c. 106 Case 3:66-cv-03983-WHB-LRA Document 1 Filed 07/27/10 Page 1 of 14 CIVIL DOCKET 3983 (f{){R) : TITLE OF CASE ATTORNEYS For Plaintiff: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, by NICHOLAS deB. Katzenbach, Nicholas deB. Katzen- At~orney General of the Unit~d States bach, John Doar, D. Robert Owen, Robert E. Hauberg~ P.O. Box 2091 _NM!=-_CP.,.--_Le____..g.._a_1_De_f_en_s_e_an_d_E_du_c_a"'"t_l._·ona"---'""1"""--'-Fun __d_.,'--In.;._;;;..;.c...:..---"'a=s--'Atni=-=·==· c.::.u=s=------t.o.JJu::au.c..r.k..;osc.Yo~nLt-,___.nM.Lj .i:>.s.i:>.s ...... ________ Curiae _vs. Fred L. Banks, Jr., P. 0. Dr.290 -~_.___ ______,_ ____""-----'--------------Jackson, Ms. 39205 - 948-7301 (Amicus 0Jriae NAACP Le~etl Dewn For Defendant:& _EnllCationai Ft mdtin' AMITE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT; ANNIE· AND~EWS, Superintendent of J.lT. Goraon-,-sc . , Education, Amite County School District; C.C. JACKSON, JR., Liberty, Miss. (DEC'D) D.M. DIXON; CHARLES D. LEWIS; ALFRED CARRAWAY;. DEMPSEY NEWMAN, 4'louuas -H-; iiatk+rrs-Robert A.Mill Trustees, Amite County School District Watkins & Eager P. 0. Box· 650 ~SIS OF ACTION: CIVIL RIGHTS: T. 42 U.S.Co § 2000c-6(a) & (b) - .I a ck son , Ms 39205 Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Defendants enjoined from racial dis­ crimination in school system plus costs of this action. IRY TRIAL CLAIMED DATE PLAINTIFF'S ACCOUNT RECEIVED DISBURSED DATE DEFENDANT'S ACCOUNT RECEIVED DISBU,.RSED :r .·, •• ----1----------------------1---~··] ~---l------l----ll------l---------------------l----1----l------l-~- ABSTRACT OF COSTS RECEIPTS, REMARKS, ETC. _____To__ w_H_o __ M_D_u_E _______ I AMOUNT ----------------------l·------1------------------------------------------------------------------------ Case 3:66-cv-03983-WHB-LRA Document 1 Filed 07/27/10 Page 2 of 14 3983 AMOUNT REPORTED I DATE FILING5-PROCEEDINGS EMOLUMEN' RETURNS Complaint, orfginal and seven (7) copiesp filed. ~ ' . 8-9-66 Summons,.original and seven (7) copies, copies having attached -~-------l-t=h~e=r~e==t=o-=c~o£pLy~o~f~c~o~m~p~l~a~i~n~t~1~·s~s~u~e~d~a~n~d~h~a~n~d~e~d~U~·~Su.~M~a~r~s~hwa~l~. _____ ,____ ~_ 8-9-66 Plaintiff's Notice and Motion for Preliminary Injunction with ________ , hearing set for August 17, 1966 at 9:00a.m. in Hattiesburg, Miss., with certificate o£ service,. filed. 8-l?-69~ 1 -lM~a~r~s~hwa~l~'~s-Lr~e~t~u~r~n~o~n~s~u~m~m~oun~s~a~s~t~,a~~c~.~C~._QJga~c~k~s~o~ny,~-~Jwr~.~-,~Alln~nLl~·e~-l-------~l:·_ Andrews, D.M. Dixon, Charles D. Lewis, Alfred Carraway and Dempsey Newman, ex~cuted, filed. 8-17-66 Motion by defendant-s for further time in which to --answer motio 1 for preliminary injunction with affidavit and certificate of service, filed 8-17-66 ORDER: Permanent Injunction granted; defendants enjoined from ___ _ _____ , ....:d=.:i~s~c:::,:r~1:=:'m~in~a.:::.t-=i~nJ::g~o:=:n~t~h~e:__::b~a~s~1~· s:::__:o:::.:f=-...;r::.:a=c.:::.e____:::_o~r___:::c~o.:::l:..:::o:.::r---=i:.=cn::__:t:.:.h::.::e::__:o::..Jp::.:e::.:ra=-=-t::.:1=-· o::.:n::...... 1 of the Amite County School District and from failing or refusing ______1 _t~o~t~~ak~e~s~t~e~p~s~t~o~e~l~i~m~i~n~a~t~e~t~~he~e~f~f~e~c~t~s~o~f~r~a~c~i~a~l~d~l~·s~c~r~1~·m~1~·n~a~~ti~o1h~----- ---------1~·nu_tkh~e~o~p~e~r~a~t~i~oun.~o~f_Jt~.h~e~s~c~huuouo~l~s*y~s~t~e~m~i~n~a~c~c~a~r~dllaun~c~e~w~it~.h~t~.h~e ___ 1______ _ proposed desegration plan of the 1966-67 school year, filed an~ entered OB 1966 pages 523,52L~,525,526,527,52B,529,530,531 ,532,,______ ,_ 533,534,535,536,537,538,539 and 540~'--------------------------1------1- . 8-17-66 Miss Speights handed copy of abova_urder to attorneys. $-17-66 Plaintiff's Exhibit 1 received and filed. 8-17-66 Final J. S. 6 card. --- 9-19-66 ~endant's Report as required in Order of 8-17~~6~6~,-=f~i~l~e~d~·-----l-------l- 12__ -?~6_6_.- _Plaintiff's Notice of Motion and Motion to Clarify and Modify 1----- ______ --.:0:.:r:..:d::.:e:.:r::__(~N:.:~o:.:t:::.:i::.:c::.:e::..:d:::.___:f:::.:o:::.:r::...__;l::..:2=--_;l=-9:::...-_;6:::.:6~a~t===--9::::...:..::0::::.:0~1~· n~B~1=-· l::.:o~x~1=.· ),__w!!.~=-· t.,h""--'c""e""-r=-t!%..~ ....· ..._fl..._·- __ _____ _ 1 1 _________1 __ c~a~t~e~o~f~s~e~r~v~i~c~e~,~f~1~·l~e~d~·----------------------------------------I-------­ 12-8-66 Memorandum in support of plaintiff's motion to clarify and -_-_______1 _ _;m~o~d~i~f 2y~o~r~d~e~r~w~i~t~h~A~p~p~e~.n~d~ix~A~Ba~n~d~B~~f~i~l~e~d~·~-------------------I------- 12~19-66 Answer to Notice of Motion and Motion to clarify and modify 1------ ________,~o~r~d~e~r~o~f~A~u~g~u~s~t~_~l~7~,_1~926uu6=-~f~i~l~e~d~.-------------------------------!-------­ 12-23-66 Notice of hearing on above motion on 1-4-66. at 9:00a.m., in Jackson, Miss., and Certificate of Service, filed. 12-29-66 ORDER: Ordered that plaintiff's Motion to clarify and modify order should be renoticed for and heard on January 4, 1967 in Jackson, filed and entered OB 1966, Page 953. Ji:J "' Case 3:66-cv-03983-WHB-LRA Document 1 Filed 07/27/10 Page 3 of 14 ,44. crvrL DOCKET 3983 CLERK'S FEES A MOUN"' REPORTED DATE FILINGsr-PROCEEDINGS EMOLUME PLAINTIFF DEFENDANT RETURN: Co!lv of above order mailed to Attorney Gordon. 2-29-66 ~ ,/ 2-23-67 ORDER modifying and clarifying this Court 1 s Ord er f:i led ugust 17 1966: •••• The defendants shall file wi th tr e Clerk of this Court and serve on the plaintiff withi n 15 dav s aft er entry of this or.der a report including and sett ing f ort h: a. A Cooy of the notification issued to parent s of the chil~re p whose choice~- or applications to transfer were pre vi ous ly re- jected and are eligible to attend by the t::erms of tl" is prder 1 ~ b The number of students bv qrade who \vere no+-i ~ fied - v..;ho decided to attend the previously all-white scho ol, 't' ho <Jere ,or rerl ected ' accePted. 1and t e reason for anv reiection~ fil ed ar d e ntere d OB, 1967, Pages 155 through 158. (Copy mailed a ttorr ey pf r.e cor~) 3 -2-67 Report of Amite County School District~ \vith at ~achrr ent s. fi ed I 4 -7-67 Plaintiff's Notice and Motion for Supplemental ReliE f 't< [th certificate of service and attachment~ filed. i(Copj of Lett er from Robt. Atmore explaining omissions in Notic e. a tac~ed} 4-28-67 ORDER to show cause set for hearin~ on Mav 4. 967 n oi acksc n as to why ando~~errshould not be entered in ace orda 1ce with the decree of Fifth Circuit: Further Ordered tlLl!t a COl 1y of I order be served on attys. for defendants by U.f • Ma ~"sh~ 1. f le< and entered OB 1967. Pages 314 and 315. Two copies of order handed u.s. Marshal for se:~ vice on defet dar ts' atty. in acm rdance with instructions from Ass1 . u. ~. J ttorr ey Bob Atmore. 5 -4-67 Response of Amite County Board ofEducation to Motior fi led b 'v u.s.A. Wi~h certificate of service~ filed. 5-5-67 EXHIBITS: Defendants 1 thru 3 received and fi ed. 5-5-67 )RDER: ordered that the defendants, their aqents • of ice rs ~plovees and successors and all those in active cone ~ert and Participation with them. are oermanentlv en;oint== d frc lm t1 li st"'ri mi_n a tina_- 1t>n the basis of race nr en 1 nr in i-h,. oi-i nn r -F i-ht: _Am ; i-,. ,.., l7 -.~. ~chool•,.Tsvstem· as set out more oarticularlv in t he be ~dv n-F -t-h 1,. l!ecree. thev shall take affirmative action to di sest<: lbu ish "'111 ~chool seqreqation and to eliminate the effects of tl' te d llal s bhr nl -Fi1An ;:.nn """i-""r""llii nR 1 Qe:;,"7 P~NOC! ":lC::~ ... ,., ...,., ":l& ..::: lt ,..,...,.."', i;V"stem . - ... J. th n:nart-m, 5-8-67 ~~anstedt the dJ.rectJ.on~ttorJ)ey o:~i A~~f,enda~t~br ~ornev lP- lPnt n-F .11 lSi- i be B I popies of the above Order handed u. s Marshal 5-9-67 rr1a.rshal 's return on Order to show cause execute :i by del ~veri pg D. C. 110 Case 3:66-cv-03983-WHB-LRA Document 1 Filed 07/27/10 Page 4 of 14 3983 1 CLERK•s FEES AMOUNT REPORTED IN DATE FILING5-PROCEEDINGS EMOLUMENT PLAINTIFF DEFENDANT RETURNS to and leaving with J.D. Gordon. AttorneY for d efend :mt • filed. 5-12-67 l11iarsh3.l 1 s return on Lirder filed 5-5-67 executed as t p a 1 defendants, filed.
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