Quiz List—Reading Practice Page 1 Printed Tuesday, November 18, 2014 4:57:39 PM School: Floyd Elementary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Word Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Count F/NF 940 EN U 0.0 0.5 0 35821 EN 100th Day Worries Cuyler, Margery LG 3.0 0.5 956 F 14796 EN 13th Floor: A Ghost Story, The Fleischman, Sid MG 4.5 5.0 31,209 F 661 EN 18th Emergency, The Byars, Betsy MG 4.7 4.0 25,174 F 7351 EN 20,000 Baseball Cards Under the Buller, Jon LG 2.6 0.5 3,796 F Sea 30561 EN 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Vogel, Malvina G. MG 5.2 3.0 16,876 F 105120 EN 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Church, Lisa MG 4.3 3.0 19,530 F Retold from the Jules Verne Original 523 EN 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Verne, Jules MG 10.0 28.0 138,138 F (Unabridged) 11592 EN 2095 Scieszka, Jon MG 3.8 1.0 10,043 F 30629 EN 26 Fairmount Avenue De Paola, Tomie LG 4.4 1.0 6,737 F 166 EN 4B Goes Wild Gilson, Jamie MG 4.6 4.0 29,977 F 9001 EN 500 Hats of Bartholomew Seuss, Dr. LG 4.0 1.0 3,690 F Cubbins, The 16201 EN A...B...Sea Kalman, Bobbie LG 3.6 0.5 1,164 NF 19868 EN Abby's Twin Martin, Ann M. MG 4.2 3.0 23,598 F 118932 EN ABCs of Plants, The Kalman, Bobbie LG 3.7 0.5 2,011 NF 148462 EN Abe Lincoln at Last! Osborne, Mary Pope LG 3.5 2.0 13,166 F 127685 EN Abe's Honest Words Rappaport, Doreen LG 4.9 0.5 1,367 NF 101 EN Abel's Island Steig, William MG 6.2 3.0 18,800 F 9751 EN Abiyoyo Seeger, Pete LG 2.2 0.5 533 F 14931 EN Abominable Snowman of Stine, R.L. MG 3.5 3.0 21,005 F Pasadena, The 40525 EN Abraham Lincoln Raatma, Lucia LG 3.6 0.5 1,018 NF 17651 EN Absent Author, The Roy, Ron LG 2.4 1.0 9,017 F 12573 EN Absolutely True Story...How I Roberts, Willo Davis MG 5.1 6.0 36,851 F Visited Yellowstone with the Terrible Rupes, The 41976 EN Abuelo and the Three Bears Tello, Jerry LG 3.5 0.5 1,525 F 15175 EN Abyssinian Cats Kallen, Stuart A. LG 3.5 0.5 675 NF 1671 EN Acid Rain Morgan, Sally MG 5.8 0.5 2,569 NF 10151 EN Acorn to Oak Tree Owen, Oliver S. MG 2.9 0.5 1,403 NF 102 EN Across Five Aprils Hunt, Irene MG 8.9 11.0 58,400 F 7201 EN Across the Stream Ginsburg, Mirra LG 1.7 0.5 93 F 17602 EN Across the Wide and Lonesome Gregory, Kristiana MG 5.5 4.0 28,726 F Prairie: The Oregon Trail Diary of Hattie Campbell 1 EN Adam of the Road Gray, Elizabeth Janet MG 6.5 9.0 57,357 F 6101 EN Addie Meets Max Robins, Joan LG 1.7 0.5 416 F 6301 EN Addie's Dakota Winter Lawlor, Laurie MG 4.6 4.0 28,546 F 9301 EN Addition Annie Gisler, David LG 1.1 0.5 55 F 7651 EN Addy Learns a Lesson Porter, Connie MG 4.4 1.0 10,110 F 7653 EN Addy's Surprise Porter, Connie MG 4.4 1.0 8,651 F 7652 EN Addy Saves the Day Porter, Connie MG 4.0 1.0 9,177 F 57942 EN Adopted by an Owl: The True Frankenhuyzen, Robbyn LG 5.1 0.5 1,776 NF Story of Jackson the Owl Smith van Quiz List—Reading Practice Page 2 Printed Tuesday, November 18, 2014 4:57:39 PM School: Floyd Elementary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Word Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Count F/NF 451 EN Adventures of Ali Baba Bernstein, Hurwitz, Johanna LG 4.6 2.0 12,406 F The 9541 EN Adventures of Boone Barnaby, Cottonwood, Joe MG 3.5 6.0 47,752 F The 20251 EN Adventures of Captain Pilkey, Dav MG 4.3 1.0 5,731 F Underpants, The 501 EN Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Twain, Mark MG 6.6 18.0 105,590 F (Unabridged), The 43626 EN Adventures of Marco and Polo, Wiesmüller, Dieter LG 3.4 0.5 861 F The 502 EN Adventures of Tom Sawyer Twain, Mark MG 8.1 12.0 68,079 F (Unabridged), The 17201 EN Africa Ayo, Yvonne MG 8.3 1.0 5,249 NF 126860 EN African Critters Haas, Robert B. MG 6.3 1.0 7,091 NF 5201 EN After the Goat Man Byars, Betsy LG 4.5 3.0 22,639 F 47402 EN After the Storm Brooke, Lauren MG 4.3 5.0 35,727 F 17801 EN After the War Matas, Carol UG 5.7 5.0 34,355 F 353 EN Afternoon of the Elves Lisle, Janet Taylor MG 6.3 5.0 33,007 F 14651 EN Afternoon on the Amazon Osborne, Mary Pope LG 2.6 1.0 4,517 F 11401 EN Agnes the Sheep Taylor, William MG 4.7 4.0 28,442 F 201 EN Agony of Alice, The Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds MG 6.6 5.0 30,400 F 21520 EN Ahaiyute and Cloud Eater Hulpach, Vladimir LG 3.9 0.5 1,009 F 17502 EN Ahoy There, Little Polar Bear Beer, Hans de LG 3.0 0.5 958 F 5901 EN Aida Price, Leontyne MG 5.1 0.5 2,920 F 6152 EN Air Pollution Stille, Darlene R. LG 3.6 0.5 3,467 NF 74909 EN Al Capone Does My Shirts Choldenko, Gennifer MG 3.5 7.0 49,509 F 9901 EN Al Gore: Vice President Stefoff, Rebecca MG 6.3 1.0 4,486 NF 18601 EN Albert's Christmas Tryon, Leslie LG 2.4 0.5 459 F 118054 EN Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians Sanderson, Brandon MG 4.9 9.0 58,202 F 651 EN Aldo Applesauce Hurwitz, Johanna LG 4.7 2.0 14,588 F 5401 EN Aldo Ice Cream Hurwitz, Johanna MG 4.8 2.0 14,046 F 452 EN Alex Fitzgerald's Cure for Krull, Kathleen LG 3.2 1.0 5,749 F Nightmares 5202 EN Alex Fitzgerald, TV Star Krull, Kathleen LG 3.5 1.0 5,856 F 5451 EN Alexander and the Terrible, Viorst, Judith LG 3.7 0.5 741 F Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day 17503 EN Alexander and the Wind-Up Lionni, Leo LG 3.4 0.5 839 F Mouse 27821 EN Alexander Graham Bell Joseph, Paul MG 4.5 0.5 2,058 NF 12751 EN Alexander, Who's Not (Do You Viorst, Judith LG 3.2 0.5 1,228 F Hear Me? I Mean It!) Going To Move 7301 EN Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Viorst, Judith LG 3.4 0.5 922 F Last Sunday 503 EN Alice in Wonderland and Through Carroll, Lewis MG 7.8 10.0 56,209 F the Looking-Glass 13604 EN Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Carroll, Lewis MG 8.3 12.0 65,800 F & Through the Looking Glass 83602 EN Alien Androids Assault Arizona Rand, Johnathan MG 4.3 4.0 29,218 F 7870 EN Alien Secrets Klause, Annette Curtis UG 5.2 9.0 58,853 F Quiz List—Reading Practice Page 3 Printed Tuesday, November 18, 2014 4:57:39 PM School: Floyd Elementary School Reading Practice Quizzes Quiz Word Number Lang. Title Author IL ATOS BL Points Count F/NF 5339 EN Aliens Ate My Homework Coville, Bruce MG 4.2 5.0 34,875 F 55723 EN Aliens Attack Alpena Rand, Johnathan MG 3.7 3.0 19,705 F 10651 EN Aliens Don't Wear Braces Dadey, Debbie LG 3.7 1.0 6,860 F 5203 EN Aliens for Lunch Etra, Jonathan LG 3.7 1.0 7,546 F 17654 EN Alison's Puppy Bauer, Marion Dane LG 2.0 0.5 1,370 F 9752 EN Alistair's Time Machine Sadler, Marilyn LG 3.3 0.5 486 F 15251 EN All About Bats Jacobson, Jennifer LG 1.6 0.5 253 NF 1734 EN All About Maps Chambers, Catherine MG 4.3 0.5 1,855 NF 7202 EN All by Myself Mayer, Mercer LG 1.3 0.5 157 F 13853 EN All Dads on Deck Delton, Judy LG 2.3 1.0 6,600 F 12501 EN All for the Better: A Story of El Mohr, Nicholasa MG 4.6 1.0 5,511 NF Barrio 17301 EN All of Our Noses Are Here and Schwartz, Alvin LG 1.2 0.5 1,258 F Other Noodle Tales 109071 EN All of the Above Pearsall, Shelley MG 5.3 5.0 32,911 F 121675 EN All the Lovely Bad Ones: A Ghost Hahn, Mary Downing MG 4.5 6.0 43,252 F Story 11351 EN All the Places to Love MacLachlan, Patricia LG 3.9 0.5 646 F 53782 EN All the Way Home Giff, Patricia Reilly MG 4.5 5.0 33,785 F 11153 EN All Tutus Should Be Pink Brownrigg, Sheri LG 1.8 0.5 242 F 6551 EN Alligators & Crocodiles (Creative Wexo, John Bonnett MG 5.4 0.5 1,770 NF Ed.) 453 EN Almost Starring Skinnybones Park, Barbara MG 4.0 3.0 21,536 F 151 EN Along Came a Dog De Jong, Meindert MG 5.7 5.0 31,973 F 125614 EN Along Came Spider Preller, James MG 4.4 3.0 17,424 F 29249 EN Alvin Ailey Pinkney, Andrea Davis LG 5.1 0.5 1,667 NF 18656 EN Always My Dad Wyeth, Sharon Dennis LG 3.5 0.5 1,107 F 27477 EN Always Room for One More Leodhas, Sorche Nic LG 3.9 0.5 552 F 9251 EN Amanda Pig on Her Own Van Leeuwen, Jean LG 2.4 0.5 1,589 F 9451 EN Amazing Animal Disguises Sowler, Sandie LG 5.0 0.5 1,149 NF 89477 EN Amazing Bats Simon, Seymour LG 3.6 0.5 534 NF 9471 EN Amazing Beetles Still, John LG 5.3 0.5 1,059 NF 6204 EN Amazing Bone, The Steig, William LG 3.2 0.5 3,578 F 31160 EN Amazing Frecktacle, The Venokur, Ross MG 5.1 3.0 21,576 F 5452 EN Amazing Grace Hoffman, Mary LG 3.5 0.5 689 F 11751 EN Amazing Impossible Erie Canal, Harness, Cheryl MG 6.0 0.5 2,185 NF The 8401 EN Amazing Lizards Smith, Trevor MG 5.4 0.5 1,164 NF 13098 EN Amazing Rain Forest Stone, Lynn M.
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