since 1867. Sold for Cash or Easy Pay- Organs Rented till Bent pays ments. for them. CATALOGUES FREE. MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN and PIANO CO., BOSTON, NEW YORK AND CHICAGO. Mason & Hamlin Hall, 154 end 155 TEEMONT STREET, BOSTON. CLASS DAI and oilier RED LETTER DAIS Will be liere soon. One of the most important needs for such occasion is that of A SUITABLK FAN. As the Largest Importers of Fancy (yoods in the U. 8., we have always kept up a Ketail Fan ])epart- ment. This is now at 59 Temple Place, where a new stock is just offered. We have ISea.1 OstriclrD. IF'ea-tlD.er ^=^a>xi.s, in Black and Orey with Ebony or Olive AVood Sticks at $1.25. More suitable for many occasions, perhaps, are the with covered Stick at $1.00, which we are selling very largely to graduating classes. JAPANESE FANS In every Style and Color at from $1,25 to $5.00. GAUZPj FANS, of these we have an excellent assortment, both plain and painted at OSv, Ladies will find in our Stock many Novelties in Fans besides the regular lines. We invite an early inspection. HORACE PARTRIDGE & CO., 59 Temple Place, 497 Washington Street, Boston. The Wellesley Prelude. Vol. WELLESLEY COLLEGE, JUNE 7, 1890. No. 33 The Wellesley Prelude. The other day, down on Point Tupelo, such a queer conversation took place ! A bright-eyed Edited by the Students of Wellesley College and published robin-red-breast came flying home to his mate weekly during the college year. Price, §2.00 a year, in advance. Single copies, 10 cents. with a dainty little worm in his bill. She was EDITORS: keeping her eggs warm in her nest when Mr- Mary D. E. L.\uderbukn, '90. Robin addressed her with these words : S.A.RAH M. Bock, '90. " Wake up ! wake up ! Mrs. Robin, I've some- Mary Barrows, '90. Emily I. Meader, '91. thing to tell you ; such goings-on, but I must have Theodora Ky'le, 'gi. dinner first." Mary W. Bates, '92 my Edith S. Tuft's, 'S4. " Nonscense ! Mr. Robin," was the answer "can't you let this dinner go, here I sit all day with no All literary communications from the students of the news of the world, and you can't tell me what I'm college should be sent to Miss Lauderburn, through the " Prelude " box in the general office. Literary communi- so anxious to know until you've eaten your dinner. cations from outside the college should be directed to the " Just like a man ! Alumnas Editor, Miss Edith S. Tufts, Dana Hall, Welles- ley, Mass. Mr. Robin, thus admonished by his gentle wife, Subscriptions should be sent, in all cases, to Mary Bar- his greediness, rows, Wellesley, Mass. seemed somewhat ashamed of and Advertisements and other business communications began his story. should be addressed to Brown Bros., Lincoln St., Bos- 43 " ton, Mass.
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