For Justice, Freedom & Solidarity PP3739/12/2008(007145) ISSN 0127 - 5127 RM4.00 2008:Vol.28No.1 Aliran Monthly : Vol.28(1) Page 1 COVER STORY Vote for democracy! Vote for a stronger opposition! We don’t need a strong government. We need a just government. by P Ramakrishnan he 12th General Election is crucial for TT Malaysians. It will set the direction for the TTT nation and will determine the status of de- mocracy in this country. More importantly, the outcome of the results will decide the secular status of this nation which is under grave threat. The rot has set in Extremist elements are aggressively in the forefront pushing the Islamic agenda and ignoring the plu- ralistic character of this nation. They completely ig- nore the historic social contract, assiduously nego- tiated by the main communities in a give-and-take understanding to secure independence and forge a nation from our diverse cultures and religions. Various groups and people have toiled and contrib- uted to make this country what it is today. Our strength has always been in our ability to work to- gether in a co-operative and compromising spirit to accommodate the interests and welfare of all Malaysians. Aliran Monthly : Vol.28(1) Page 2 EDITOR'S NOTE It’s almost polling day! We presume most of you have already made up your minds which party to CONTENTS vote for. If you haven’t, take a look at our issue. In our cover story, P Ramakrishnan urges COVER STORY Malaysians to vote for democracy and for a stronger ••• Vote for damocracy! Vote for a opposition. We don’t need a strong government, he stronger opposition! 222 says. We need a just government with checks and ••• Making candidates accountable 888 balances. Apart from this, we desperately need can- ••• A thinking voter's checklist 101010 didates who are trustworthy and accountable, those ••• The transformation of the who will nurture and defend the democratic proc- Election Commission 151515 ess, says Prema Devaraj. ••• Minimum wage and Cola now! 171717 With Pas and the DAP expected to make gains, all ••• Are our priorities right? 191919 eyes are on how Keadilan will fare. Terence Netto ••• Restore local council elections 202020 explores whether Keadilan’s multi-racial agenda ••• Local plans needed 212121 will find support in the mixed constituencies, where ••• Is the BN's economic model the BN traditionally had an advantage. sustainable? 242424 ••• Improve the public healthcare Meanwhile, most of the mainstream media cover- systemsystemsystem 252525 age has been dominated with news about person- ••• Cyber activism, the new frontier 262626 alities and their campaigns. Unfortunately, there has ••• Abolish the ISA 292929 been little discussion and debate about the issues ••• Look back in anger 383838 that matter most to the people. If you are fed up with ••• How will Keadilan fare? 404040 the mainstream coverage, listen to Helen Ang tell us about a civil activism effort urging Malaysians to boycott the newspapers. FEATURES ••• Save the judiciary now - Part I 313131 To fill this gap, we look at some of the most pressing issues: health care, the Election Commission and REGULARS the integrity of the electoral process, the call for a ••• LettersLettersLetters 353535 minimum wage, the need for local plans to avoid haphazard development, the abolition of detention OTHERSOTHERSOTHERS without trial and the restoration of local council elec- ••• Subscription Form 232323 tions. That’s not all. Mohd Ali desperately urges us to save the judiciary while Anil Netto questions whether the BN’s top-down model of economic de- Published by velopment is sustainable in the long run. Persatuan Aliran Kesedaran Negara (ALIRAN)(ALIRAN)(ALIRAN) Finally, look up our thinking voters’ checklist be- 103, Medan Penaga, 11600 Jelutong, fore going out to vote. Remember, vote for democ- racy! Vote for a stronger opposition! Penang, Malaysia. Tel: (04) 658 5251 Fax: (04) 658 5197 Email (Letters to Editor): ALIRANALIRANALIRAN is a Reform Movement dedicated to Justice, Freedom & Solidarity and listed on the [email protected] roster of the Economic and Social Council of the Email (General): [email protected] United Nations. Founded in 1977, Aliran welcomes Homepage : http://www.aliran.com all Malaysians above 21 to be members. Contact the Hon. Secretary or visit our webpage. Printed by Konway Industries Sdn. Bhd. Plot 78, Lebuhraya Kampung Jawa, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang Aliran Monthly : Vol.28(1) Page 3 This live-and-let-live spirit is be- ing undermined deliberately by certain politicians posturing un- compromisingly as champions of a single community to the detri- ment of our shared unity. While this stance may make them popu- lar among certain sections of the population, it sends out very seri- ous danger signals for the future well being of this nation. Our democratic space has disap- peared. We cannot hold discus- sions on issues deemed to be of utmost importance because cer- tain elements oppose such discus- Giving two-thirds’ majority means sions. We cannot walk peacefully surrendering your rights to highlight certain grievances The Barisan Nasional does are issues that benefit the peo- without the police resorting to not need a two-thirds’ major- ple. No Opposition in its right high-handed tactics to break up ity to govern effectively. A mind will want to oppose this. such democratic actions. We can- simple majority is all that it To pass these bills no govern- not publish anything without a requires to form a govern- ment needs a two-thirds’ ma- permit. We cannot form any asso- ment. jority. ciations without being registered. We cannot go to court to challenge A simple majority is sufficient A two-thirds’ majority has al- unjust decisions of the Executive to run the country effectively. ways been a dangerous because that right has been taken Adopting policies and pass- weapon. Don’t trust the BN away from us. We don’t get televi- ing bills will not be a prob- with such a majority. Look at sion and radio air-time or media lem. The Opposition cannot all the unjust and obnoxious space to articulate legitimate criti- prevent the Budget from be- laws that have been passed cism against the government. This ing passed. Bills can be intro- because they had the two- - and much more - has been taken duced and debated without thirds’ majority necessary to away from us. any problem. amend the Federal Constitu- tion. Our judiciary is in a shambles. It Elsewhere in the world, gov- is a pity that a noble institution ernments have served their We have witnessed how the set up to safeguard justice has citizens effectively with a sim- BN has taken away all our been destroyed by uncaring poli- ple majority. Locally, rights and freedom because ticians only interested in perpetu- Kelantan with a one-seat ma- the BN had a two-thirds’ ma- ating their power and position. It jority has been running the jority to amend the Federal is so tainted and corrupted by un- state government quite easily Constitution. To safeguard savoury characters promoted to and without any problem. our rights and freedom we high places to do the biddings of must NEVER, EVER give the powerful. Deserving, honest Any sensible Opposition has them this two-thirds’ major- and honourable judges were de- to support policies that are ity. liberately by-passed to keep the sound and sane. Issues con- judiciary pliant to the Executive. cerning the fight against cor- What we need is a just gov- The last hope for the common per- ruption or the eradication of ernment – not a strong gov- son to seek justice has been made poverty or mitigation of floods ernment. a complete mockery. Aliran Monthly : Vol.28(1) Page 4 Don’t punish voters for exercising the BN to continue unpun- their legitimate right ished. They have been pun- ishing the voters in the past. It A just government will treat long as the BN was running the is time for the voters to punish all its citizens justly. It will not state government in Trengganu. the BN for acting in such a discriminate neither will it high-handed fashion. punish them for voting in an Again, when the voters of Ipoh opposition politician. After Timur elected Lim Kit Siang as The BN must be made to re- all, in the electoral process their MP in 2004, the flood miti- alise that it is an obligation such a choice is made avail- gation project came to a standstill. of any government worth its able to the voters. This is what salt to provide facilities and democracy is all about. According to the defeated MCA amenities for the welfare of candidate who was the previous its citizens. It does not come But, unfortunately, the BN is MP, there were plans for a flood with a price. It is our right to no respecter of the democratic mitigation project in Ipoh Garden expect these facilities. After process. It withholds develop- South and Kampung Simee. He all, the money for develop- ment and facilities and pun- had requested for a RM10 million ment does not come from the ishes the voters for electing allocation for the project, but as private funds of the political an opposition member as he was not re-elected, the alloca- parties. It is the wealth of the their representative. tion fell through. nation that is used for devel- opment purposes and citi- We have witnessed this Should a BN government that zens have a share in that shameful conduct for many prides itself as being imbued with wealth. decades in this country. When Islamic values of justice and fair- Pas captured Trengganu in ness behave in such an un-Islamic We cannot condone this prac- 1999, the BN stopped giving way and punish innocent citi- tice.
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